Dome Keeper

Dome Keeper

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All You Can Mine
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Nov 30 @ 1:18am
Dec 11 @ 9:09am
21 Change Notes ( view )

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All You Can Mine

Please Make Sure you are subbed to POModder-Dependency that is necessary for this mod to work.

This Mod adds :

- 16 New Assignments

- 1 New Game Mode

- 4 New Tiles that appear in some assignments and the new game mode

- One new resource

- Mod Achievements (in-game achievements)

- Changes in the loadout : A completion area, Achievements areas

Compatibilty :
- Incompatible with MoreGuildAssignments.
- Incompatible with Hydra Launcher and Phosphorescence Domes
- Should be incompatible with a lot of mods, don't be afraid to try, if the game does weird things, just remove the mod and make sure to let me know so I can list all incompatibilities. Removing this mod doesn't remove your progress.

Please send your feedback in the dedicated threads on the steam page of this mod.

GitHub Repo :

By POModder
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Dec 9 @ 11:45pm
Bug Reports
Nov 30 @ 5:13am
Balance Feedback
Quentin  [author] 8 hours ago 
mcbrunson, your idea has been implemented. Please read the update changes for more information.
Quentin  [author] 9 hours ago 
Thank you for your feedback. I didn't want to modify the relichunt but adding modifiers would fit the vanilla game logic. I must find how diffucult it is to do but I can definitly try.

If you just want the new secret rooms and tiles (and more), you can also play CoreSaver Game Mode (second page of game mods)
mcbrunson 21 hours ago 
Just want to say thank you for this mod. These assignments are a lot of fun and pretty creative. Would it be possible to get some of the mechanics seen in your assignments added as run modifiers for relic hunt?
Pringles™ Dec 3 @ 6:19am 
Well, those mods are pending updates, so incompatibility may not be long lasting. Besides, hydra launcher was added to the base game. It wont be relevant anymore, since the game already has the Missile Launcher gadget lootable item (press R to launch homing missile at random enemy).
Quentin  [author] Dec 2 @ 7:22am 
Thank you for reporting it, I'll add this to the description.
Pringles™ Dec 2 @ 4:36am 
I tested the hydra and phosphorescence domes, they dont seem to appear in game currently at all.
Quentin  [author] Dec 1 @ 9:40pm 
This mod includes the 4 guild assignments (debuged and with no visual delay). This causes the MoreGuildAssignments and this mod to be incompatible as both will try to do their stuff at the same time, which will cause weird behaviours.
For other mods, it's hard to say if they will be compatible. Please try and let me know if there is any unintended behaviour. I hope[\b] domes and combat gadgets are compatible with this mod.
Olorin Dec 1 @ 4:25pm 
Does this include the 4 assignments from MoreGuildAssignments? That mod seems to disappear when I enable this one.
Igna0o Dec 1 @ 9:33am 
I think it is incompatible, but try it for yourself
Pringles™ Dec 1 @ 7:39am 
I maen Hydra Launcher and Phosphorescense domes