Cities in Motion 2

Cities in Motion 2

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Bravil City (1.5)
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Dec 23, 2014 @ 5:41am
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Bravil City (1.5)

Bravil is quite an old city, but its modern history is...very modern. You see, well into the Fifth Era, Bravil was the shame of Cyrodiil - it was impoverished, dirty, unsafe. This all changed in 5E60, when new rail links and the motorway system linked the area with the rest of Cyrodiil. Industrial developments tore the city apart and built it anew - at the cost of many monuments.

An old, impoverished city suddenly becoming all-powerful, Bravil City is a new-found trading hub due to its once-overlooked strategic location on the Niben Bay, and a strong metropolis in the making. Economically and culturally, Bravil is beginning to challenge the whole Lower Nibenay and most especially Leyawiin as it gets steadily more important and richer, and the investments done there have also brought many corporate offices from the Imperial City -- and from Leyawiin.

But there is much work to be done; and as the craze of public transportation sweeps Cyrodiil over, Bravil finds itself struggling with its booming and its lack of transportation options. Will you stand up to the challenge and restore Bravil's reputation as the one and only Daughter of the Niben, or will you end up smothered in your own traffic jams and lose the title forever?

There are four minor urban areas included around Bravil City to link and connect, from the Castle Gardens to the booming area around South End and the very wayward town of Robbersglen to the Lucky Old Lady park and the Cathedral of Mara.

Good luck, feedback is as usual appreciated. I tried to be as faithful as possible to the Oblivion topography (barring the original game's space compression of course), but the city is partly built on landfill, and I wanted to include things in all areas of the map, so certain islands might not be right where they ought to be.

This is the final version of my map. This map is the highest rated CiM2 map of all times on the CiMexchange, and the 3rd highest rated overall.
Linaly  [author] Jan 27, 2016 @ 3:18pm 
Thanks everyone :D

A bit late, but the traffic probably dies down because of your game and transit network. I never have had traffic become nonexistant, but then again I usually draw suboptimal but realistic networks :)
Officer Lee Jan 7, 2015 @ 3:09pm 
Love the map
Thane Dec 31, 2014 @ 11:45pm 
Hi everyone. After I play this city for while, the traffic in my city dies down to almost nothing. Even during rush hour, there are practically no cars! Has anyone noticed this bug? Within a few day cycles in the game I go from lots of roads being red (high traffic) most the time, to the entire road system being green (no traffic). I've retried the same city 3 times, and it does the same thing. It makes the game kinda boring, because there are no traffic issues to deal with. ;-)

I'm playing the game on a Mac in Steam.
I'm playing in the city Bravil, which I subscribed to in Steam.

I appreciate any thoughts/help you may have! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this city!
Alexis Dec 31, 2014 @ 12:51pm 
Nice map, interesting lore, great Elder Scrolls crossover.