Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How to Explain to Your Partner That You Opened M9 Ruby 3Mo After Emerald BFK?
Por @_edenbot
This guide will explain to partner that you opened a very expensive CS2 knife (m9 ruby) less than 3mo after opening a different very expensive CS2 knife (bfk emerald). I don't get it either, babe! But it's happening!
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The Birth of Your Gambling Addiction
You started playing CS2 at the end of October. At the end of November, you opened your first gold - and not just ANY gold! You opened a %$#%^$ Emerald Butterfly Knife.

Your partner screamed. They tore through the room, ran circles around your head, shook your shoulders while yelling, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST OPENED?!?!?!"

Back then, not really. Gold = good. You were excited! Then they told you exactly what that knife meant and, more importantly, how much it's worth. Mind ****** blown.

You try telling your mom. She doesn't really understand how a video game knife equates to real money and the very kind, genuine guide you made her only confuses her more.

Eventually, you trade the butterfly knife to your partner (they're a god-tier player, so the skin looks better on them) but... a big problem is born. Mom even warned you about it: "Just because you won big, don't start spending all your money trying to win big again!"

Goshdamnit, mom. Stop acting like you raised me.

(She was right.)

Okay, but hear me out. I don't have a life. I'm antisocial, the only friends I have also play CS2 or just wanna light up, I don't buy ****, so... what else am I going to do with my spending money?!?!

So yeah, I spend all my spending money on cases. BUT AT THIS POINT, CAN YOU BLAME ME? Even my partner doesn't understand the insane luck I have, thus leading to...
What the #$%^ Is Happening?
Since opening the Emerald BFK, I've used 85% of my spending money on cases and/or skins. I won't say numbers because my partner is a stickler about keeping our jobs and finances somewhat private.

I'm nowhere near the price of the butterfly knife in what I've spent on cases. However, up until this month, my luck was pretty neutral.

A few reds, a decent number of pinks, a lot of purples, and a terrifying number of blues. Also a lot of consumer and industrial grade skins because I was opening a lot of Anubis cases.

Then I made my first mistake. I started opening Revolution cases because they were so cheap despite having decent skins.

Of course, that's when Lord Gaben decided to give me a second gold: Case Hardened Hydra Gloves.

I was pretty upset, mostly hating myself because, of course, I get my second gold on a damn glove case. Not even the Vice gloves. Case Hardened Hydra.

My partner says, "Why the %#$% are you opening Revolution cases!?"

I tell him, "Well, how was I supposed to know I'd get another gold so soon!?" It's not like I was ONLY opening Revolution cases.

So, I stuck to the Anubis Collection cases for a few days.

They had no golds and you could trade up the skins, unlike souvenir packages. I lucked out a couple weeks back with the Waters of ??? FAMAS (Field Tested), so I was ready to dedicate myself completely.

Then, I opened Eye of Horus.

My partner sees Eye of Horus in our game (ironically, we were playing Anubis), looks at my screen, says, "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." He hesitates, then says, "Too bad it's battle-scarred."

I say, "Who cares!? It's Horus!" But then I hover over the float and it's 0.06 FACTORY NEW. Tf are you on, babe? Where did you get battle-scarred!?!?

Another "few days later," I decide to open the rest of my Revolution cases. I figure, "Might as well since I just opened a gold, so the likelihood of..."

And then I see the ******* gold icon. And my heart drops. And I hit my head against my desk. Here's a picture of my reaction to my partner over Discord:

Bronze Morph sport gloves... battle scarred.

I sold them immediately through a buy order on Steam and swore to NEVER OPEN ANOTHER REVOLUTION CASE EVER EVER EVER AGAIN. Also sold the rest of the Revolution cases I had.

Now let's fast forward another week. It's been Chroma 2s for me, baby. Nothing but Chroma. I pray to Lord Gaben every night. Opening some pinks, lots of purples, too many blues.

Then last night happened. I have a bad habit of minimizing my screen when opening cases. It eliminates any disappointment if I see a red early on, etc.

I wish I hadn't because...

(Can you hear the dish clattering to the table in the background? That's my partner tripping over his deadpanned shock.)
I Can't Explain It to You, Babe
His reaction to this knife was very different from the Emerald BFK.

He walks to my screen. Stares in complete silence. Says, "I don't even know what to do with you." Leaves the room. Comes back - "I'm done, Eden. What's wrong with you?" Leaves again.

Reappears. "I don't understand. Explain this to me. How do you open 4 golds in 3 months. Two rare phase knives. Literally the most expensive you could get from either case. You could've gotten a GUT knife! But no, you open Ruby M9."

I stare. There's a ♥♥♥♥-eating grin on my face. But he doesn't stop.

"I've seen YouTubers open 10,000 cases. The best they get is some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2k phase 3 knife. How do you keep doing this? What is wrong with you?"

I can't explain it.

Seriously. I can't explain it to you because I don't understand it myself. You think I'm Lord Gaben's long lost daughter. I used to think there was merit behind the "CS2 favors new players" theory.

But now, I have no idea. Combine the profits from the two knives alone (never mind Horus, other reds and pinks, and other skins), and the amount we've spent is not even 15% of the winnings. Maybe not even 10%. I'm not good with math.

BUT ONE THING IS FOR SURE. We need to complete the collection.