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Intense Push Experience
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Feb 15 @ 5:48am
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Intense Push Experience

A custom cfg file that increases reinforcement waves and shortens respawn time of push mode, creating an intense experience.
晦涩弗里曼 May 17 @ 7:43am 
Nomneko  [author] Mar 2 @ 9:40pm 
@Jetstream If this subscription doesn't work you can simply edit default_server_push.cfg to customize the push mode.
yeah Mar 2 @ 8:18pm 
it doesnt work
Nomneko  [author] Feb 23 @ 11:02pm 
@Charlie Morningstar
Nomneko  [author] Feb 23 @ 10:55pm 
"mp_push_capture_time_extension" "300"
"mp_push_deferred_advance" "15"
"mp_supply_token_base" "30" //default supply points for each player
"mp_supply_rate_winning_team_high" "2"
"mp_supply_rate_losing_team_high" "2"
"mp_supply_rate_winning_team_low" "1"
"mp_supply_rate_losing_team_low" "1"
"mp_switchteams_each_round" "2" //switch teams after specific winning rounds are achieved
"mp_switchteams_each_game" "0"//switch teams after specific winning games are achieved
"mp_cp_speedup_rate" "0.26"//capture speed up rate for each attackers when more than one attackers are taking objective
"mp_cp_speedup_max" "4"//max capture rate for attackers
Nomneko  [author] Feb 23 @ 10:55pm 
"mp_wave_count_defenders" "0"
"mp_wave_capture_increment" "0" //bonus wave for attackers when taken objective successfully
"mp_wave_dpr_attackers" "0.2"
"mp_wave_dpr_attackers_finale" "0.1"
"mp_wave_dpr_defenders" "0.2"
"mp_wave_dpr_defenders_finale" "0.1"
"mp_wave_grace_period" "30"
"mp_freezetime" "15" //preparation time for sortie, player cannot shoot or move during this time,
"mp_spawnprotectontime" "1" //spawn protection time (second) that prevents players from damage after they had respawned or resupplied.
Nomneko  [author] Feb 23 @ 10:54pm 
This file replaces "default_server_push.cfg" which defines server behavior when playing solo with bots, you can also edit default_server_push.cfg which locates in insurgency2\insurgency\cfg folder, as below, to modify your unique push mode.

"mp_maxgames" "1" //max game session running on current map
"mp_maxrounds" "5" //max rounds allowed on current game session
"mp_winlimit" "1" //max win rounds to achieve to win current game session
"mp_roundtime" "2400" //time limit (second) on current round
"mp_cp_capture_time" "120" //time (second) required to capture objective
"mp_cp_deteriorate_time" "1"
"mp_respawnwavetime_min" "1"
"mp_respawnwavetime_max" "3"
"mp_wave_count_attackers" "90" //default wave for attackers when round has started
"mp_wave_count_defenders_per_obj" "30" //default wave for defenders when round has started, 3 objectives to defend means they will have 90 reinforcement waves.
Vaggie Feb 19 @ 8:37am 
Does this work with solo Bots?