Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Victorum Universalis+Ukrainian provivces
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724.364 MB
Feb 25 @ 12:35pm
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Victorum Universalis+Ukrainian provivces

I have added several provinces to the Ruthenia region because I believe that there are too few provinces in this region compared to other regions. In addition, I changed the starting price of the grain product, because over time the price of this product decreases too much
Kaiser Froggo May 21 @ 11:52pm 
why did VI get removed?
ZeKomanda May 20 @ 1:21pm 
@creepa9 That's true and balance changes for polish/lithuanian/moldovan provinces is needed. I am currently working on another mod that is VU based and does similar things like in this mod - adding more provinces that modern Ukraine consists of and adding more flavour to that region.

Also it seems like original VU is no longer being developed (it's not in steam workshop anymore) - therefore merging my current work with VU is impossible. I will try to upload my mod soon once I am done with the following things:

- overhaul regions of Poland and Lithuania
- remove outdated or broken parts of VU
- remove offensive tips and other content (seems like Paradox banned VU because of that)
creepa9 May 11 @ 4:50am 
The Ukrainian provinces make the Lithuanian/ Polish play through impossible. The development is beyond ridiculous in the Ukraine region and liberty desire is at 100%. Necessary addition of provinces.
Бля Буду May 10 @ 3:59am 
А що за "Victorum Universalis"?
ZeKomanda May 8 @ 12:40pm 
Hello! I have actually made some progress on similar mod that added a lot of Ukrainian provinces. Contact me if you want any cooperation and maybe mod merge