Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Zombie Survival Guide Book everything you need to know
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For everything you need to know in Zombie survival regarding Boss classes, Regular Zombie Classes, Weapons, Cading and more. This guide won't just teach you how to play but also become a pro player cade like a boss and fight entire hordes of zombies without a scratch.
This is a very extensive and in depth guide on Zombie Survival teaching, informing and telling you everything you need to know to play. You may find it allot to read or look through i did my best to keep it as small as possible but the best guides are always the most informative and detailed. This is not a official guide (yet ?) But hopefully it will be since it is currently the most detailed and informative. You won't find another guide like this, You may feel free to refer to it as your Zombie Survival Guide Book. Rate up and drop a comment for me.

I am sorry if the size of your scroll bar on this page is intimidating i only realized i had written a book once i had finished.

This guide is for the Official Zombie Survival mod that JetBoom supplies via the Steam Workshop not for any customized or modified servers configs and settings.

All keys and commands are Default so if you have unbound the default keys on your keyboard you should look at what ever key you have bound it to instead.
For those who intend on running or operating servers for Zombie Survival the maintained and fixed version that prevents all the glitches and bugs within the ZombieSurvival (ZS) game mode can be obtained from here :

If you find players are bypassing bans using steam family sharing / alt accounts i did a script to fix that for you too. It works of the simple principle when you ban a user it will check if the account is family shared if it is it will ban the owners account too. It also detects people buying a new Garry's Mod in order to rejoin and can ban them for trying to bypass a ban like that too.
Menu's, Settings and Options
Using the following Keys on your keyboard you may open the following menu's and adjust / change certain ingame features and settings.

Pressing "F1" while ingame will bring up a Zombie Survival menu that allows you to do the following.

Help Page
Shows you a list of commands ingame prefrences etc.
Player Model
Allows you to change your player model.
Player Color
Allows you to change your players model color.
Opens the options menu so you can disable music remove yourself from the volunteer list etc.
Gives credits to everyone who contributed to the making of Zombie Survival Mod.

In the initial start of the game pressing "F2" will allow you to open the Worth Menu so you may buy your guns weapons you may start with, After wave 1 has begun "F2" will open the Points Shop instead and you need to be near a Arsenal Crate in order to use it.

Will open the Weapons Database and display all of the Weapons you can use and the details on each weapon.

Will open the Options Menu so you may turn of ingame music change your cross hair / iron sights Change the dramatic Zombie music that plays in the background, Change player transparency.
Key Bindings
If you have unbound any of your keyboard keys and want to rebind or bind them to different keys here is a list of console commands and what the output will be. These commands are needed in Zombie survival without these you will find playing very difficult.

F1 = gm_showhelp
bind F1 "gm_showhelp";
F2 = gm_showteam
bind F2 "gm_showteam";
F3 = gm_showspare1
bind F3 "gm_showspare1";
F4 = gm_showspare2
bind F4 "gm_showspare2";
ALT = "+walk"
bind ALT "+walk";
E = "+use"
bind E "+use";
Z = "undo"
bind Z "undo";

Phase Jumping
Phase jumping allows you to jump crouch and zoom in order to fly through nailed or barricaded props as if they are not even there.
You can either copy and paste this into your ingame developer console or navigate your way to your Garry's Mod CFG folder and paste this into your autoexec.cfg.

There is two methods to this one method is with suit zoom another method is with Garry's Mod undo command take your pick it does not matter what one you choose.
Suit Zoom Phase Jumping
alias +phase-jump "+jump; +duck; +zoom;"; alias -phase-jump "-jump; -duck; -zoom;"; bind space +phase-jump
Undo Command Phase Jumping
alias +phase-jump "+jump; +duck; undo;"; alias -phase-jump "-jump; -duck; undo;"; bind space +phase-jump

Use Space in order to Phase Jump.

Crouch Jumping
Just like the example above if you have already done the phase jump method then you do not have to do this but if you would rather play without the phase jump method here is the simple crouch jump.
alias +crouch-jump "+jump; +duck;"; alias -crouch-jump "-jump; -duck;"; bind space +crouch-jump
You can either copy and paste this into your ingame developer console or navigate your way to your Garry's Mod CFG folder and paste this into your autoexec.cfg.

Use Space in order to Crouch Jump.
How to's | Part 1 | Survivors
Humans / Survivors :
How to fire a weapon ?
In order to fire your weapon you must Press your primary Attack

How to use a weapons iron sights ?
In order to view through your weapons scope or iron sights you must use your secondary Attack

How to reload a weapon ?
In order to reload your current weapon you must press your reload key on your keyboard

How to pick up props ?
In order to pick up props you must press your use key on your keyboard

How to rotate props ?
In order to rotate props or any Object you are holding with your Use Key , You must press and Hold down your "ALT" key on your keyboard then move your mouse cursor around in order to rotate the prop / object into a better position.

How to Phase / Walk through barricades ?
In order to Walk through / Phase through props that have been fixed or barricades you need to press your "Z" key on your keyboard. Sometimes you must take a step back press "Z" and then walk into the object that is blocking your path.

How to Change my player Model ?
You can change your ingame player model by pressing "F1" and accessing the player model menu and changing it from there.

How to get ammo for my weapons ?
In order to get ammo for your weapons you must find either a Resupply Box or a Arsenal Crate and press your use key on either to retrive or purchase ammo.

How to buy guns / melee weapons ?
In order to purchase weapons you must find a Arsenal Crate and press your use key or to purchase the weapon you require.

How to drop a gun / weapon ?
In order to drop a weapon you must first equip that weapon so it is in your hands then press and hold down then in your bottom right corner you will see "Drop Weapon".

How to give a gun / weapon to another player ?
In order to give your gun / weapon to another player you must be standing near or next to eachother, press and hold down then in your bottom right corner you will see "Give Weapon".

How to open the worth menu to buy guns ?
At the start of the game the worth menu should open automaticly but if you close it by accident you may open it up again by pressing .

How to use a wrench ?
You can use a wrench to attack Zombies but its true intentions are for repairing your items. In order to attack or repair with it all you have to do is aim and press .

How to use a hammer ?
The hammer has multiple uses you can use it to attack or repair damaged props / nails by pressing if you use secondary attack with the hammer you can attatch a nail to a prop and fix it in place, If you wish to remove a nail you press your reload key and you will rip that nail straight back out.

How to Craft items ?

How to nail props ?
You may nail props by using secondary attack you must aim for a point that connects the prop to a fixable surface.

How to un-nail props ?
You may remove nails by looking at the nail with your hammer out and pressing your reload key

How to make my player perform a act ?
In order to perform a act to taunt Zombies or show of to your team mates open your developer console and enter in one of these commands.
act cheer
act laugh
act muscle
act zombie
act agree
act becon
act disagree
act salute
act wave
act robot
act bow
act forward
act group
act halt
act dance
act pers

How to get redeemer pistols ?
In order to get redeemers you must have died and killed / eaten 4 humans as a regular zombie you shall respawn with a Knife and Redeemer pistols if you can achieve this.
How to's | Part 2 | Zombies
Zombies :
How to change my Zombie Class ?
In order to change your Zombie class you must press "F3".

How to change my Zombie Boss Class ?
In order to change your Zombie class you must press "F3" and in the top left of the Zombie Classes tab you will see a button that says "Select Boss Class" if you click that you may choose your boss class.

How to Climb up walls as a fast Zombie ?
In order to climb walls as a fast Zombie you must use Secondary Attack to lunge jump at the wall then press and hold Secondary Attack again to grab hold of it.

How to build a Spawn point (Nest) as a Flesh Creeper ?
In order to build a nest as a Flesh Creeper you need to press and hold your secondary attack and ensure you have enough room and you are not too close to the humans so you may build your nest.

How to Destroy a Spawn Nest ?
If you wish to destroy a spawn point built by a flesh creeper you need to switch to the Flesh Creeper Zombie Class and use primary attack to kick and destroy the nest.

How to become a Giga Gore Child's baby ?
In order to become a Giga Gore's minion when you are dead or in spectator mode on the Zombie Team press and hold "ALT" you will respawn as a tiny baby that the Gore Child Throws.

How to throw props as the shade ?
In order to throw props as the shade you must use primary attack on a loose prop you have found and then use secondary attack to throw the prop at humans or their cade.

How to stay invisible as the Wraith ?
When walking as a wraith humans can see you but if you hold down your sprint key you will walk slowly sneaking past them and even able to sneak up and attack them off guard.

How to make my Zombie Scream / Taunt ?
In order to make your presence known to the humans and surounding Zombies press either, Reload or Secondary Attack to scream or moan as a Zombie.

How to make my Zombie perform a act ?
Not all Zombies can perform a act only the following Zombies can execute the act command in a glorious style of swag. Regular Zombie, Ghoul, Bloated Zombie, Nightmare, Giga Gore Child and The Butcher.

You may perform a act as a Zombie by opening your developer console and entering one of the following commands into it.
act cheer
act laugh
act muscle
act zombie
act agree
act becon
act disagree
act salute
act wave
act robot
act bow
act forward
act group
act halt
act dance
act pers

How to redeem myself as a Zombie ?
In order to redeem yourself as a Zombie you must eat / Kill 4 humans, Humans that you have eaten / Killed as a boss Zombie class do not count you must be normal Zombie class in order to get redeemed.
Zombie Classes Information | Part 1
The Crow
Use your "Space Bar" to fly, The Crow can be your scout during wave intermissions to see who is injured whos cade is weak, this can help you build up your Zombie army if you start picking survivors of one by one.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Taunt / Scream
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

Human Zombie
You only become a Human Zombie when you get killed and infected by a Zombie as a survivor, When killed by a Zombie as a survivor you will rise from the dead again on the spot you just died, So you rise to walk the earth again as your player model but undead. And your player model will look slightly Green to the remaining survivors.

Health :
Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Taunt / Scream
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Sprint :
Feign death / regenrate health

Zombie Legs

Health :
Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

Zombie Torso

Health :
Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

The basic Zombie is very durable and has powerful claws. It's hard to keep down, especialy if not shot in the head.
As a Zombie if you get a fatal hit in the legs your body will break and you can revive / transform into either a Zombie Torso or Zombie Legs.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Sprint :
Feign death / regenrate health

Flesh Creeper
Flesh Creepers possess the ability to create nests, from these nests other Zombies can spawn and emerge, The way this works is unknown but it is imperitive to destroy any nests or Flesh Creepers you find.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Head Smash
Secondary Attack :
Build Nest
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

This Zombie has highly toxic flesh. It's slightly weeker than other Zombies but makes up for it with debilitating attacks, It's claws can debuff a human for a short time, causing increased damage from other Zombie attacks.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Poison Claws
Secondary Attack :
Flesh Toss
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Sprint :
Feign death / regenrate health
On hit :
Reduces Human speed
On hit by human :
Poison ejection
Zombie Classes Information | Part 2
Headcrabs are what caused the initial infection. No one knows where they truely came from. Their method of attack is lunging with the sharp beaks on their belly.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Lunge and bite
Reload :
Burrow / Hide

Fast Headcrab
The male headcrab is considerably faster but less beefy than the female. Either way, It's equally annoying and deadly in groups.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Lunge and Bite

A Zombie or a apparition, Not much is known about the Wraith but the fact it uses its unique stealth ability and claws to cut things into ribbons.
Your invisibility as a Wraith depends on your movement speed and your distance from Survivors view.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Sprint / Shift :

Bloated Zombie
Their body is comprised of volatile, toxic chemicals. Although they move slower, They can take slightly more of a beating.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Taunt / Scream
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Sprint / Shift :
Feign death / regenerate health
On death :
Poison Gibs

Fast Zombie
This boney cadaver is much faster than other Zombies. They aren't much of a threat by themselves but can reach nearly any area by climbing with their razor sharp claws. They also have no problem with hunting down hurt or weak humans.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Lunge / Climb
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

Poison Headcrab
This headcrab is full of deadly neurotoxins. One bite is usualy enough to kill a adult human. It also has the ability to spit a less potent version of its poisons this spit is just as deadly if it hits a human in the face.
If the Poison headcrabs Poison goes in eyes you get blinded for a brief period of time, And if you get bitten you may not live to tell the tale. If the poison hits your body it will burn like an acid but you should be ok aslong as you seek medical attention.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Spit :
Bite :
Poison from bite :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Spit Poison
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

Poison Zombie
This mutated Zombie is not only extremely durable but has abnormal strength, Its body is extremely toxic and will even tear out and its own flesh at things that are to far away to be reached.

Max Health :
Damage per hit :
Poison :
Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Flesh toss
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Zombie Boss Classes Information
Disfigured and mangled, the Bonemesh is capable of tossing blood bombs. Each bomb is comprised of bones and flesh that damages humans while giving precious food to other zombies, healing them and yourself.

Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Throws blood bombs
Damage per hit :
Blood bomb damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Can regenerate health by eating own blood bombs and other dead zombie flesh.

Giga Gore Child
The result of a Gore Child what has been left unchecked for too long. A true horror to behold, Their massive body is the result of zombified stem cells. They also become a host for Gore Children which can always be found in tow with it.

Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Throw Gore Children
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Sprint :
Feign death

Giga Gore Children / Babies
The offspring of the Giga Gore Child from Secondary Attack you throw a baby what allows Zombie players to press "ALT" while dead and spawn as one of these evil little minions.

Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

An extremely rare mutation gives the Nightmare its abnormal abilitie, Stronger than the everyday Zombie in almost everyway, the Nightmare is a force to be reckoned with. One swipe of its Claws is enough to put down almost any person.

Primary Attack :
Death touch
Secondary Attack :
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

The rotting body of the Pukepus is comprised of organs used for used for the generation of poison. Its capable of vomiting gallons of poison puke at a time making it extremely dangerous.

Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Taunt / Scream
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

By creating a strong magnetic field around itself, all bullets and melee attacks are rendered useless against it. For some reason the shade is vulnerable to bright lights, So get a lamp or turn on your Flash light to kill this one, If Zombies are using the shade to protect themselves from your Gun fire and attacks now would be the perfect time to use a Cross bow, The Cross bow bolts that are fired may fly straight through the shade but will kill any Zombies that are using the shade as a shield.

Primary Attack :
Lift up / levatate objects
Secondary Attack :
Throw object
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

The Butcher
Acrazed undead butcher, It is not very tough but anyone unlucky enough to be near it will most likely be torn to shreds.

Primary Attack :
Secondary Attack :
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream

Tickle Monster
Said to be the monster that hides in your closet at night to drag you from your bed, The Tickle Monster long elastic like arms make it extremely hard to outrun and they can almost make it the perfect barricade destroyer since it can hide around the corner and still swip at your cade destroying it.

Primary Attack :
Elastic Claws
Secondary Attack :
Damage per hit :
Max Health :
Reload :
Taunt / Scream
Zombie Effects and Information
Zombie Vision
You may enable Zombie vision by pressing your Flashlight bound key on your keyboard by Default this key should be "F" unless you have changed it or bound your flashlight to a different key.
Zombie vision allows you to view the entire player models through walls and see where your enemy is if their player model is completely green it means they have full health as it fades from bright Green to dark Green and then Red it means they have taken damage or seriously injured.

How to Poison a human with a Poison Headcrab
As a Poison Headcrab you have the greatest chances of killing a human with your primary Bite attack what will do 50 damage to the human you have just bitten.

If you spit your poison into the humans eyes you have just blinded them for 5 seconds this will allow you to bite them too and hopefully kill them.

Ghoul Touch
If you get hit or happy slapped by a Ghoul you instantly get marked for death with a big red skull above your head and your player model will turn red, It will cause you as a human to walk slower making escape harder and it will cause increased damage from other Zombie attacks.

What Zombie Boss class should i become ?
It depends on what the humans are doing and if they are caded in a spot camping, or running about freely and how many players are on the server with you. You need to read the situation and assess the boss class to become here are my examples of how to choose what class to become based of the situation.

Humans running around freely :
If the Humans are running around freely in the map and you are going to become the boss you should turn into the Butcher you can run faster than them you can also kill a human within 3-4 seconds from swinging your Butchers Knife like a lunatic.

If they are running around but have realy over powered guns then you should choose the Shade since they can only kill you with their Flashlights instead of their guns and you can throw props at them to instant kill humans.

How to attack cades as Zombies
Strength is in numbers so stack yourselves up outside a cade then all swarm in as a group and overthrow the survivors, The most effective Zombie Classes at cade stacking and attacking in groups are Bloated Zombies, Bloated Zombies unlike any other class have the added benefit of when they die they drop their acid all over the ground and surounding area what does further damage to the cade, If you do not manage to punch or hit the survivors cade as a bloated Zombie by dieng your acid will hit it anyway aslong as you are within a certain distance of their cade or props that are protecting them.

Another fantastic method of team work to destroy the survivors cades is to look at their cades and if there is big holes or they are in a mesh cage for example you should pick Poison Zombies, Poison Headcrabs and Ghouls since with those Zombie Classes if you Right Click you throw poison straight through their cade damaging them directly. (Why destroy the cade when you can kill them regardless if they hide.)
Melee Weapons and Information
Melee Weapons Information :

Damage :

Movement speed :
Damage :
Range :
Size :

Instantly Kills headcrabs.

Damage :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire / swing :

Stun Baton
Although week compared to other weapons, this baton has the ability to slow zombies with an electric shock.

Damage :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire / swing :

Deals double damage to the back.

Movement speed :
Damage :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire / swing :


Movement speed :
Damage :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire / swing :

Frying Pan
Damage :
Range :
Size :

Damage :
Range :
Size :

Lead Pipe
Damage :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire / swing :

Meat Hook
The Meat Hook is one of the most effective melee Weapons as a Survivor since if you stick it into a Zombie or Boss you do loose the weapon from your inventory but it will stay stuck in them until it falls out or kills them, When the meat hook has killed its victim or fallen out you may pick it up of the floor and use it again.

Damage :

Sledge Hammer
Gun's Information | Part 1 | Pistols
Gun's Information :
Rdeemer Pistols

Clip size :
Damage :
Type of ammo required :

PeaShooter Handgun
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

BattleAxe Handgun
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Owen's Handgun
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Z9000 Pulse Pistol
Pulse Shots slow down targets reducing their movement speed allowing you to outrun or escape them.
Clip Size : 10
Damage : 14
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.2
Minimum accuracy : 0.04
Maximum accuracy : 0.03
Type of ammo required : Pulse

Zombie Drill Desert Eagle
This handgun uses high-powered rounds that have more knockback than others.
Clip size : 7
Damage per hit : 47
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.32
Minimum accuracy : 0.1
Maximum accuracy : 0.04
Type of ammo required : Pistol

Crossfire Glock
Clip size : 7
Damage per hit : 17
Number of shots : 3
Rate of fire : 0.3
Minimum accuracy : 0.14
Maximum accuracy : 0.07
Type of ammo required : Pistol

Ricochete Magnum
This guns bullets will bounce of walls which will then deal extra damage.
Clip size : 6
Damage per hit : 59
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.7
Minimum accuracy : 0.075
Maximum accuracy : 0.04
Type of ammo required : Pistol

Eraser Tatical Pistol
Damage increases as remaining bullet count decreases. The last shot is worth triple damage.
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :
Gun's Information | Part 2 | Machine Gun's
Tosser SMG
Movement Speed :
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Sprayer UZI 9MM
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Shredder SMG
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Bullet Storm SMG
By holding right click you use the guns iron sights and enable storm firing mode. The fire rate is reduced by 60% but instead fires 2 bullets at once.
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Silencer SMG
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :
Gun's Information | Part 3 | Shotguns
Blaster Shotgun
Movement Speed :
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Ender Automatic Shotgun
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Sweeper Shotgun
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

This shotgun allows you to load up 4 shells into the chamber at once. Hold down reload to load up the chanmber faster.
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :
Gun's Information | Part 4 | Rifles
Stubber Rifle
Movement Speed :
Clip Size :
Damage :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :

Cracker Assult Rifle
Movement Speed : 218
Clip Size : 22
Damage : 16
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.175
Minimum accuracy : 0.045
Maximum accuracy : 0.019
Type of ammo required : Assult Rifle

Hunter Rifle
Fires special large caliber rounds. The reloading time is slow but the damage is high.
Movement speed : 211
Clip size : 1
Damage per hit : 115
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 1.5
Minimum accuracy : 0.115
Maximum accuracy : 0
Type of ammo required : Rifle

Akbar Assult Rifle
Movement speed : 218
Clip size : 25
Damage per hit : 18
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.12
Minimum accuracy : 0.055
Maximum accuracy : 0.0275
Type of ammo required : Assult Rifle

Stalker M4
Movement speed : 218
Clip size : 30
Damage per hit : 24
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.11
Minimum accuracy : 0.125
Maximum accuracy : 0.045
Type of ammo required : Assult Rifle

Inferno AUG
Movement speed : 218
Clip size : 30
Damage per hit : 23
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 0.095
Minimum accuracy : 0.08
Maximum accuracy : 0.02
Type of ammo required : Assult Rifle

Annabelle Rifle
The modified hunting rifles bullets will explode into smaller bullets on impact with a hard surface.
Movement speed : 218
Clip size : 4
Damage per hit : 90
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 1
Minimum accuracy : 0.1
Maximum accuracy : 0.015
Type of ammo required : Rifle

Impaler Crossbow
This ancient weapon can easily skewer groups of zombies.
Movement speed : 218
Clip size : 1
Damage per hit : 100
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 2
Type of ammo required : Crossbow Bolt

Tiny Slug Rifle
This powerful rifle instantly kills any zombie with a headshot.
Movement speed : 211
Clip size : 2
Damage per hit : 135
Number of shots : 1
Rate of fire : 1.5
Minimum accuracy : 0.12
Maximum accuracy : 0.005
Type of ammo required : Rifle

Adonis Pulse Rifle
Deals Massive damage and slows down targets.
Movement speed :
Clip size :
Damage per hit :
Number of shots :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :
Medical Equipment and Information
Medical Equipment

Medical Kit
An Advanced kit of medicine, bandages and morphine. Very useful for keeping a group of survivors healthy.
Use Primary Key FIRE to heal other players, Use Secondary Fire to heal yourself. Healing other players is not only faster but you get a nice point bonus.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire / healing :
Type of ammo required :
Medical Kit Power

Savior Medic Gun
Fires medical darts which can heal at a range. Although less potent than a full medical kit, it can be fired rapidly and used at a range.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Minimum accuracy :
Maximum accuracy :
Type of ammo required :
Medical Kit Power
Miscellaneous Tools | Part 1
Miscellaneous :

If someone dies you may remove and have their nails in your inventory to use elsewhere. The same goes for if someone is to disconnect from the game. You can only get nail's from either a Arsenal Crate a dead team mates corpse or a team mate who has disconnected from the current game, The Resupply Box will not give you nail's for your Hammer.

Arsenal Crate
This crate is invaluable to survival, It allows people to purchase new weapons, tools, ammunition, etc. The deployer / owner of the Crate gets a 7% commision on purchases not made by themselves through the crate. Use primary attack to deploy the crate, Press secondary attack or Reload to rotate the crate into a better position. Use a wrench to repair if damaged. And press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Repair tool :

Resupply Box
Allows survivors to get ammunition for their current weapon, each person can use the box once every so often. Press primarty attack to Deploy the Resupply Box, Press Secondary Attack or Reload to rotate the Resupply Box into a better position. Use a Wrench to repair if damaged. And press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Repair tool :

Gun Turret
This automated turret requires constant upkeep to be useful. Press primarty attack to Deploy, Press Secondary Attack or Reload to rotate into a better position. Use a Wrench to repair if damaged. And press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.
Press USE on the turret to give it some of your SMG ammunition be sure to keep it topped up.
Press USE on a turret with a blue light to claim ownership of it.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Repair tool :
Type of ammo required :

A deployable remotely controlled device. Ideal for scouting but also can be used for attacking from safety.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Repair tool :

Mechanics Wrench
This tool can be used to repair deployables as long as they were not damaged recently.

Damage per hit :
Range :
Size :
Rate of fire :

Carpenters Hammer
A simple but extremely useful tool. Allows you to hammer in nails to make barricades.
Press secondary fire to deploy a nail it will be attached to what ever is behind it, Press Reload to remove your nail. Press primary fire to repair your nails or bash a zombies brains out. You get a point bonus for repairing damaged nails, If you remove another players nails that do not belong to you, you will get a point penalty.

Damage per hit :
Range :
Size :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Type of ammo required :

Junk Pack
It is a pack of wooden junk held together by duct tape. Very useful for making barricades when no materials are around requires a hammer and nails to keep the props it deploys in place.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire / deploy :
Miscellaneous Tools | Part 2
Spot Lamp
This lamp is a watchful eye which illuminates an area, This lamp is extremely useful and effective against a Shade.
Press primarty attack to Deploy, Press Secondary Attack or Reload to rotate into a better position. Use a Wrench to repair if damaged. And press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :

Message Beacon
This beacon allows you to display a message to all other humans in range. Press primary Attack to Deploy, Press Secondary Attack to Select different messages to be displayed, Press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.

A simple stone found laying pretty much anywhere.

Movement Speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :
Damage per hit :
Type of ammo required :
Rock / Stone

A simple fragmentation grenade, When used in right conditions it can oblitirate a group of zombies.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :

Remote Detonation Pack
A pack of explosives that can be placed on a surface and detonated remotely.
Press primarty attack to Deploy, Press Secondary Attack or reload Reload to rotate into a better position. Press SHIFT to pick it back up if placed.

Movement :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :

Oxygen Tank
Grants the user much higher air capacity.

Movement speed :
Clip size :

Aegis Barricade Kit
A ready to go, All in one Board deployer, It automaticly deploys the board and attaches it to almost any surface. Use Primmary fire to deploy the board, Use secondary fire or reload to rotate into a better position. A wireframe ghost shows you if the placement is valid or not.

Movement speed :
Clip size :
Rate of fire :

Flash Light
Supper effective in the dark and against the Shade.

Minimum Damage :
Maximum Damage :
Human's / Survivor's Traits, Damages, Effects and Information
Default movement speed / velocity 232

By default your health as a human is 100, Unless you purchased a trait from the Worth Menu what gives you a health boost.

If your health is below 20 your screen will move side to side aswell as up and down until you find health due to the fact your player is to injured, You will also have a decrease speed because of this.

Boom Stick Jumping
Boom Stick Jumping is one of the most fun and best ways to evade Zombies aswell as get to high places where you would usualy have to prop climb to, When you purchase a boom stick while running if you look down, jump and fire your boom stick at the same time you will be launched up into the air, If you pull this of succesfully there is no limits to the places you can climb to.

How to hide from Zombies making it difficult to find you
As a Human / Survivor if you get enough points to purchase a Stalker M4 Rifle the amazing feature of this weapon is Zombies can not see or find you unless they are within a certain distance or range of you. Always get this weapon if you intend to hide then watch everyone running around searching for you and asking where you are. This is ideal on large maps, Small maps it is not recommended.


Increases survivability by increasing maximum health by a small amount.

Health increase :

Increases survivability by increasing maximum health.

Health increase :

Gives a slight bonus to running speed.

Gives a noticeable bonus to running speed.

Gives a 25% bonus to all repair rates.

Increases the rate by which you can heal yourself and others with the Medical Kit by 30%. Also Increases Medic Gun effectiveness by 33%.

You will take half damage from poison.

If you drop below 50% health, You will regenerate 1 health every 6 seconds.

You do 20% extra damage with melee weapons and you can carry heavy objects instead of dragging them.

The returns tab in the worth menu is to return or exchange player features for more points so you can purchase more items or other traits before the game begins.

Reduces health by 30 in exchange for worth menu points.

Reduces speed by a significant amount in exchange for worth menu points.

Reduces aiming ability while hurt in exchange for worth menu points.

Applies bleeding damage while hurt in exchange for worth menu points.

Banned for life
Disallows point purchases from a arsenal crate in exchange for worth menu points.

Makes you extremely easy to knock down and ragdoll in exchange for worth menu points.

Wide Load
Prevents you from ghosting / phasing through props in exchange for worth menu points.

Noodle Arms
Disallows picking up of props in exchange for worth menu points.

Ragdolls / Ragdolling
As a human you will perform the ragdoll effect if you fall from a height or if you have equiped the Clumsy Trait and / or a Fast Zombie lunge attacks at you knocking you over to the floor.
Worth Menu and The Points Shop
How do you get points to use the Worth Menu ?
One method of recieving the points is not taking damage :
"No damage received for a whole minute! Added 2 points."
So every 60 seconds you go without recieving any damage from Zombies you are earning 2 points to buy better guns, ammo or tools from an Arsenal Crate.

How many points do you get for damaging Zombies ?
The points system works of damage you inflict to Zombies so you will recieve 1 Points for every 40 damage you do.

Medics earning healing points
As a medic you get ?? Points for every ??? ammount of HP you heal on players.

Points earned from repairing with a hammer
You will recieve 1 point for each 30 points of health you repair back to a Nail.

Points earned from repairing with a wrench
You will recieve 1 point for each ?? points of health you repair back to a item that can be repaired with a wrench.

When should i use the points shop ?
It is recommended that you use the points shop and buy items, guns, ammo what ever you need from a Arsenal Crate during wave intermissions since you get a 20% discount on everything you buy.
Survivor worth menu setups
Worth Menu loadouts :
You should create some loadouts and set a default cart to checkout with on each Zombie survival / Objective map you play.

You have the option to set a default loadout so if you dont choose anything to checkout with at the end of the Starting intermision of who becomes the infected, Then your selected Default louadout will automaticly be purchased for you.

Recommended loadouts :
Cading 101
Types of Cades

Piano Cades
V Cades
Box Cades
Confined Space Cades
Wall Cades
Sky Cades
Layer Cades
Backup Cades

How to choose where to cade ?
When cading you want a place with as few entrances as possible, You also want a room that contains allot or decent props to block up the entrances it has, Then perhaps a place to fall back to if your main cade entrance gets destroyed and Zombies can flood into the room.

How to help Caders
If you see someone cading use some common sense and do not get in their way, running into props they are placing knocking them over and / or place your Arsenal Crate, Resupply Box, Spot Lamp, Turret, Beacon etc in the way blocking the cade, Remember you need to fall back to a decent cade if you want to survive.

How do i choose how to cade ?
When cading the best kinds of cades are Piano Cades, Box cades and V cades you always want to place small props at the front and nail them down to the floor and walls not into other props, Then you want to build up your cade in layers by placing larger stronger props behind them, during wave intermissions when zombies can not spawn go out get props and replace broken, destroyed, heavily damaged or missing props at the front of your cade.

How to cade like a boss
For those who did not know yes you can craft in Zombie Survival, You can craft props better guns and weapons aswell as unique tools in order to help you defend from the zombies.

I have not included the Damages etc in the weapons section here of crafted weapons since i listed in the Crafting guide. If you want to know the damages etc of each crafted weapon it is in the crafting guide bellow.

The full detailed Crafting guide can be found here.
F.A.Q Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
1. Some of the points you listed are different on Zombie Servers i play on ?
That would most likely be because on those servers they changed their configs or settings of zombie survival aswell as they could be running a customised version of Zombie Survival. This guide is for the Official Default Zombie Survival that the Developer supplies via the Steam Workshop. With the unmodified configs and settings.

2. Someone called me a Kleiner what does it mean ?
It is generaly used to describe players who are new or noobs to Zombie Survival since that is your Default player model when you first play. You can fix this by pressing your "F1" key and selecting "Player Model" in the menu.
Zombie Survival Issues / Problems
1. Who will become the Zombie Boss does not tell you while you are alive as a Zombie during wave intermissions only when you are Dead as a Crow.

2. Fleshcreepers, HeadCrabs should be able to climb up walls like the Fast Zombies.

3. Ability to buy Weapons from a arsenal crate that you can buy in the first Wave of who becomes a Zombie. Aswell as the ability to purchase thing's you can use to Craft.

4. The Shade should have the ability to throw Zombies that way if humans are in a unreachable area the shade can help with this.

5. Other players can unail your props / nails on purpose griefing and destroying your cade. (Nobody should be able to remove nails the do not belong to them period. Unless ofcourse a admin etc)

6. View the health of Resupply, Arsenal Crate, Spot light and Beacon in order to be aware if it is damaged so you can repair it with a Wrench.

7. Head crabs stuck inside of you or Zombies floating on your head can not attack you They get stuck in the floating animation.

8. Point farming by earning points from sitting on a prop that is taking damage from you standing onit and constantly beating it with a hammer repairing it until your nail breaks.

9. Human's / Zombies need a maximum speed to prevent speed hackers. exceeding this set max speed could cause them to die ?

10. Flesh Creeper nests should have Health / Names on them so you are aware if it needs repairing aswell as who built the nest.

11. More craftable items!
32 megjegyzés
Comedy Bee 2021. júl. 16., 17:44 
Instructions unclear my ammo clip is stuck in my ass, I killed four people, Put the Little Caesars restaurant chain in massive debt, and am now stranded in Thailand 1863.
Benjamin Franklin 2020. máj. 17., 12:13 
If anybody knows much about actually creating a ZS server add me, I'd appreciate the help
Doge 2020. ápr. 23., 18:41 
Can anyone tell me the key-bind to nail a prop because for some reason it doesn't work for me.
76561198268634009 2019. júl. 2., 16:02 
do u know why i get this?

[Zombie Survival] gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode/perf/client/buffthefps.lua:62: 'ZS3D2DFont2Big' isn't a valid font

1. surface_SetFont - [C]:-1
2. draw_SimpleText - gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode/perf/client/buffthefps.lua:62
3. draw_SimpleTextBlurry - gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode/cl_draw.lua:48
4. DrawSigilIndicators - gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode/cl_init.lua:1244
5. unknown - gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode/cl_init.lua:1042
Trobby 2019. ápr. 15., 13:32 
sorry i'm very late triviality
Trobby 2019. ápr. 15., 13:31 
Triv Triv Boy 2018. nov. 22., 9:38 
What command lets me manually redeem?
Sorge 2018. márc. 20., 10:32 
how do i start?
ViperinZ 2018. márc. 10., 4:06 
I still don't understand how to manually redeem if i have eaten 4 brains or more. What command lets me manually redeem?
Valenrose 2017. dec. 27., 6:47 
I don't know if someone will answer to me but does anyone know if traits stack?
For example if I buy both quick and surged will I get an even bigger move speed bonus?