Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

"sdkfz 234/3"
georider  [author] Apr 15 @ 11:23pm 
@peanut I don't think that is possible is historical in accurate , they never used uniform camo's in armor and vice versa . Since COH1 days all my skinning efforts focused on historical accuracy , there for I don't think I could give a go to that . Do not misunderstand me , each skin takes hours and hours since I am not able to use same tools like game creators , I understand it and accept it. So with the use of photoshop and the limitations I face in some Uvmaps a certain camo variations can be transformer here from my previous works from COH1 and COH2
the peanut Apr 15 @ 4:25pm 
the middle one looks amazing, just a sorta request, i wonder if you could do any Wehrmacht vehicle done with the Splinter Camouflage, I've always wondered what Infantry Camouflage would look like on vehicles and vice versa, anyway, looks sick, how do you do it?
georider  [author] Apr 13 @ 2:40pm 
thank you
Mr Carmine Apr 13 @ 11:34am 
Great work
SzaxoDK Apr 12 @ 6:36am 
Middle one looks incredible