978 ratings
FF8 "Ultra" Mods Guide!
By MCINDUS and 1 collaborators
Hello! This is MCINDUS (@mcindus_mods), and after making a bunch of tasty mods for you, I've decided to take some time out and make a guide.

These are the mods that will give you the most out of your Final Fantasy VIII experience.
You have two paths you can go down:
1 - You download each mod individually from each different location and sit through ads and multiple steps -OR-
2 - You donate to the cause and get access to a MASSIVE FF8 ULTRA Lunatic Pandora Mods Pack (v1.0) that does everything for you.
*Information in the Guide*

It's a matter of convenience and being able to show your appreciation for all of our hard work over the past few years!
Thank you, no matter which way you choose!
FF8 "Ultra" and Preferred Mods List
These mods should give you the best overall modernized FF8 experience!

Roses and Wine (RaW)[]by DLPB in 'Other Software'

This music mod is moderately easy to install and is by far the best music mod available. Choose between PSX/Original Sountrack, Orchestral Soundtrack versions, Rock/Metal versions (The Black Mages), or even input your own .OGG files to loop in the game!

Here's a sample of RaW in action:

UPDATE! FF8 Ultra - Lunatic Pandora Mods Pack v1.0 is now available!!!
FF8 Ultra - Lunatic Pandora Mod Pack v1.0[]
Or a direct link:
You can go through the tedious process below or go to this website and donate (your own price) for all of the Tonberry Mods, along with an "Ultra" Launcher that Injects the UV Fix, the 'Hardmode Add-On's' package, and GeDoSaTo config files. It is everything you need Graphics and Gameplay-wise! This took hours to compile and I hope you appreciate the hard work we've put into the project over the years!
*Lunatic Pandora is currently in English, but in order to modify it to your language, simply download the proper language files from the mod links and insert them after downloading LP!*

FF8 GeDoSaTo v2.3g + 2.3r Config[]
Downsampling (4k), Anti-Aliasing, PostProcessing (SweetFX/Asmodean)
Enables use of Steam Overlay, Tonberry, AND SweetFX
You must first download GeDoSaTo as the '' fork of the Github page and install it by moving the contents of the /pack folder into a NEW C:\GeDoSaTo folder that you create. Here is the link to GeDo itself:
Updated 9/04/18

FF8 ReShade v1.3 Config Profile[] (For use with ReShade v3.0 or later!)
Anti-Aliasing, Post Processing FX, CRT Scanlines Shader Option, Color Enhancements, Bloom Shaders, Lens Flares, Godrays, and more!
Works in tandem with Tonberry and GeDoSaTo!
You must first download ReShade v3.0 (or later) from - Install the OpenGL version of ReShade (*for tonberry/gedo compatibility*) and follow the directions in the FF8ReShace folder to pick between LOW, MED, HIGH, ULTRA, and MEGA settings.
Updated 9/04/18

World UV Texture Patch[] by MaKiPL (Easy Patcher by MCINDUS)
**Do NOT use with "FF8_Ultra_Launcher" from Lunatic Pandora unless you remove the UV_Injector file from "HL_Files/Hext_in/"
World UV Texture Fix!

These Following Mods require:
Tonberry 2: Enhanced[]

Tonberry Enhanced enables texture injection.

SeeD Reborn[]
Text, Menu, and GUI Overhaul by MCINDUS
*Includes ALL Languages*

Project Eden[]
Field Background Original Upscales by Omzy
*Use AngelWing OR Eden, NOT both. (This mod is over 1GB)

Project AngelWing[]
Field Background Waifu Upscales by FatedCourage
*Use AngelWing OR Eden, NOT both. (This mod is over 1GB)

"Triple Triad" Card Game Texture Overhaul by MCINDUS

BattleField Upscales Project by MCINDUS and FatedCourage

Rebirth Flame[]
Character Texture Project by FatedCourage[/b]
Art by Magochocobo, with additions/edits by Devina, Crestian, and Yagami Light
Big thanks to Mortael and Shunsq!

World Texture, Map, and Vehicle Upscales by MCINDUS and FatedCourage

Project Hellfire[]
GF Summon Replacements/Upscales by MCINDUS and FatedCourage

Boss Upscales by FatedCourage

Lunar Cry[]
Enemy Upscales (100% Complete) by MCINDUS

If you don't have them already, get them here!

*NOTE: I use Project Eden's textures with Project AngelWing's hashmaps. They are fully compatible. I personally like this 'look' the best, and Project Eden's hashmap is incomplete.


FF8 Controller Button Icons[]
For PSX and Xbox360
by MCINDUS and Norwin

- These will give you actual button icons instead of those pesky B1, B2, B3, etc.!
- Now available for HID mapping interfaces! (DS4Windows, Autohotkey, Xpadder, etc.)
- Mod requires SeeDReborn v3.2

FF8 Show PSX Buttons[] by Shunsq

- If you have Lunatic Pandora or RaW and a PSX controller, this is the preffered method!
- Works in-tandem with SeeDReborn/Tonberry -OR- on it's own!
- If using Lunatic Pandora ONLY (no RaW), put the file(s) in FINAL FANTASY VIII/HL_Files/Hext_in/
- If using RaW (w07), put the file(s) in FINAL FANTASY VIII/RaW/GLOBAL/Hext/

Gameplay Add-on's (Hard-mode Launcher)
FF8 Hard-mode and Add-on's[]
Add-On's by Phun - Injector by DLPB - Mod by MCINDUS

Hard Mode:
- Decreases player's melee damage by a factor of 1.5, increases the level of enemies by a factor of 1.1, and increases the melee damage of enemies by a factor of 1.1; this does not effect magic damage.
HP Cap Fix:
- 9999 HP is now as high as 32,000
Damage Cap Fix:
- 9999 DMG can now be as high as 64,000

***Currently, you have to have the 'hard' mod enabled for the hp and dmg dll's to work, according to some users. Check the 'Tools' and the 'Gameplay Addons' section of to see the latest work being done for difficulty and encounter mods!***


Future Mods
Magic/Effect Upscale Project
GF Summon Animations
Limit Break Upscale Project
NPC Upscale Project

MCINDUS FF8 Let's Play:

(Find more on MCINDUS YT Channel)

Lunatic Pandora Troubleshooting
This section should help you with any current issues!

* Lunatic Pandora MUST be installed in your parent FINAL FANTASY VIII folder!!!
(~/Steam/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/)
* If your OS is not on your C: drive, you MUST change the drive letter in tonberry/prefs.txt
* Turn OFF the Steam Overlay unless you're using GeDoSaTo!!
* Use "FF8_Ultra_Launcher.exe" to Launch the game!
(If you use FF8_Launcher.exe, the Add-on's and UV Fix will not be injected into the game, however Tonberry, RaW, and GeDoSaTo still will be.)

Current Bugs:
Maki's UV Texture Injection needs two 'fixes' to function properly
- Download THIS FILE[] and put it in "/HL_Files/Hext/
**delete the old FF8_UVInject file here**
IF that doesn't fix the error spam in the console window, try this too:
- Download THIS FILE[] and replace the one in "/HL_Files/") **optional**

Triple Triad came with the wrong hashmap, which leaves out only the menu card upscales.
- Follow this link and replace your 'Tripod_hm.csv' file with the one here:
Triple Triad Hashmap (fix)[]

Put it here: (.../steam/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/tonberry/hashmap/)

For issues in Windows 10:
- Download the DirectX9c June2010 End User Runtimes and Install the most recent package, do NOT use the 'normal' Web Installer.

- If you get the classic "MSVC100.dll" missing issue, please install Microsoft VC+ Redist 2010
x86 HERE[] or x64 HERE[]
- If you crash upon load after installing the mod, also install VC+ Redist 2013 from HERE[] and set the FF8_Launcher and FF8 exe to run as administrator. You may also need to set 'FF8_Ultra_Launcher' to run as admin as well.

If you don't want to use the Add-On's, go to "/HL_Files/DLL_in/" and remove them from the folder, but leave "Hext_in" alone.

Performance TIPS
For faster injection:
Put your /textures folder on an SSD and direct tonberry/prefs.txt to the folder location.

GeDoSaTo is a Supersampling, PostProcessing, and Anti-Aliasing Tool
To use GeDoSaTo, click below to install it and follow the instructions in your "FF8_GeDoSaTo_v2.2" folder to enable it in-game.
GeDoSaTo Installer:

Recommended: (not included)
FF8 Controller Buttons
PSX/Xbox360/HID Buttons

Roses and Wine (RaW)
Full Music Overhaul by DLPB

More Info:
UV Fix by MaKiPl - powered by DLPB Hext Tools - modded by MCINDUS
Hardmode/Add-on's by Phun - for old FF8Launcher 1.31 - ported for Steam by MCINDUS
The "FF8 Ultra Launcher" was created using DLPB's Hext Tools 3.0
The Tonberry v2.04 (Mod Tool) was created by Omzy based on the work of Matthew Fisher, and then further improved upon by JeMaCheHi and Mavirick.


Happy Modding!
Updated: 9/10/2017

M'igo Kazan Nov 19, 2024 @ 4:34pm 
Roses and Wine link now leads to a phishing site
riprull Nov 4, 2024 @ 6:43pm 
ot looks like the game doesnt recognize my ps4 controller after all the installing, any ideas?
Rimbel bae Nov 1, 2024 @ 11:33am 
Hello, thanks for the mods. any chance in porting these to the 2019 remastered version of the game? especially the honned background fields
Tonberry aint compatible with the remastered version . . .
Perry Sep 15, 2024 @ 11:25am 
Thank you MCINDUS .
I made a personal compilation of all the above mods to install everything using a script. Perhaps this will help people who just want to download 1 file and extract and install everything.
You can get it here {LINK REMOVED} . I hope this is ok to share. Thanks again for creating the best mods for this game. I really enjoy playing this game with your mods.
Sir Biggs Jul 28, 2024 @ 6:12am 
For anyone looking for the Roses and Wine audio improvement mod, it can now be found at the following site:
DonJohnson88 Jul 11, 2024 @ 2:15pm 
@Yasumi, a working link for the lunatic pandora (indeed outdated) is this one (from McIndus' Discord). He is planning on bringing an updated version out at some point. If you want to be updated (or had paid for it in the past), you can get news and contact him on his Discord here:
Yasumi Apr 29, 2024 @ 5:21am 
sadly lunatic pandora isnt downloadable anymore with the provided link. seems to be down. sadly
WitWolfy Nov 28, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
a mod pack heavily outdated miond you... I moddded this myself in about 6 minutes DITTO. Saved me some moolah
Tev Nov 25, 2023 @ 11:09pm 
> To pay for a mod. It's a mod pack, not a single mod, but okay buddy.

Not everything has to be a charity.
WitWolfy Nov 25, 2023 @ 9:10pm 
not prepared to pay for a mod that shoulve been free with a option to donate...