Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Fantasy Horrors Collection
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"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask..."

A collection of Unusual effects themed around Pyroland, dreams, and nightmares.
Item (4)
Pyroland Flames
Dibuat oleh Kerpongle
Burning Sensation. Part of the Fantasy Horrors Collection. Kerpongle - Particle Works, Promotional Works, Sprites Work. William_The_Minecraft_Kid_2008 - Particle Works....
Dibuat oleh Kerpongle
Deadly inferno. Part of the Fantasy Horrors Collection. Kerpongle - Particle Creation, Promos. Fire - Initial Concept....
Whimsical Wishes
Dibuat oleh Kerpongle
Sweet dreams. Part of the Fantasy Horrors Collection. Variants: Purple - Whimsical Wishes Gold - Wishful Thinking Kerpongle - Sprite Work, Particle Works. λtom605 - Promotional Work. VitreousGlassy - Concept....
Dibuat oleh Kerpongle
Rise and shine. Part of the Fantasy Horrors Collection. Kerpongle - Particle Works, Promotional Works, Sprites Work. Sander - Concept....