Fable Anniversary

Fable Anniversary

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Fable Anniversary - SLI - MSAA+TrSSAA and HBAO+ Guide (Nvidia)
By lobotomy gaming
How to activate Nvidia SLI using Nvidia Inspector for Fable Anniversary.
Guide also Includes instructions to enable hardware MSAA, TrSSAA and HBAO+
Nvidia SLI, driver and hardware graphics enhancements detailed.
Nvidia Advanced Graphics Settings for Fable Anniversary

This guide includes instructions to enable all of the below graphics enhancements, all of which are independent of each other, in other words you can choose to enable all these enhancements or specific ones only. The only exception being negative LOD adjustments, this setting is used in tandem with Anti-aliasing to balance texture blur/sharpening.

  • SLI - (Scalable Link Interface)
  • MSAA - (Multi-sampling Anti-aliasing)
  • TrSSAA - (Transparency Super-sampling Anti-aliasing)
  • HBAO+ - (Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion)
  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • Negative LOD bias

**Please Note - the compatibility flags used to enable Anti-aliasing for Fable Anniversary are limited to MSAA and TrSSAA only. Other Anti-aliasing technologies such as OGSSAA, SGSSAA and others that are offered in the settings drop downs found in Nvidia Inspector will not work correctly and likely not work at all. In addition, enabling incorrect Anti-aliasing can result in problems with stability and performance.

In the next section you will find the information and compatibility flags needed to enable SLI and hardware level AA. You will also see the compatibility flag needed to enable HBAO. I have also included optional texture filtering enhancements and LOD bias settings to improve image accuracy/reduce blurring introduced by Anti-aliasing settings.

***Please note the settings you will see displayed in the images provided are my personal settings and they are set at the maximum levels that they can be set with some exceptions. Duplicating these settings will result in the biggest impact on your systems performance and may not even work for some, so depending on your personal set up some bench testing could be required. Furthermore I make no promises that this will work for everyone. Things like SweetFX, ENB, Monitoring software, old drivers, uninformed users, crapware and a whole lot of other operating system related issues can have an affect on your individual results and performance.
Nvidia Inspector settings detailed.
Compatibility Header
This section determines the compatibility for the AA, HBAO+ and SLI sections in the game settings profile. These changes are required as detailed

Ambient Occlusion compatibility
Should be set to: 0x00000021 (Gears of War) - required for HBAO+ activation - optional.
Antialiasing compatibility (DX1)
Antialiasing compatibility
Should be set to: 0x080100C5 (Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3) - required for AA activation optional
Antialiasing Fix:
Default no change needed.
SLI compatibility bits (DX1)
Default no change needed
SLI compatibility bits
Should be set to: 0x42402005 (Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, Special Force 2, Moscow Racer: Legends of USSR, Wildstar, Darkness II) - required for SLI to work correctly

Anti-aliasing Header
configuration settings for Anti-aliasing

Antialiasing - Behavior Flags
Should be set to None
Antialiasing - Mode
Should be set to Override any application setting
Antialiasing - Setting
Can be set 2x, 4x or 8xQ [8x Multisampling] - MSAA Activation higher numbers = bigger performance hit.
Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling
Should be set to Enabled
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling
Can be set to 2x, 4x or 8x Supersampling - higher numbers = bigger performance hit.
**omitted options for this header are all to be left at default

Texture Filtering Header
configuration settings for AF and LOD

Anisotropic filtering mode
Can be set to User-defined / Off
Anisotropic filtering setting
Can be set to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, or 16x
Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX)
Can be set in a range from 0 to -0.1250 - No AA leave at 0, increase negative setting in tandem with higher Anti-aliasing settings. Go no lower than -0.1250 - 4x AA you would want to be right in-between 0 and -0.1250.
Texture filtering - Quality
High quality - optional enhancement setting.
**other options for this header are all left at default

Common Header
configuration settings for HBAO+ Activation

Ambient Occlusion setting
Can be set to Performance, Quality or High Quality
Ambient Occlusion usage
Should be set Enabled
Power management mode
Prefer maximum performance - Optional I set this for all my games.
**omitted options for this header are all to be left at default

SLI Header
Settings required to activate SLI functionality.

NVIDIA predefined number of GPUs to use in SLI rendering mode
NVIDIA predefined SLI mode
**omitted options for this header are all to be left at default


And that is how the magic happens people!
Conclusion and Performance info.
Fable Anniversary is not a very demanding game, if you are running modern hardware, enabling SLI should be more than enough of a performance improvement to allow for high or even maximum settings enabled.[/b]
My set up:
  • i7 3770K OC @ 4.6 Ghz - liquid cooled.
  • 2x EVGA GTX 780Ti Classified in 2 way SLI.
  • 32GB RAM
Game config:
  • Using my SweetFX - Ultra preset
  • Ultra modded fable settings.ini files.
  • Game is being downsampling on the GPU at 3200x1800 to native monitor res of 1920x1080
  • All the enhancements in this guide are enabled.
My experience;
  • 170-200 FPS Benchmark average.
  • Experienced no stability issues.
  • Game looks friggin fantastic.

--- feel free to share your results with us on the Fable community HUB as well as your troubles if any.


Before and Afters.
All taken at 1920x1080 using Bandicam - converted from BMP to JPEG

NO AA OR HBAO________________________________________HBAO On

Not much of a diff in this scene but look closely at the shadowing..

NO AA OR HBAO________________________________________MSAA TRSSAA On
This one the easiest way to see this is to look at the Guards Uniform. The grass also gets some depth.. These textures are not that high of a resolution, in other words you can only make them look so much better..

SweetFX Off/On

NO SFX________________________________________________SFX ON

PaperBen Oct 26, 2016 @ 3:56pm 
Hi Maleficus,

I just found your tutorial and it look awesome ! Really, really loved this game since my first Xbox, Oh yes, this fat, black, very cool Xbox :-)

My questions is, should i deactivate Ambiant Occlusion and AA in the game option for better look/compatibility ?
And when you spoke about "Ultra modded Fable setting.ini files", you mean the SweetFx Preset settings or the Unrealengineusersettings in the game config folder ?

Best regards from Switzerland,

PS : sorry my bad english...
lobotomy gaming  [author] Oct 15, 2014 @ 2:20pm 
NubeDeFlechas Oct 15, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
Thanks for that guide, Maleficus. Your settings works really fine in my computer.

My specs:
·Intel Core i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz liquid cooled
·2 x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
·16 GB Ram
lobotomy gaming  [author] Oct 12, 2014 @ 3:04pm 
Pics added...
lobotomy gaming  [author] Oct 4, 2014 @ 9:48pm 
When I have some free time I will add some, was planning on it actually. May be a couple days.
Miseryguts Oct 4, 2014 @ 4:06pm 
Any chance of some before & after shots?