104 次評價
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
382.019 KB
3 月 30 日 下午 5:39
4 月 7 日 下午 1:57
6 項更新註記 (檢視)


Update 2

Released my version of female variant body types based on Beautiful Bodies


Just did a quick update on the vanilla texture so they are different and real female variants.
If you don't use body retextures then just using this mod is enough to have the new body types.


The screenshot is a lie!
This mod is to be used in conjunction with other body retexture mods that have the below textures/files prepared.

This mod provides a way to load, on the fly, a different body texture for thin, fat and hulk females.
It will use these names:




I made a simple copy of the original textures for this mod so it won't try to load a texture that doesn't exists.
So this mod by itself won't change anything visually, but in conjunction with a texture mod that contains the files above you will be able to see the female variation of those three body types.

Anyone is free to use mod as a prerequisite for your own mod or copy the dll to your own mod.

As I'm making a body retexture mod I will have this mod as a prerequisite for my future mod.

Might not be compatible with HAR, if you are using HAR you probably don't need this anyway.

Male pawn body texture mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068281501
Female pawn body texture is a variation based on the mod above.
All credit for the texture from the screenshot and my future body texture mod goes to ireth92

Mod with source (This mod does not contain the textures from the screenshot):

50 則留言
BravHart 9 月 12 日 下午 3:42 
I don't know, but is there a way to switch out body types? Maybe you wanted to use a body type from another mod, but it's the same body type as one you want to keep, could you do that (and how do you)?

For example, maybe you want a curvy(?) female with muscles, but want to keep a curvy female body without muscles. Is there a way in that case to make it be labeled as "hulk" to replace the hulk body type, while making all the assets treat it as another curvy female body type without having to go through change/rename every file of vanilla and mods to do it?

Could you hypothetically, through this process, use more or less than 8 body types at any given time?
ChillStorms 9 月 8 日 上午 8:41 
@AJarOfDirt I am certainly interested. I have been trying to figure out visual studio but I have given up.
AJarOfDirt 8 月 9 日 上午 10:07 
I made my own patch for genes that add "fur" (Vanilla Expanded Highmates, Phytokin, etc) to check if there is a custom exclusion tag (to prevent it being done for ones that you don't have textures for) and if there is use a variant graphic too.

I did this so that I could use Erin's texture for most pawns and then use Beautiful bodies for "Perfect Body" gene on highmates. I don't really feel like going through the effort of actually submitting a mod, but I thought you or someone else might be interested? By itself it does nothing though. It requires a gene to have that exclusion tag.
tiagocc0  [作者] 7 月 14 日 下午 1:28 
It depends on how clothes work in the game, I haven't touched or checked this part of the code so I don't know.

But several people including modders reached me about this so I assume it's not possible with xml modding which is easier, so it would probably require a harmony mod and changing one or more methods in the game. This mod is a harmony mod and changes one method.
Rohzdear 7 月 14 日 下午 12:07 
Is it possible to make so that clothing for the same body type but different sex has different graphics?
For example the T-Shirt apparel having different graphics depending if it's a Female or Male Hulk body, etc.
Panthercat64 7 月 1 日 下午 12:31 
Alright I'll give it a shot, thank you!
tiagocc0  [作者] 7 月 1 日 上午 2:53 
the source code is in the github link above

you need visual studio to compile it, so you would modify this file

this is the code in question, notice the if has conditions

can't be male
can't be null
can't contain the name _Female (which is already a female body)
and then needs to contain one of these
either it is _Thin, _Fat or _Hulk

if (pawn.gender != Gender.Male && graphicPath != null && !graphicPath.Contains("_Female") && (graphicPath.Contains("_Thin") || graphicPath.Contains("_Fat") || graphicPath.Contains("_Hulk")))

What you would need is a way to identify if is one of the races you want to exclude and include the exception in the if clause, but I have no idea how to do this as I have never made a mod about HAR
Panthercat64 6 月 30 日 下午 8:35 
Well, I don't know how to actually do anything with harmony, again I'm not a modder at all.
So do you mind providing help for me to learn how to make exceptions to mods with harmony? I couldn't find much through google searches.

Admittingly, the last HAR races I have (because I used to have way, way, way more to the point it was a problem) are some of Yanziko's mods. I like some the features they add, like textures disappearing with certain injuries.
I'm willing to make a fix myself since I doubt many would care about fixing that, and I don't make you do work for one person. I'm just not sure how to do it.
tiagocc0  [作者] 6 月 30 日 下午 7:14 
this mod changes a function from the game using harmony so no xml
it's a very simple if so you could include some exceptions to it if you can identify those you want unchanged from har
Panthercat64 6 月 30 日 下午 6:40 
The mod is cool, but Is there a way to make it ignore certain races from HAR that use custom textures? It's creating some minor in all reality, but very immersion breaking, issues.

I don't mind doing it myself if its just a very simple patch operation, but I'm not an actual modder just kinda have a very base understand what the XML code is sometimes talking about, so I'd just need some simple instructions/knowledge of any essential code to figure it out on my own.