Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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[L'Etranger: The Basics]
By sɪʟᴄʜᴇ #fixtf2
This guide will help you understand the L'etranger Basics and hopefully widen your understanding of this weapon.

This guide will effectively give you a rundown of the L'Etranger it's positives and negatives as well as the knifes it effectively shines in and some extra facts this guide also only goes into the stats of the weapon as well as basic strategies and knifes the weapons shines with if this is not what you need this guide isn't for you sorry.
(Also This is my first ever guide so their maybe some mistakes if there is please tell me and i will fix them)

L'Etranger: stats (as a utility)
The L'Etranger has benefits as an effective utility to get around the map For example it impact cloak usage. With each hit, it rewards the player with 15% cloak this means the weapon can recharge any cloaking device including the dead ringer which has the penalty of now recharge from dispensers/ammo packs this makes the L'Etranger a good weapon to make a quick getaway or a good way to refill cloak. The L'Etranger also has a -40% cloak duration which makes getting around with Cloaking devices such as the cloak and dagger a lot easier as it provides a lot more movement for the player to sneak your way through enemy lines and is effective as a utility
The L'etranger as a weapon
Now as a weapon the L'Etranger is weaker than stock this does not mean however its useless at dealing damage in fact while the 20% damage penalty does hurt your chances of living butif you effectively dodge and stay a good distance. The L'Etranger has damage fall of where a t point blank the gun will deal around 44 to 48 damage. (This could effectively three shot a full health scout) however the weapon at medium range and long range will decrease only dealing around 28-36 damage and 17-18 damage respectively this while not the best can still hold you up alright in a fight with a light class or maybe a medium class like soldier or demo if you can play your cards right, and effectively strafe.

(example of damage from a medium range)
(ignore crosshair)

The L'Etranger is also good to help defend with 1 v 1s with a critical damage of 96 this allows you to be able to take care of an enemy that is attacking you such as if you fail stab someone. The weapon is a very reliable weapon dealing decent damage allowing you to put up a fight
L'Etranger and knifes
The stock knife is like the most normal of the knifes, it has no upsides or downsides and is a pretty normal weapon so the l'etranger while not as good as stock still is useful in escaping after a stab as the knife has nothing that protects the user after a successful stab the L'Etranger can be effective in making a quick getaway due to its cloak regen on hit and less cloak usage allowing the user to slip away for longer periods of time and quicker.

The spy-cicle is the knife that allows the player to be immune to fire and Afterburn for some time fireproofing the player for one second and providing immunity from Afterburn for 10 seconds but when the knifes upsides are active the knife is melted and is unusable for 15 seconds. Whilst the L'Etranger isn't the worst weapon to use in those times as the cloak buildup it provides can allow you to escape safely to recharge your knife but there are better alternatives especially since the revolver is your main source of damage for that time. So the L'etranger with its 20% damage penalty is out-shined by weapons like stock that can deal more damage in the time the knife is unusable.

Big Earner:
The Big Earner is a knife that provides a speed boost and + 30% cloak on kill with -25 max health lowering your health to 100 This makes your a weaker player with in turn the speed and cloak to run and hide. The L'Etranger provides the user with a 40% cloak duration this can pair well with cloak on kill allowing you to make your get away quickly with the 3 second speed boost to help also. The L'Etranger also deals 15% cloak on hit allowing you to rapidly build up cloak with the knife and revolver together.

Conniver's Kunai:
The Kunai allows the user to absorb the health of the person they stabbed providing OverHeal that fluctuates depends on the victims health but in turn your base health is only 70 making you even more fragile than the Big Earner this results in the user needing to run more which is where the L'Etranger provides the 15% cloak on hit this allows the user to quickly recharge their cloaking device to make a gate away the 40% cloak duration also allows you to stay invisible for longer making it so the user can try to stab for OverHeal and use cloak more frequently as a sort of safety net.

Your Eternal Reward:
The YER is a unique knife that completely silences your stabs making the victim invisible and allowing the user to take the place of the one who was stabbed in turn disguising takes a full cloak meter as well as cloak drains 33% faster. This is where the L'Etranger shines as its 15% cloak on hit allows you to effectively build up your cloak quickly again as well as the 40% cloak duration allowing you to last the relatively normal amount of cloak effectively negating the 33% cloak drain rate. Making the L'Etranger one of the best revolvers for the YER.

Thank you
I hope this guide will help you with the L'Etranger and thank you for reading my guide :)