Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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All of you are pootis
By SPI133
Various ways to achieve pootisness
1) Preparations
First of all, we will need console commands. Go into the Options menu's keyboard section, hit "Advanced," and then check "Enable Developer Console." To access the console, hit the "~" key under Escape.

Once in the console type those four commands:

Put dispencer here!
bind KP_UPARROW "voicemenu 1 4"
This command is a shortcut for voice lines.
The bind command works like this: bind "key_you_want" "command_1; command_2". The semicolon separates commands.

KP_UPARROW is Keypad 8. You can replace it with whatever key you want.
First number on the voicemenu command (0, 1, 2) represents the menu (Z, X, C) and the second number the line in the menu. Numbering starts at 0 in case you want to use it for other voicelines.

Pootis and switch
bind KP_MULTIPLY "load_itempreset 0; voicemenu 1 4; wait 1; load_itempreset 2"
This command changes your loadouts with a voice command in between. Uses Keypad multiply.

The load_itempreset command changes your loadout to the given one. The number (0, 1, 2, 3) represents each loadout (A, B, C, D).
The wait "number" command waits "number" frames before executing the next command. You might have to change the number to get the line just right.

Change class
bind KP_MINUS "joinclass medic"
bind KP_PLUS "join_class heavyweapons"
These commands change your class to medic and heavy. Use Keypad plus and minus.

Kill bind
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "kill"
Kills the heavy. KP_DOWNARROW is keypad 2.
2) Taunts
For this one, you could also use the X+5 shortcut, but we already have a keybind (Keypad 8) from the first section.

Pootis POW
Equip a weapon that has the "POW haha" taunt, like Fists or Holiday Punch. Taunt and press the put dispenser keybind. If you time it right, heavy will say "Pootis POW haha."

Pootis nom nom nom
Equip any food (preferably not the steak so you can re-use it). Taunt and press the put dispenser keybind. If you time it right, heavy will say "Pootis nom nom nom." Heavy says a line after eating. With a bit of practise, you can taunt again and say pootis making him interrupt himself.

A few examples are:
"I am full of pootis."
"Run from the pootis."
"Sandvich and me going to beat your pootis"
"Ah, so pootis."

You are pootis
Equip the Shotgun. The taunt has two lines. If you are outside of spawn, taunt, wait for the right time to interrupt heavy with the dispenser line and killbind. This one might not always work, if heavy dies without making any noise. If you are in spawn, you change to medic with the keybind instead of using a killbind.

The lines are:
"You! Yes, you! You are pootis!"
"All of you are pootis!"

Sidenote: Instead of saying pootis you can also say spy or medic. No killbind/swap class required.
3) Pootis spam
While at spawn, use the Keypad Multiply from the first section (or whatever key you picked) to change loadouts and say pootis. Sometimes it might not work and change loadout earlier.

Sidenote: This can be used by other classes too either to spam or go to another spawn point (2fort has 2 spawn points for each team and payload maps change spawn points).
4) Water pootis
Find a map with shallow water like the 2fort sewers. While standing on water (or next to it), use the dispenser keybind and jump. Landing in the water, even if it is shallow, will interrupt the voiceline.
Video with pootis examples