Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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OPR Tokens expanded
Type: Objects
Assets: Components
Language: English
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319.118 KB
May 10 @ 6:39pm
May 18 @ 9:12am
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OPR Tokens expanded

In 1 collection by BlueDemon - 75
One Page Rules - Tools and extras addons
2 items
OPR Tokens Expanded

By design the One Page Rules Wargames aren't super complex, to the point that for the sake of simplicity most of its tokens from the official set act as generic markers without distintive features, letting players decide and communicate what effect that token represent in that given time.

The games work flawlessly with just the official set, but the lack of clear tokens to represent each modifier bothered me, so I created this set. It includes my variation of the Core Rules markers, basic modifiers, and all the extra tokens that could come in handy regarding Advanced Rules Set features, such as terrain damage, supression, command points and such.

If you are like me and simply forget all the time to keep track of active spell effects, buffs and debuffs, these tokens are also for you.

Suggestions for tokens are welcome.
Not all special rules like Aegis and Fearless are include, the reason is that I only choose to include tokens for lingering/temporary effects that can be given as buffs by either Hero ability or spells. So permanent unit effects (like Aegis) have not been included.

Icons provided by the forever useful website: game-icons dot net.

Mod Contents
36 Tokens (soon to be 43...])
- Activation
- Spell Point
- Wound
- Wound x3
- Generic +1
- Generic -1
- Generic Buff
- Generic Debuff
- Shaken
- Fatigued
- Shooting +1 and Shooting -1
- Melee +1 and Melee -1
- Defense +1 and Defense -1
- Morale +1and Morale -1
- Command Point
- Barbed Wire Terrain
- Alien Infestation Terrain
- psychic Vigor Terrain
- Deadly Spores Terrain
- Last Stand
- Overwatch
- Supression
- Terrain Damage
- Terrain Damage x3
- Regeneration
- Furious
- Counter
- stealth
- Slow
- Fast
- Victory Point
- OPR Logo marker

Also includes all of the above in plain black and white variant.

Core Objective Markers
- Objectives 1 through 6

Advanced Objective Markers
- Defensive barrier objective
- Holy Monument objective
- Bobby traps objetive
- Relic objective
- Gravity field objective

|/ / /| Updates |/ / /|

11/05/24 - Colored tokens now come in infinite bags shaped like the token itself. (individual tokens without the bags are still included)

12/05/24 - Updated workshop icon

18/05/24 - Updated spell token color
Added the following Core Rules tokens:
- Colorable Objective markers 1-6
- All white tokens are now colorable

Added the following Advanced Rules tokens:
- Last Stand marker
- Command Points
- Barbed Wire Terrain marker
- Alien Infestation Terrain marker
- Psychic Vigor Terrain marker
- Deadly Spores Terrain marker
- Colorable Gravity Field Objective marker
- Colorable Defensive Barrier objective marker
- Colorable Relic Objective marker
- Colorable Holy monument Objective marker
- Colorable Booby Trap Objective marker

BlueDemon - 75  [author] May 19 @ 8:41am 
Great to hear it! I ha've updated to add some extra stuff from the advanced rules, new objective markers to fit with these tokens aesthetic, and made the white tokens colorable.
Karion May 11 @ 2:24am 
Love them! Thank you!