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Dwarfs Guidebook
By WelcuM
Iff you are a confused dwarf, here is a guide book just for you. (Its made for fun, everything in this guide is fictional and my own creativity.)
Choosing the right weapon and equipment is crucial. There are 3 different sets for a dwarf that you can choose according to your personality and play style. Of course, these don't limit you, they just serve as a benchmark for classification.

One Handed Weapons
Small arms aren't a popular weapon among the dwarfs, due to its shortness and low damage most of the dwarfs avoid using them. But still, there are legendary dwarf warriors who used these weapons.
Also if you go to the battlefield with this kind of weapons it will show your bravery and honor.
If you are a skilled and experienced dwarf you can use these weapons.

Shield Users
The shield and sword duo is the dwarf's favorite duo in this realm. You don't need to be very skilled in this combo. It's the perfect choice for regular or young dwarves. Under a deadly attack you can hide under the shield and if you get a good chance to attack you will kill your enemy easily. Also among the crowded battlefield, your shield can protect you from arrows, deadly bombs, and crowded enemy groups. It's a nice combo and usable for all dwarves, I guess that's why it is popular.

Two Handed Weapons
Two-handed weapons are very dangerous and avoided weapons. Most of the dwarfs find it unreliable and hard to use. But there are still a few dwarves who use two-handed weapons. They are hard to use and dangerous weapons, however, if you know what you are doing you will turn into a killing machine.

Engineering and Support
For support equipment and weapons, you can use every type of bomb or medical item. As you know it's very important to be a useful soldier in sieges. So if you don't trust your fighting skills or you are bored from fighting, you can be an engineer. Some of the dwarves have high intelligence and maybe you are one of them. So you can be an engineer and help your team, you can give them a medic bags, throw tactical bombs, and build for your team. It is a very valuable class in sieges.

Fashion is a very important point for dwarves. A well-picked weapon and shiny armor will perfect your look.

First of all, you can pick every kind of chest plate you like. But I recommend the Tabard, it's the best choice for dwarfs. Due to its colors and protection, you can easily show your faction and color pattern.

After picking the right chest plate, it's time for you to pick a helmet. For the helmet, you have to choose medium protective helmets. It will show your bravery and your long beard. My suggestion is to pick the Norman or Viking helmets.
Also as we are talking about helmets you can't forget your face. For the face, you must make it as wide as possible and add a long beard.

The least important body parts are the legs, so you can just pick the medium or light leggings. I use medium chainmail.

After you pick your armor, it's time to design. As a dwarf, you can use chainmail due to its lightweight.
For shoulders, your pauldrons will change compared to your play style. If you are a heavy twohanded dwarf you should pick big and well-protecting pauldrons. But if you are a one-handed or a shield user you can pick light and small pauldrons. I can't say much about gloves, just pick a compatible one.
For the color patterns, make your look as colorful as possible. You will also add your faction pattern to the armor.

There isn't much to say, just be sure that skinny is at its lowest and fatness is at its highest, don't worry about your fat, the fatter a dwarf looks, the stronger and healthier he is.

Here is some examples if you having dificulties with your look:

As a dwarf, your factions are very important. If you are in a faction you can use its own color pattern and faction emblem. But if you are not, you have to use one of the Universal Dwarf emblems.
All emblems have their own story and style so pay attention when choosing one.

''The Weaponsmiths''
They are known with their brave and skilled warriors. If you are in this faction you have to use
two-handed weapons. At the start, you will experience difficulties but you will get used to using it over time. After gaining enough experience you will turn into a legendary warrior. But if you don't pay enough attention and don't get better in fights you will probably kicked from this faction.

They are the smallest faction, it's because the faction members have a weird faith. For known they pray for the ''Princess of the Sunlight'' known as ''Gwynevere''. Nobody knows whether she is a real person or not, but she is probably a fictional character. They also talk about a legendary knight
within the faction, it is named ''Solar Knight'', at least it's a real person.

''Rock and Stone''
One of the biggest faction among the dwarves. They even have some normal human members.
They are mostly known for their mining skills and brotherhood in the faction. Their rival enemy is the
''Foresters''. They had many wars with them back in the day and because of the major casualties for both sides, they stay silent these days.

''The Foresters''
Unlike normal dwarves, these dwarves rejected their nature and started living in forests. It helped them to hunt and build better settlements they also increased their number fastly. But they are having difficulties with finding raw materials for crafting weapons. They also have a very good defense and guerrilla tactics.