Portal 2

Portal 2

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Simple But Difficult

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Simple But Difficult

Started as an easy puzzle, it was slowly improved to a more difficult one
-Sometimes there are different ways to reach the same place [Memorized symbols]
Rigel  [author] May 7 @ 6:44am 
Yes, correct
bullfrog May 7 @ 6:35am 
Thanks; is this the method you are talking about ? It might require a bit of skill, but it's definitely better than what I initially did, which required F6/F7 if you failed, or redoing several steps. The other way allows the player to just try again :)
Rigel  [author] May 7 @ 5:57am 
Thanks for playing it :steamthumbsup:
There are two ways: 1 using the bridge as you did | 2 catching the sphere that falls through the portal with the gun (requires a bit of skill)
bullfrog May 7 @ 2:29am 
I've just looked and found that this is your first map; for a first attempt this is definitely better than some, so have another :steamthumbsup:
bullfrog May 7 @ 2:27am 
OK, I've completed it. It did require quite a bit of exploration (or noclip) to work out what was in the puzzle, but I sort of enjoyed it, so :steamthumbsup: The way I did one bit I'm not sure about, so I is this your intended way to get the sphere ?