Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

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How to fix UE4 FATAL ERROR
By ¡Viva Mantequilla!
After buying Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, I was more than glad that I had no major problems playing Vice City and III. After playing San Andreas for a while, the wind changed and certainly in a random cargobob mission for Mr. Woozie the game crashes AFTER the cutscene and left me with a UE4 FATAL ERROR.

I will show a quick fix how I got my save game running again after leaving it for almost half a year because of the problem and me not willing to deal with it.
First Fix (Deleting DAT files)
​First I tried looking up some YT tutorials on how to fix this and stumbled upon this video.

He has the same error, just like me at 2:01.

But unlike him, my linked social club account does not have the game listed in the settings. The game files are certainly installed tho, so I just need to find out where they at.

I went down the same folder path as my man and did the same.
The folder path could be different for you but for me it was the following: Documents -> Rockstar Games -> GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition -> Profiles -> DDDFDBBF

Then I deleted the 2 DAT files just like in the video at 3:42. Deny auto cloud saves if asked after starting the game.
Second Fix (Load older saves)
Since the first fix did not work for me, I looked further to get a fix for this. I did not find any clue though, until I found a reddit post about the same problem.

One user wrote that his whole savegame might be corrupted and that he might need to restart the whole game.

That got me an idea. I just loaded the LAST automatic save (not the most recent one, that one before that) and et voile, after playing the cargobob mission for the eighth time, I had no crash.

I was lucky, and it worked with the first older save I tried, but I don't know, you might have to load even older ones. It could take you sa bit back in the storyline.
I did not make the video linked in this guide. If you see your video and want it unlinked, write me. This guide is just meant to be a short summary of how I got my game running again.

And yes, I am surely not the first guy writing a fix about this.

スヌーピー May 16 @ 2:06pm 