74 ratings
How to cheat VVVVVV
By Kyeki
Need help with that No-Death Mode achievement? Well, I'll help you with that! This guide shows how to cheat the Super Gravitron, and cheat a few achievements.
Please read this.

If my instructions accidentally destroy your 100% save file, I will not care about it.

Please be smart when modding any game. Back up any files you modify before saving them, and be *very* sure to follow exact instructions when modifying the game to your desire. Failing to do so can leave you with a broken save file.
Cheating the Super Gravitron
We all know the Super Gravitron, right? The one in the secret lab is what I'm talking about. Having trouble trying to get 1 minute on it? This glitch will allow you to get 10 seconds to up to 10 minutes in just a few simple steps!

First of all, make sure you get all 20 trinkets and make sure the Secret Lab has not been unlocked. If so, you may want to modify or delete your save file before continuing.

Once you get all your trinkets, go to the trinket storing area and talk to Victoria to enable the "secret lab unlocking" scene. Once the crew combines, press R to die. Once you die, you will probably be in the Ship or the last place you were in as Super-Sized Viridian, but you won't be able to move. By then, exit the save file and continue.

If you have done this glitch correctly, you will be able to move as Super-Sized Viridian and the music will be permanently switched to the cutscene music. This effect doesn't last forever - it goes away after a restart.

Once you attempt to get used to glitching through walls, go to the orange wall that's ontop of the ship (and check the screenshot if you're not sure). Once you've gotten to this wall, attempt to flip up and down into the wall. If done properly, you will go through the wall and be sent to the Super Gravitron, and once this happens, you must go to the top of the screen and go out of bounds. Once this happens, you can basically let it sit there and let it give you the time you want.
Save File Modification
Everybody knows how games save, right? They make a file on your computer that you can't open unless if you have the game. But this game is the exception: you can open the save files in notepad.

First, we need to know where they're located. They are located in your Documents folder under the folder "VVVVVV". Once you find this folder, open it. Then go to the folder conveniently named "saves". Once you're there, there should be 4, 3, or 2 files. If you have 4, they should be named "levelstats.vvv", "tsave.vvv", "unlock.vvv", and "qsave.vvv" (quick tip: qsave stands for Quick Save and tsave stands for Teleporter Save.) Now, you may be wondering; "How do you open said .vvv files"? Apparently, the save files for this game aren't encrypted at all and can be easily edited to change many different stats in your file.


The mass of 1s and 0s in the beginning of the file is how much of the map you've discovered - 0 being a undiscovered portion, and 1 being a discovered portion.

Under those majority of 1s and 0s, there should be "flags". I wouldn't touch these, but if you know what you're doing, you can mess around with them.

Under the flag, there should be Crew Stats. This one, you could mess around with. These are the stats of the crew members you've rescued and the others you didn't rescue.

Under crewstats, there should be Collect. I'm not quite sure what this one means.

Under that, there should be all the key things you need.

savex and savey is unknown. same with saverx and savery.

savedir is unknown.

savepoints is unknown. Maybe it was used in the prototype for the amount of coins collected?

trinkets is obvious. set to 20 if you want all trinkets. Please note that all the trinkets won't disappear if you set it to 20, so you can get 21 trinkets, 22, 23, and vice versa.

currentsong is the current song playing during the time you saved.

teleportscript is unknown.

companion maybe could of been used for if you saved in the Intermission levels?

lastsaved is probably the last time you've saved

supercrewmate is unknown.

finalmode possibly could of been if you were teleported to the final level?

finalstretch is unknown.

frames is how fast the game is running. the normal framerate is 21, but it's possible to change it.

seconds, minutes, and hours are how much time you've been spending on your file.

deathcount is obviously how many times you've died. change this to <50 for all of the "beat game with less than --- deaths" achievements.

totalflips is also obvious; how many times you've flipped.

hardestroom is the room name that will be displayed when you complete the game.

hardestroomdeaths is how many times you died in the hardestroom.

summary is a basic rundown of your save. mine, for example; "The Ship, 2:02:44".
Save File Modification, Part 2
If you want to edit your stats for achievements, go back into the saves folder and open the file unlock.vvv.

This is where all your trophies and settings are. This, like the last file, can be easily edited with Notepad.

besttimes, besttrinkets, bestlives, and bestrank are all related to your score in Time Trials.

bestgamedeaths is your record for the least amount of times you've died.

stat_trinkets are possibly your record for most trinkets?

fullscreen is the setting you are using for your Fullscreen option in the options. 1 for fullscreen, 0 for windowed.

stretch is if the game is in stretch or a letterbox.

useLinearFilter is if the game is in filter mode or in nearest.

windowheight and windowwidth are the width and height of the window.

noflashingmode is if the game is in flashing mode.

setflipmode is if the game is currently in Flip mode.

invincibility is if you are invulnerable to spikes or not.

slowdown is how slowed down the game is.

swnbestrank and swnrecord are your best rank and best record for the Super Gravitron.

advanced_mode and advanced_smoothing are unknown. maybe they are related to stretch?

usingmmmmmm is probably if the game is using the MMMMMM soundtrack or not.
Blinky Oct 6, 2022 @ 11:00pm 
I won't cheat myself, but I agree with chainerfries. Cool guide
chainerfries Jul 25, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
your welcome
Kyeki  [author] Jul 23, 2022 @ 10:51pm 
thank you random steam user for commenting on a 2014 guide permitting me to keep the guide up, i was just gonna take it down tomorrow actually
chainerfries Jul 23, 2022 @ 10:14pm 
its totally fair for the people who want to play this game non legitimately
chainerfries Jul 23, 2022 @ 10:13pm 
i think you should keep the guide up for all the people who DO want to cheat and disrespect the whole meaning of the game and push global achievement percentages to make yourself look more impressive getting the master of the universe
Nov 30, 2021 @ 8:53am 
i think supercrewmate is when all crew is combined into one big one
Legatron17 May 3, 2021 @ 7:33pm 
Why would anyone cheat, especially in a single player game... I feel like this guide is kind of disrespectful since it destroys the whole meaning of the game and also unfairly pushes global achievement percentages, which in turn makes it look like it's less impressive to get Master of the Universe. I'll just kindly ask you to please take this guide down, since it's unfair for the people who want to play this game legitimately :/
Thomas35570 Mar 7, 2021 @ 1:22pm 
Just beat the game invincible and go to the secret lab. Thats how I cheated the Gravitron.
XMarksSp0t Apr 8, 2020 @ 2:17pm 
savex and savey are your position within the room, while saverx and savery are the room you are in.

For example, setting save(x,y) to (160,153) and saver(x,y) to (102,111) will put you safely inside the ship's teleporter room.
MichaelMason115 Aug 26, 2019 @ 1:17am 
I don't get it. No matter what I change in the game files, absolutely nothing changes. I set invincibility to 1 and all crew members to 1 aswell but nothing ever worked. What am I doing wrong?