Library Of Ruina

Library Of Ruina

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Vật phẩm (167)
ビナー強化MOD/Binah strengthening/Binah强化/비나강화(JP CN EN KR)Ver1.01
Tạo bởi 水魚
哲学の階のビナーを強化するMODです 起動時帰属専用コアページが追加されます This is a mod to enhance the Binah of the Philosophy Floor A dedicated core page for attribution will be added upon activation 这个模型增强了哲学楼的Binah。 增加了一个专门的核心页面,用于激活后的归属问题 철학의 층의 비너를 강화하는 MOD입니다 부팅시 귀속 전용 코어 페이지가 추가됩니다. ...
优化紫妈/Improved Purple Tear
Tạo bởi シア
CN/EN/JP/KR (Ability of mirage storm only) 1. 紫妈在第一幕时切换姿态只需要0费 2. 幻舞追加新效果“若处于任意进攻型则将本书页所有骰子替换为对应类别” 1.Purple Tear can change stance for 0 cost at the 1st Scene. 2. Mirage Storm (幻影乱舞) added new ability: "If user is not in , types of Offensive dice on this ...
夕暮の決意/Alternative E.G.O Philip(JP/CN/KR/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
IFルートのフィリップを接待します。 夜明事務所の横のアイコンから接待可能ですが、難易度などはクリア後を想定しています。 前提MODとしてLocalization Managerが必要です。 7/16 KRの翻訳を一部追加 Added translation of KR(Combat Only) 7/19 CNの翻訳を追加 Added translation of CN 7/22 KRのストーリー翻訳を追加 Added translation of KR(Story) 7/31 ENの翻訳を追加 Added...
剣聖キムサッガッ/Invitation SwordSaint(JP/EN/CN/KR)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
剣の道を極めたキムサッガッ先生を接待するMODです。 都市の星の本3冊で接待できます。 12/26 ENの翻訳を追加しました。 02/03 CNの翻訳を追加しました。TRCNは現状CNと同じ翻訳を使用します。 02/06 TRCNの翻訳を追加しました。 02/07 KRの翻訳を追加しました。 (This is a machine translation, so there may be some oddities.) ※パッチによりページの書き換えやレアリティの改変を行っているため  他のページの見た目を変...
存在の証明/E.G.O Tiphereth Mod(JP/CN/KR/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
自然科学の階にストーリーおよびそれによる報酬を追加します。 本編クリア後のプレイを想定しています。 再戦はストーリーラインの「最後の接待」の右上のアイコンから可能です。 Add a storyline and its corresponding rewards to the natural science floor. It is intended to be played after the main storyline is completed. The rematch is available fro...
废墟天使事务所 遺跡天使事務所 Angel of Ruina Office 폐허천사 사무소(CN/KR/EN/JP)
Tạo bởi 華鳥風月
Special mark: This module can run without relying on BM. Invitation method: use the book of T company or click the main plot on the right side of the crutch office This module is made of: 静留庭,華鳥風月(帽子),反重力仓鼠,竹墨zhu-mo,プネウマ(=moc),As-Zero Main creator, script,...
兎の夢/Invitation E.G.O Myo(JP/CN/KR/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
1つの接待とその報酬を追加します。 不純物の右側に追加されたアイコンから接待できます。 ED後の挑戦を想定しています。 02/06 KRの翻訳を追加。 02/08 ENの翻訳を一部追加。 ※※※Notice(machine translation)※※※ Sorry. I have no knowledge of English, so I have not been able to translate the story part. There may be unnatural parts due to ...
Tạo bởi SriNyan
爪牙执法者 Enforcer of Claw Multi-lang(CN, EN, KR)
Tạo bởi Kriet
修正了部分专属书页的攻击动作缺失。 削弱了Z形切割的面板点数 Korean translation by @Photixs Invite with Distort Book and Lob Corporation Book 使用扭曲之书与脑叶之书邀请 奖励:执法者之页与其专属书页 奖励强度或高于原版水平( 接待难度可使用原版书页通关(非潜狼等方法...
Tạo bởi 钐镰客
Tạo bởi かるみサバ
驚異的な防御力をほこるフィクサーとの闘いです。 都市の星本一冊で招待できます。 想定難易度は不純物ですが、入手ページは都市の星のものです。 スキン/バトルページ かるみサバ コード/エフェクト Luca1125 CN translation kyann kyou飢える KR translation shr EN translation UnitDragon / KakiteEthernal...
自动转火 - AutoRedirectTarget
敌人死亡时未对其使用书页的角色可以将书页自动瞄准另一个随机敌人 When an enemy die, all attack that yet to be used on the enemy will be automatically redirected to other random enemies. 无需前置mod 已使用的书页不会转火 如果有Bug请确认具体情况是否是所有书页均已使用\没有可指定的目标导致不会转火 ———————————————— DLL:漠北九月 封面:我tm好想和Mon3tr做爱...
虚構の魔法少女/The MagicGirl of Fiction(JP/KR/CN/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
総記解放戦のような5舞台に分かれた幻想体戦を追加します。 自然科学完全解放後に挑戦できますが、ED後の挑戦を想定しています。 全クリア後に書庫の幻想体との再戦にてTABキーを押すことで個別の再戦が可能です。 (注意) 実装にあたってゲーム内の多くの要素に干渉しているため、他のModと競合する場合があります。 (Because it interferes with many elements in the game in its implementation, it may conflict with oth...
苦痛の記憶/Distorted Roland(JP/KR/CN/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
ねじれたバッドエンドルートのローランを接待するModです。 黒い沈黙の右側から接待が出来ます。 各言語の翻訳に携わっていただいた方々に心より感謝いたします。 We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who were involved in the translation of each language. ============================================ パッチノート 03/08 英...
自我の盾/Invitation E.G.O Walter(JP/KR/CN/EN)
Tạo bởi Luca1125
1つの接待とその報酬を追加します。 ストーリーライン上は都市伝説ですが本編クリア後を想定しています。 5/25 KRの翻訳を追加。CNの翻訳を追加 Added translation of KR; added translation of CN 6/2 報酬のバトルページを追加 Added Reward Combat Pages 6/15 ENの翻訳を追加。 Added translation of EN (Note: Except for the Story, I used machine transla...
蛇环事务所/ ウロボロス事務所/ 우로보로스 사무소/ Ouroboros Office(CN/EN/JP/KR)
Tạo bởi 刘夜
ocmod,设定离谱之类的问题骂我就可以不要骂我oc!!!【打滚、哭泣、一拳被打死】 经历了两年与无数的迭代,这mod总算是做出来了,我知道问题很多但是实在没时间了,我已经耗不起了。本来预计蛇环事务所最起码有两场接待的,现在就一场接待就花了这么久,其他还好,美术就真的找不到,难上加难。 第二场接待啊不知道会不会出,反正别期待就是了 主创:血诺、魂冰 画师:欢乐颂、北海、明日、深蓝逃避、樱曦、阿末、卡晰 封面人物画师:明日 文案:血诺、樱曦 代码:阿末 特效:老木头【china第一正太控】 测试人员:乐儿、至...
調律者-カリオン 조율자 카리온 调律者-卡里翁 Karion The Arbiter [Multilanguage JP KR CN EN]
Tạo bởi Yunkon
調律者カリオンの接待 조율자 칼리온의 접대 调律者卡里翁的接待 Reception of Karion The Arbiter いいと思ったらいいねを押して応援してください!これは私たちにとって重要です 괜찮아보이면 좋아요를 눌러주세요. 저희에게 매우 중요합니다. 觉得不错的话请点赞支持!这对我们来说很重要! If you think it's good, please like it! This is very important for us! Planner/ArtWork : 尚夏 ArtW...
Tạo bởi 老洪
作者:HJ浩钧 这个mod需要BaseMod才能运行!请先在创意工坊搜索并订阅BaseMod for Workshop! 搬运了边狱巴士第六章中章boos,希斯克里夫,还原了大部分机制,理智值真我真的做不来啊( 接待配方:一本杂志的书 觉得这个mod做的不错的别忘了给我的mod点一个 赞👍 谢谢! 本mod使用的所有dll全部由作者一人制作,想要使用的话,欢迎,给我的mod点个赞(笑),注明来源即可...
赤い霧強化MOD/RedMist strengthening/殷红迷雾强化/붉은 안개강화(JP CN EN KR)Ver1.32
Tạo bởi 水魚
赤い霧ゲブラーを強化するMODです 起動時帰属専用コアページが追加されます It's a MOD that reinforces Angela on the Red Mist. Add a boot-only attributed core page Language Information 言語情報  UI     日本語   ◯      英語    ◯      中国語   ◯      韓国語   ◯      ◯→翻訳済みalready translated已翻译번역 완료 △→機械翻訳machi...
"烈火燃尽来路,此行再无归途" 三本都市之星接待罗威尔与邵 =========================================================================== 2.0更新内容 1.重置接待,取消了原来的前3场接待,现在可以直接用3本都市之星邀请罗威尔和邵了。 2.重置来宾核心书页,添加新的来宾战斗书页。 3.重置玩家奖励书页,部分原奖励书页进行调整改动。 4.九子被动调整,现在改为可以携带多个,携带期间常驻效果会一直生效,特化效果只有在使用特定后才可以激活...
뒤틀린 샤오 스토리 모드 Distorted Xiao MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 이불대왕
if 스토리 뒤틀린 샤오 스토리를 추가해주는 모드입니다. Tab 키를 누르면 샤오 아이콘이 바뀝니다. Press Tab to switch to IF story 방송에서 플레이하셔도 괜찮습니다....
뒤틀린 루돌프 스토리 모드 Distorted Rudulph MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
if 스토리 뒤틀린 루돌프 스토리를 추가해주는 모드입니다. Tab 키를 누르면 R사 아이콘이 바뀝니다. Press Tab to switch to IF story 방송에서 플레이하셔도 괜찮습니다....
림버스 컴퍼니 료슈 모드 Limbus Company Ryoshu MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
림버스 컴퍼니에 등장하는 료슈를 접대하는 모드입니다. NO NEED BASEMODS. YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM THIS....
림버스 컴퍼니 베르길리우스 모드 Limbus Company Vergilius MOD(Multi Language EN/KR/CN/JP)
Tạo bởi Charon
림버스 컴퍼니의 베르길리우스를 접대합니다. (KR/JP/EN/CN) Adds Reception of Vergilius from Limbus Company....
림버스 컴퍼니 파우스트 모드 Limbus Company Faust MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
림버스 컴퍼니에 등장하는 파우스트를 접대하는 모드입니다. NO NEED BASEMODS. YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM THIS...
림버스 컴퍼니 이상 모드 Limbus Company Yisang MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
림버스 컴퍼니에 등장하는 이상을 접대하는 모드입니다. NO NEED BASEMODS. YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM THIS...
림버스 컴퍼니 오티스 모드 Limbus Company Outis MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
림버스 컴퍼니에 등장하는 오티스를 접대하는 모드입니다. NO NEED BASEMODS. YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM THIS....
림버스 컴퍼니 히스클리프 모드 Limbus Company Heathcliff MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 담담이
림버스 컴퍼니에 등장하는 히스클리프를 접대하는 모드입니다. NO NEED BASEMODS. YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM THIS...
샤오의 머리(Xiao's Head)
Tạo bởi OO
※유의사항 1. 눈, 머리, 머리카락 파츠가 전부 하나로 합쳐져 있으며, 입에서 설정하시면 됩니다. All parts are in the Mouth option. 2. 입을 제외한 눈, 눈썹, 머리카락은 전부 투명으로 해주세요. Please set all eyes, eyebrows, and hair except for the mouth transparently....
스티그마 직속 해결사 1.03v [KR/EN/JP]
Tạo bởi gataz
지팡이사무소 오른쪽에 새로운 라인을 추가하는 모드 앞으로 업데이트로 라인을 추가해 나갈 예정입니다 아직 도별 1라인 분량밖에 없는 모드지만 재밋게 플레이 해주시길 흑흑 1.0v -스티그마 프롤로그 에피소드 추가 -먹칠,묵직한 소리,섬격,공간 절단 이펙트 리워크 1.01v -조금 치명적인 버그를 고쳤습니다! -(번역은 없지만)이제 로컬라이즈파일의 모든항목을 인식합니다! -사소한 오타와 스크립트 수정 1.02v -책에서 더미 책장이 드랍되는 것을 수정했습니다...
하나 1과 스토리 모드 Hana Association 1 (Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 이불대왕
하나 1과 스토리를 추가해주는 모드입니다. 기반모드 필요없습니다. There is no need for basemod. 방송에서 플레이하셔도 괜찮습니다....
아스톨포/阿斯托尔福/Astolfo (En/Kr/Cn) (이식)
Tạo bởi qzwxecrv 무단으로 이식한거라 욕먹으면 내리고 아니면 말고 / 버그 터질때나 손댈듯 **If you changed language on Title, you should leave and restart LOR When you find a bug, Please leave a comment! Invitation ==> Book O...
(EN/KR/JP/CN) Reception of Thunder Office
Tạo bởi 토르래
Adds an invitation that features the special dice type 'Blank'. Its dice value is high but deals no damage or Stagger damage. Books needed: 2 Star of the City Difficulty: about Star of the City row 2 CN translation: GustabMunchausen...
(Fix) Smoke/Discard/Draw Gun pages
Tạo bởi Joe Biden the Wizard
Slash dice gun pages with some Smoke/Discard and Draw (the old mod didnt allow the thumb armor to use the thumb pages so that has been changed and so has the animations been fixed to play a ranged animation.) -PaktheRat...
(v1.03b)Umbral Legion: R Corp. 6th Pack (CN/EN/JP/KR)
Tạo bởi シア
※※※!!!Caution!!!※※※ The story contains YURI elements, so please decide whether to play it or not by preference No need for any basic mod like Basemod for Workshop / BBE but should be compatible This mod is derivative work, please DON'T confuse with Project...
*더빙 R사 제 2무리 스토리 모드 / *Voice line R Corp 2nd Pack Story MOD(EN,CN,JP,KR)
Tạo bởi nerlwlp1203
우린 도서관으로 간다 2무리 전부. ----- =KR= R사 2무리에 대한 이야기와 접대를 추가합니다. 불순물 우측 라인에서 접대 아이콘을 확인하실수있으십니다. 시궁쥐팀의 스토리에는 더빙이 포함되어있습니다. 또한 숨겨진 이벤트성 접대가 존재하며 전용 보상이 준비되어있습니다. 총괄:nerlwlp1203 번역 문의나 버그 및 오류 등 질문할게 있다면 제게 연락주시면됩니다. =EN= Add a story and Reception about the R Corp ...
(JP/En/Kr/Cn)充電おばさん(Aunt Charging/충전 아줌마/充电阿姨)
*You Need No dll。不純物本1冊で接待可能。 良かったら低評価お願いします 処分なんかねえよ うるせぇよ 黙れよ 処分なんかねえよ 第四群こそが正義 処分なんかねえよ 正しいのは第四群 グーグル翻訳を使用しています。 No dlls. You can entertain with one impurity book. If you like it, please give it a low rating No death penalty It's noisy shut up No death ...
에고 필립 접대 모드 Ego Philip (KR/JP/EN/CH)
Tạo bởi poor bum
에고를 발현한 필립을 접대하는 모드입니다. 책은 살바도르의 책, 유나의 책, 쐐기 사무소의 책 입니다. Bgm: DUNGEON OF SHADOWS-Dark Fantasy Studio There is a problem with the Chinese translation. 现在的中文翻译有问题。...
Achievement Unblocker
Tạo bởi Cyaminthe
Re-enables the ability to gain achievements while playing the game with mods. This is NOT an "unlock everything instantly" mod, its intended purpose is to let people play with cosmetic/bugfixing mods without getting locked out of achievements....
Amplified Cane Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
1 Book of Impuritas Update: "Charge Amplification" has been fixed to actually work and dice instead draws 1 page and restore 3 light on hit...
Amplified Fullstop Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
2 Star of the City Books...
Amplified Dawn Office
Tạo bởi Vaultdroid
Initially part of Amplified Offices pack 2, Split off into its own pack as part of a joint project....
Amplified Gaze Office
Tạo bởi Mega
The Gaze Office want a rematch. 1 Star of the City book....
Amplified Index (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
3 Impuritas Books These Mods are meant to give more options to players behind a little challenge I hope you enjoy! More Singleton!...
Amplified Jeong's Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
1 Star of the City Book Latest Update: Pages converted to Melee Thank you for subscribing...
Amplified Kurokumo Clan (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
2 Star of the City Books...
Amplified Liu (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
3 impuritas Books These Mods are meant to give more options to players behind a little challenge I hope you enjoy! A Mix of Liu Section 1 and 2; Happy Belated Birthday to Xiao!...
Amplified Molar Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
1 Star of the City Book More discard support and additional molar attribution (especially for Margin sets!)...
Amplified Offices
Tạo bởi Vaultdroid
Offices designed to give older pages more useage. Because I miss them. Please tell me how I can balance this mod in the event it could be better adjusted. It's also the Invitation editor so it's funny "no dll" 22/06/2023 Due to confusion, I've added the tw...
Amplified Pierre Bistro
Tạo bởi Vaultdroid
Initially Amplified Offices Pack 2 containing Pierre's Bistro and the Dawn Office, this mod has been split as part of an experiment. For the DLL version, follow this link. You can find the D...
Amplified Rusted Chainlink (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
3 Star of the City Books Latest Update: Converted Pages to Melee; "Blood Crazed Brawl" works as intended on Combat Start Thank you for subscribing...
Amplified Seven Association (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
1 Star of the City Book...
Amplified Stray Dogs (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
3 Star of the City Books...
Amplified Streetlight Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
2 Star of the City Books....
Amplified Sweepers (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
3 Star of the City Books...
Amplified Thumb (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
2 Impuritas Books...
Attributed Red Mist Mod
Tạo bởi Often
귀속한 붉은안개 모드입니다 도시의 별 책 1권을 넣으면 됩니다 Attributed Red Mist Mod 1 Star of the City book...
Attribution Archives
Tạo bởi Aphotic Amaranth
This mod requires Util DLL. Adds new keypages with custom passives, for use in attribution. The keypages will be added to your inventory upon starting the game, under Canard category. There are a total of 10 different keypages, each with their own set of p...
Attribution Filter Fix
Tạo bởi XDTM
Fixes the passive attribution text filters only looking through base game passives and excluding ones added by mods. I have only tested this in english, but it should work with other languages as well in theory. Let me know if there are issues....
BaseMod for Workshop
Tạo bởi h4kot4
Thanks GustabMunchausen for helping update the documentation. Thanks abcdcode for their previous contributions to us, and thanks to the mod team members of Chinese community for their help during production. We add some Document files in BaseMod's folder,a...
Better Filters (EN/RU/JP/KR/CN)
Tạo bởi Cyaminthe
Enhances the Combat Page filtering system. Feel free to suggest additional translations. JP localization by first Seven, KR localization by Coward Montblanc, CN localization by シア....
Amplified Wedge Office (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
1 Star of the City Book...
Blue Reverberation Ensemble - Elena face mod
Tạo bởi shrimpsterry
Everything is in the eyebrows except the rear hair....
Better Kim (EN/JP)
Tạo bởi Smile00122
Adds an impurity version of Bamboo Hatted Kim's keypage. Also adds impurity versions of the combat pages. Invite a dummy that drops the book with 1 IC book. キムのページの改良版を追加。...
Book of ■■
Tạo bởi Zeze
■의 책장을 추가합니다. 뜬소문 책 하나를 보낸 뒤 저택초대장 접대를 선택해서 책 배달부를 잡으면 ■의 책장을 줍니다. 혹시 버그가 있다면 댓글로 제보해주세요 최대한 빠르게 수정하겠습니다....
Book of Faust / 파우스트의 책장
본 상품은 실제 림버스 컴퍼니 인게임에서 나오는 모습과는 아무래도 다르겠죠?...
Book of Heathcliff / 히스클리프의 책장
본 제품은 실제 림버스 컴퍼니 인게임에서 나오는 모습과 다소 차이가 있을까요?...
Book of Noa [The 8 o'Clock Circus] Returning Library Series NO.1
Tạo bởi BlackMan
- Recommend Please use with this mode : - 권장 사항 해당 모드와 같이 사용하여 주시길 권장합니다. Returning Library Series NO.1 Available mode for B...
Book of Outis / 오티스의 책장
본 스킨은 실제 림버스 컴퍼니 인게임에서 나오는 모습과 일치하지 않을수도있고아닐수도있고...
Book of Ozma(Roland)(rev.1)
Tạo bởi Hurel
Ozma with Roland Bug fixed Adjust body size Use default Attack animation...
Book of Punishing Bird
Tạo bởi Screen Lady
Adds Punishing Bird as an appearance projection. Size is may need tweaking, and some sprites are modified slightly to fit as a projection. (Ex. Devouring sprite recycled for blocking, pecking for the three other attack types for consistency sake) Doesn't s...
Book of Ryoshu / 료슈의 책장
본 상품은 실제 림버스 컴퍼니 인게임에서 나오는 모습과 많이 다를수도있고아닐수도있고...
Tạo bởi dory
cafe ver binah....
Cold Sun Office(CN)(JP/EN/KR No New Chapter)V4.0
Tạo bởi 刘夜
不再需要BASEMOD 【最新更新】:新增四场主线接待,W公司与7协会接待,奖励全部重做。 寒昼事务所、灼火骑士、W公司、创痕事务所美术以及特效重置,加入新的便捷功能。 目前已知BUG: 嫉妒之花会导致寒昼事务所接待地图的入口消失,目前没有解决办法。【最新解决办法】:将寒昼事务所移动至你的MOD列表最顶端或许可以解决。 和书籍猎手同时开会导致打完第一关没办法刷出下一关的关卡,解决办法是重新进一次游戏之后刷出下一个关卡。(目前应该修复了) 倒悬图书馆炸了寒昼代码导致的无法移动地图的BUG已经修复。 邀请方式:...
Customize Argalia Face
Tạo bởi Burū_Nek0
Not just a head, now he has a Face (Mouth) and Clean Front Hair. If you find errors in sprites, please report them....
CustomRarityUtil v1.0.2
Tạo bởi Luca1125
バトルページ、コアページ、パッシブのレアリティを簡単に追加できるようにする前提MODです。 StageModRarityInfo.xmlを使いたいMODにコピーして、各種XMLファイルを読み込ませることで使用できます。 詳細は本MODのフォルダに有るサンプルとマニュアル(PDF)を確認してください。 ※※注意※※ CardInfo.xml、EquipPageInfo.xml、PassiveList.xmlを本MODで読み込んでローカライズを行う場合、処理順の都合からLocalization Managerで...
Da'at Floor v1.0.4e
Tạo bởi PattyHoswell
Update News A new discussion has been opened about it Unlock a new Da'at floor after you have beaten the last battle (The Head). Da'at floor story is centered around...
Debug Console Activate Mod
Tạo bởi sanu
This mod activates DebugConsole. You can activate the console by pressing the "`" button. --------- Object malkuth, yesod, hod, netzach, tiphereth, gebura, chesed, binah, hokma, keter Vulnerable, Quickness, Shock, Blurry, Weak, Regeneration, Stun, Enduranc...
City Wide Revolt
Tạo bởi Spatus
Eternally a work-in-progress, but most of the mod is complete. Much thanks to the wonderful people of the Project Moon and Before Dark Discords for helping with this. Additionally, separate big thanks to uGuardian, Cyaminthe and StartUp for everything. (No...
Dialogue Bugfixes
Tạo bởi Prometheus
Fixes some bugs concerning dialogues such as: - Voicelines for Valentin's (and one of Roland's) lines - Sprite lighting for EmmaNoah, EGO Philip, The Puppeteer, puppets, Moirai, injured EGO Xiao, and injured Miris - Librarian startPhase dialogues for Netza...
Dice Roll Fix
Tạo bởi uGuardian
Patches the awful vanilla dice roll implementation to be magnitudes more efficient. Only has a notable performance impact on dice rolls with extremely large ranges or clashes with an extremely large number of dice. Also prevents softlocks due to absurdly w...
Dieci Rodion
Tạo bởi noahbarker
Limbus Company Dieci Rodion...
Distorted EmmaMOD(JP, KR, EN, CN)
Tạo bởi (代理用)Violet
※このMODは、本人(赤ガエル様)の意向による代理投稿です。 Tabキーを押すことで8時のサーカスが変化します。 難易度は都市の星三段目想定です。 コード:俺 SD絵全般、ストーリーの一枚絵:睡眠不足様 ストーリー立ち絵:ゲーミング無職様 バトルページ:@coco_shirowa様 エフェクト:sazu様 ディゾルブ:ルカ様 ストーリー:えのき様 アイコン:妬舞禾翠様 【翻訳】 kr:弱虫モンブラン様 cn:リンゴと同様の翻訳者様 en:安心と安全のDeeple (Special Thanks) ・LORM...
Distorted Yan Enhancement 阳-扭曲解放 얀-뒤틀린 해방 阳-ねじれ解放[Multilanguage EN CN KR JP]
Tạo bởi 尚夏
Enhance Yan's performance and add cooler models ,do not need reception 强化阳的性能并添加更酷炫的模型,无需接待 패시브를 추가하고 모델링을 수정했습니다. 접대 불필요. 陽の性能を強化してさらにクールなモデルを追加、接待の必要がない If you think it's good, please like it! This is very important for us! 觉得不错的话请点赞支持!这对我们来说很重要! 괜찮아보이면 ...
E.G.O Malkuth (EN/KR/CN/JP)
Tạo bởi Memeglow
As this is uploaded, it is currently Malkuth's birthday. Happy Birthday Malkuth! I made this mod for this special day, this is my gift to you! The Invitation is available via an exclamation mark on the Floor of History Afterwards, you can re-invite the fig...
EGOユジン/Ego Yujin(Jp, Kr, Cn, EN)
Tạo bởi (代理用)Violet
※このMODは、本人(赤ガエル様)の意向による代理投稿です。 Tabキーを押すことでシ協会が変化します。 難易度は都市の星三段目想定です。 コード、エフェクト:俺 SD絵全般:ひのっちぇ様 ストーリー立ち絵, アイコン:いたり様 一部バトルページ、ストーリー:えのき様 背景画像、助言:睡眠不足さん 【翻訳】 kr:弱虫モンブラン様 cn:ねじエマと同様の翻訳者様 (Special Thanks) ・LORMODサーバー日本支部の方々 【...
EGO roland MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP) 에고 롤랑 접대 모드
Tạo bởi 이불대왕
Tab키를 누르면 검은침묵 점대가 전환됩니다. Press Tab to switch to IF story EGO roland MOD(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP) 방송에서 플레이하셔도 괜찮습니다...
Emotion Bubble Fix and Other Cutscene-Related Fixes
Tạo bởi Billyman
This mod contains various patches to fix up a couple of bugs that affect how cutscenes are shown, both story cutscenes and cutscenes that happen within the span of a battle (so after the prep screen, but before the results screen), which would be referred ...
Enhanced Combat Page View
Tạo bởi Cyaminthe
Allows the player to use the scroll wheel to zoom in on the currently selected or hovered Combat Page (only in battle). Also allows hands with more than 10 pages to be displayed properly (with a change of rotation to minimise mis-selections), and fixes can...
Tạo bởi Mashirororo
スキンの画像が正方形じゃないとか、大きすぎて頭の大きさが合わないとか、スキンに応じて速度ダイスの位置を大まかに調整したいとか、自作スキンをスキンカスタマイズに追加したいとか、ワクショスキンにもそういう要素を追加したいとか。そういったスキン関連の欲望を抱えた人たちへ。 使い方は付属マニュアル(JP or EN)をお読みください。 使用例(接待MOD) - 一一一一一一一一一一級フィクサー ドンファン
Fang Office 1.1
Tạo bởi HatSir
What if the Molar Office escaped the Library, only to be drawn back in? Use 1 Star Of The City book to invite them~...
Fragment of an Arbiter
Tạo bởi uGuardian
Fragment of an Arbiter adds a page with a single passive that allows Binah to switch to her upgraded form and cards at a certain Emotion Level (Default 3) To gain it, first complete the reception of The Head, then send an invite using three Impuritas books...
Gebura Buff
Tạo bởi Smile00122
Because Gebura clearly needed a buff. Adds Gebura's Prowess to the Red Mist keypage....
Goku Keypage
Tạo bởi Kirisada
Behold, the strongest Character to ever grace this forsaken land that is the Workshop. Now you can use Goku to style on everyone. This mod gives you the Son Goku keypage. Use 1 Canard book to receive the invitation. WARNING! This mod is meant to be a joke ...
Hana Association - Mirinae
Tạo bởi shrimpsterry
Eyebrows are the face and the front hair - Rear hair is the rear hair. Empty eyes and mouth are provided within the mod....
Hana Association - Olivier
Tạo bởi shrimpsterry
Eyebrows are the face and the front hair - Rear hair is the rear hair. Empty eyes and mouth are provided within the mod. ...
Index Zealots (EN)
Tạo bởi XDTM
Adds the reception of the Index Zealots. Use any two Star of the City books to invite them. The Index Zealots take their faith on the Prescripts to a new level: their passives allow them to trade control and consistency of their decks in exchange for power...
Ishmael (LCB Sinner)
Tạo bởi KrisnaKx
Ishmael from Limbus Company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If any of the mods don...
Keypage/Book Search
Tạo bởi CalmMagma
Allows the user to search through keypages and books using a search bar. Special thanks to StartUp for helping me out with testing, fixing some issues, and coming up with the sane solution for the book search patch; and also to Cyaminthe for informing me o...
Let Roland Carry You
Tạo bởi SpaceBanana
Roland is strong. He can carry both you, and your reception if you let him! *This mod only adds a book outfit! KNOWN ISSUES: -there are issues with semi-transparent pixels at the edges of some images -some old files from the mod I was originally testing ov...
Limbus Company Shrenne Head
A Question: Have you ever thought about adding Shrenne to your library? Did you feel bad about her dying and think she should instead suffer inside the Library? Well we have the best thing for you: The Shrenne Head! Now you too can create a Shrenne Nugget ...
LimbusCompany-Demian(Skin only)
Tạo bởi 深蓝逃避
Demian's page...
Lobotomy Corp. Remnant(Skin only)
Tạo bởi QliphothTree
It would be better to be here than in the city. Fully ok for use in mods....
Localization Manager
Tạo bởi StartUp21
This mod is meant to help people localize their mods. To mod developers, to use this mod: - Add a Steam dependency to this mod. Or - if you are already using Framework Loader - you can drop this mod into the 1FrameworkAssemblies folder, like other pluggins...
Lolita Argalia
Tạo bởi
Most pretty boy. Argalia....
Long wave twintails -update
Tạo bởi Tulxe
Delete the previous version. Slightly changed the front hair + repainted only the side hair...
mallard office
Tạo bởi green
ducks invite with 3 star of the city balanced around star of the city 2, intended to be a regular general reception-type of reception features discard and haste funny business...
Mega's Black Silence Rework (EN)
Tạo bởi Mega
Various minute tweaks to Roland's kit for more sustain and power....
Messenger Yan (Non-distorted Version)
Tạo bởi yarrrr
Character projection of Messenger Yan of the Index without the ink and tatters; all traces of the distortion removed. As an extra, his default pose is the very same one used in the preview image of the player Distorted Yan instead of the lazy standing pose...
MolarOffice Puls(EN) ver.1.1
Tạo bởi ぼつじん
Recipe: Three Impuritas...
More Fairy Support
Tạo bởi Nadiax
Adds 3 Keypages revolving Fairy 3 different playstyles 29 Combat Pages 1 Impuritas to rob binah the green tea Credits: 2 skins that i used
Myo Hair
Tạo bởi Ana
Myo Face
Tạo bởi Burū_Nek0
This is Myo's face. I'm too lazy for normal images. If you find errors in sprites, please report them....
Naimon, the 12 Fixers (KR/EN/JP/CN)
Tạo bởi 구와아악
This MOD entertains Naimon, a member of the 12 Fixers. - Add entertainment; can be found in the story line -For the first reception you can only entertain Roland. but you can use another librarians in the floor of the General Works for next reception. EN t...
virtuNat's New Librarian Keypages (EN/KR/CN)
Tạo bởi virtuNat
Disclaimers: This mod is not designed to work with Nexus BaseMod or BongBongEnterprises. Using these mods and mods that depend on them is likely to cause conflicts with this mod, and may result in features not working, or the game not being able to run pro...
new [LCB] Hong Lu 鸿璐
Tạo bởi ONION
宝子哥,但图书馆 是上次删掉过的优化版...
Tạo bởi uGuardian
Makes books and pages drop unreasonably large amounts. Will also give you pages you already own, and your owned pages will not go back down if you disable the mod. Warning: Will also give multiple copies of normally drop-limited books. You all kept asking ...
Nosferatu Cosplay hair
Tạo bởi ehon
幻想体「ノスフェラトゥ」のコスプレ髪型です。 錯視的に司書補さんの耳をとんがっているように見せています。 耳の処理はリスペクト大歓迎です! 以下は一覧にマイナーチェンジが並ぶとうるさいので限定公開です。 ▽No mesh ver. (赤いメッシュ抜きバージョン) ▽ほかとんがり耳の髪型
OP Red Mist
Tạo bởi Matheus262
Red Mist, but overpowered Can be invited using Star of the City books Try using 1 or 2 books, and maybe 3 if you are brave enough, but be warned: you'll need your best team or teams 2 other mods were used to make this one Infinite Cards Passive ALT Abnorma...
Pequod Captain ishmael skin
Tạo bởi MothmanConnoisseur
Another mod i made...
R사 까마귀팀 스토리 모드 R Corp. Raven Team(Multilanguage EN KR CN JP)
Tạo bởi 이불대왕
R사 까마귀팀 스토리를 추가해주는 모드입니다. 기반모드 필요없습니다. There is no need for basemod. 방송에서 플레이하셔도 괜찮습니다....
R Corp. Hard Mode / R사 하드 모드 /强化R公司接待Mod(EN/KR/CN)
Tạo bởi Often
R Corp. Hard Mode 2 or 3 Impuritas Civitatis books R사 하드 모드입니다. 불순물 책 2권 또는 3권을 넣고 접대하시면 됩니다. 接待强化的R公司, 使用2本或者3本杂志书接待...
Re-Extraction mod
Tạo bởi qzwxecrv
Press Ctrl Key + Click Hide Button // Reset Emotion Coin 무단이식이라 욕먹으면 내리고 아니면 말고...
Reception of Hope Office
Tạo bởi Wrew
Requires 1 Impurity Book. A short reception focused around Combat Pages that give Endurance. My mod receptions are intended to be similar to general receptions. Their purpose is to add more options or play styles. I hope you enjoy! This mod is in english o...
Reception of The Bloodfiendish(JP/EN/KR/CN)
Tạo bởi 琥白
Add one reception that battle against to Bloodfiendish. You can play the left of Twisted Blue. =========================================== Credit Author -琥白(Kohaku) Translater EN:Kohaku CN:kyan kyou KR:댕댕(StoopidDog) ...
Reception of Shrenne [EN/CN]
Synopsis Shrenne was just in her office one day leaking documents and talking to Ran, when she gets an email about being allowed to visit the library. Unbeknownst to her, Walpurgis Night has begun and Shrenne's going to accept an invitation that wasn't sup...
Reception of The One Who Grips: Kromer
Tạo bởi Harikjay
This is my first mod, as such it may not be perfect in all aspects, but I'm still pretty proud of it. This encounter is reached by submitting a Urban Nightmare book, but be aware that the fight might be slightly stronger than Urban Nightmare level. The who...
Red Mist Alts
Tạo bởi Aphotic Amaranth
This mod requires Util DLL. More Red Mist Alts because why not. Contains spoilers about the ending of the game, and is intended to be played after finishing the game. Adds a new Red Mist Keypage based on her abilities in a certain end-game reception, three...
Tạo bởi Chou
몸과 머리를 따로 분리하였습니다. 머리와 눈썹 눈썹을 투명하게 만든 뒤 캐릭터 뒷머리 +캐릭터 입에 있는 외형파일을 적용하세요...
Roland of Greed
Tạo bởi Ana
Ruina 101: How to Read
Tạo bởi UnitDragon
If you are wondering why you are here, Congrats! That means you passed 'The Read Test'! At least on basic level. You now hold the power of reading the mod description, which makes you think twice before comment - way better than most steam users whose comm...
Rodion (LCB Sinner)
Tạo bởi KrisnaKx
Rodion from Limbus Company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If any of the mods dont...
Silver Scribes [Bookjam July]
Tạo bởi Lux
An Index subsidiary ordered to record the vast knowledge of the Library. Cards and effects revolve around Singleton and discard. Invite with 1 SotC book. Balanced for SotC2, beatable without attribution and EGO. Credits: Most of the garbage - Lux (me) Icon...
Solo's Card Tweaks / Solo的书页调整 [EN/CN]
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Tweaks for cards that I could not fit into any of my other mods. Summary Judgement's effect is currently compatible with Thumb West and POTATOMods Also includes some fixes, such as: -Inhale Smoke, Deep Drag, Vapour and Autonomous Rush now have action scrip...
Solo's Ensemble Tweaks / Solo的乐团调整 [EN/CN]
Tạo bởi SoloCross
An almost complete overhaul of the Reverberation Ensemble, featuring several new passives and Combat Pages. If you have already beaten the final reception, the pages will be added to your inventory automatically upon loading your save, otherwise, you will ...
Solo's Extra Cards
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Makes a bunch of formerly enemy-only Combat Pages obtainable. I just thought they'd be neat tbh. Also lets you get Stigmatize earlier cause why not. --HOW TO GET THE NEW CARDS-- Uh... there's a lot of 'em now huh. Check the previews for which book has whic...
Solo's General Reception Buffs [EN/JP/CN]
Tạo bởi SoloCross
A bunch of changes to General Invite Keypages, featuring various unique passives, buffed stats for a bunch of em and functional passives for Dante. Modifies several of their combat pages as well. The Udjat's effect is currently compatible with City Wide Re...
Solo's Hana Association Buffs
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Buffs every Hana Association card, and gives Harold a new version of All for Hana. Olivier still has the old one, renamed to Bulwark. This mod is configurable with the config file HanaAssociationBuffs.ini, which is located at C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Pro...
Rudolph head
Tạo bởi Nocteus
Since the version that was in the workshop has disappeared, I tried to recreate him. All parts of Rudolph face & hairs are in the Mouth option. Make the librarian's eyes, eyebrows and hairs transparent. Have fun !...
Solo's Index Buffs
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Tweaks a bunch of Index Combat Pages and buffs Breaking Pressure, also gives Grace of the Prescript to the Index Proxies This mod is configurable with the config file IndexYan.ini, which is located at C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Project Moon\LibraryOfRuina\...
Solo's Liu Buffs [EN/KR]
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Modifies several Liu Combat Pages and passives; gives Lowell a new passive and grants the generic Liu Section 1 Fixer Singular Strike This mod is configurable with the config file LiuXiao.ini, which is located at C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Project Moon\Lib...
Solo's R Corp Buffs
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Modifies several R-Corp cards and gives Rudolph an upgraded version of the Survivor passive. Also, removes Sufficient Ammo from Myo and the Rabbits and stops Savage Mode from overriding appearance projections. Additionally, fixes Maxim's Rhino Ram animatio...
Solo's Speed Buffs
Tạo bởi SoloCross
Grants Speed/Speed III and/or 4 lights to certain Keypages. Also implements the Post-Haste passive, just in case you needed even more Speed dice. By default: -Grade 7 Fixer page 3, Axe Gang Member page 2, Liwei and Alloc gain Speed. -Nemo, Hubert, Gloria, ...
Speed Dice Color
Tạo bởi PattyHoswell
Change the color of Speed Dice based on the current unit/reception/book and many more. Will not affect certain mods as to avoid conflict in case it also have Speed Dice color mod. Update: Added abillity to add your own Speed Dice color by xml. Go to the mo...
Suggested Passives
Tạo bởi Lv 9 Reborn Nubblet
Adds Key Pages with additional suggested passives, available by completing the new general invitations. Receptions: Reception of a Stray Puppet (x2 Urban Nightmare) Passives: Hedged Bet (8) Once per Scene, upon discarding a page, gain a Counter die with th...
The Dealer Mod
Tạo bởi Tchara
Requires 3 Urban Legend Books. A Mini Boss fight that will reward you with some new pages that should hopefully make Discard decks shine. I personally feel that discard decks dont have nearly enough support and i hope this changes that. Please share any fe...
The Monochrome Dragon (EN/CN/KR)
Tạo bởi Kirisada
Requires 1 Impurity book. Original difficulty is aimed at Impurity tier with base game content. Good luck! Sprites and Combat Page Art: ^TheBeats Coding Assistance: Kamiyo CustomMapUtility and SMotion Loader: uGuardian CN Translator: Dreams KR Translator: ...
The Pale Glory (EN CN KR | JP Combat Only)
Tạo bởi Skitto493
Greet a curiously familiar, yet unfamiliar guest and her companions. English is fully supported. Adds an additional dropdown to the settings menu to enable/disable animated portraits in the UI. Realtime animated portraits may cause a lot of overhead, so di...
Turbulence Office (EN/CN/JP-Combat Only) 湍流事务所
Tạo bởi Kai [ARKS Trash]
Welcome to probably one of my worst mistakes in my modding career, Turbulence Office. This entire shitpost of a mod took several months to develop but it's finally released for all of you to enjoy and cry internally. This mod requires 3 Impuritas Books to ...
The Pianist (All languages)
Tạo bởi Veronica
38歳、くたびれたスーツを着たピアニスト。 あの日、都市に刻まれた旋律をもう一度奏でさせよう。 A 38-year-old pianist in a worn-out suit. Let's play again the melody that was engraved on the city the day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- バニラ、都市...
Usurper of light Yan
Tạo bởi KAMOME
need 1"Impuritas Civitatis"rank books. To the library to end the city ... He also became one of the book hunters....
Tạo bởi gladnessMask
ValentinEGO Impuritas Civitatis Invitation method: Book of Yujin + Book of Tenma The English version uses machine translation Due to the cost, all the art materials except the map come from the original version. BGM: Kiyoshi Yoshida-Samurai If I violate th...
Very Long Furioso
Tạo bởi Punai
Yan E.G.O.
Tạo bởi tmsnszk98
EGOを扱えるようになったヤン君を、都市の星1冊で招待することができます。 use the invitation of 1 Star of the City tier books....
Xiao EGO Iron Lotus
Tạo bởi Matheus262
Changes the base Xiao passive so it can play Iron Lotus when the EGO is fully manifested. No requirements for anything, besides Xiao emotion lvl 4. Also, no other changes besides the Iron Lotus playing. (The thumbnail is just illustration) Enjoy ;)...
Yan Face
Tạo bởi KAMOME
Yharon's Yan Rework
Tạo bởi Yharon
Makes Baleful Brand inflict 1 more Erosion, changes the ability of Sword of Volition, buffs the passive ability The Messenger because why not, increases the minimum roll of Distorted Blade, and switches the position of the block and the blunt die on Lock. ...
Zwei Section 2, South (EN and JP, WIP)
Tạo bởi Alyssciel
Zwei Section 2, South by Alyssciel =========================================== Special Thanks to the following people: -Character Sprites: TheBeats, Me, GreyRunes -Card Arts: Mantoraptor, Lukia_Rails, Irinka_Soln, I Wonder...
[Deprecated] 외형투영 강화 모드 / Apperance Projection Overhaul Mod (KR/EN/JP)
Tạo bởi 흑현
이 모드는 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다 해당 접대 모드에 본 모드의 기능이 포함되어있습니다. ---- 왜 일초툴 책장을 입으면 기본옷을 못입는가 이 모드는 기본 모드에서 아래 사항들을 수정합니다. 외형투영 목록 추가 - 현재 사용중인 모든 모드의 핵심 책장을 투영할 수 있습니다. - 외부 모드를 포함한, 모든 적의 외형을 투영할수 있습니다....
[EN/CN/KR/JP] LoR Discord Rich Presence
Tạo bởi CalmMagma
Makes Ruina compatible with Discord Rich Presence. -x- Credits -x- CalmMagma - Developer GustabMunchausen - Chinese Localizer Except_ByJugator340 - Korean Localizer Special thanks to Proto for giving me the idea to make this mod. I'm not sure if the two or...
[EN/JP] reception of god king walter
Tạo bởi green
the king rises invite with 2 impurity books 不純物の本2冊で接待できます this is a reception built around tying evades against other evades but you can ignore that and do something else...
Yharon's Argalia Rework
Tạo bởi Yharon
Gives a special ability to Trails of Blue (Which has a special animation when it activates), makes Tempestuous Danza set vibration to 5, and adds another page that follows Grand Finale.... THIS REQUIRES BASEMOD FOR WORKSHOP. DO NOT COMPLAIN TO ME THAT IT D...
[EN/KR] Reception of the WARP Liquidators
Tạo bởi Voodoo Child
(Requires 3 Star of the City books). A small general reception I made to learn about LoR modding. The WARP theme came from the fact that I think charge decks could use some more support. It is not meant to be a boss-level reception. Think of it as the char...
[Invitation] The Librarian of Death-蒼白の司書 ー般招待(JP KR CN EN)
Tạo bởi パスタの魔女
11/1 KR and CN had been added. 11/7 EN had been added. A really huge THAAAAAAAANK to PM_1222 and Astra in KR translation, applying multilanguage, story line etc. Thank you so much! And the same THAAAAAAAANK to rudy, Mia 'Me-A' Meta, Author in EN translatio...
[KR/JP/CN/EN]뒤틀린 네모 모드 Distorted Nemo MOD
Tạo bởi bluemoon_TERROR
우리가 잘 아는 네모네모가 도서관에서 책이 되지 않고, 혼자 도망쳤다면? 의 IF입니다. 난이도는 도시의 별 2라인 정도로 생각합니다. TAB키를 누르면 지팡이 사무소 아이콘이 바뀝니다. 독자적인 캐릭터 해석이 많이 있으므로 내 해석과는 다른데요? 할 수 있습니다. 아무쪼록 양해해주세요. 방송에서 사용 가능합니다. 총 기획/접대 스토리 아이디어/책장 스토리/코딩: 블루문T(@Bluemoon_TERROR) 접대 스토리/기획 보조: Snugget(#7543)...
[KR/JP/CN/EN]유일을 다시 위대하게/Make Singleton Great Again/唯一を再び偉大に/让独一再次伟大
Tạo bởi Coward Montblanc
유일지원이 모드환경에서는 너무 밸류가 낮다고 생각하지 않나요? 그래서 가져와봤어요. 게임을 켜면 대행자의 책을 10권 주며, 대행자 3명에게 추가 패시브가 생겼어요(다른 강화모드와 중첩 가능) Don't you think the value of singleton support is too low in this mod environment? So I brought it. If you turn on the game, you will be given 10 bo...