Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Not enough ratings
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4
Play Time: 10 minutes, 30 minutes
Assets: Cards
Language: English
File Size
818.672 KB
Aug 2, 2024 @ 3:47pm
Feb 19 @ 4:18pm
25 Change Notes ( view )

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A card-based fighting game inspired by the Danganronpa series. Pick your favorite Ultimate students and start hitting each other!


48 playable Ultimates from the three main series Danganronpa games, each with their own fighting style and special abilities. As they say, everyone is here.

Playable in 1v1, 2v2, and Solitaire mode. 2v2 can be two players with two characters each, or four players with one character each.

Danganronpa is a visual novel mystery series available on Steam and modern consoles. Many people have wished for a fighting game based on the series, which is unlikely to happen, so I took a shot at it myself.

You don't need to know the series to play this game, but it does include spoilers (both vague and explicit).

The attack/defense system is based on the old Star Wars: Epic Duels game. It's also on Tabletop Simulator if you want to try it.

I've set up a little Discord server called Ronpafight right here:
You can go there to see if anyone's looking for a game, or to complain.

Besides balance changes, there's room for a bunch more additions. This is likely to have lots of rapid changes made to it, so make sure to look over the character cards and updates just in case!
Deeborm  [author] Sep 18, 2024 @ 3:19pm 
Oh, I found the setting from stopping it from expiring! Here it is:
Keystone_8379 Sep 18, 2024 @ 12:42pm 
I got around to playing this with a friend recently and aside from balance issues I thought it was a good time and expanded upon Epic Duels in a smart way. Haven't nearly seen the entire cast yet though (ps, you need to specifically set the invite to not expire)
Deeborm  [author] Aug 28, 2024 @ 5:17am 
Oh those links expire, huh? I'm pretty new to this.
Here's a new one:
Kavetown Aug 27, 2024 @ 8:18pm 
heeeeeey, the invite for the discord is invalid! really interesting game!
Deeborm  [author] Aug 10, 2024 @ 5:54am 
Alright, I set up the discord server:
Ask whatever you want over there.
Deeborm  [author] Aug 9, 2024 @ 7:07pm 
First of all, regarding Gonta.
Swarms can stack and so can their debuff. Their health stays individual, so a 4 ATK would only kill one in a stack. "Adjacent empty space" only means you can't summon them directly onto each other. They can't block ranged attacks either, unlike the Devas and the Totems, which can. The flatness of the Swarms reflects this.
I figured 5 would be the Swarm limit, yes. The same is true of 3 Warding Circles, since the circles are permanent. But in both cases, if you want to summon a new one you can remove one that's currently on the board. This is more for Kiyo, letting him move his circles around if he has to.

I'm not overwhelmed yet! This will be good to put in the rules. If there's interest in a Discord server, though, I can set one up. Can't be too hard. I'll do it tomorrow morning.
Very interested in what that tier list looks like.
TemBro Aug 9, 2024 @ 6:18pm 
One of the aforementioned friends of Blues Berry here. We have a few questions related to rulings related to certain card's abilities.

Gonta: Even though Release the Swarm states that you place a Swarm on an "adjacent empty space" does that prevent you from moving swarms on top of each other allowing them stack, and if so would the debuff effect stack? And would the health of all swarms combine or be individual? Also does the swarm count as an ally which can block ranged attacks from enemies, and does this ruling apply to other allies with health values like Angie's Totems and Gundham's Devas? And finally for the Gonta related questions, even though there are 5 Swarm Tokens is it possible to have more than that, and that question also applies for Kiyo's Warding Circle's?
TemBro Aug 9, 2024 @ 6:18pm 
We have more questions however we don't wanna completely overwhelm you. We were wondering if there is an existing Ronpafight Discord server and if so please post an invite or DM me or Blues Berry, if not then it would be a great way to bring people together who have an interest in Ronpafight.

P.S. We're actually creating a tier list of all the characters with our limited knowledge of the game so far, we've gotten through almost half of the characters currently. And finally, thank you for creating Ronpafight it has created a lot of enjoyment for me and my friends.
Deeborm  [author] Aug 7, 2024 @ 8:43pm 
That's so cool! If a game theorist had a good time, I must have done okay. Very glad you enjoyed it!

So even with 3 hits Mukuro is still untouchable? That matches some of my testing. Think I should at least remove her heal card. Wonder if tweaking it down to 2 hits would be reasonable.
Blues Berry Aug 7, 2024 @ 8:20pm 
Hey, me and my friend just spent nearly 5 hours straight playing this, it's really fun! Even as a rough early release it's super engaging.

My friend's really into analyzing balance and theory for card games so he had a great time learning a bunch of the characters, even if the power levels are a bit inconsistent (nerf Mukuro).

Thanks for making this, we're definitely gonna spend a lot of time with it. :steamthumbsup: