Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

73 avaliações
Troubleshooting - Frequently Asked Questions
Por pew pew pew
Solving common issues
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Work In Progress
This guide is still subject to change. If you experience an issue I haven't listed yet or you are not able to solve an issue with a given solution then feel free to leave a comment. I will try to assist you but keep in mind that I'm neither an employee from Trendy Entertainment nor affiliated to them.

Most importantly at the beginning because you can never stress it enough; Please take your time reading the following guide in order to receive help.

I've created this guide because a lot of people are running into the same issues over and over again. Often they don't even share important basic information which would help tremendously to solve the issue, so you have to ask for them. After helping and responding to many reported issues it becomes tiring to reply with an extensive post to solve the issue or asking for more details. Lately it was just a link so I thought it would be nice to have one location to point to, which covers the recent common issues.

Please don't forget to the guide if you got some assistance by it - thanks for your support. Further notes and credits at the end of this guides.

Basic Troubleshooting
Most of the issues are caused by missing administrator rights or corrupted files. Please be sure you are running Steam and Dungeon Defenders with administrator rights if any of them is installed on the system drive (C:\...). Corrupted files will be fixed by performing an integrity check. To do so follow the steps below ...

Suggestion A: Verify Integrity of Game Cache
Note: You may have to run it as administrator, please follow this article.

Before you do anything
  • Can you reproduce the issue?
    Try to reproduce your issue using a recent version of the software and an updated operating system. This includes software such as antivirus, anti-spyware, security suits and others which may interfere.

    Scan your computer for malicious software like viruses, trojan horses, rootkits, spyware, adware, worms, and more. If you need assistance please visit this article.

  • Has someone else already reported the issue?
    If your issue has been not listed yet at this guide, use the search box[i.imgur.com] of the Steam Discussions to see if your issue has already been discussed. You can also search at the official forums[www.dungeondefenders.com] or just leave a comment here.

How to report an issue properly
Reporting an issue is fairly simple. The more information you give us, the better we’ll be able to assist you to fix the problem. So, whenever you describe an issue, be precise - be clear.
  • Which operating system do you use?
  • Which kind of software or hardware have you installed?
    This could be very important in some cases.
  • What steps will reproduce the problem?
  • What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?
Note: Nowadays it becomes common to not ask for support at official sites for some reasons. Steam Discussions and Steam Guides are not the place to ask for support actually. So whenever you run into an issue, contacting an official source should be your priority. For Dungeon Defenders it is the official website[www.dungeondefenders.com].

Achievements don't unlock

I highly recommend to play on Ranked mode.
  • Steam Achievements will be only unlocked playing online on Ranked.

  • You are able to export your progress from Ranked to Open/Local at any time but not vice versa.

  • The community is trading goods exclusively from Ranked. Do not trade in-game items for goods out of Dungeon Defenders such as TF2/CSGO Keys, Skins, Paypal and others. Violating this rule results into a permanent ban.

Why playing on Open/Local?
  • If you are unsure about upgrading an item on Ranked then export your data to Open/Local and check the item without any fear of wasting mana or ruining the item.

  • You get the opportunity to play custom maps created by very talented community members.

  • Make your life easier, using custom mods to receive unlimited Mana/XP and very strong equipment. Do not use any 3rd party program to manipulate the game. Just stupid to risk a ban if the workshop offers everything you need.
Can't find a single Lobby
First of all, reset your search filters by clicking on Reset if you have set any.

I don't have set any search filters but still I can't find a lobby.
Be aware that...
  • just a few users are playing on the beta branch.
  • most users are playing on Ranked mode.
  • you won't see full, hidden or private games.
  • your hero does not match minimum level requirement, set by hosts.

I'm using a Level 100 hero, anyways no servers are listed.
Remember you won't see full, hidden or private games.
Error code 51
This is a Steam related issue, please visit the Steam Support regarding Error code 51.

Despite the fact that there is no real solution than disabling or removing software which may interfere with Steam, you can try following...

Remember to reboot your system after you have disabled or removed some software or renewed Steam files.
Error code 83
This is a Steam related issue, please visit the Steam Support regarding Error code 83.

You will have to perform every given solution in given order regardless of the fact that you probably tried some solutions before. Please write down any changes that occurred (such as a different error message, longer loading time, etc.) after any specific step in detail. This details are required if you have to contact the Steam Support in case that no solution is working for you. The more information that you are able to provide, the faster Steam Support will be able to narrow the cause down.

Remember to reboot your system after every given solution.
Failed to create a game
You are able to join others but you cannot host your own game, neither public nor private. At first, be sure you don't use special chars in your name. If so try following suggestions step-by-step to see if your issue has been resolved.

Suggestion A: Verify Integrity of Game Cache
Note: You may have to run it as administrator, please follow this article.

Suggestion B: Disabling Virtual Network Adapters
  • Open your Device Manager ⇨ how-to[pcsupport.about.com]
  • Double-click on network adapters ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/QObKIf5.png
  • Right-click on a virtual network adapter such as
    • Evolve Ethernet Adapter
    • Hamachi Network Interface
    • VMware Network Adapter
    • TAP Windows Adapter V9 (reported by some users)
  • Click on disable ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/LeX1a8b.png
Note: You will have to do it for every virtual network adapter and you will have to enable them again if you need them and have stopped playing Dungeon Defenders. Do not uninstall them, they have been installed for any reason.

Suggestion C: Enabling TCP Protocol
Note: You may have to launch Steam with the TCP Protocol as well, please follow this article. If this suggestion isn't working for you then please remove the custom launch options and go to the next suggestion.

Suggestion D: Programs Which May Interfere with Steam
Try to uninstall programs which are known to interfere with Steam. They probably cause your issue. For a full list of programs, visit this article.
Unable to play with friends
With the release of Version 8.00 (Moonbase) for Windows, the game isn't crossover compatible anymore. That means users of Windows cannot play together with users from Linux/Mac. All your friends you want to play with needs to play on the same platform, either Windows or Linux/Mac. Do not change from Windows (Version 8.00) to Linux/Mac (Version 7.50) you will destroy your stored progress.

According to the developers, they are willing to update the game for Linux/Mac. Their progress is currently unknown such as a release date.

However, as Linux/Mac user you are able to run Windows games on your system while using software like Wine or Boot Camp.

  • You are able to play the latest version of Dungeon Defenders, including new maps like Moonbase and Buccaneers Bay
  • You are able to play with friends who are playing on a Windows machine.
  • You will experience much less bugs playing the Windows version of the game.

  • Once you've played the latest version with the help of Wine or Boot Camp, you are unable to play Dungeon Defenders without them. Otherwise your save data will be corrupted and your progress is lost. The save data is not backwards compatible.
  • You are unable to play with friends from Linux/Mac. Every Linux/Mac user who wants to play with you has to run Dungeon Defenders through Wine or Boot Camp such as you.

If you can't create a game, take a look at above section.
Missing DLCs
Usually a DLC will be automatically installed upon purchase. To be sure you have the DLC installed go to the Steam Library, click on Dungeon Defenders, scroll down to DLC and enable the DLC if not done yet.

Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards
You can access the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards by clicking on its button above the buttons Campaign and Challenges.

Tinkerer's Lab or Lab Assault
Both maps are part of the Tinkerer's Lab Mission Pack. The Dungeon Defenders Collection doesn't include Tinkerer's Lab Mission Pack. You will have to purchase it separately if you want to play one of those maps.


Note: Trendy has changed the Collection, new bought copies of the Collection includes Tinkerer's Lab Mission Pack.
Prerequisites did not install correctly
This issue is caused by a missing registry key (seemingly for Windows 8 users only). Download the required registry fixes[news.dungeondefenders2.com] which were released by Trendy Entertainment themselves. Follow the instructions inside of the archive.
Lost heroes, lost stuff
First off, you need to differ between Ranked and Open/Local game mode.

On Open/Local
Your Open/Local data will be synchronized with Steam's Cloud unless you have disabled the Cloud for Dungeon Defenders. If you are playing on two or more different systems your Open/Local data should be synchronized across all systems. Once your Cloud data differs from your system data, a Steam message will appear asking you to synchronize your data. Be careful! If you are uploading your system data while you have played further on another system then your progress you did at the other system will be lost.

The great thing of Open/Local; You are able to create a backup of your Open/Local data.
  • Backup your game data saved on your current system
    • Open '.\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dungeon Defenders\Binaries\Win32'
      Note: It's the path for Windows user, I don't know the path for Mac user.
      Needs confirmation of one of the Mac user.
    • Copy 'DunDefHeroes.dun' and 'DunDefHeroes.dun.bak'
    • Paste both files at a save location either on an internal or external storage.

  • Backup your synchronized game data saved on Steam's Cloud
    • Open '.\Steam\userdata\<user id>\65800\remote'
      Note: It's the path for Windows user, I don't know the path for Mac user.
      Needs confirmation of one of the Mac user.
    • Copy 'DunDefHeroes.dun'
    • Paste the file at a save location either on an internal or external storage.

On Ranked
Head over to Trendy's support page[trendyent.zendesk.com]. Open a ticket by clicking Submit a request at the top bar and fill the form.
Select a Game: Dungeon Defenders I
Support Type: Lost Data
Subject: Lost Heroes
Don't forget to provide a link to your Steam Profile. Do not login into Ranked to check if your issue has been resolved. If you are logging in too often all your backups stored at Trendy's servers will be overwritten with the corrupted save. So stay away from Ranked mode until you hear back from Trendy.

Minimize the risk of a data loss
  • Never quit the game while the save icon appears.
  • Don't quit the game with ALT+F4 or similar task killing actions,
    use the games menu to quit the game.
  • Use a wired ethernet connection to reduce the possibility
    of lag spikes while your progress will be saved.
Unknown heroes, unknown stuff
If you just started to play on Open/Local but you already have lots of heroes, gear and other stuff then you are playing on a Mac. Trendy Entertainment has delivered a save game from one of the developers during the latest hotfix for the Mac version.

I highly suggest to play on Ranked since you will earn Steam achievements on Ranked but not on Open/Local. If you don't care about Steam achievements and trophies in your tavern then just delete all heroes, gear and other stuff.

If you want to earn the trophies by your own on Open/Local then you will have to perform one of the following suggestions.

Suggestion A: Steam Offline Mode
  • Open your Steam library
  • Select the Steam tab
  • Click on go offline ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/KegcX7B.png
  • Click on restart in offline mode ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/luV1Zqa.png
  • Open '.\Users\<username>\Library\Application Support\Steam\SteamApps\common\
    Dungeon Defenders\DunDef .app\Contents\Resources\Engine\Config\
  • Delete 'DunDefHeroes.dun' and 'DunDefHeroes.dun.bak'
  • Open '.\Users\<username>\Library\Application Support\Steam\userdata\<userid>\65800\remote'
  • Delete 'DunDefHeroes.dun'
  • Start Dungeon Defenders
  • Create an Open/Local game
  • Create a hero
  • Close Dungeon Defenders
  • Open your Steam library
  • Select the Steam tab
  • Click on go online ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/OZEqL2D.png
  • Click on restart and go online ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/LUrtB1r.png
  • Start Dungeon Defenders

Suggestion B: Disabling Steam Cloud
  • Open your Steam library
  • Select the View tab
  • Click on settings ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/PQSaapg.png
  • Click on cloud and uncheck Steam Cloud ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/iukEcUJ.png
  • Confirm your change by clicking on ok
  • Open '.\Users\<username>\Library\Application Support\Steam\SteamApps\common\
    Dungeon Defenders\DunDef .app\Contents\Resources\Engine\Config\
  • Delete 'DunDefHeroes.dun' and 'DunDefHeroes.dun.bak'
  • Open '.\Users\<username>\Library\Application Support\Steam\userdata\<userid>\65800\remote'
  • Delete 'DunDefHeroes.dun'
  • Start Dungeon Defenders
  • Create an Open/Local game
  • Create a hero
  • Close Dungeon Defenders
  • Open your Steam library
  • Select the View tab
  • Click on settings ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/PQSaapg.png
  • Click on cloud and check Steam Cloud ⇨ http://i.imgur.com/iukEcUJ.png
  • Confirm your change by clicking on ok
  • Start Dungeon Defenders

If you have done it correctly then a message will pop up saying something like 'Your local files differs with the ones stored in the Steam Cloud'. Simply press on 'Upload local files to the Steam Cloud'.

Note: Your heroes on Open/Local will be reset if you are going to verify the game cache. So don't forget to create a backup earlier.
Final Notes
Keep in mind that I'm neither an employee from Trendy Entertainment nor affiliated to them. All suggestions are based on Windows 7 but they should be adequate enough to solve your issue on other systems than Windows 7. If you experience an issue I haven't listed yet or you are not able to solve an issue with a given solution then feel free to leave a comment.

I want to thank jemmajule for checking the spelling and grammar. You are awesome!

If this guide gave you some assistance then a would be much appreciated :)

Feel free to take a look at my other guides by clicking » here «
47 comentário(s)
ivancea 8/jul./2023 às 5:16 
I had a problem where I couldn't disable the virtual network adapters in Windows 11 as they weren't visible. If somebody else finds this problem, I did this Powershell script to disable hidden adapters:

To list them:
Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq “Up”} | Format-Table -Property "Name", "Status", "MacAddress", "InterfaceDescription"

To disable them: (Change the "Name" to whatever your virtual adapters are:
Disable-NetAdapter -Name "vEthernet (Default Switch)" -IncludeHidden -Confirm:$false
Brandjum [MG] 10/fev./2022 às 8:47 
Achievements only in ranked online play is such a stupid idea. Players who cheat their achievements will cheat them anyway
Ray 10/dez./2021 às 0:27 
Wow, achievements are conditioned. Hadn't seen that in like never. Never had I seen that.
Steve Goonington 6/abr./2020 às 4:12 
The registry page is blank. Doesn't load anything. Tried on 4 browsers
SyburNetix 18/fev./2020 às 4:28 
when creating new characters, they're invisible, and whilst in game, the graphic of most surrounding has an annoying shimmer that is downright distracting and as mentioned, annoying, the character i play as will occasionally and repeatedly go invisible while in 3rd person view, i am using Windows 10 Pro, have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 graphic card, anyone have any ideas ow to fix this problem?
Xengre 24/nov./2019 às 10:06 
Definitely do not need to disable VMware adapters for this game. I've had both for years without issue.
RILLE - 10/nov./2019 às 12:05 
Support page doesn't work and all my items and heroes are gone, simply because I changed OS from Windows to Linux.
Support for this game seems to be gone?
pew pew pew  [autor(a)] 3/mai./2019 às 8:07 
Sorry I haven't.
hydre14 1/mar./2019 às 7:46 
do you have information for the Update for mac / linux player ? (to play with windows player?)
Ruckee 30/jun./2018 às 15:14 
My friend can’t host a lobby, We’ve done everything this has told us too and it still hasn’t worked. Only problem I see is two files that aren’t validated and we haven’t found a way to fix that.