Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

89 ratings
How to BAN cheaters by your self
By 13VoRoN37
Each one of you can fight against cheaters on your own.
This method will block a cheater for a period of 1 day to 14 days.
Make sure that the player is cheating
Seems like he`s cheating. Dont him?

Select him from the TAB and click Report
this is how it appears

Then select Griefing and click submit
At the moment, this is the only way to BAN a player for cheating or other bad things.

After that, he will see such a message (1-14days) on his screen
According to my estimates, it takes approximately 5-9 reports from different players to BAN.

⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠
Each time the new BAN increases by 1 day, up to 14 days, and after that it never decreases, even if there are no BAN for a year. A new one will be for 14 days.

I want to note once again that no other reports options are working at the moment
I hope this guide will at slightly help with the situation of cheaters in the game.

I wish you games without cheaters!

The images in this guide are provided as examples
Squeaky Fengy May 17 @ 7:29am 
Thanks. I just hope everyone know about this.
egggg May 4 @ 11:36pm 
rlly good method 5 star rating
CringePotato Apr 20 @ 4:57am 
Thank you for this, the reason VAC hasn't been working as well on CS2 is because it requires the community to report and call it out, and generally most people who have games with cheaters have a low trust factor so they are generally toxic and report people less.
13VoRoN37  [author] Apr 18 @ 1:59am 
He will get banned after the game. Provided that he got the most reports.
Nguyên Kazama Apr 17 @ 10:56pm 
This is worthless. Still saw them laughing on what we're doing for report. They're getting AFK until 3 round left and take a chip and then enjoy what we are suffering with 3 round left to LOSE.:steamthumbsdown:
Smart:) Apr 17 @ 10:19pm 
just do that but cheater doesnt get ban still playing with cheats just now.
Kiler_best1235_Denmark Apr 17 @ 1:05pm 
Yep. Im not allowed to write many things.

I will just say that Vladve, mods/other evil people/police, are more interested in banning letters of the alphabet than cheaters.
13VoRoN37  [author] Apr 17 @ 12:44pm 
Honestly, this seems more like some kind of joke.
Similar nonsense can be found in the Call of Duty series. When you get sent to play with cheaters for a large number of reports, or even get banned forever in chat or in game.
Kiler_best1235_Denmark Apr 17 @ 12:30pm 
Thank you.

And again you proved how pathetic, unintelligent, low lifers, Vladve employees are.
People have banned other people all along with a team of 4 reporting 1 guy for griefing, instantban. Abused by people to ban, opposite team, players.

This game. How can Vladve be so unforgivable bad.
RиSяVыI Apr 17 @ 12:26pm 