Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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In 1 collection by TTV/AmberLearner
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Yuri has read stories of Aether. Only now does she get to experience it first hand away from the club

"I'm calling it 'The Gooner Install', and there's nothing you can do about it" - Soka


Yuri maintains 2 stance: Calm & Lust

- Calm: Slower, laid-back state. Generally slower movement. Attacks are catered to repositioning, set-play, and stalling. Can manage her stage presence in various ways
- Lust: Faster, aggressive state. Generally faster movement. Attacks are catered to suffocating the opponent with pressure. All Attacks & Specials can be Jump Canceled on hit

While Lust, Yuri has overall better Normals across the board, but at a cost. Overtime, Yuri takes self damage that increases as long as she's in the stance. Once she takes a certain amount of damage, she reverts back into her Calm state, but will be put in a long animation. Being hit by enemies & outside sources don't affect this

While Calm, Yuri bottles up Adamantine in the form of a meter passively overtime. Upon going into Lust, Adamantine will be drained before taking damage, extending the time in Lust

𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙉𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨

Down-Tilt (Calm)
Toss notebook paper to scatter across the air for light damage. Each sheet is treated as a projectile

Forward-Tilt (Lust)
Stab in front followed by a lunging stab that carries Yuri forward. This move can lead into various combo routes depending on when it's Jump Canceled

Neutral-Air (Calm)
A vertical slash in the front then in the back. Both slashes send at different angles

Down-Air (Lust)
A quick arcing slash downwards that does light damage & knockback. This is much faster than the average Down-Air in terms of startup & recovery. Can be extremely versatile depending on the situation

Forward-Strong (Calm)
Prepare a string of ribbon to lash out in front sending enemies upwards. This can be inputted again to lash it out once more, reaching a far distance. The first hit has fast enough recovery that it can be used for combos at low precents

Down-Strong (Lust)
Stab directly downward in front. This is much faster than the average Strong in terms of startup & recovery. This sends enemies upwards, but if they're already airborne, this spikes at a diagonal instead


Neutral-Special (Tea Party / Gh_os_t Un_der t_he Lig_ht)
Spawn a Stove with a Tea Pot on it. The Stove will boil the Tea Pot overtime. Casting N-Special while near the Stove throws the Tea Pot as a projectile. If the Tea Pot is boiling, it gains explosive properties. The Stove can be knocked left or right to reposition it

Prepare a blood-powered slash in front that carries Yuri forward. The power scales based on how long it's charged. The charge can be stored via Parry/Airdodge. The stored charge persists even in Calm state, but is lost upon getting hit while charging or losing a stock. The dash can be canceled via Parry/Airdodge to cancel Lust along with this move

Side-Special (Closet Shove / Th_e Ra_cco_on)
Lunge forward to attempt to grab an enemy. If successful, will toss them in a closet which will spit them out the opposite direction. The toss & closet offset can be altered based on left or right input. If there's a wall in the thrown direction, the grabbed enemy will bounce off the wall instead, doing the same damage as if they were shot out of the closet

Leap forward a great distance for an overhead stab. Yuri can drift slightly left or right during this. Inputting Special during the leap makes the stab go off preemptively. The stab hits twice with the 2nd hit dealing more damage if it connects. The leap can be canceled via Parry/Airdodge to cancel Lust along with this move

Down-Special (O_bse_ss / 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101)
Yuri stabs herself, spewing a burst of blood as damage before going into Lust. Yuri is granted Super Armor during the stab

Deactivates Lust prematurely. If used in the air, this puts her in Pratfall. Yuri activates this automatically if Lust exceeds the threshold

Up-Special (Room Arrangements / Wh_ee_l)
Hop briefly & spawn a desk underneath that acts as a platform for all players. The desk persists until a new one is placed or losing a stock. If used in the air, the desk floats for a little before gradually falling. This can only be used again after landing back on the stage

Leap high into the air & spin rapidly. The leap can be aimed in up to 3 directions & Yuri can drift slightly while spinning. If Yuri comes in contact with the ground during this, she slams with a launching hitbox. The spin can be canceled via Parry/Airdodge to cancel Lust along with this move


Yuri's moveset is loosely based on characters from various Arc Systemworks titles such as A.B.A., Katalina, Vira, and Labrys with hints of other inspirations

I'm gonna level with ya, SO MANY of these moves are derivative from other existing characters. If you spot them all, I'll be impressed

This character is actually a proverb to bring back shoving nerds into lockers

I designed Calm D-Tilt in a way to give you, the player, an excuse to litter the stage with garbage. Thankfully, this isn't Brooklyn, so no one can complain about it :)

Lust Up-Special is stupid inconsistent, but you'll do it anyway

It's not my fault if you run out of Lust off stage. I'll see you at the funeral

Jump-Canceled Lust F-Strong isn't an oversight. YOU'RE an oversight!!!

Have you heard of Yukiko's J.A in Persona 4 Arena? Would you like me to demonstrate?

Finally...a Dan game represented in a Dan game...

Yuri is a completely normal everyday school girl. No idea what you're talking about

If you don't end up winning, just go into Lust. You didn't need that 2nd stock anyway

Is this wall of text tall enough? I can make it taller if you'd like


This character was made for the Rivals Workshop Horror Jam of September - October 2024

This character has subtle references of events that happen in Doki Doki Literature Club (+). Download if you don't mind such things and or have already played the game

This character was made with balanced casual play in mind & not intended for workshop competitive play. Most feedback regarding balance towards the competitive scene will not be taken to regard. Add to tourney rosters at your own risk


AmberLearner (Everything)

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/amberlearner
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/AmberLearner
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCdXufp7_Y7cOZubJJBi_w
Discord: https://discord.gg/qnz3YUWVTT
ReyNebulosa Feb 10 @ 3:46am 
I found a bug, if you activate turbo mode or chaos emeralds in itself anything that allows you to cancel attacks and you are in calm mode and do the forward special and cancel as soon as the hit connects, the enemy will be permanently paralyzed in place no matter what attacks you do, it seems that it cannot free itself either, it seems that if another player hits yuri he stops being paralyzed, also if another player other than yuri hits him it debugs. (sorry for the translator and sorry for deleting the message several times)
welovehomeschool Jan 25 @ 2:36pm 
i love this character
PepsiMax Jan 4 @ 12:37pm 
I know you say some of Yuri's moves are derivative of other fighting game characters, but that doesn't this character from totally kicking ASS! I didn't expect Yuri of all characters to be such a sick fighting game character!! Love all the references, she's a TON of fun!!
TTV/AmberLearner  [author] Jan 3 @ 4:21am 
My fellow literature clubbers, I finally got around to fixing those memory leaks. Hopefully, whatever I did worked

Happy reading...or stabbing
welovehomeschool Dec 29, 2024 @ 7:06pm 
is kokonoe in the works
Vicis_Tea Nov 28, 2024 @ 4:56pm 

Normal yuri down attack that throws the paper can lag your game to near death, i think the paper doesn't despawn.
seaslug999 Nov 24, 2024 @ 12:19pm 

I thought it might be related and could help diagnose the larger issue.

Also, this crash works with several character combinations: Yuri and speedrunner link, Yuri and pyukumuku, Yuri and Roxey 2.0, which all seem to have something in common.
TTV/AmberLearner  [author] Nov 23, 2024 @ 8:29pm 
I don't mean consistently with a specific character combination
seaslug999 Nov 23, 2024 @ 7:44pm 

Consistent crash:
On the singleplayer character select, load Yuri, then load Spamton (by Mallow). I got this error message every single time:

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_workshop_async:

Memory allocation failed: Attempting to allocate 9600000 bytes
called from - gml_Object_obj_workshop_async_Step_0 (line 354)

This crash also works when loading Spamton first, but is less consistent.
TTV/AmberLearner  [author] Nov 23, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
Hmm...it seems the Multiplayer crashing thing is happening quite often, but each time it's for a different reason. I'll get to testing at some point to see if I can replicate something consistently as soon as I get the chance