Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (95)
Created by 林月夜溪
这个是安全屋的涩图,是有一些遗漏的不想去找了,然后图片都是挺色的,真人二次元都有,荤素搭配嘛,都是带光的,怕看不清,希望大家玩的开心吧 ...
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】伊落玛丽(体操服)主题 MW22 50GS
Created by 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】伊落玛丽(体操服)主题 MW22 50GS 替换 马格南 Replace Magnum https://s2.loli.net/2024/03/30/BHeKfIYkjoar1Qh.jpg 感谢冥佬的枪模授权哟! 原皮肤来自冥佬的爱发电 终于,我的第一款沙鹰贴皮和大家见面啦! 玛丽是为师我在BA里面除了芹娜外最喜欢的学生了,而且在游戏里面的专武也是沙鹰,所以沙鹰贴皮自然是要给超超超可爱的玛丽咯~ 我还是很满意这次贴皮的,越看越喜欢,希望你们也能喜欢~ 预览图: http...
花园serena COD:MW防暴盾(夜光)
Created by 大奈龙一只
Replace the riotshield Original Mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2643458683&searchtext=MW2019+Riot+Shield Original Mod Author:Alex_D #NoWar & mav 免责说明:我仅对近战进行贴皮,涉及模型的一切东西均不是我参与制作 这个防暴盾自带插件,不需要额外订阅插件,就可以在地图中使用 使用须知:请一定一定要花一秒钟时间点一下作...
Karin Kakudate [AI Voice]
Created by Jo
Subscribe and Enjoy, No further instructions needed. Though every line was compressed to fit the game's default soundcache, So you may hear some voicelines suddenly cutoff. karinproducervo_v2.7z (Install this, if you have a problem with it.) CV: Numakura M...
Hutao voice replace Coach (AI Japanese Voice)
Created by 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Use Hutao, a female character in Genshin Impact, to replace voice of Coach. Target language of voice is Japanese. Hope ...
[Apex]Biwon Blade(Crypto Heirloom)
Created by shu
Replace golf club. This is the remade version, which improves the inspect animation. Original Animation\Model: Respawn Entertainment Porting:shu...
【战双帕弥什】MW22 Lockwood MK2—21号森息 【GRAY RAVEN:PUNISHING】MW22 Lockwood MK2—No.21
Created by 洛兮
替换 二代连喷,replace spas shotgun 原模型(origin model):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144383191 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),暂时未添加夜光效果。 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏;谢谢! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2479870614152843012/00618EB37878B448FD80F30B048...
BlueArchive 星野 小米su7替换赛车(replace racecar no broken)
Created by forget_danwang
replace racecar(no broken)替换死亡中心赛车(没换黑色狂欢节那坏的) 原模: https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/IpXcBT1evWnn 我获得的渠道: https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/de7TnIQBUZrZ 感谢ko姐的连喷模型授权,面数优化,有帮助和建议!感谢!感谢!感谢!!!!ko姐!(举牌)!!!!!!!! 链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi...
Bocchi the rock【孤独摇滚】电击器(夜光)
替换电击器皮肤,模型为原版模型,带夜光,快去电队友吧 这是我的第二个mod,作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 Tag:孤独摇滚 bocci the rock 后藤独 波奇 喜多郁代 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ ...
Created by 曦月
沫莹沉梦系列: 【肾上腺素】-幽兰粉黛" B站:700粉丝福利 控制台(~键)输入bind "v" "incrementvar cl_buy_favorite_nowarn 0 1000000000 1"实现手动切换。(v改成自己习惯的键) ...
主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱安全屋图标和动态箭头/NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE Angelkawaii safe house arrow(动态)
Created by Nagasaki Soyorin
这是一股照亮混沌的令和时代互联网的一道光 (指会自发光) 给在电子的海洋里冲浪的阿宅们带来笑容 (思迈路思迈路) 未来的和平我向你保证 (我又鸽啦) 躁动不安但放心交给我 (背后黑枪) 互联网天使 降临于此(god 1) ✟ 升天 ✟ (3.21 打算加 Internet yamero的立绘 箭头想办法重置下 可能会很慢 还是等哪位好心人能发素材再做罢,自己实在抠不动了) 我又回来做超天酱啦,勉强搞懂了动图的制作原理,说不定以后会做个动态枪 (做好力) 原本是想弄两个立绘的,但MV里有全身的也只有跳舞的时候...
动态 東雪蓮 罐装饮料 胆汁(Boomer Bile)
Created by Kamome
cnVTuber 東雪蓮 drinks replacer Boomer Bile 东雪莲 罐装饮料 替换胆汁 基础贴图,高光贴图,法线贴图,夜光贴图 装有 罕见型vtb 東雪蓮 神秘液体的饮料 投掷后,一次性吸引大量的真爱粉前来争抢 ps:不建议自己开罐饮用(雾) 比较简单的贴图mod 还有个花嫁神里绫华的同款动态罐装胆汁 我怕被骂就没发了,这个发出来应该没什么事 喜欢的可以帮忙点一下赞涅 原mod Original mod link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfil...
Created by 林月夜溪
Created by 林月夜溪
少女前线HK416 自动贩卖机/Girls' Frontline HK416 Vending Machine
Created by PIO
替换了自动售货机,目前10种 高清自动贩卖机,约30秒替换一次 指挥官,有我就够了( 图片均来自P站 ...
Azur Lane 碧蓝航线 冷柜贩卖机 freezer
Created by zmy0214
替换了冷柜售卖机 replace the freezer ...
R18音效替换人物受伤音效 V2(R18 sound replaces survivor injury sound V2)
Created by 叫我MAX
低创烂活,替换了生还者骨折和黑白时的心跳声。 V2更新:删除原本的骨折声,心跳声;声音增大50% It replaced the broken bones and heart sounds of the survivors...
R18娇喘替换主页面UI声音(r18 sound replace the main page UI sound)
Created by 叫我MAX
这个....算是R18吗?我也不太确定,虽然音源是从黄油里面截的就是了,替换了主页的"选择","返回"和划过各个选项时的音效(不知道有没有解释清楚),欢迎各位老板订阅,如果有什么意见或者改进的地方可以在留言板和或私信告诉我,谢谢老板. I don't know if that's R18?(Although the audio source is extracted from the hentai game),this mod replaces the "accept","back"and focus so...
Created by 只是在画画
替换了下面这些音乐: Tank: Lighting----- 救援: 千年之羽----- 逐暗星辉----- 等待救援: A Sprinkling of Warmth----- 结束: 和你约定 (Instrumental)----- 未来再见 (Instrumental)----- 作者:HOYO-MiX ----------------------------------------------------------- 舰长舰长,甲板打扫了吗 没事的话,再去扫一遍吧...
3x ammunition
Created by Dove It
steam显示讨论区不可用,回复不了任何信息 English: Change the amount of reserve ammunition in the game to 3 times the original amount,Effective in campaign and realistic mode,There is no implicit modification of the game data, feel free to subscribe。 中文: 更改战役模式和写实模式中的后备弹夹数为3...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】德丽莎·神恩颂歌「星穹圣诗」替换 教练 Theresa Apocalypse Replace Coach
Created by 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 by林槿 模型编辑:林槿 模型版权所属miHoYo 佐伊版本(zoey versions):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3211241577...
【尘白禁区】琴诺-悖谬 替换 罗雪儿
Created by 艾米诺阿斯
【尘白禁区】琴诺-悖谬 替换 罗雪儿 模型来源:尘白禁区/诺耶耶 版权归属:狸花猫工作室 包含飘动和vrd 有问题请反馈 分析员儿~ B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vx4y1p7rN/...
Big Stewie for Smoker - Family Guy
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Smoker with Big Stewie, credit to models-resource for uploading the model....
[Reupload] Genshin Impact - Yae Miko (Witch)
Created by Heaven Can Wait
Reupload. If the author wishes to take down the workshop content for copyright reasons, please contact me. Add on may have problems that the original author forgot to fix which unfortunately I cannot fix myself. I do not own any of the workshop content, as...
Mini Umaru Doma (Jockey)
Created by CoCo.SeiMei
Description This mod replaces Jockey with Umaru from "Himouto Umaruchan". One day, I found the mod which replaces jockey sound with the sound of umaru (link). And I was disappointed at absence of model for jockey. Yes, This mod was inspired by that image o...
Umaru the Jockey Sounds and BGM
Created by Flactine
Replaced jockey's sound with Umaru's sound in "Himouto! Umaru-chan". If you want model, you can try: Mini Umaru Doma (Jockey) ...
猫耳女仆 | HUNTER (R-18)
Created by 麻薯
替换HUNTER 这个MOD作者不是我 只是转载 如果原作者要求我会下架 ...
+Ultra Particle: Texture files
Selective subscription version. This pack contain all custom textures used by the particle effect listed. Subscribe to this and any particle file you'd like to use. New vfx are optimized so it wont tank lots of fps compare to vanilla effect (except for a f...
+Ultra Particle: Custom Melee Trail
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Replaces steamworks.pcf Allow custom melee weapons to create many color trailing effects. This is only the base particle, it doesn't actually just give your existing weapon melee trail effec...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】鬼方 佳代子(礼服) COD MWII FSS Hurricane (MP5)
Created by 野生带鱼
"What can I say?佳门,感动常在!" uzi:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3237742528 mac:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=3237743570 礼服佳代子是真好看兄弟们,你游屈指可数的成年人的魅力() 我没有别的评价了,这份作品是送给各位佳门信徒的!作品的好坏只有你们能决定! 该mod具有全夜光,法线贴...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】柚鸟夏 (乐队)MW23 ISO45
Created by 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】柚鸟夏 (乐队)MW23 ISO45 替换 MAC10 Repalce MAC10 https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/09/q62bFZtfcweQWsG.jpg 首先感谢冥佬的授权哟~ 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144360510 在原版的基础上增改了配件,同时感谢Fidgety212修改的持枪动画! 感谢忘居居制作非常好看的描边以及流光! 正在为...
Homer Simpson for Charger
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Charger with Homer Simpson from The Simpsons, comes with voice lines. Credits: EA Redwood Shores - Creating the Homer model models-resource - Uploading the Homer model sounds-resource - Uploading the Homer voice clips...
Peter Griffin for Boomer
Created by Minnie Mouse
"Oh man, this is even worse than that time I was the Boomer in Left 4 Dead 2." Peter Griffin from Family Guy replaces the Boomer. Features: - All 3 Boomer models replaced - Voice clips - Viewmodel arms - Scorch texture - LOD models - Boomer gib models - Hi...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
Wet Illustrious II【湿身光辉 二代】R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
the Older Has been widely praised, so i made a second generation, replace Nick. Illustrious is as big as ever + long legs; But she changed a new translucent lace dress, a thinner silky sock, a pair of new lace gloves; Changed her hair cut into white, The b...
[xdR] Modified Crouching Animations of Zoey [Slot 31]
Created by Kokkorylien
REQUIRED ITEM: xdReanimsBase. zoey_slot_031. Modified the idle crouching animations of pistols, dual-held pistols, pump shotguns, semi-automatic shotguns, gas can (propane tank), oxygen tank and chainsaw. The angle of thigh lifting and knee joint of leg is...
[xdR] Mixamo Shove Animations (Standing Only)
Created by ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Standing Bash Animations with Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 029 For Standing bashes only When running, walking, crouching, or jumping, the default bash will play. So these animations would be fairly...
[Blue Archive]Hoshino replace Francis
Created by Elaina
Hoshino replace Francis model:Koikatu/ms/过载夜夜 Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 The survivor portraits blinking animations. ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR
Created by 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR 替换 30连 Replace Sniper_Military https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/18/jyxzJVYwQatNs4D.jpg 感谢米修佬的枪模授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029181790 谢谢忘居居的描边和流光哟~ 图片素材来源于p站,我在逛p站的时候发现了这两张非常好看的mika图...
Venti voice replace Bill (AI Japanese Voice)
Created by 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987380779 Text is translated by A...
Rosaria voice replace Francis (AI Japanese Voice)
Created by 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987383430 Text is translated by A...
Girls' Frontline M200 Voice Pack(Louis)
Created by 十年公交男
Invalid subscription, please install manually Girls' Frontline M200 Voice Pack(Louis) Download Link : (Gamemaps):https://www.gamemaps.com/details/24408 Description: 2021! Statement: Sound form : Girls' Frontline https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1...
Yoimiya voice replace Zoey (AI Japanese Voice)
Created by 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987386452 Text is translated by A...
Lumine voice replace Ellis (AI Japanese Voice)
Created by 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985556598 Text is translated by A...
MW2022赛马娘米浴m200 替换awp全夜光
Created by hello i’m 关羽
基于上次阿尔丹m200失败之后看见cf的武器灵光一闪就把小祖宗的m200做出来了 顺便也加了全夜光 原modhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961713586&searchtext=mw2022...
【崩坏3】爱莉希雅—泰坦陨落2 獒犬 (爱门)【Honkai 3】Elysia—Titanfall 2 - Mastiff
Created by 白辰の花散里
【崩坏3】爱莉希雅—泰坦陨落2 獒犬 替换铬制霰弹枪 (铁喷) 嗨~舰长,想我了吗?粉色妖精小姐来了哟~舰长愿意和我一起度过愉快的一天吗?舰长不会要拒绝一个如飞花般绚丽的少女的邀请吧?我可是会哭。 憋了这么多天总算憋出来了。不好意思各位,耽搁的时间有点久了。这次一共做了三把爱莉的武器,可能有些地方不是很好,不过在此之前我已经请教过大佬了,希望这次的作品大家能喜欢,能满意。那,祝大家游戏愉快~ 本次模型都是取自同一位作者 原模型作者:Twilight Sparkle 原模型链接:https://steamco...
Created by 超级小咪
replaces laser 替换 红外线 图片来自p 搜一下就看得见 目前该武器有 -声音 -模型 -最低亮度的夜光 -法线 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe! ...
Created by 大奈龙一只
猫羽雫 Replace guitar 使用须知:请一定一定要花一秒钟时间点一下作品的赞,奈龙也想有作品被评为五星,拜托啦 https://s2.loli.net/2023/12/17/GQ8KZx7i4OLkDcs.jpg https://s2.loli.net/2023/12/17/5wOcEzJaZe4UpqA.jpg 奈龙的第七件自制贴图作品,有不刺眼阿尔法通道夜光,帮助你在黑暗的地方也能找到它 希望你喜欢,谢谢 未经奈龙许可,请勿私自转载上传该模组,每件作品背后都有作者努力 关键词:猫羽雫,甘城,v...
【崩坏3】爱莉希雅 泰坦陨落2—R-6P 榴弹发射器 【honkai3】Elysia Titanfall 2 - R-6P Softball
Created by 白辰の花散里
【崩坏3】爱莉希雅 泰坦陨落2—R-6P 榴弹发射器 爱门专业对口榴弹发射器,爱莉认证,谁用谁说好! 爱莉希雅武器小合集的第二把,替换榴弹发射器。图片上的武器可能跟实物不太一样,因为当时做的时候是没有出现枪声那个导轨的,这是后面修复之后加上去的,还请见谅。 武器具有夜光,以及模型自带的检视,其他要是有什么地方做的不好,请随时指正,我会及时更改的,谢谢各位! 原模型作者:Twilight Sparkle 原模型链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedeta...
Shirasu "Nick" Azusa [Voice]
Created by Jo
Subscribe and Enjoy, No further instructions needed. https://i.imgur.com/8orMu3n.png Replaces all of Nick's lines with Shirasu Azusa's lines (Yes, all 2970 of them) Though every line was compressed to fit the game's default soundbank, so expect to hear som...
Melee Weapon Grunts
Created by Sw1ft
Melee Weapon Grunts Makes survivors vocalize their unused Combat Grunts when swinging a melee weapon This is a VScripts conversion of SourceMod plugin for Left 4 Dead 2 Original work: AlliedModders Credits: DeathChaos25 and Sir Configuration file After you...
MWII X13(Bocchi the Glock)replace UZI
MWII X13(Bocchi the Glock)替换UZI Replace UZI 包括夜光 It includes a HUD icon:) 来自 Denny凯妈制作的Bocchi The Glock Carbine 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3072805024 贴皮-青咲 封面制作-KamiFLan 没有允许不得盗用我的MOD进行更改并私自上传、或者任何社区及游戏之间移植! Without permis...
【天宮こころ】COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo 天宫心阿喵喵主题手枪
Created by 帅 大陈子 帅
Replaces the Pistol 替换小手枪 P890 akimbo from Modern Warfare 2022 感谢Bai佬 @BaiF*ckmouse授权枪模 原膜地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918905505 ...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Created by Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
MW2019: Shared Materials
Created by mav
Required shared materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance mav: Animation Porting, Model Porting, Sound Porting, Project Lead Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deri...
Created by mmi开心
初音未来 星空流光动态描边小刀
初音未来 星空流光动态描边小刀 替换小刀 萌新的学习作,学习了如何制作部分动态流光后做出来的作品 感谢纸鱼大佬教我改模型 做部分流光 原作者:Hex To Max 原模型地址: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840726599&tscn=1698022170 贴图来源: https://www.pixiv.net/users/2583663 如果喜欢这个mod的话请给我点个赞吧! https://s2.loli.net/202...
【老婆枪】MW2019 MK18 香子兰 猫猫
Created by Dazzle_白麒麟
本MOD替换游戏内【M16】 这是我自己做的 猫猫枪,工艺不算很好,内置了 香子兰的专属语音音效,这会降低一些真实性,但毕竟是 二次元的皮肤 所以可以基本忽略,喜欢猫猫的宝子们可以尝试一下哦,(已删除室内开枪闪光) 以下是渲染图和预览图: This mod replaces the in-game This is my own cat cat gun, the craftsmanship is not very good, built-in Xiangzilan's exclusive voice soun...
R18的声音替换拍棒声(R18 sound replace piepe bomb sound)
Created by 叫我MAX
用sinisitar里女主的声音替换了土质炸弹的滴答声和爆炸声,可能听起来比较鬼畜但是我个人觉得效果不错,如果有什么意见的话可以在留言板里提出来,谢谢老板。 附:如果想把这个mod和自己用的改了模型的拍棒mod缝合在一起的话可以加我企鹅细🔒 Using the voice of the character in Sinisitar replace clicks and explosions,If you have any comments, please let me know in the message...
Created by 林月夜溪
R18喷漆 3
Created by PAFF
共15张图 5张视距渐变 5张精品R18 5张全年龄...
Left HUD
Created by Vilinsecto
On Your Left! Vertical HUD with all player and teammate data located on the left side of the screen. This is a variant of my "Small Vertical HUD" with slightly longer health bars, which allows to better display player names when they are longer than desira...
vrc 玛雅猫猫 舞夜装甲服 替换 帽子 Maya Lustratio_Cloth replaces Ellis
是新装备呢,这下不用担心坦克了吧……大概? 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的间歇性动画、使她看起来活灵活现 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号7...
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push
Created by 真·勇者
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733...
[R20-11/Cute H-09]GIF pills/动图止疼药——R20第11期—Cute Honey`s CG—09
Created by 楚风幽
没了就补,麻烦大家重新点赞、收藏和订阅感谢 国人玩家如果喜欢且方便的话多留言和点赞吧,因为不想看到一群啥比老外的制杖评论 【——————————Warning:——————————】 This item includes naked, Adult content,sex If you feel sensitive and uncomfortable with it, please don't subscribe Don't subscribe in public and exit from this pag...
【Azur Lane】HMS Javelin XM1014
Created by Sa-Daniels
Replace the Autoshotgun Animation by Arby26 ...
【武器皮肤】夏诺雅 MW2022 VHS-2 替换 SG552
Created by Man!
不知道怎么写了 喜欢的话 要记得点赞加收藏哦 关注夏诺雅谢谢喵!武器:MW22 TEMPUS Razorback 替换 modls:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008108993 ———————————————————————————————————————————————全夜光 ———————————————————————————————————————————————作者:东奈 定制枪皮 改配件 QQ:23914992...
【原神】可莉土质手雷(Genshin impact KLEE pipebomb )
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 拥有全夜光(With full night light ) Pid=89307177 原MOD 钱都给你榨完...
[R18]A Molotov
Created by 超级热土人
真理之律者新泳装皮肤替换louis。 ...
REUPLOADED [R18]Honkai Impact 3rd Bronya Zaychik Bunny replaces spitter
Created by
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881757998&searchtext= ?????? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and ...
[R18]死亡音效(R18 dead sound)
Created by 叫我MAX
微R18【azur lane】碧蓝航线 UI整合(menu , map saferoom loading background...)
Created by yue_shia
第一次做的组合包 偶尔会看心情换图 包含: 菜单icon 地图icon 地图loading background 安全室loading background 读取loading icon (出处:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523945765&searchtext=azur+lane 微R18 欢迎使用 ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
明日方舟 Azureus|Blue poison skin for CS:GO AK47
Arknights character?Azureus|Blue poison 蓝毒主题ak csgo版本 Arknights character:Azureus|Blue poison 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced(CS:GO) Sound - Replaced(CS:GO) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1016068753801998620/CA8AA66586B69CFCB6F...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact 3 】琪亚娜·终焉律者 月海流华 替换 比尔 Kiana·Herrscher of Finality Replace Bill
Created by 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 更新内容:更换脸部贴图,看起来更白 调整参数设置,身体更光滑。 改模:最爱心海 少女时常仰望星空。 纯洁的月光从未停止流淌,它辉照着安谧的夜晚,将难言的心绪尽纳光中。 少女偶尔漫步夜海。 微凉的海水从未停止流淌,它见证过生命的诞生,也将承载无垠的未来。 “……她寻觅海中浮漾的月影,却不知自己早已成为群鱼追逐的光华。” 最近胃不舒服 查了一下得了慢性胃炎 所以休息了一段时间 ...
Created by Reko
修改了一些武器弹道扩散过于离谱的BUG(特色),让游戏体验更上一层楼。由于修改了武器数据,可能会导致您的游戏沉浸感或游戏难度因人而异有小幅到大幅度的降低,请谨慎使用。 已修改的武器: 自动步枪:AK、M16、SCAR、SG552 修改内容:大幅降低蹲下、移动、站立与跳跃时准心与弹道的扩散,蹲下时获得最大精准度。 狙击步枪:木狙、AWP、军用连狙、鸟狙 修改内容:大幅度降低移动、跳跃时准心与弹道的扩散,微略降低站立时准心与弹道的扩散,蹲下时与原来不变。 轻机枪:M60 修改内容:中等幅度降低站立、移动、跳跃时...
Azur Lane 大凤动态医疗包
Created by 玩apex像吸毒
一鸽就是一年半 不愧是我 碧蓝航线大凤婚纱真的太棒辣 我TM社保!!! 附带夜光 由于是动态 画质不是高清 但一定是流畅的 (其实早就做好了 一直懒得上传...) 普通展示 https://files.catbox.moe/8xpa4t.gif 夜光展示 https://files.catbox.moe/pzol44.gif ...
Arknights - Cuora M82A1M skin (HuntingRifle) glow 明日方舟 - 蛇屠箱 M82A1M 替换猎枪 夜光
Created by SHArknight
来陪我玩玩吧! 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839758425 Original Mod - M82A1闇冥 原图 还有一张实在找不到出处sorry 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 定制MOD,征得金主同意后发布 非常感谢金主爸爸!!! 龟龟! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1...
Yoshino Cricket bat
Created by Syksylehdet
这次做了个四糸乃主题的板球棒,动态文字,黑暗中发光,希望大家喜欢~ 喜欢的话麻烦高抬贵手点个赞吧QAQ~...
【原神】护摩之杖 替换 草叉 ( [Genshin] "Staff of Homa" Replace Pitchfork)
说明 · 【原神】护摩之杖 替换 草叉 ( "Staff of Homa" Replace Pitchfork) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · MOD可能会显示为冲突,但不影响使用 (Mod may appear as a conflict, but does not affect use) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) :原神mihoyo ( Gen...
Genshin Impact Ayaka Folding fan Replaces Tonfa 原神 神里绫华折扇 替换 警棍
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Ayaka’s folding fan.It replaces Tonfa in game. 原神神里绫华折扇替换游戏内警棍 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Tonfa 替换 警棍 ----------------------------Then/补充-----------------------...
【原神】西风长枪 替换 铲 ("Favonius Lance" Replaces Shovel)
说明 · 【原神】西风长枪 替换 铲 ("Favonius Lance" Replaces Shovel) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 原神mihoyo ( Genshin mihoyo ) 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 · 草叉版本 "Pitchfork" Version 禁止...
【原神】雾切之回光 (Genshin)Mistsplitter Reforged
说明 · 【原神】雾切之回光 (Genshin)Mistsplitter Reforged 替换 武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 借物表 · Models:Viero月城、miHoyo 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1700660168742257490...
通用材质 General Materials
说明 · 此物品仅用于个人MOD所使用的部分通用材质 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
原神 丘丘人(Genshin Hilichurl)
Created by 月悠红茶
youtube video: https://youtu.be/G5-Mcw_kpZ4 B站视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AP4y1L7EE (这个原神MOD的演示)(This Genshin MOD Video presentation, If you can not watch the video, please use VPN) (这个MOD是替换zombie,变成了丘丘人)This MOD is a replacement zombie and bec...
Cyberpunk 2077 // MILITECH Mk.31 HMG(.50 cal )
Created by MHOUND
Replaces the Browning M2 HB .50 cal 替换M2重机枪. ------------------------ Cyberpunk 2077 // MILITECH Mk.31 HMG model/textures:fadhxl ------------------------ 带有小部分夜光 又是一个照骗级别的模,全靠渲染器往起撑。 放求生里就拉的一批。 真是令人懊恼 免费的模型,我们还能有啥要求呢? ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
猫羽雫ねこはしずく木喷 pump shotgun 添加夜光 替换原有音效
Created by Fleurs de cerisier
猫羽雫ねこはしずく木喷 pump shotgun 新人拙作 这是我尝试着认真做的第二个mod,人物是由甘城なつき老师创作的猫羽雫ねこはしずく。 有一只可爱的小猫娘陪着你求生,是不是心情变好了呢! 感谢你喜欢我的mod,此mod部分音效借用寂静岭里我个人很喜欢的木喷音效,感谢音频作者! ·替换了木喷的音效 或许让你感到眼前一亮从而有更多的良好体验~! ·手感更好 可以看着可爱二次元人物——猫娘猫羽雫ねこはしずく 体验厮杀丧尸的快感 ·经过多次精心修改 现在的配色更为柔和而且更令人值得欣赏 ·希望你能喜欢我的m...
Created by Beau
只修改了贴图,官方模型 本来只想做个平底锅,但是平底锅和斧头共用一个贴图,顺便把斧头也做了 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2022720583215089644/597F601FD4F4F1190CECA3C6D5324B708B3C84CD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false ...
Weapon modification
The following contents are machine turning, please forgive any mistakes. The idea of this mod is mainly to improve the performance of rifles and sniper rifles in the realistic mode, because the main weapons in the realistic mode are all continuous, and oth...