Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

New TF2 bots are appearing and here is what you should know
作者: Outrageously
i have found new tf2 bots and here is what you should know

Alright so a new group of tf2 bots have appeared and i like to call them "skinwalkers".
Basically what these bots would do is choose the sniper class and shoot randomly getting kills.
Now the reason i call them "skinwalkers" is because they all have fake people as there profile picture and fake names.
If you see them first report and then vote kick this will most likely ban them forever.
But one problem is that they are like a hydra, cut one head off three more appear so my recommendation is to look into them to find the owner of all these bots.
Then report them and then all the bots will also get banned because steam will most likely find the bots while banning the bots owner.

they forced me to make section lol
i am lobotimized