Wheatley and the Fortress Team [Saxxy 2014]
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Kunne du lide denne video? (Kategori: Short)

14 kommentarer
Sea World Enjoyer 29. sep. 2014 kl. 19:37 
Looks somewhat unfinished. But I'll let that slide for this one, I am genuinlly (I cant spell sorry) excited now that portal entries are being accepted. I hope you're successful in future endeavors, and I wish you good look in this!
Knusperfrosch 29. sep. 2014 kl. 14:47 
The plot set-up was funny, in this regard this video definitely shows promise.

The animation on the Wheatley core could have been a bit less random; for example going from slower motions of the eyeball while he is still calm to hectic motions as he tries to look at where the noises are coming from.

Problem is, in the end it's just a pretty static scene, even though things explode.
The colour is odd, everything looks rather orange.
OmarRD 28. sep. 2014 kl. 18:56 
that stickytikyti xD... anyways it was only the voices...
Telomerase 28. sep. 2014 kl. 15:19 
Eh, the animation is okay, but there isn't much of it. The rest is basically just wheatley's voice lines from Portal 2 and the Ap-Sap. I didn't enjoy it very much. Keep trying for next year though. You have promise.
Space-Man Gympy 27. sep. 2014 kl. 15:30 
Good animation, but Wheatly could've been livelier.
Shephard15 26. sep. 2014 kl. 15:32 
dat sticky spam
Big 26. sep. 2014 kl. 12:24 
LENS FLARES. Feels unfinished though.
Ghosthunter Thelma do BBB 26. sep. 2014 kl. 10:28 
wow! i like so much! :p2aperture:
ganglemanVA  [ophavsmand] 26. sep. 2014 kl. 9:33 
Thanks for all the great comments! I don't expec t it to win, but it's nice to see people enjoy it!
ZohanaZombie 26. sep. 2014 kl. 1:03 
I enjoyed it as a short, it was simplistic and everything worked in the end, good job.