Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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Riders of Aether
A collection of the best Kamen Rider mods for Rivals of Aether thus far.
Items (5)
Created by Eccentrick Clock
The first singularity, the ark that would save humanity, corrupted into a demon that feels only hate and exists for extinction. An idealistic mind with a broken dream, driven by resentment, the hero who swore to create a world of hope. Now together, in a m...
Created by Eccentrick Clock
A ancient civilization created the Arcle, a belt capable of transforming whoever wears it into a powerful warrior who would adopt the name of Kuuga. I thank you for the support so far. Mention to other creators such as: Muno, Bar/Kun, BernardO, Ambi and Mu...
Chapter 48
Created by Eccentrick Clock
Final showdown. Inspired by the Kamen rider Kuuga series and with music taken from the series. This uses the Music Display Template from ATalksToSelf. If someone wants to give me a coffee... https://ko-fi.com/eccentrick_clock...
Created by Red Fennec
the train of time, Denliner has arrived. The time jumping train has reached the next stop rivals of aether. But will the journey be smooth, or will it be rought this train is from the show kamen rider den o songs used: climax jump (ver1 and 2) double actio...
Created by EevZ
REJOICE! The Rise of the First Heisei Rider is here! At this moment relive the stage where Kamen Rider Kuuga showed his colors to stand against evil!...