The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

144 beoordelingen
SAVEGAME EDITING: Solving quest related bugs & altering gameplay experience
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Get to know how to use the witcher savegame-editor "TWEdit" with the Steam version of the game. Learn about the capabilities of this tool and how to use savegame editing to solve bugs preventing you from completing a quest (i.e. missing quest items, dice box problem) or just to have fun altering the gameplay experience (i.e. increasing/decreasing stats, modifying equipment, adding inventory items, starting with high level signs or as sword master).
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Download and set up
In this section i'll give you the links to the files you need to run "TWEditor" – the savegameditor by Ronald "ScripterRon" Hoffman and explain how to get this usefull tool (thanks Ron) working with the Steam version of our beloved game.


You need java to run TWEditor: Download Java[]

TWEditor - Version 2.1 Downloads:


1. Unpack the .zip-File (containing three files: jar-File, shortcut, readme) into a directory of your joice.

2. The TWEditor.jar has to be started via an shortcut giving the .jar the correct launch parameters.
As Steam does not register The Witchers' install directory and language as expected by the .jar you have to set following launch parameters manually.For this purpose rightklick the existing TWEditor shorcut, choose "properties" and add the following parameters to the "target" field:

-DTW.install.path="<your install directory>"
-DTW.language=<your language id>

Your install directory is usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition" (don't forget the double quotes)

Your Language ID is:
(The menue of the Editor is always in English language but the ID sets the language of items and their discriptions. The chosen language for the Editor has NO influence on the game, it's just easier to find the right items in the Editor. If your language is not mentioned above, search here[])

//Properties of the TWEditor shortcut (excuse the German language)

Your target field should look like this:
%windir%\system32\javaw.exe -Xmx256m -DTW.install.path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition" -DTW.language=3 -jar TWEditor.jar

If you're only using the 64bit version of Java your standard java path should be %windir%\SysWOW64\javaw.exe . Maybe you need to enter the full path of your windows directory instead of %windir%. For example "C:\Windows\system32\javaw.exe" or "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaw.exe"

If the standard javaw.exe directory does NOT work ("target not found" error), search for your javaw.exe and change the path. In most of this cases the javaw.exe can be found in your program files. In this case your target field might look like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_31\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx256m -DTW.install.path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition" -DTW.language=3 -jar TWEditor.jar

3. Now you should be able to start TWEditor by doubleklicking the shortcut.
Things you can do with TWEditor & First Steps
Now let's see what possibilities the TWEditor offers and how we edit a savegame.


The TWEditor allows you to modify...
  • Stats (level, vitality, experience, endurance, talents, ...)
  • Attributes (strength, dexterity, stamina, intelligence)
  • Signs (change your signs skill trees)
  • Styles (steel and silver sword skills)
  • Equipment (change equipment)
  • Inventory (add/remove all existing items of the game)
  • Quests (see status – started/completed/failed/not started – of every quest of the game)
Further, any of the listed items can be examined to receive further information


You first have to open a witcher savegame (File --> open). Your savegames are usually stored in "C:\Users\<your Windows user name>\Documents\The Witcher\saves"

As TWEditor is self explanatory i will not go into every function. See the readme (TWEditor_ReadMe.txt) of the author ScripterRon to get further information.

//Screenshot showing the TWEditor in action
Examples: Solving "dice-box bug" & "missing holy flame"-problem
Time to proove the usefullness of this tool in case of bugs. Instead of beeing forced to load a very old savegame or even restart the game, we can solve the problem by editing the current savegame. As – I already mentioned that – the usage of TWEditor is very intuitive it is not neccessary to cover all functions. If you know how to handle the following kinds of bugs, you can handle all item related quest-bugs.

The Dice-Box Bug
A well known bug of The Witcher is the Dice-Box Bug. The Game allows you to take more than one dice box, but as they are quest items you have no chance of getting rid of them again. If you accidentally had taken several dice boxes this bug leads to blocked quest-item slots. No big problem because you have infinite quest-item slots but it's simply not beautiful to see only dices in your visible quest slots and this can be corrected.

Lets fix that:
1. Start TWEditor and load your current savegame
2. Click on the inventory tab
3. Search your "current inventory" for the "dice box" and click "remove item". Proceed until only one dice box is left.
4. Save the changes to the savegame (File --> save)
--- Done :) ---

//That easy.... (instead of spending a lot of time replaying)

Missing Holy Light Bug
(represents missing quest item problems in general)
The reason for me writing this guide is the following bug I did not find a solution for in the internet: In the quest "of monsters and men" the Reverend asks me to light the five Eternal Fire shrines. The quest started but I didn't get the candles needed for (Holy Flames). This makes the quest incompletable – TWEditor can help us out in that case...

Lets fix that:
1. Start TWEditor and load you current savegame
2. Click on the inventory tab
3. Look below "Available items" and expand the "Quest" folder
4. Pick "holy flame" and click "add item"
5. Save the changes to the savegame (File --> save)
--- Done :) ---

//TWEditor helps with frustrating bug-experiences

Thank you for reading my guide! I hope i could help you. Feedback appreciated!
131 opmerkingen
Dirty Kosby 12 uur geleden 
And here's a hastily-made crappy video [] showing how simple it is. Assuming, of course, you have Java correctly installed, since that would be the obvious first step to troubleshoot.
Dirty Kosby 12 uur geleden 
@The_Bingus: Your comment is more than a week old so you may not be having this issue now, but I'll share my experiences.

Ignore the TWEditor shortcut that comes in the folder with the download. Drop the TWEditor.jar file straight into the DATA folder of your game installation. [Your Steam Library] > The Witcher Enhanced Edition > Data. Once it's there, right-click it and click "Send To... Desktop (Create Shortcut)". That shortcut has all the necessary info for locating your install directory baked-in (since it's IN that directory) and requires no editing. The language files needed are in the Data folder so it automatically uses the default. You just click the shortcut and boom , it's up and running. I made the mistake of putting the .jar file in the main folder by accident and thinking it was in the Data folder, so once this was corrected and I made a shortcut to the file now in the Data folder it was just a double-click on said shortcut and no other headache.
The_Bingus 23 mei om 12:58 
I have tried every single solution I can find online to fix this stupid janky save editor and nothing seems to be working. Whenever I try and load the program I get the same error message saying unable to locate the Witcher installation directory. What does this mean? I downloaded it from Steam and I've modded other games, this shouldn't be an issue. Below is the properties script I have made if anyone can please help:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin\javaw.exe" -DTW.install.path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition" -Xmx256m -jar TWEditor.jar -DTW.language=3 -jar
said 14 apr om 15:18 
Good Noodle 30 dec 2022 om 12:48 
Worked great. Took me a while though becomes of some complications with the "target not found" error, specifically, with Java itself. For anyone else who cant make this work, this might help you out:

Check if you have Java installed.

This link shows you how to check through cmd if you have Java installed. If you don't, it also shows you where to download and install it. Javaw.exe will be in a different file location as the steps in the post if you follow this process. For reference, mine was here:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-19\bin\javaw.exe

Hope this helps.
ily 30 dec 2021 om 15:48 
Thanks for your guide. It helped me to get started. I continued your work and created a bit more in-depth guide about editing quests because I see many people are having trouble with that.
Zairious 24 dec 2021 om 17:44 
So I'm having a weird issue. I download the editor, I add it to my main witcher folder in the steam common directory. I send it to desktop, and I launch .jar from desktop. It pulls up the documents folder, I can see The Witcher folder, click it. See 'saves'. click it. Then that folder doesn't show any files. If I open the 'saves' folder in my files I can see the save files just fine, but the editor isn't registering them. What am I doing wrong?
SunShine.C!D 23 aug 2021 om 19:21 
Latest release (3.0.1) DOES NOT WORK
Only thing is to find an older version
(remove the space between media and fire)
Rage 25 jul 2021 om 8:57 
I am sooo thrilled that this game is still getting player support ........ I hope at some point CD Project decides to do a remake of both WI, and WII, to bring thhem up to par with WIII
Sucre De Pluie 8 jul 2021 om 6:23 
Need more screenshot step by step :steamthumbsdown: