Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

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Weasel's Game-Administrator / Server-Manager (wGASM), for Linux - v2
By [WL] Weasel Ⓢ (Probably AFK)
  • Detailed instructions for preparation and installation in the guide.
  • Easy-to-use script, to prepare Debian Linux for the system. It installs all required packages, offers to create the unprivileged user, offers to install Webmin[], etc.
  • Easy-to-use script, to install the system under the unprivileged user. It downloads the system from GitHub, puts everything in the expected folders, offers to install SteamCMD for you, and offers to download and install the latest "Stencils" archive.
  • Some moron-detection to prevent you from running things under the wrong Linux user (i.e. do NOT run game-servers under root, etc.)
  • Many configuration options are driven by a text-based configuration file.
  • Server details, game-types and other data stored in easy-to-edit plain-text and tab-separated-value (TSV) files.
  • No requirement to know how to use SteamCMD yourself - It does it all for you!
  • Supports 30+ games on Steam!
  • Of those, 10 have been fully tested and included in the examples.
  • Optional integration with Webmin[] - to enable operating everything in a web-browser!
  • Even the Webmin[] stuff is driven by easy-to-edit plain-text files.
  • Minimal Linux experience required = know how to access with SSH, enter commands in the shell, not much else!
  • Minimal system requirements = depends mostly on what games you are hosting. Otherwise, the minimums would probably be something like:
    • 2x CPU (virtual CPU's or physical CPU "cores").
    • 2-GB of Memory
    • 100-GB of Storage.
  • Minimal access requirements = SSH access, seperate root (or privileged sudo-enabled) and unprivileged game-servers users.
  • Supports creating and using "Stencils" (canned-configurations) that maybe be "Painted" onto (applied to) game-servers - making setting them up quicker. Examples are available for the 10 tested games.
  • Little (if any) script editing required - maybe just for scheduled cron jobs if you're into that.
  • If you want to setup scheduled cron[] jobs to do maintenance (scheduled backups, graceful automatic updates, and automated health-checks), there are functions for doing-so, which you can schedule! (and examples in the guide).
  • Inexpensive support! ("best effort") ːsaltː
About the System:
The system is written in Bash[], with the support of several standard Linux command-line text-processing utilities. The system allows for easily completing many actions associated with hosting dedicated game-servers. This includes actions such as:
  • Installing the game-servers in a consistent manner.
  • Applying "(painting") game-servers with various canned-configurations ("stencils").
  • Running game-servers interactively at the console - for testing / troubleshooting.
  • Starting game-servers as disconnected / background processes - so that they can run unattended.
  • Sending commands to game-servers while running as disconnected / background processes
  • Stopping disconnected / background processes of the game-servers.
  • Manually updating game-servers if needed.
  • Checking for any updates available for game-servers, and conditionally stopping game-servers, updating them, and restarting them - only if an update is needed.
  • Monitoring game-servers running as disconnected / background processes for fatal conditions, and automatically restarting them - only if intervention is needed.
  • Generating lists of "stock" content to exclude from backups.
  • Making backups of game-servers.
  • Restoring game-servers from backups.
Where to get stuff:
The source for everything in this system (except the "Stencils") is available in this GitHub repository:

The example 'Stencils" are too big (and perhaps not appropriate) to host in GitHub, Consequently, the latest archive of example 'Stencils" is hosted in my DropBox. Also hosted in that same DropBox, are example virtual machines for:
The URL for that DropBox is:

Hash-tags / Key-words:
  • #wgasm, #[WL], #Weasel, #WeaselsLair,,
  • #GoldSrc, #HLDS, #HLDedicatedServer, #MetaMod, #AMXModX, #AMX-Mod-X,
  • #Source, #SRCDS, #SourceDedicatedServer, #MetaMod:Source, #MetaModSource, #MetaMod-Source, #SourceMod, #Source-Mod
  • #Linux, #Debian, #bash, #webmin, #github
  • #VirtualBox, #Virtual-Box,
  • #VMWare, #VMwarePlayer, #VMware-Player, #VMwareWorkstation, #VMware-Workstation,
0 - Revision History
Be sure to check here for anything that may have changed, since the last time you read-through or used this guide.

NOTE: Latest updates at the top,

Revision Date
Revision Notes
Updated/fixed related DropBox URL for example virtual machines.
More minor typographical and grammatical fixes.
Minor typographical and grammatical fixes.
Minor typographical and grammatical fixes.
Example virtual machine section(s) completed! Updated stencils section to include a new stencil for Day-of-Defeat with Marine-Bot.
Minor corrections. Still not completely done with the example virtual machine section(s).
Guide roughly 90-something% complete. Just example virtual machine section(s) remaining!
Guide roughly 95% complete. Just Webmin and example virtual machine sections remaining!
Guide roughly 90% complete. Just cron jobs and virtual machine sections remaining.
Guide roughly 85% complete. However, still "under construction".
Guide roughly 80% complete. However, still "under construction".
Initially made public / published. However, still "under construction".
Initial creation, pre-publication.
1 - License
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023-2024

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

2 - About the Author, Credits & Thanks
I have been hosting dedicated game-servers for various Valve software game titles, since late 1999 or early 2000 - long before there was any such thing a "Steam". I switched from attempting to host game-servers on Windows to Linux, some time in the early 2000's (circa 2007?).

In early 2024, completely re-wrote all my Linux (bash) scripts used for management of my dedicated game-servers When I re-wrote everything, I tried to make them less proprietary, and more easily re-usable by other people needing similar scripts. These became effective the first (published) generation of the scripts.

In mid 2024, I created this newest generation (v2) as more of a complete system rather than just a bunch of random scripts. In particular, everything is now driven entirely by text-based data files, including both a central configuration file and several tab-delimited tables . There should be little if any reason for anyone using them to edit the scripts themselves - other than the optional "cron" scripts (meant to be become the basis for scheduled cron[] jobs).

I would especially like to thank the people behind the following free or paid products services and resources noted below. There have been many over the years that have also personally assisted me with various issues - too many people, and on too many occasions to cite.

Various (Free) Products / Services / Resources:
  • Valve Mailing-Lists: Thanks to all the helpful members on various lists that I have corresponding with over the last 20+? years.
  • Valve VDC: Various documentation about Valve's games, game-engines and related tools for dedicated servers, map-making, etc.
  • VERC[]: The older version of Valve's reference material.
  • MetaMod[]: A system for having multiple server-side mods coexist on the same game-server running the ancient GoldSrc[] game-engine.
  • AMX-Mod-X[]: An administrative server-side modification for game-servers running the ancient GoldSrc[] game-engine. Allows for an extensive system of "plug-ins", many of which are community-created.
  • MetaMod:Source[]: A system for having multiple server-side mods coexist on the same game-server running the older Source[] game-engine.
  • SourceMod[]: An administrative server-side modification for game-servers running the older Source[] game-engine. Allows for an extensive system of "plug-ins", many of which are community-created.
  • Allied-Modders[]: The organization to publishes MetaMod[], MetaMod:Source[], AMX-Mod-X[] and SourceMod[]. And thanks to all the helpful users on their forums that I have corresponding with over the last 20+? years.
  • Bots-United[]: The clearing-house for "bots" that work with a wide variety of games. Forums also populated by helpful people knowledgeable of such things!
  • FoF Saloon: A dedicated Steam community for Fistful of Frags with an active Discord[].
  • Webmin[]: A web-based management interface for various flavors of Linux, which makes it much easier to learn and use.
  • GitHub[]: For all the code they host. Thanks also to all the folks who have published their work up on there for others to see and use.
Various (Paid) Products / Services:
  • Valve[]: The company that publishes various games that I have played and/or hosted dedicated game servers for - going back to Half-Life[http//Half-Life] (HL1).
  • NFO Servers[]: A game-server hosting provider, with excellent DDoS detection and remediation services.
  • Google One[]: The expanded (paid) version of Google Mail and Drive with greater storage limits.
  • InsyncHQ[]: Publishers of both a desktop-mode Google Drive client for Linux (and other platforms), and a "headless" version for remote Linux servers. Neither free of course, but good products!
  • DropBox[]: A web-based content host, used for stuff that is too big or outside of the scope for GitHub[].
  • GitKracken[]: An excellent Linux GUI front-end for Git-repositories (including GitHub[]). There is a free/non-commercial version available.
  • Sophos[]: An anti-malware system for various platforms. They have an excellent and relatively inexpensive "home" product for Windows, as well as several enterprise products.
3 - Getting Started
Obviously, you should read and comprehend everything in this guide before proceeding. In reality, many will likely just skim this guide, and rush-ahead trying to just install and run this system - perhaps coming back to this guide later to figure things out. For those with little or no patience, the next part is for you.

Quick-Start: (for the impatient)
  • Acquire, rent or build your own Linux computer - using Debian[].
  • Read the Planning Requirements section.
  • Read the Knowledge Requirements section.
  • Read the Assumptions section.
  • Do the stuff in the Preparing the OS section ( --nike).
  • Do the stuff in the Downloading the System section ( --nike).
  • Edit the game-servers table - to add your servers, or just tinker with the examples.
  • Install one or more game-servers (using GameServerID's from the game-servers table).
  • Paint one or more game-servers with a base "starter" configuration.
  • Run one or more of the game-servers interactively - to make sure it works.
  • Start one or more servers in the background and try to connect & play on it.
  • Use other scripts as desired to understand their functionality.
  • If using Webmin[], make sure the related "Custom Commands" are installed.
  • If using Webmin[], also update your "lists" in the ~/wgasm/webmin folder - being especially sure to update list-backups-all.txt and list-servers-all.txt (which are used by the Webmin[] "Custom Commands" feature).
  • If you want to schedule some automated maintenance, check-out the "cron" scripts.
4 - Planning Requirements

WARNING: Do NOT skip this section! Everything else in this guide is dependent on it!

For each game server you are planning to host (even if its just a single game-server), you will need to plan ahead with three (3) pieces of information:
  1. A unique alphanumeric "gameserverid". This is basically a short name that the scripts will use to identify which specific game-server you are trying to operate on. This could be as simple as "gameserverid1", or more complex such as "hl1server1", "hl1server2, "cs1server1", "cs1server2", etc. These names must be unique to each server instance, and must be entirely lower-case alpha-numeric: Only containing characters a-z and/or 0-9, no upper-case letters, no spaces nor any punctuation allowed. Given that file systems on Linux are generally case-sensitive, keeping all of these lower-case prevents a wide-range of possible issues. Update: Technically, the scripts generally allow for a hyphen ("-") in the gameserverid also. But that is the only punctuation allowed.

  2. A unique numeric network port number for each game-server. Obviously, this must be an all numeric value - Only containing characters 0-9, no letters, spaces or any punctuation allowed. The default is typically 27015. if you are hosting multiple game-servers, they must each have their own unique port number assigned. Obviously, they can not all be 27015. Generally, a value somewhere in the 27000-27999 range is typical for these types of game-servers. However, any number in the 1024-49151 range should work, assuming that number is not already used by some other process on your Linux host. Due to some bugs / features of how some game-engines work, it is recommended to skip at least one number between game-servers. A typical pattern might be something like this:

    Port Number
    First game-server
    Second game-server
    Third game-server
    Fourth game-server

  3. The Steam AppID for that game, and it's dedicated server AppID. In some cases, the AppID of the game and its dedicated server are the same. In other cases, they are completely different. In many cases the game's dedicated server AppID is used for installing and updating the game-server, while the game's client AppID is used to check for availability of updates.

    Where possible, the sample game-types table provided already has this information properly included. The example game-types file already includes:

    • Over 40 games, based on their information from SteamDB[].
    • Of those, 10 have been tested/validated with this system.
    • The rest of those are untested / unvalidated, but should work with this system.
    • Additionally, also listed just for reference are several (10+) games that are known not to work - for various reasons (as noted in the game-types table).

    Steam AppID's for some common game titles are included in the table below:

    Game (Valve)
    Game AppID
    Server AppID
    Half-Life (Hl1)
    Game (3rd-party)
    Game AppID
    Server AppID
5 - Knowledge Requirements
To effectively implement and utilize this system, you will need to know how to perform certain (common) actions on Linux. These include:
  • Must know how to login to the host Linux installation using SSH or some other mechanism to access the Linux command-line.

  • Must know how to navigate the folder structure, at the command-line. Typically, this involves commands such as "pwd" and "cd".

  • Nice to know how to install and update packages for your host operating system. Typically, this is accomplished with various "dpkg" and "apt" commands. There is an installation script available ( that will make this easier, but some experience might be needed for troubleshooting.

  • Nice to know how to change permissions on files. Typically, this involves commands such as "chmod +x", or through a web-interface such as "Webmin". In this guide, sample commands for doing this are included. So, not really a big deal if you have never done this before.

  • Nice to know how to upload files to the appropriate folders of your Linux installation. This may be accomplished any number of ways, including: "wget" to pull files directly from the internet, "scp" over and SSH session, or web-interfaces such as "Webmin". If you are using Webmin[], this will obviously be a lot easier. In this guide, sample commands to download the required files (preparation and installation scripts) from the command-line are included. So, not really a big deal if you have never done this before.

  • Nice to know how to edit text files. You will be doing this quite a lot. This typically involves using either command-line editors such as "nano", or editing files through a web-interface such as "Webmin". In this guide, sample commands for doing this are included. So, not really a big deal if you have never done this before.

  • Ideally, know how to create symbolic links[]. You may need to know how to create symbolic links to work-around bugs in the SteamCMD installation process. Sometimes, it does not automatically create all the symbolic links to various .so files that the game-servers require. Typically symbolic links are created either at the command-line using the "ln -s" command, or through a web-interface such as "Webmin". There is an installation script available ( that should make this easier, but some experience might be needed for troubleshooting.
6 - Assumptions
  • This system is designed to run under the common Linux command-line shell called bash[]. This system requires that everything is being performed under some distribution (flavor) of Linux. None of this is intended to or likely to work under Windows. If you want to try "WSL" or some similar situation, you are on your own (period).

  • The specific distribution (flavor) of Linux being used is assumed to be Debian[]. Other distributions in the Debian Family[] of Linux (such as Ubuntu[], or Mint[]) should work.

  • However, any distribution outside of the Debian Family[] likely will not work. In particular, prepare and installation components rely heavily on package-management commands (such as dpkg and apt).

  • This is can be particularly problematic with any of the Red-Hat Family[] of Linux distributions - since they typically use a completely different package-management system (typically rpm and yum). Of course, you are welcome try. But, you do so at your own risk.

  • This guide also assumes not only that the Linux distribution being used is Debian, but also that the specific installation being used is the minimal Debian installation - which has no Graphic-User-Interface (GUI) elements. This is sometimes referred to as "network installer" boot-CD image. It allows the creation of Debian for "Servers" - which are typically "headless", meaning they are intended to operate without any local keyboard and/or monitor attached. If you are installing Debian yourself, select the image to download for "amd64" from:

  • This system requires that all package dependencies have been installed previously using the Linux "root" user, or a similarly privileged sudo-enabled user. Except for the SteamCMD utility - as noted below.

  • The SteamCMD utility and the game-servers will be running under a different Linux user - something other than "root" - and that does not have any privileged sudo-access. This system and all examples shown here assume this user will be named: "game-servers".

  • This system only works with common games using either Valve's older "Source" (HL2-ish) game-engine, or the even older/ancient "GoldSrc" (HL1-ish) game-engine. Accommodation for Source2-based Counter-Strike 2 is included - but is somewhat experimental. As more Source2-based games become available, this system may be updated accordingly.

  • It should be possible to adapt this system to any other games - as long as they are based upon either the Source or GoldSrc game-engines. This should also be the case for any 3rd-party total-conversion "mods" of such games. Just adding their details into the game-types table should be enough - "fingers-crossed".
7 - Preparing the OS, Part-1
Linux user requirements:

As has already been mentioned, to be successful in installing and using this system, you will need two (2) distinct Linux users:
  • You will need to login to Linux initially as either "root" or some user with equivalent privileges using "sudo". If you installed Linux yourself, you should already know the details (password) for the "root" user. If you are renting a server on the Internet, then your hosting provider may have provided you with the "root" user details, or provided you with a different user that has root-like privileges by way of the "sudo" command.

    You will use this root-like/privileged/sudo user (or root itself) to:

    • Install various operating system packages and generally make sure the operating system (presumably Debian[]) is ready.
    • Create the second non-root/non-privileged/non-sudo user (as noted below).
    • Optionally, install Webmin[] - which is highly recommenced, since Webmin "Custom Commands" are available that can front-end this system.

  • You will also need a second, normal (non-root/non-privileged/non-sudo) user. This will be the user that you login as to:

    • Install this system.
    • Install SteamCMD.
    • Configure this system.
    • Install various game-servers.
    • Use this system to stop/start/manage game-servers.
NOTE: Other than the script, if you attempt to run any other parts of this system under root or another root-like/privileged/sudo user, it will display and error message and stop. This feature is known as "Moron Detection".

Ensuring "sudo" function exists:
Obviously, if you are using a rental Virtual Private Server (VPS), and your hosting provider gave you an alternative user login with root-like privileges via "sudo", then it must already be installed. Therefore, you can skip this part.

For those installing Debian Server themselves, they may find that new installations do not automatically install the "sudo" utility by default.

Consequently, if you installed Debian Server directly yourself, before you can go any further, you will need make sure it is installed - since it is invoked extensively in the script. You can can install it (logged-in as "root"), by entering the following command:
apt-get install -y sudo;

Ensuring you have remote/network SSH access:
Obviously, if you are using a rental Virtual Private Server (VPS), and your hosting provider gave you user login credentials and an IP address to connect to, then that user must already have SSH permissions. Therefore, you can skip this part.

For those installing Debian Server themselves, they may also find that new installations of some Linux distributions do not automatically allow the"root user to connect to the server using SSH over the network by default.

Consequently, if you installed Debian Server directly yourself, you may need to enable the root user to access the computer over the network with SSH. To do so, you must use a text-editor (such as nano[] to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

Enter this command, to ensure nano[] is installed:
apt-get install -y nano;
Enter this command, to run nano[] , and edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config;
Inside nano, you can use the arrow-keys on the keyboard to navigate up and down the contents of the file. You will need to find the line that contains this text:
PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
That line will need to be changed to read:
PermitRootLogin yes

Once you have made those changes, press CTRL + O (for "output") and then Y to save the changes. Once the change is saved, you may then CTRL + X (for "exit") to close nano[].

You may then reboot the computer to ensure SSH access is working now for root, using the following command:

BTW: If you find that you need to cleanly shut-down the machine from within the OS, you may do so using the following command:
shutdown -h now;

Ensuring other perquisites for this system are in-place:
In order to ensure all other components that the system requires are actually installed, the script is provided in the related GitHub repository:

The "" script performs the following tasks:
  • Ensures you are running it under a user with sufficient privileges ("root" or similarly privileged sudo-enabled user.
  • Ensures you are using a compatible Linux distribution (i.e. something in the Debian Family[]).
  • Enables the Intel/AMD 32-bit architecture for applications and code-libraries - required by some game-servers. This architecture support can be installed alongside any existing Intel/AMD 64-bit architecture.
  • Installs the latest updates for your Linux installation.
  • Runs the installation command for various required packages. Of course, many of these may already be present in your existing Linux installation.
  • Runs a check to ensure that the commands and utilities it expects are actually available after the installation/update attempt.
  • If the game-servers user does not already exist, it will offer to create it for you.
  • If the game-servers user does now exist then it will offer to pre-download the installation script into the home-directory of the game-servers user.
  • If Webmin[] is not already installed, it will offer to install it for you.
  • If Webmin[] is now installed, it will offer to setup the game-servers as a Webmin[] user.
Obviously, if any of the checks fail during script, it will display an error message, and you will have to troubleshoot why the command or utility listed is not available or not working.

You may download the script with the following command:

Once downloaded, mark the script as executable with this command:
chmod +x;

Once downloaded and marked executable, you may run the script with the following commands:
sudo ./;

If you want the script to assume "Y" to all prompts, you may add the "--nike" parameter, to tell it to "just do it". Invoking "Nike Mode", the command would instead be:
sudo ./ --nike;
8 - Preparing the OS, Part-2
Creating the 2nd user:
If you did not opt to have the script automatically create the 2nd user for you (which would have been named "game-servers"), you will need to do that manually. This can be accomplished with the following commands:
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash game-servers; sudo passwd game-servers;
You may select a different name for this user instead of the default "game-servers". However, if you do so you will not be able utilize the related Webmin[] "Custom Commands" setup - since those required hard-coded paths to find various components.

Installing Webmin: (optional)
If you did not opt to have the script automatically install Webmin[], you may want to do that manually.

While this system does not directly depend upon Webmin[] to operate from the Linux command-prompt over SSH or on the console of a server, no direct web-interface is provided. If you want to use this system from a web-browser, a related package of Webmin[] "Custom Commands" is available.

To install Webmin[], first install its repository settings, using these commands:
wget -O; chmod +x ./ -f; sudo ./ -f;
You may need to respond to a prompt with "Y", to allow the installation of the Webmin[] repository settings.
Once the Webmin[] repository settings are installed, use this command to actually install Webmin[]:
sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends ntpdate iptables webmin;

Installing "Custom Commands" for Webmin: (optional)
If you did not opt to have the script automatically install this systems "Custom Commands" into Webmin[], you may do that manually by downloading the archive (/webmin-custom.tar.gz) and extracting its contents into the /etc/webmin/custom folder. This may be accomplished with the following commands:
cd /etc/webmin; wget -O webmin-custom.tar.gz; tar xfv webmin-custom.tar.gz;

Setting-up "game-servers" as a Webmin user: (optional)
If you did not opt to have the script automatically setup the game-servers Linux user as a Webmin[] user, you should just go back and let the script do that for you.

There is way too much to explain here to get it right manually. Just run the script script, and add the "--nike" command-line paramater to tell it to "just do it". Invoking "Nike Mode", the command would be:
sudo ./ --nike;
If you really want to know how to do that manually (at a command-line anyway, which is probably not the easiest way), you are welcome to read through the script. The section involved starts around line 577 or so. Just search for the comment text:
Offer to setup game-servers as a Webmin user
9 - Downloading the System
Downloading and running the installer:
The script is provided in the related Git-Hub repository:

The script performs the following tasks:
  • Ensures you are NOT running it under a user with root/sudo privileges ("root" or similarly privileged sudo-enabled user).
  • Runs a check to ensure that the commands and utilities it expects are actually available and working as expected.
  • Downloads the content of the system from the Git-Hub repository[] into the expected location (~/wgasm).
  • Offers to download the SteamCMD utility, and install it into its expected location (~/steamcmd).
  • Offers to download the "Stencils" archive from DropBox[], and install it into its expected location (~/stencils).
Obviously, if any of the checks fail during script, it will display an error message, and you will have to troubleshoot why the command or utility listed is not available or not working.

You may download the script with the following command:

Once downloaded, mark the script as executable with this command:
chmod +x;

Once downloaded and marked executable, you may run the script with the following commands:

If you want the script to assume "Y" to all prompts, you may add the "--nike" parameter, to tell it to "just do it". Invoking "Nike Mode", the command would instead be:
./ --nike;
10 - Installing SteamCMD
SteamCMD is a utility provided by Valve[] that is used for installing dedicated servers for games that have their content stored up in the Steam[] cloud service.

This system will use SteamCMD to install dedicated servers based on any of the following game-engines:
If you did not opt to have the script automatically install SteamCMD, you will need to do that manually. Fortunately, an easy installation script for SteamCMD has also been provided. It should already be present in the ~/wgasm folder. You can install SteamCMD using the script using the following commands:
cd ~/wgasm; chmod +x; ./;
11 - Installing Example Stencils
This system implements a feature known as "Stencils". These are essentially standard configurations that may be applied to (or "painted" onto) a game-server. They may also be used to add various server-side modifications to an existing game-server configuration. Each Stencil is specific to a particular game-type.

Several example Stencils are available, including:
  • For several example games, base "starter" configurations to take a game-server from a blank installation to something that is at least minimally ready to connect to from a game-client.
  • For several example games that are based on the GoldSrc[] game-engine, a basic setup for AMX-Mod-X[] - with or without 3rd-party "bots".
  • For several example games that are based on the Source[] game-engine, a basic setup for SourceMod[].
Although the list of example Stencils is already included in the ~/wgasm/data/game-stencils.tsv file - their actual content is too large to house directly inside the Git-Hub repository[]. Consequently, the content for the Stencils has been archived and uploaded into this DropBox:
If you did not opt to have the script automatically install the Stencils, you may want to do that manually. Fortunately, an easy installation script for the Stencils has also been provided. It should already be present in the ~/wgasm folder. You can install the Stencils using the script using the following commands:
cd ~/wgasm; chmod +x ./;
Example Stencils content in the archive includes:

[CS1] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[CS1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[CS1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus YaPB.
[CSS] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[CSS] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[CS2] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DMC] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DMC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[DMC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus HPB_Bot.
[DoD] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DoD] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[DoD] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus Marine-Bot.
[DoDS] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DoDS] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[FoF] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[FoF] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[HL1] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[HL1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[HL1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus JKBotti.
[TF2] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[TF2] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[TFC] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[TFC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[TFC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus FoxBot.
12 - The Central Configuration File
Many options used by the system are specified in the central configuration file. The configuration file is named "config.txt", and MUST be located in the same folder as the main scripts themselves. Of course the default scripts folder is $HOME/wgasm (effectively ~/wgasm).

The config file is a plain-text file, and as such should be editable via any preferred text editor ("nano", "vim", or any GUI text editor, etc.).

Any lines in the config.txt file that start with "#" are comments and will be ignored.

The contents of the config.txt file, should looks something like this:
# # Actual values to use start here ... # ------------------------------- # display_banner=true scripts_verbose=false moron_detection=true purge_temp_installs=true autobackup_by_check=true autoexclude_by_check=true servers_install_folder=$HOME logs_folder=$HOME/logs temp_folder=$HOME/temp tempinstall_folder=$HOME/temp/temp-install backup_folder=$HOME/backups stencils_folder=$HOME/stencils steamcmd_folder=$HOME/steamcmd backup_configs_folder=$SCRIPTS_FOLDER/backup-configs data_folder=$SCRIPTS_FOLDER/data game_types_file=game-types.tsv game_servers_file=game-servers.tsv game_stencils_file=game-stencils.tsv banner_file=banner.txt steam_login="anonymous"

The meaning of each option in the config.txt file is detailed in the table below:

Format / Default Value
"true" or "false" (Default: "true")
Enable/disable banner display.
"true" or "false" (Default: "false")
Enable/disable verbose output.
"true" or "false" (Default: "true")
Prevent running things under root/sudo that should NOT be.
"true" or "false" (Default: "true")
Purge "exclude" installs.
"true" or "false" (Default: "true")
Automatically backup before "check" forces an update.
"true" or "false" (Default: "true")
Automatically update "exclude" when "check" updates.
Default folder to branch game-server installs from.
Folder where scripts and 'GNU screen' will store logs.
Folder that 7-zip will use as a working area.
Folder where "exclude" process will put temp installs.
Folder where "backup" scripts will store the backups.
Folder where "stencils" (canned-configs) are stored.
Folder where SteamCMD utility is installed.
Folder where "include" and "exclude" files are stored.
Folder where data files / tables will be stored.
The name of the game-types tab-separated-value file, relative to the "data" folder.
The name of the game-servers tab-separated-value file, relative to the "data" folder.
The name of the game-stencils tab-separated-value file, relative to the "data" folder.
The name file with the banner content to display, relative to the "data" folder.
"username password" or "anonymous"
Default Steam credentials to use. Be sure to enclose in quotes if not just anonymous.
13 - The Game-Types Table
The game-types table is stored in the data sub-folder (typically ~/wgasm/data). The default filename is "game-types.tsv". The format of the file is a tab-separated-value (TSV) text-file. The game-types table functions as a database of information about how the system should handle installing and operating various games. The order of each column is critical. The columns in this table are:

ID for this game type. Each must be unique. These must contain only lower-case letters (a-z), numerals (0-9) and if you like a hyphen (-).
Game engine type. Currently, the only engines that this system supports are:
  • GoldSrc[] (as "goldsrc")
  • Source[] ( as "source")
  • Source2[] (specifically, the CS2 version as "src2cs2")
If a non-default Steam login is required, the format is "username password" (all in one field).
Steam AppID to use for installation.
Steam AppID to use for checking for updates via Steam web API.
Steam "mod" value to use for install (if any).
Extra install options for SteamCMD.
Mod sub-folder, relative to install folder (valve, cstrike, dod, game/csgo, etc.)
Server-side command to warn players (in text) about a restart.
Server-side command to warn players (in audio) about a restart.
Server-side command to warn players (in text) about an update.
Server-side command to warn players (in audio) about an update.
Plain-text game-type description.
Notes about this game type (if any).

The information used to create the included game-types table, was collected from the SteamDB[] web-site - by filtering for which games have a seperate Dedicated Server app available for them, and also had either Engine.Source or Engine.GoldSource specified in their list of included technologies.

Also included is Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) which uses the newer Engine.Source2 technology. At this stage, it is not clear if later games built around the Source2[] game-engine will follow similar conventions with regard to the games executable name, launch parameters / requirements, etc. Consequently, the game-engine defined for CS2 in the game-type table is named as "src2cs2" due to how it is currently implemented - which MIGHT be unique to CS2 (time will tell, as other Source2[]-based games are released).

The game-types table already includes a large selection of games that (in theory) may be installed and managed via this system. In summary, the updated game-types table includes:
  • 30+ games that likely can be installed and managed with this system.
  • 10 of which have actually been installed and tested with this system.
  • 13 additional games listed, but that are identified as being unusable.
  • 11 are unusable, because no Linux-native version of their server is available.
  • 2 are unusable, because they are simply not released (yet).
The "comment" field of each game-type has been populated with notes about which game-types are tested, untested, unusable, etc.

In some rare cases, there are a few games that can not be installed using the default "anonymous" Steam login with SteamCMD. In those cases, the game must be installed using the credential of a Steam account that "owns" the game in Steam (i.e. has it in their Steam "Library"). In these cases, in the game-types table the "steamlogin" field has been populated with a generic placeholder entry of "username password" - to be replaced with a real Steam login before you try to setup and manage a server with that specific game. This will override the default Steam login credentials (from the central config file), for just that specific type of game - when trying to install or update it.

The list 30+ game-types which are either already tested, or appear LIKELY to be usable with these scripts, currently includes:
  1. Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1 - Tested!
  2. Deathmatch Classic (DMC) - Tested!
  3. Day of Defeat (DoD) - Tested!, but no Bot "Stencil" available.
  4. Half-Life (HL1) - Tested!
  5. Team Fortress Classic (TFC) - Tested!
  6. Counter-Strike:Source (CSS) - Tested!
  7. Day of Defeat:Source (DoDS) - Tested!
  8. Team Fortress 2 (TF2 - Tested!
  9. Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) - Tested, but no SourceMod "Stencil" available.
  10. Fistful of Frags (FoF) - Tested!
  11. Half-Life: Blue Shift (BShift) - Untested.
  12. Half-Life: Opposing Force (Op4) - Untested.
  13. Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (HL2DM) - Untested.
  14. Half-Life Deathmatch:Source (HLDMS) - Untested.
  15. Left for Dead (L4D) - Untested.
  16. Left for Dead 2 (L4D2) - Untested.
  17. Sven Co-op (Sven) - Untested.
  18. Age of Chivalry (AoC) - Untested.
  19. Brain Bread 2 (BB2) - Untested.
  20. Black Mesa (BMS) - Untested.
  21. Blade Symphony (BS) - Untested.
  22. Codename CURE (Cure) - Untested.
  23. Double Action:Boogaloo (DAB) - Untested.
  24. Day of Infamy (DoI) - Untested.
  25. Dystopia (Dys) - Untested.
  26. Gary's Mod (GMod) - Untested.
  27. Insurgency (INS) - Untested.
  28. NSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat (InsMIC) - Untested.
  29. Jabroni Brawl:Episode 3 (JBEp3) - Untested.
  30. JBMod (JB) - Untested.
  31. Military Conflict:Vietnam (MCV) - Untested.
  32. Nuclear Dawn (ND) - Untested.
  33. Natural Selection 2 (NS2) - Untested.
  34. Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II (PVK2) - Untested.
  35. The Ship (Ship) - Untested.
  36. Zombie Panic:Source (ZPS) - Untested.
The common reasons to edit anything in the game-types table would be things like:
  • Add actual Steam login credentials, in place of the "username password" place-holder.
  • Update a game that formerly required Steam login, but no longer requires Steam login.
  • Update a game that formerly had no Linux-native dedicated server, but now does..
  • Update a game that formerly was not released, but now is released.
  • Add a new game.
  • Add a "mod" for an existing game.
The ability to setup a "mod" for an existing game, is theoretical and untested at this point
14 - The Game-Stencils Table
The game-stencils table is stored in the data sub-folder (typically ~/wgasm/data). The default filename is "game-stencils.tsv". The format of the file is a tab-separated-value (TSV) text-file. The game-stencils table functions as a database of information about what Stencils are available to be "painted" onto a previously-installed game-server. The order of each column is critical. The columns in this table are:

ID for this stencil. Each must be unique. These must contain only lower-case letters (a-z), numerals (0-9) and if you like a hyphen (-)
ID for the game-type this stencil is built for. This must match a GameTypeID defined in the game-types table.
Filename of the zip file containing this stencils content. These must all be stored in the "Stencils" folder (typically ~/stencils). Typically, they are named matching the GameStencilID.
Plain-text stencil description.
Notes about this stencil (if any).

Each stencil is associated with one game-type. Typically, stencils are utilized to standardize configurations or apply server-side modifications. Effectively, stencils are a bunch of "canned" content zipped-up in a manner that facilitates it being unzipped directly into the appropriate game-servers "mod-sub-folder".

It is important to keep in mind that, when "painting" a stencil onto an existing game-server, any conflicting files will be overwritten by the content in the stencil.

For this reason, stencils are usually applied when building a new game-server, to setup a standard configuration, add some standard server-side mods. This provides an easier starting-point for getting a new game-server customized and ready for play.

For any stencil to be utilized successfully, two things must be true:
  • The .zip with the properly zipped content must exist in the "Stencils" folder - as defined in the central configuration file (config.txt).
  • A matching entry must exist in the game-stencils table (~/weaselsscripts/data/game-stencils.tsv) with the filename matching the actual .zip file.
Several example stencils are included with this system. The entries for them are already included in the default game-stencils table (game-stencils.tsv). However, their content is too larger to host in the GitHub repository. Consequently, the .zip files (and source files/folders used to create those), are contained in a archive (stencils-latest.tar.gz) stored in the related DropBox:

Example stencils included with this system are:

[CS1] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[CS1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[CS1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus YaPB.
[CSS] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[CSS] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[CS2] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DMC] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DMC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[DMC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus HPB_Bot.
[DoD] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DoD] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[DoD] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus Marine-Bot.
[DoDS] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[DoDS] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[FoF] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[FoF] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[HL1] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[HL1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[HL1] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus JKBotti.
[TF2] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[TF2] MetaMod:Source, SourceMod
MMS, SourceMod starter setup.
[TFC] Starter Config
Minimum config with autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, etc.
[TFC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X starter setup.
[TFC] MetaMod, AMX-Mod-X, Bots
Metamod, AMX-Mod-X plus FoxBot.
15 - The Game-Servers Table
The game-servers table is stored in the data sub-folder (typically ~/wgasm/data). The default filename is "game-servers.tsv". The format of the file is a tab-separated-value (TSV) text-file. The game-servers table functions as a database of information about the game-servers that will be created by and managed by this system. The order of each column is critical. The columns in this table are:

ID for game-server. Each must be unique. These must contain only lower-case letters (a-z), numerals (0-9) and if you like a hyphen ([/b]-[/b]). The GameServerID will be used for naming the Linux directory (folder) that the server will be installed into, as well as for naming disconnected / background GNU "screen" processes.
ID for game-type for this game-server. This must match a GameTypeID defined in the game-types table.
Network port number for game-server. Each should be unique, to keep servers from interfering with each other. Obviously, these must numerals (0-9) only. Typically this will be something in the 27000-27999 range.
Enable/disable verbose script output. This allows turning-on verbose logging for an individual server, rather than globally (for all servers).
Enable/disable monitoring for stale GNU "screen" logging. This should only be enabled if you have a server-side modification installed and configured that ensures that output is still generated periodically to the console (and consequently the GNU "screen" logging output (even when the server is empty of players). The example stencils for both AMX-Mod-X[] and SourceMod[] already include such a plug-in, with it configured to issue the "status" command on the game-server console once per minute.
Threshold for stale-log monitoring (in seconds). If stale log monitoring is enabled, this controls how much inactivity is allowed before logging is considered stale.
Plain-text game-server description.
Notes about this server (if any). This text is not used for any purpose, other than whatever notes you want of keep regarding each server.

Configuration information for several example game-servers is included in the default game-servers table, as follows:

server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1)
server1dmc - Deathmatch Classic (DMC)
server2tfc - Team Fortress Classic (TFC)
server3tf2 - Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
server4cs1 - Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1)
server5css - Counter-Strike:Source (CSS)
server6cs2 - Counter-Strike 2 (CS2)
server7dod - Day of Defeat (DoD)
server8dods - Day of Defeat:Source (DoDS)
server9fof - Fistful of Frags (FoF)

You may use whatever text editor you prefer - being sure to preserve the columns. Columns must be separated explicitly by tabs (not just spaces).

Also "cutting-and-pasting" between a text editor and a spreadsheet application may be used to assist with keeping the columns intact. Such applications might include:
It is suggested that you add your servers to the game-servers table, leaving the examples in the file for later reference.
16 - Components, 1 of 3
Several component scripts are largely meant to be used one-time for initial setup purposes. These have already been discussed or at least mentioned before this point. These included:

Unlike all other components of this system, this script must be run under the Linux "root" user or some similarly privileged sudo-enabled Linux user. Its purpose is to prepare the Linux operating system (presumably a "Debian" family distribution), by installing all the packages required by this system. In addition, it will also:
  • Offer to create the game-servers Linux user ,if it does not already exist,
  • Offer to install Webmin[], if it is not already installed.
  • Offer to install the wGASM[]-related "Custom Commands" for Webmin[],
  • Offer to setup the game-servers Linux user as a Webmin[] user.
This script also features a "nike mode" ("Just do it.") which may be used to bypass (accept) all prompts, using the "--nike" command-line parameter.
Run under the game-servers Linux user, its purpose is to install all the other wGASM[] system components. In addition, it will also:
  • Offer to install SteamCMD, if it is not already installed.
  • Offer to install the latest package of Stencils.
This script also features a "nike mode" ("Just do it.") which may be used to bypass (accept) all prompts, using the "--nike" command-line parameter.
Also run under the game-servers Linux user, its purpose is to ensure that SteamCMD is properly installed in the expected location (~/steamcmd).
Also run under the game-servers Linux user, its purpose is to download the latest package of Stencils, and install them into the expected location (~/stencils).
17 - Components, 2 of 3
Several component scripts provide largely diagnostic or support functions, and do not
any direct action on the game-servers themselves. These include:

Displays information gathered from both the central configuration file (config.txt), and the Linux operating system - including the computer's local IP address, and apparent public IP address. Useful for understanding if the configuration file is populated correctly, detecting missing critical files or folders, and understanding network connectivity (IP addressing) of the system.
Displays running GNU screen[] processes. Typically these are game-servers - running disconnected in the background.
Displays utilization of the network interface. Basically, answers the (rare) question, "How busy is the network interface?"
Lists what network ports are in use on the computer (right now). Useful to ensure that a network port is not already in use before specifying it for a new game-server.
Lists what network ports are in use, by all game-servers (right now). Useful to check which network port(s) currently running game-servers are utilizing.
Same as above, but more specific to just game-servers built-upon the GoldSrc[] engine. These game-servers all utilize the HLDS server system.
Same as above, but more specific to just game-servers built-upon the Source[] engine. These game-servers all utilize the SrcDS server system.
Lists all the game-types that are currently defined in the game-types table.
Displays details for a specific GameTypeID. This will also include listing any stencils that are built-for that specific GameTypeID, as well as listing any game-servers that have been setup based on that specific GameTypeID.
Lists all the stencils that are defined in the game-stencils table.
Displays details for a specific GameStencilID. This will also include listing details of the relevant GameTypeID
Lists all the game-servers that are defined in the game-servers table.
Displays details for a specific GameServerID. This will also include listing details of the GameTypeID associated with this game-server, as well as any stencils relevant to that game-type.
Uses the content of the "source" sub-folder of the stencils-folder, to re-package the stencil .zip files.
18 - Components, 3 of 3
Several component scripts perform direct actions on the game-servers themselves. These include:

Installs a game-server, based on data from the game-servers table. This will:
  • Create a folder (named for the GameServerID specified),
  • Lookup the GameTypeID associated with that game-server
  • Using information about that GameTypeID, have SteamCMD to install the game into the folder.
  • If the game is already installed in that folder, it will basically update it (perhaps destructively).
Builds backup exclusions, based on a GameServerID. This will:
  • Lookup the GameTypeID associated with that game-server
  • Using information about that GameTypeID, have SteamCMD to install a copy of that game in a temporary folder.
  • Build a "backup exclusion list" file, based on that temporary install - which will exclude default "stock" installation for that game from backups.
  • This makes backups a tiny fraction of what they might be otherwise, effectively backing-up only the customization, and not the "stock" content.
Backs-up a game-server, This requires that both an "include" list file and "exclude" list file exist in the backup-configs folder (typically ~/wgasm/backup-configs).
Restores a game-server from backups, based on a GameServerID. This requires that the relevant backup .zip file exists in the backups folder (typically ~/backups) and will unzip it into the default location all game-servers are branched-from.
Paints a specific game-server with a specific stencil. Any conflicting content will be overwritten by the content in the stencil.
Runs a game-server interactively at the command-prompt (Linux shell). Generally requires entering "quit" and possibly CTRL+C to break out of the game-server to return to the command-prompt. However, doing so closes the game-server. This is useful for troubleshooting - especially for the first-time you setup a new game.
Starts a game-server disconnected in "background". Basically, wraps the component in GNU screen[] to allow it to continue run as a disconnected background process - that will continue to operate when the shell is closed or user logs-off.
Stops a game-server if it is already started. This will:
  • Attempt to warn any players about the shutdown, with an in-game text message.
  • Attempt to warn any players about the shutdown, with an in-game audible message.
  • Sends commands to the GNU screen[] that wraps the game-server - attempting to gracefully shut it down, by first sending the "quit" command, then CTRL+C, and then (as a last-resort) "killing" the Linux process.
Updates a game-server, restarting if needed. This will:
  • Check if the game-server is already running.
  • If the game-server is already running, invoke the component, to shut-down the game-server gracefully.
  • Invoke the component, to update the game content.
  • If the game-server was running before, invoke the component, to start the server back up again.
Check for, and gracefully apply, any new updates for a game-server. This will:
  • Check to see if the existing game-server has the latest version of the game installed.
  • If the version installed does not match the version available on Steam (presumably newer), invoke the component.
Monitors a game-server, restarting if needed. This will:
  • Check if the game-server is already running.
  • Check the GNU screen[] output log, for several potentially unrecoverable (fatal) error conditions.
  • If any of those conditions is detected, invoke the and then components.
Tests that are performed against the GNU screen[] output log include:
  • Detect "fatal error"
  • Detect "segmentation fault"
  • Detect that GNU screen[] logging is stale (i.e. no recent output).
Sends a command to a game-server's console. This allows a user (from the Linux shell) to send a command to the game-server's console - without manually connecting to it.
19 - Installing Servers
  • Before game-servers may be installed, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table. Before attempting to install a game-server, refer to the earlier section of this guide about the game-servers table to properly add the information for your new game-server into that table with some sort of text-editor.
  • You should have some idea what size your game-server installation will be, to ensure you have enough drive-space to accommodate it. For example, CS2 can consume about 36-GB of space. And you need to allow double-that to accommodate potential temporary installs for the "backup exclusion" process.
Using the component:
The installation of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it install. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Search through the rows of the game-servers table, looking for a record with the matching GameServerID.
  • If no matching record is found, display and error message and exit.
  • If a matching record is found, create a folder matching GameServerID.
  • Use information for the record to install the game (using SteamCMD) into that folder.
If you want to install multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;
Of course, all GameServerID's specified must already be included in the game-servers table. If any of them do not, the component will display and error message and stop (when it gets to trying to install that GameServerID).

Example of using the component:
Command to install the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 03:38:39 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) /home/game-servers/wgasm/ line 154: /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve/install-in-progress.txt: No such file or directory Full command-line to send to SteamCMD: /home/game-servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir /home/game-servers/server0hl1 +login anonymous +app_set_config 90 mod valve +app_update 90 +quit Redirecting stderr to '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' Logging directory: '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs' [] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... UpdateUI: skip show logoSteam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1716584438 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} Success! App '90' fully installed. Size of game-server installation (including any mods): 900M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 03:39:29 PM PDT 2024 (50 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~$
20 - Painting Servers with Stencils
Requirements / Warnings:
  • Before game-servers may be painted, the details for the game-server must already be populated into the game-servers table, and the details for the stencil must already be populated into the game-stencils table, and[/b] the stencil's content (.zip file) must already exist in the stencils folder (typically ~/stencils).
  • When stencil is painted-onto (applied-to) a server, it will overwrite any conflicting files. Consequently, painting a game-server with a stencil is usually only done when performing the initial setup of a server - before any manual customization work is performed.
Using the component:

The painting of stencils onto a game-server is performed with the component. The two (2) command-line parameters that it requires are both the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to be painted, and the GameStencilID of the stencil you wish to paint with. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere SomeGameStencilIDHere;

Example-1 of using the component:
Command to paint the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server with the relevant "base" stencil:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1 hl1-base;
Output of the example:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1 hl1-base; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 11:23:32 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server to 'paint' the stencil on: [ID=server0hl1] Game-stencil to 'paint' with: [ID=hl1-base] Temp folder (for zipping process): /home/game-servers/temp Input File: /home/game-servers/stencils/ Paint Folder: /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats/Details BEFORE painting: Size of server install: 900M /home/game-servers/server0hl1 Size of server game/mod folder: 516M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats for server install: 127 directories, 5429 files Stats for server game/mod folder: 81 directories, 4248 files Paint command being used: nice -n 19 7za x -mmt=off -aoa -o/home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve -w/home/game-servers/temp /home/game-servers/stencils/ Painting the server with stencil ... Stats/Details AFTER painting: Size of server install: 934M /home/game-servers/server0hl1 Size of server game/mod folder: 550M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats for server install: 129 directories, 5465 files Stats for server game/mod folder: 83 directories, 4284 files +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 11:23:33 AM PDT 2024 (1 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$

Example-2 of using the component:
Command to paint the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server with the relevant stencil that installs AMX-Mod-X and bots:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1 hl1-amx-bots;
Output of the example:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1 hl1-amx-bots; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 11:24:23 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server to 'paint' the stencil on: [ID=server0hl1] Game-stencil to 'paint' with: [ID=hl1-amx-bots] Temp folder (for zipping process): /home/game-servers/temp Input File: /home/game-servers/stencils/ Paint Folder: /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats/Details BEFORE painting: Size of server install: 934M /home/game-servers/server0hl1 Size of server game/mod folder: 550M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats for server install: 129 directories, 5465 files Stats for server game/mod folder: 83 directories, 4284 files Paint command being used: nice -n 19 7za x -mmt=off -aoa -o/home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve -w/home/game-servers/temp /home/game-servers/stencils/ Painting the server with stencil ... Stats/Details AFTER painting: Size of server install: 970M /home/game-servers/server0hl1 Size of server game/mod folder: 586M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve Stats for server install: 148 directories, 5750 files Stats for server game/mod folder: 102 directories, 4569 files +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 11:24:24 AM PDT 2024 (1 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
21 - Running Servers (Interactively)
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before game-servers may be run, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table. Before attempting to run a game-server, refer to the earlier section of this guide about the game-servers table to properly add the information for your new game-server into that table with some sort of text-editor.
  • For a game-server to be ran it must already be installed. That should be obvious.
  • Since this is an interactive process, to exit the running game-server process (which is effectively its own command-prompt), you may need to enter the "quit" command. Even doing after so, the game-server may attempt to restart itself (usually true of games built on the older HLDS system for GoldSrc[] games). In which case you will have probably a 10-second window in which the press CTRL+C to break out of the game-server's command-prompt, and return to the Linux command-prompt ("shell").
Using the component:
The running of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) a single GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it run. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;

Example of using the component:
Command to install the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the command (and using "quit" and CTRL+C to return to the Linux shell):
game-servers@wGASM:~/wGASM$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 11:42:50 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Start-up command-line: nice -n 10 ./hlds_run -game valve -secure -port 27101 +ip Starting game server ... nice -n 10 ./hlds_run -game valve -secure -port 27101 +ip Auto-restarting the server on crash Console initialized. Using breakpad crash handler Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 70 Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit Protocol version 48 Exe version (valve) Exe build: 23:25:09 Dec 9 2023 (9907) STEAM Auth Server Server logging data to file logs/L0613000.log L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: Log file started (file "logs/L0613000.log") (game "valve") (version "48/") Server IP address Metamod version 1.21p38 Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Will Day Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v38 Copyright (c) 2004-2018 Jussi Kivilinna Metamod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details. L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] Metamod v1.21p38 2018/02/11 L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] by Will Day L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v38 L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] by Jussi Kivilinna L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] compiled: Feb 11 2018, 11:05:06 EET (optimized) L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] Recognized game 'valve'; Autodetection override; using dllfile '' L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] Game DLL for ' (autodetect-override)' loaded successfully L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] ini: Begin reading plugins list: /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <> L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <> L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /home/game-servers/server0hl1/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 2 plugins to load L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] dll: Loading plugins... AMX Mod X version 1.8.2 Copyright (c) 2004-2006 AMX Mod X Development Team AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'. This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details. L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'AMX Mod X': AMX Mod X v1.8.2 Feb 14 2013, AMX Mod X Dev Team L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] dll: Note: plugin '<>' is using an older interface version (5:7), not the latest interface version (5:13); there might be an updated version of the plugin JK_Botti: plugin attaching L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [JK_BOTTI] JK_Botti: plugin attaching L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: Server cvar "jk_botti_version" = "1.42" L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'JK_Botti': JK_Botti v1.42 Jan 7 2009, Jussi Kivilinna L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:50: [META] dll: Finished loading 2 plugins [jk_botti] Standard HL1DM assumed. [jk_botti] Loading valve/addons/jk_botti/jk_botti_names.txt... [jk_botti] Loading valve/addons/jk_botti/jk_botti_logo.cfg... [jk_botti] Loading valve/addons/jk_botti/jk_botti_chat.txt... L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:51: Log file closed Server logging data to file logs/L0613001.log {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:51: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.2" [jk_botti] Loading waypoint file: valve/addons/jk_botti/waypoints/gasworks.wpt [jk_botti] - loaded: 1014 waypoints, 11156 paths [jk_botti] [matrix load] - loading jk_botti waypoint path matrix couldn't exec maps/gasworks_load.cfg [AMXX] Loaded 1 admin from file {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} Could not find steamerrorreporter binary. Any minidumps will be uploaded in-process[jk_botti] Added total 0 map-object based waypoints and updated flags for 10! [jk_botti] Executing valve/addons/jk_botti/jk_botti.cfg L 06/13/2024 - 11:42:51: Started map "gasworks" (CRC "24041791") {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} Connection to Steam servers successful. VAC secure mode is activated. {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} quit couldn't exec maps/gasworks_unload.cfg hostname: [Test] Half-Life (Hl1) version : 48/ 9907 secure (70) tcp/ip : map : gasworks at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 8 active (32 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "Nomad[bot]" 1 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 2 "R2D2[bot]" 2 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 3 "FemBot[bot]" 3 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 4 "Robby_The_Robot[bot]" 4 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 5 "Hymie[bot]" 5 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 6 "Lain_of_the_Wired[bot]" 6 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 7 "Project_2501[bot]" 7 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 # 8 "EVE[bot]" 8 BOT 0 00:15 0 0 8 users {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} Reason: Server shutting down Server IP address L 06/13/2024 - 11:43:06: Server shutdown L 06/13/2024 - 11:43:06: Log file closed L 06/13/2024 - 11:43:06: Server shutdown Thu Jun 13 11:43:06 AM PDT 2024: Server restart in 10 seconds ^C game-servers@wGASM:~/wGASM$
22 - Starting Servers
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be started, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • For a game-server to be started it must already be installed. That should be obvious.
  • Going forward, we will differentiate starting a server from merely running a server. We will use the term running to refer to running it interactively directly in the Linux shell. Were as, we will use the term starting to refer to having the game-server operate as a disconnected background process - under GNU screen[].
  • If you attempt to start a game-server that is already started, it will be effectively restarted.
Using the component:
The starting of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it start. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • If the game-server matching that GameServerID is already started, invoke the component to stop that game-server.
  • Wrap the component in GNU screen[] allowing it to operate as a disconnected background process.
  • Assign a GNU screen[] process name (based on the GameServerID) - which can be used to reconnect to it, send commands to it, or stop it later.
If you want to start multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;
Of course, all GameServerID's specified must already be included in the game-servers table. If any of them do not, the component will display and error message and stop (when it gets to trying to start that GameServerID).

Example of using the component:
Command to start the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 12:17:40 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) No background instance of this game server detected. Starting game with the 'screen' utility ... Displaying list of 'screen' processes, AFTER start attempt ... There is a screen on: 71982.server0hl1 (06/13/2024 12:17:40 PM) (Detached) 1 Socket in /run/screen/S-game-servers. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 12:17:40 PM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
23 - Stopping Servers
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be stop, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • Going forward, we will differentiate a server that is started from a server that is merely running. We will use the term running to refer to it being running interactively directly in a Linux shell. Were as, we will use the term started to refer to having the game-server operating as a disconnected background process - under GNU screen[].
  • If you attempt to stop a game-server that is not already started, it will attempt to stop it anyway - but no harm done.
Using the component:
The stopping of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it start. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Connect to the GNU screen[] matching that GameServerID.
  • Send a command to that process. to display a text message to any players - warning about the shut-down.
  • Send a command to that process, to play and audible message to any players - warning about the shut-down.
  • Wait a few seconds, to allow time for the audible message to play.
  • Send the "quit" command to that process.
  • Wait a few seconds, and then send CTRL+C to that process.
  • Wait a few more seconds, and then use the Linux "kill" command to terminate the process (if it is still running at that point).
If you want to stop multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;

Example of using the component:
Command to stop the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 01:04:50 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Displaying in-game notification ... Playing in-game audible alert ... Allowing 15-sec for alert to play ... Sending the 'quit' command ... Allowing 3-sec for graceful exit ... Sending the CTRL+C to game server ... Allowing 1-sec before resorting to Linux 'kill' command ... Using 'kill' command on game server process ... Displaying of 'screen' processes, AFTER stop attempt ... No Sockets found in /run/screen/S-game-servers. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 01:05:09 PM PDT 2024 (19 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
24 - Sending Commands to Servers
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before you can send commands to a game-server, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • Before you can send commands to a game-server, it must already be started.
  • We differentiate a server that is started from a server that is merely running. We use the term running to refer to it being running interactively directly in a Linux shell. Were as, we use the term started to refer to having the game-server operating as a disconnected background process - under GNU screen[].
Using the component:
Sending commands to game-servers is performed with the component. The command-line parameters that it requires are a single GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it run, followed by whatever command(s) should be sent to that game-server's "console". Generally, it is best to enclose the command(s) in double-quotes to ensure it gets passed correctly to the game-server process For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere "Some commands here";

Example of using the component:
Command to install the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1 "say This is a TEST!";
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1 "say This is a TEST!"; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 03:24:40 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Command to send: ... say This is a TEST! Sending command ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 03:24:40 PM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~$ screen -r server0hl1
25 - Generating Backup Exclusion Lists
About backup exclusion lists:
Essentially backup exclusion lists are lists of all the default "stock" content for a given game. These lists are then used by the component to exclude all the game's default "stock" content from the backup process. This makes the backup process both faster and the resultant backup files smaller by only backing-up the customized content, such as updated configuration files, any custom maps added, any custom server-side mods, etc. The difference between backing an entire game-server folder, compared to just backing-up the customization can be huge. The table below shows some real-world examples:

Full server installation
Just the mod sub-folder
Just customization
Half-Life (moderately customized)
Counter-Strike 1.6 (moderately customized)
Team Fortress 2 (heavily customized)
Counter-Strike 2 (minimally customized)

Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a backup exclusion list for a game-server may be generated, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • The downside to using backup exclusion lists, is that you need as much spare drive space, as the largest game you intend to host. So, as an example, if you planned to host a Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) game-server, you would need an extra 36+GB available - beyond what your CS2 game-server itself is consuming.
  • While generation of backup exclusion lists for some older games (such as HL1 or CS1) may complete very quickly, other more modern names (such as TF2 or especially CS2) may take a very long time to complete.

Using the component:
Generating backup exclusion lists for game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it generate a backup exclusion list for. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Install another copy of the same game associated with that game-server, in a seperate temporary folder.
  • Generate a backup exclusion list, based on the default "stock" content in that temporary folder.
  • Place the newly-generated backup exclusion list in the backup-configs folder (typically ~/wgasm/backup-configs) - named for the GameServerID provided.
  • Delete that temporary folder to free-up disk space.
If you want to build backup exclusion lists for multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;
Of course, all GameServerID's specified must already be included in the game-servers table. If any of them do not, the component will display and error message and stop (when it gets to trying to generate a backup exclusion list for that GameServerID).

Example of using the component:
Command to generate a backup exclusion list for the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 05:50:37 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Full command-line to send to SteamCMD: /home/game-servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir /home/game-servers/temp/temp-install/stock-hl1 +login anonymous +app_config 90 mod valve +app_update 90 +quit Redirecting stderr to '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' Logging directory: '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs' [] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1718305764 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 0.01 (50486 / 937135369) {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 69.99 (655902909 / 937135369) Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 80.71 (756394254 / 937135369) Success! App '90' fully installed. Size of temporary installation: 900M /home/game-servers/temp/temp-install/stock-hl1/ Generating an updated exclude file ... Purging the temporary game installation ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 05:51:35 PM PDT 2024 (58 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$

26 - Backing-Up Servers
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be backed-up, both backup include and exclude exclude files for that game-server must exist in the backup-configs folder (typically ~/wgasm/backup-configs).
  • The backup include must be named with the GameServerID followed by "-include.txt".
  • The backup exclude must be named with the GameServerID followed by "-exclude.txt".
  • All paths specified in both the include and exclude lists are relative to the game-server's installation folder.
  • The backup exclude is typically generated by the component. If there is no system-generated backup exclusion list, then a file (even if blank) must at exist.
  • The backup include should include the list of file/folder paths (relative to the game-server's install folder) to be included in the backup.
  • If a thorough backup exclusion list has been generated, this could be a simple as just the game's mod-sub-folder.
  • If a thorough backup exclusion list is NOT being used, this should be more detailed. Including things such as:
    • Any customized configuration files.
    • Any custom sound or music files.
    • Any custom map files.
    • Any additional files that the custom maps require (models, sounds, etc.).
    • Folders for any server-side modifications (e.g. addons/)
  • For a game-server to be backed-up it must already be installed. That should be obvious.
  • It is recommended that you copy or replicate your backup-folder off the computer or synchronize them to a Cloud service. So that, in the event of some kind of catastrophic system failure, you will have copies of all your backups to use for rebuilding everything.

Using the component:
The backing-up of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to back-up. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Use p7zip (a Linux implementation of 7-Zip[] to create an archive file.
  • Use the backup include list to instruct p7zip which files/folders to include in the backup.
  • Use the backup exclude list to instruct p7zip which files/folders to exclude from the backup.
  • The resultant archive (.zip) file, will be place into the backups-folder (typically ~/backups);

If you want to back-up multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;
Of course, all GameServerID's specified must already be included in the game-servers table. If any of them do not, the component will display and error message and stop (when it gets to trying to start that GameServerID).

Example of using the component:
Command to back-up the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 06:28:37 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server (or backup config) to backup: [ID=server0hl1] Listing any previous backups ... Deleting any previous backup ... Creating a new backup ... Backup command being used: nice -n 19 7za a -tzip -mmt=off -snl -w/home/game-servers/temp /home/game-servers/backups/ @/home/game-servers/wgasm/backup-configs/server0hl1-include.txt -xr@/home/game-servers/wgasm/backup-configs/server0hl1-exclude.txt ... should be done. Listing backups ... -rw-rw-r-- 1 194K Jun 13 18:28 /home/game-servers/backups/ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 06:28:37 PM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
27 - Restoring Servers from Backups
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before game-servers may be restored, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • The backup archive (.zip) file must be located in the backup-folder (typically ~/backups).
  • The backup contents will be restored to a sub-folder named for the GameServerID, branched from the default server install folder (typically ~/).

Using the component:
The restore of game-servers from backups, is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to restore from backups. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Restore the contents to a sub-folder named for the GameServerID, branched from the default server install folder (typically ~/).

If you want to restore multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;
Of course, all GameServerID's specified must already be included in the game-servers table. If any of them do not, the component will display and error message and stop (when it gets to trying to restore that GameServerID).

Example of using the component:
Command to restore the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Thu Jun 13 08:41:00 PM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server (or backup config) to restore: [ID=server0hl1] List any matching backups available ... -rw-rw-r-- 1 194K Jun 13 18:29 /home/game-servers/backups/ Restoring the backup ... Restore command being used: nice -n 19 7za x -mmt=off -aoa -o/home/game-servers -w/home/game-servers/temp /home/game-servers/backups/ Listing restored folder (listing limited to 2 levels deep) ... /home/game-servers/server0hl1 {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} ├── valve {NOTE: A bunch of sample output removed here for brevity} 33 directories, 114 files +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Thu Jun 13 08:41:00 PM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
28 - Updating Servers
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be updated, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
Using the component:
The updating of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it update. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • If the game-server is started, use the component to display a text message to any players - warning about the update.
  • If the game-server is started, use the component to play and audible message to any players - warning about the update.
  • If the game-server is started, Wait a one minute.
  • If the game-server is started, invoke the component on that server.
  • Invoke the component to update that server.
  • If the game-server was started before, invoke the to start the server again.
If you want to update multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;

Example of using the component:
Command to update the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 10:16:53 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) No background instance of this game server detected. Updating content of this game-server ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 10:16:53 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Full command-line to send to SteamCMD: /home/game-servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir /home/game-servers/server0hl1 +login anonymous +app_set_config 90 mod valve +app_update 90 +quit Redirecting stderr to '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' Logging directory: '/home/game-servers/Steam/logs' [] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1718305764 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Success! App '90' already up to date. Size of game-server installation (including any mods): 900M /home/game-servers/server0hl1/ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 10:16:57 AM PDT 2024 (4 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 10:16:57 AM PDT 2024 (4 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
29 - Checking Servers (for Updates)
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be checked, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • For a game-server to be checked it must already be installed. That should be obvious.
  • For the check function to be truly useful, it should be scheduled to occur regularly for each server being hosted.
  • This is best performed by adding various commands to the related cron scripts - and having those scripts added to the Linux cron[] scheduler.
  • For the check function, it is best scheduled hourly - to minimize server down-time.
Using the component:
The checking of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it check. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • Compare the version of the game installed, to the version available in Steam.
  • If the versions are the same, do not do anything else, just exit.
  • If the versions are different, assume an update is needed and proceed as follows.
  • Invoke the component, to make a backup of the game-server first.
  • Invoke the component, to apply the latest update to the game-server.
  • Invoke the component, to regenerate the backup exclusion list - since the content of the game has changed.
If you want to check multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;

Example of using the component:
Command to check the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 10:30:32 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) URL to use for update-check: Checking the current version against the update-check URL now ... Evaluating the SteamAPI update check output ... [X] SteamAPI update check was successful. [X] Server installation is already up-to-date. Server already up-to-date, NOT attempting update. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 10:30:32 AM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
30 - Monitoring Servers (for Issues)
Requirements / Notes:
  • Before a game-server may be monitored, the details for it must be populated into the game-servers table.
  • For a game-server to be monitored it must already be started. That should be obvious.
  • For the monitor function to be truly useful, it should be scheduled to occur regularly for each server being hosted.
  • This is best performed by adding various commands to the related cron scripts - and having those scripts added to the Linux cron[] scheduler.
  • For the monitor function, it is best scheduled at least hourly, or better more often - to minimize server down-time.
  • The two most common errors detected are the very generic fatal error or segmentation fault conditions.
  • Unfortunately, sometimes game-servers just stop working / responding, without actually displaying any error message on the console, but also do not properly self-terminate. When this happens, they are still technically operating (i.e. the Linux process continues), but they are not doing anything useful- and there is no further console activity.
  • The stale log monitoring feature can detect this, by examining the GNU screen logs validate they show activity in the last specified threshold.
  • However, an empty server with no players and no bots (or hibernating bots) may also result in a false-positive stale-log condition. Consequently, you should only enable the stale-log monitoring, if you have a server-side modification loaded the ensures that there is always some kind of console activity - at least once per minute.
  • The example stencils that provide AMX_Mod-X or SourceMod include such a plug-in.
Using the component:
The monitoring of game-servers is performed with the component. The only command-line parameter that it requires (or accepts) is the GameServerID of the game-server you wish to have it monitor. For example:
~/wgasm/ SomeGameServerIDHere;
When properly invoked, the component, will:
  • If no GameServerID is passed as a parameter, display and error message and exit.
  • If the server is not started, assume it was shut-down intentionally, and exit.
  • Access the GNU screen[] output log for the GameServerID specified.
  • Detect if the log ends with a fatal error message.
  • Detect if the log ends with a segmentation fault message.
  • If stale-log monitoring is enabled for this server, detect if the age of the log exceeds the specified threshold.
  • If any of those conditions are detected, invoke the component.
If you want to monitor multiple servers as part of the same command, you may specify more than one GameServerID as command-line parameters, separated by spaces. For example:
~/wgasm/ gameserver1 gameserver2 gameserverN;

Example-1 of using the component:
Command to monitor the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ screen -r server0hl1 [detached from 139371.server0hl1] game-servers@Desktop3:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 11:17:43 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Is related screen process running?: true Monitor for stale 'screen' logging?: false Most recent 'screen' log actvity: 2 seconds ago. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 11:17:43 AM PDT 2024 (0 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$

Example-2 of using the component:
Command to monitor the example Half-Life (HL1) game-server:
~/wgasm/ server0hl1;
Output of the example command:
game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$ ~/wgasm/ server0hl1; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:03 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Is related screen process running?: true Monitor for stale 'screen' logging?: true Most recent 'screen' log actvity: 503 seconds ago. __ __ _ \ \ / /_ _ _ __ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` (_) \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| |_ \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, (_) |___/ Stale 'screen' log-file detected! Restarting this game server ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:04 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Stopping background instance of this game server ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Begin:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:04 AM PDT 2024 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game-server selected: [ID=server0hl1] server0hl1 - Half-Life (HL1) Displaying in-game notification ... Playing in-game audible alert ... Allowing 15-sec for alert to play ... Sending the 'quit' command ... Allowing 3-sec for graceful exit ... Sending the CTRL+C to game server ... Allowing 1-sec before resorting to Linux 'kill' command ... Using 'kill' command on game server process ... Displaying of 'screen' processes, AFTER stop attempt ... No Sockets found in /run/screen/S-game-servers. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:23 AM PDT 2024 (19 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Stopped background instance of this game server. Starting game with the 'screen' utility ... Displaying list of 'screen' processes, AFTER start attempt ... There is a screen on: 140637.server0hl1 (06/14/2024 11:26:23 AM) (Detached) 1 Socket in /run/screen/S-game-servers. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:23 AM PDT 2024 (19 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End:, at Fri Jun 14 11:26:23 AM PDT 2024 (20 secs) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ game-servers@wGASM:~/wgasm$
31 - Webmin
Requirements / Notes:
  • Webmin[] is a web-based management interface for Linux, that provides an easy way to administer a Linux installation using a web-browser.
  • All the following examples assume that you are using Google Chrome[] as your web-browser. If you are using some other web-browser, everything should still work as expected, but error messages and some other aspects of the screens may look a bit different.
  • If you allowed the script to install Webmin[] for you, and allowed it to install the related "Custom Commands" they should already be available. However, they should really only be operated while logged-in as the "game-servers" Linux user.
Determining IP Address:
You will need to know the IP Address of your server to access Webmin[]. If you are renting a VPS from a hosting provider, this is the same IP address they provided to use for SSH access.

Alternatively, if you installed Debian[] yourself on a physical computer or virtual machine, you can determine its current IP address by logging-into the console as root, and entering the following command:
That command will respond with output somewhat like this:
enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 --> inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe88:d8fe prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 08:00:27:88:d8:fe txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 1311293 bytes 435409763 (415.2 MiB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 815177 bytes 194294624 (185.2 MiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
The IP address will show in a similar location in the output of the ifconfig command on your Debian installation.

If you did not (yet) run the script, you should really go do that, or most things in this guide are not going to work. However, if while trying to use the ifconfig command, it says that it is not installed or available, you may need to install the net-tools package manually. You can install the net-tools package using this command:
apt-get install -y net-tools;

Accessing Webmin:
If you installed Webmin[] manually yourself, then it should be reachable with a web-browser on another computer using the local IP address of your Linux computer (or virtual machine), on the default port number 10000. For example, if the local IP address of your Linux computer were w.x.y.z, the URL to enter in your web-browser would be:
If you allowed the script to install Webmin[] for you, then then it should be reachable with a web-browser on another computer using the local IP address of your Linux computer, on the alternative secure-web port number 8443. For example, if the local IP address of your Linux computer were w.x.y.z, the URL to enter in your web-browser would be:
From here forward, all examples assume that you allowed the script to install Webmin[] for you, and is consequently using the alternative secure-web port number 8443,

Logging-into Webmin:
Your web-browser will probably complain that the web-site you are accessing is not "secure". This is expected behavior since Webmin[] does not have a "real" SSL certificate installed. Since this is essentially your own web-site, you can safely ignore this error, and safely proceed to Webmin[] by clicking the Advanced button.

On the next screen, it will likely warn again about the web-site not having a "real" SSL certificate installed. you can safely click the proceed option.

You should then be presented with the login screen for Webmin[]:

Depending on which Linux user you log-into Webmin[] with, you may be presented with different menu options.

Logging-in as root:
Logging-in with either root or another privileged sudo-enabled user (either of which are effectively Linux system administrators), is useful for tasks such as:
  • Setting-up scheduled maintenance tasks, using Cron[] jobs.
  • Adding and/or updating system packages.
  • Setting the clock / time-zone settings for the system.
  • Configuring Linux firewall features, such as IP Tables[].
  • Possibly, setting-up an Apache[] web-server, to enable some game's FastDL feature.
If you log-in with either root or another privileged sudo-enabled user, you will see menu items for all installed modules - effectively allowing you administrative access to the entire Linux operating system.

Note that at the bottom of the menus in the left-side panel, it will show which user you are currently logged-in with.

Logging-in as game-servers:
Logging-in with the unprivileged (non-administrator) user, such as the "game-servers" user, is useful for tasks such as:
  • Accessing the "Custom Commands", which provides access to all wGASM functions.
  • Uploading files (such as custom maps, and server-side modifications) for game-servers.
  • Editing configuration files for game-servers.
if you log-in with the unprivileged (non-administrator) user, such as the "game-servers" user, you will be presented with a more limited set of options on the menu - effectively limited to just tasks associated with administration and maintenance of game-servers.

Note that at the bottom of the menus in the left-side panel, it will show which user you are currently logged-in with.
32 - Webmin "Custom Commands"
Requirements / Notes:
  • Webmin[] must be installed.
  • The wGASM-provided "Custom Commands" must be installed.
  • You must login to Webmin[] as game-servers
Accessing Custom Commands:
A set of "Custom Commands" for Webmin[] are made available, to effectively act as a web-interface for wGASM features. They are accessed (while logged-in as game-servers) by selecting the Custom Commands option on menu in the left-side panel.

The list of wGASM-related Custom Commands is long, but can generally be broken-down into several categories:
  • Diagnostics.
  • Configuration.
  • Performing functions on a single server.
  • Performing functions on multiple servers.
Each component is also numbered to make it easy to refer-to later.

Diagnostic Custom Commands:
These options are provided largely for diagnostic purposes, and to not perform any direct action on the game-servers themselves, or (normally) alter any configuration data. Generally, they display information about the system as a whole, game-types, stencils as well as the game-servers. Each option has an adjacent description that should make it obvious what each does.

Of particular note, is the (relatively new) option "00 - TEST Configuration" - which will display configuration information that wGASM uses along with both the computers local and public IP addresses. If you are renting a virtual private server (VPS) from a hosting provider, these are probably the same. Whereas, if you are hosting this yourself at home, they are probably different.

Configuration Custom Commands:
The next set of options provide easy editing of various configuration options, such as:
  • Editing the wGASM central configuration file (config.txt).
  • Editing the wGASM game types table (game-types.tsv).
  • Editing the wGASM game servers table (game-servers.tsv).
  • Editing the wGASM game stencils table (game-stencils.tsv).
  • Editing various "lists" used for Webmin[] menus that follow.
In particular there are two "list" files that are critical to the rest of the Custom Commands:
  • The "Servers Menu List" (~/wgasm/webmin/list-servers-all.txt): This file contains a list of GameServerID's that will be used by the other options that have a "Select" option to select a game-server. This list is initially populated with the GameServerID of each example game-server - using the same GameServerID from game servers table (game-servers.tsv). As you add your own servers to the game servers table (game-servers.tsv), you must also add their GameServerID to this list - otherwise they will not be displayed when using other Custom Commands that allow picking the server from a "list.
  • The "Backups Menu List" (~/wgasm/webmin/list-backups-all.txt): This list file should have the same content as the The "Servers Menu List" (list-servers-all.txt) noted above, plus a few extra entries for things than can be backed-up (and possibly restored, but are not game-servers. This is typically an option the back-up the entire ~/wgasm folder, specific configuration data for wGASM, the ~/stencils folder, etc. Of course, all the game-servers must be listed here as well - to allow them to be selected for backups, restores, etc.
Single-Server Custom Commands:
The next set of options are for functions that are performed for a single specific game-server, using the "Servers Menu List" (list-servers-all.txt) to provide a drop-down list of game-servers to select from. These include commonly-used functions, such as:
  • Start a single game-server.
  • Stop a single game-server.
  • Forcibly update a single game-server.
  • Send a command to a game-server's console.
As an example, using option "32: STOP (Select)". This will select which game-server to stop, as depicted below:

Multi-Server Custom Commands:
The last set of options are for functions that are performed for multiple game-servers. When clicked, each option will allow you to browse for a "list" text file, and will run the selected option for all game-servers in that list. For the list, you may use:
  • The "Servers Menu List" (~/wgasm/webmin/list-servers-all.txt).
  • The "Backups Menu List" (~/wgasm/webmin/list-backups-all.txt).
  • Any other plain-text list file that you care to create in the ~/wgasm/webmin folder.
As an example, using option "52: STOP (List)", selecting the ~/wgasm/webmin/list-servers-all.txt list. This will effectively stop all servers listed in that file, which in this case is any of the example game-servers that may be running, as depicted below:

33 - Scheduled "Cron" Jobs

Requirements / Notes:
  • Maintenance tasks may be performed automatically on a scheduled basis, by using the Linux Cron[] job-scheduler.
  • Any such scheduled tasks should be configured to operated under the unprivileged / non-root / non-sudo Linux user (i.e. "game-servers").
  • Do NOT schedule the cron scripts directly in Cron[].
  • Instead, the component to "wrap" the scripts.
  • The component implements some basic conflict avoidance to prevent scheduled scripts from running at the same time - potentially interfering with each other.
  • This can be particularly problematic if one of the scripts sometimes runs longer than it does at other times.
  • For example: The component might normally complete quickly (in under one minute), but will take much longer (30-45 minutes?) if an update for Counter-Strike 2 needs to be installed.
Tasks to schedule:
Tasks they you may want to schedule to run automatically might include:
  • Monitoring game-servers for unrecoverable conditions, using
  • Automatically applying any new updates for game-servers, using
  • Backing-up game-servers, using
  • Clearing-out old logs.
Schedule recommendations:
The recommended schedule would be four (4) different jobs - each schedule in a way that minimizes overlapping:
  • Weekly: A job scheduled once per week, which performs the longest-running tasks (backups, etc.), at the least active time of day.
  • Daily: A job scheduled every day (except the day the weekly job runs, schedule to run at the same time of day the weekly job is scheduled.
  • Hourly: A job scheduled to run every hour of every day - except the hour of day that the weekly and daily jobs are scheduled.
  • Often: A job scheduled to run several times an hour - except the hour of day that the weekly and daily jobs are scheduled.
Job recommendations:
The recommended tasks to run during each schedule are:
  • Weekly:
    • Use to stop all the game-servers normally left started.
    • Clear all the logs from the logs folder (typically ~/logs)
    • Use to backup your wGASM configuration files.
    • Use to backup all your installed game-servers.
    • Use to restart all the game-servers normally left started.
  • Daily:
    • Use to backup your wGASM configuration files.
    • Use to restart any servers that tend to have issues if you leave them running for multiple days at a time (for example: Team Fortress 2).
  • Hourly:
    • Use for each game-server that you normally leave started (to ensure they keep updated with the latest version).
  • Often:
    • Use for each game-server that you normally leave started (to ensure they keep operating).
Example schedule:
An example schedule based on that might be:
  • Weekly: 03:00 AM on Mondays.
  • Daily: 03:00 AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Hourly: 23-hours per day (effectively every hour except 03:00 AM) at the "top" of the hour (__:00).
  • Often: Several times every hour (except the 03:00 AM hour) - also avoiding the "top" of the hour to prevent conflicting with the hourly job.
Example scripts:
For each recommended scheduled job, there is an example script in the cron sub-folder (typically ~/wgasm/cron).
  • Weekly: Example:
  • Daily: Example:
  • Hourly: Example:
  • Often: Example:
Example Cron jobs:
Implementing the example scripts using the example schedule, would result in a crontab configuration such as this:
# 0 3 * * 1 /home/game-servers/wgasm/; #Game-Server Maintenance: WEEKLY # 0 3 * * 0,2-6 /home/game-servers/wgasm/; #Game-Server Maintenance: DAILY # 0 0-2,4-23 * * * /home/game-servers/wgasm/; #Game-Server Maintenance: HOURLY # 5,10,15,20,25,29,35,40,45,50,55 0-2,4-23 * * * /home/game-servers/wgasm/; #Game-Server Maintenance: OFTEN
Example Cron jobs (in Webmin):
If you have Webmin[] installed, it is easy to create an manage scheduled Cron[] jobs - using it's "Scheduled Cron Jobs" module.
  • Log-into Webmin[] in a web-browser as a privileged Linux user (i.e. "root" or some sudo-enabled user).
  • Expand the "System" menu in the left-panel.
  • From the expanded "System" menu, select the "Scheduled Cron Jobs" option.
  • Click the "Create new scheduled cron job" button.
  • For the new job, ensure the user specified is "game-servers".
  • Select the option to make the job as either "Inactive" or "Active" depending on whether or not you would like them to start immediately.
  • In the "Command" field, enter the full path to the script, followed by the name of the script (in the cron folder) for the wrapper to use.
  • In the "Description" field, enter the relevant description.
  • Select the schedule details for that job - day(s) of the week, hour(s) of the day, minutes of those hour(s), etc.
  • Click the "Create" button.
The result should look something like this image:
35 - Example VM(s), Part-1
Requirements / Notes:
  • This guide assumes you already have either VirtualBox[] or VMware[] installed, and
  • Know how to use it - how to create virtual machines, where the default file locations for virtual machines are located, etc.
  • While it may be possible to port the example virtual machine from VirtualBox and/or VMware to other virtualization platforms (such Hyper-V[], or KVM[]). However, doing so is beyond the scope of this guide.
What is available:
Example virtual machines (VM's) are available for two different virtualization platforms (aka "hypervisors"). These are:
  • VirtualBox: VirtualBox[] is a free virtualization product, which is available for several different desktop operating systems including: Windows, Linux and MacOS. You can download VirtualBox[] from the official download site[].
  • VMware: VMware[] is a commercial virtualization system. However, they do offer free-for-non-commercial-use versions of their desktop virtualization products, specifically VMware Workstation[] (for Windows and Linux), and VMware Fusion[] for MacOS. However, although now available on a free-for-non-commercial-use basis, frankly it is harder than it needs to be to navigate your way through the VMware / Broadcom maze of web-sites to register for an account and then finally find the right download links. I have included a VMware[] image mostly for people who may already be familiar with and have VMware[] installed.
Downloading the VM(s):
The size of the VM image (compressed with 7-zip[]) is approximately 2-GB. Both the VirtualBox[] and VMWare[] drive images are available in my public DropBox, here:

Purpose of the VM(s):
The example VM(s) were created primarily as a learning tool. However, they could also be used to host games locally at your residence or office. They are not really intended for hosting games on the Internet (at your residence or office). Doing that would involve additional issues, such as:
  • Potential asynchronous Internet bandwidth issues. This refers to your Internet connection having a much bigger download speed, compared to upload speed. This is particularly common for residential or small-business Internet connections using cable-modems[], DSL[] or wireless broadband[] connections. To host game-servers that are reasonably playable from others on the Internet, you really need good upload speed - basically matching your download speed. Otherwise, while the game may play fine for you locally, for others on the Internet it will lag too painfully to be playable.
  • Network port-forwarding / firewall issues. This refers to your Internet connection's router/firewall feature not (by default) allowing inbound traffic for various types of servers. In the local router / firewall that connects your at home/small-office to the Internet (which might be yours, or rented from your Internet Service Provider) you will need to allow whatever "ports" are being used for your game-servers (typically 27000-27999), and ensure they are "forwarded" to the inside IP address of the VPS.
It is beyond the scope of this guide to cover either of those issues.

Specifications of the VM(s):
The example VM(s) are built with just enough storage space and memory to be able to have several game-servers installed, but only one (1) or maybe two (2) running at any given time.

The specifications of the virtual machine(s), are as follows:

VirtualBox[] VDI format for Windows, Linux or MacOS.
~ or ~
VMware[] VMDK format, which should work with any of these products (and possibly some others):
  • VMware Player for Windows or Linux,
  • VMware Workstation for Windows or Linux,
  • VMware Fusion for MacOS,
  • VMware ESX/ESXi (their data-center product).

2x Virtual CPU.
Network Interface:
"Bridged" to host computer network (shows on the local network as its own computer, and should get its own IP address dynamically).
100-GB virtual drive size.
Approximately 10-GB of space already utilized.
Compressed down (using 7-zip[]) about 2-GB for the initial download.

Features of the VM(s):
The features included in the virtual machine(s), are as follows:

Base Operating System:
Debian version 12.5 "Bookworm" (Link[])
Non-GUI "headless-server" installation.
SSH & Webmin[] access enabled.
Linux-native Steam-based game-server installer:
SteamCMD pre-installed,
Management System:
wGASM[] pre-installed.
Linux Management:
Webmin[], with the wGASM-related "Custom Commands" pre-installed.

NOTE: Webmin is configured on port 8443 (not the default of 10000)
Linux Firewall
IP Tables configured with some default filtering rules, such as:
  • Allow game-servers on ports 27000 to 27999.
  • Allow SSH only from local network (
  • Allow Webmin only from local network (
36 - Example VM(s), Part-2
Logging into the example VM:
After you get the virtual machine (VM) downloaded, extracted, placed into the proper folder, and added to VirtualBox[] or VMware[], you can log into it's virtual console directly in as either of these two Linux users:

Linux User
System administrative user, for installing/updating packages, etc.
Do NOT use for game-servers!

NOTE: You should change this password immediately.
All example game-servers, SteamCMD, and all wGASM functions should be run under this user.

NOTE: You should change this password immediately.

Both of those Linux users should also have the ability to login with both SSH[] and through the Webmin[] interface in a web-browser on your host computer.

To find the IP address of the virtual machine, login to it's virtual console as "root", and use this command:
It should display some output like this:
ens33: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 --> inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fe54:f843 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 00:0c:29:54:f8:43 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) {more crap here} lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) {more crap here}
Note this line in the output:
inet netmask broadcast
In that case, the local IP address of your virtual machine would be:

Example Dedicated Servers:
The example virtual machine (VM) implements one sample game-server for each of the ten (10) game-types that that have been specifically tested with wGASM.

Although the example VM has example servers for all of the ten (10) game-types configured, it does not have sufficient memory to have more than one (1) or maybe two (2) actually running at the same time.

The gameserverid and portnumber assigned to each sample is listed in the table below:

Network Port

Shutting-down the example VM:
To gracefully shut-down the example virtual machine (VM), you should:
  • Be sure to stop any game server(s) you previously had running.
  • Log-out of Webmin[].
  • Log-out of any SSH sessions.
  • Go to the virtual console for the example VM.
  • Login to the console as root.
  • Use this command to shut-down the virtual machine:
    shutdown -h now;
37 - Example VM(s), Part-3
As noted previously, the example virtual machine (VM) is primarily intended as a learning tool. However, if you are going to have it turned-on for an extended period of time (perhaps to host a LAN-game), you should consider some additional actions to prevent it being exploited either from other computers on the same local network, or from the Internet.

Changing the default passwords:
The first and most important basic change, should be changing the default passwords for both the root and game-servers Linux users.

This can be accomplished by
  • Logging in as root to the virtual console (or over the network using SSH), and then using the passwd[] command to change the password for root.
  • Logging in as game-servers to the virtual console (or over the network using SSH), and then using the passwd[] command to change the password for game-servers.

Host-based firewall:
Please note also that the example VM does already have a rudimentary host-based firewall feature enabled - called IP Tables[]. Some basic rules have been setup - which can be viewed in Webmin while logged-in as root.

This existing host-based firewall implementation does already include these rules (along with some other basic stuff):
  • The SSH server (on TCP port 22) may only be accessed from local networks (specifically in CIDR notation).
  • The "Webmin" interface (on TCP port 8443) may only be accessed from local networks (specifically in CIDR notation).
  • Game-servers must be assigned ports in the 27000-27999 port-range.

NOTE: Although the current IP Tables[] setup is configured to permit game-servers operating in the 27000-27999 port-range - each of the existing example game-servers already configured, are assigned ports from a smaller subset range of 27100-27199 range. This is intended to keep any ports used by the example game- servers from interfering with local game-clients that might be running the same local network.
[WL] Weasel Ⓢ (Probably AFK)  [author] Sep 11 @ 10:52am 
Yeah, but don't hold your breath waiting for Valve to provide community dedicated server support - if how it went with CS2 is any indication. Although, having this giant semi-open alpha testing seems like they are taking feedback seriously.
Cabben06 Sep 10 @ 4:44am 
Ohhh Deadlock servers would be fun!
[WL] Weasel Ⓢ (Probably AFK)  [author] Sep 9 @ 2:10pm 
NOTE: Will update to accommodate Deadlock as soon as Valve releases a Linux-Native dedicated-server for it.
Cabben06 Jul 27 @ 1:40am 
[WL] Weasel Ⓢ (Probably AFK)  [author] Jul 26 @ 3:28pm 
@Cabben06, fixed in update just pushed to GitHub. Thanks for reporting!
Cabben06 Jul 26 @ 8:23am 
I'm following the guide as I'm typing this. When running and getting to "Deploying data tables..." it failed to cp the 3 example data tables as they were called "game-types .example .tsv" when the cp command was searching for "game-types -example .tsv

I will now cp the 3 tables manually and then run again. This is a fantastic guide/system all the same and I'm incredibly thankful you made this