Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Dragonslayer Set
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Game (maps & mods): Medieval Warfare
Item Type (items): Helmet
Item Tags (items): Polycount Contest
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45.127 MB
5 okt 2014 om 21:08
22 feb 2015 om 2:03
3 wijzigingsnotities (weergeven)

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4/7/2016 added a sketchfab link!

Longsword and Helmet for The Dragonslayer set

I based the design off of old Germanic designs and wanted to give it a gritty medieval look while still having unique appeal. I wanted to design from the perspective of a world with no dragons but belief and fear in them still existed so the designs were still incorporated into the artistry.

Here is a link to my polycount age with the design process