Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Herní mód: Payload
Velikost souboru
26.856 MB
4. dub. v 21.33
6. dub. v 1.48
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

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Map does not belong to me.

All credit goes to Megadude on Gamebanana


This hospital used to take care of all casualties, no matter if they were from Team RED or Team BLU. However, with the fighting coming closer, the hospital was quickly abadoned, leaving a lot of the hospital supplies behind, (including a few crates of medical waste - yuck). The fighting has been especially fierce, and one of your comrades has been seriously hurt and must be evacuated. However, your opposition is in the same situation, and there is only time to evacuate one casualty. Who will get to safety and recover to have a long and healthy life, (at least until the next time they get shot)?


Both teams must push their fallen comrade to the roof of the hospital, while stopping their opponents from doing the same. First team to push their stretcher through the entire course wins the round, and saves their teammates life.


Known errors:

*Detail sprites on displacements in the 3D skybox are huge.
*Stretcher flips 90 degrees just after reaching the final point, (WTF?!?!).



Megadude - map creation / texturer / modeler
Mic_ - custom stretcher model / wheelchair model
III_Demon - custom track models
J.4.C.K.8 - emergency exit door
Cordelle - hospital bed model
...oxy... - ambulance model