Command: Modern Operations

Command: Modern Operations

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Amphibious Assault Tutorial
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Mar 24 @ 9:55am
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Amphibious Assault Tutorial

This Scenario is a Tutorial on the Basics of Amphibious Operations.

The goal of the scenario is to give the player an understanding of how to successfully conduct an amphibious assault using Air Sea and Ground units in a combined arms exercise. Players will be shown how to ready assault units, how to provide a pre-emptive air assault on Objectives, how to load cargo and troops, and how to execute ship to shore transport and to secure objectives.

In addition to the Amphibious operations, there is also a Surface target hull for anti-surface warfare, as well as four target drones to test air defenses.

Scoring for this scenario will take into account the destruction of available targets, as well as the capture of ground objectives.

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HailCaesar  [author] Mar 27 @ 10:02am 
I noticed that if you use the AV-8As in the Close Air Support Missions, they don't comply with the altitude profile in the mission. This causes them to fly around at 30k feet in the air and never find the targets. I'm trying to sort out why, but in the mean time, you just need to adjust the altitude or rely on the AH-1s