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Tekijältä Azrtheal
This guide has been created for those who want to reset (or tinker with) their Statue of Power effigy levels so their catch rates can come back. This does NOT fix the catch rates for the Effigy levels themselves as that is a bug in the game. From what I've read, catch rates are proper up to Lvl 3
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Prepping Up
Statue of Power Lifmunk Effigy Catch Bonus LEVEL Fix

**Note. This will not fix the catch levels themselves after level 3 or 4, whichever one starts to cause catch rate to drop. This is to help those who want to reset or tinker with the levels.

Okay, so I want to start off with what you'll need to get this fix up and running.
*Lantern_v1.5.7 (Lantern - A Save Editor) - Nexus Mods (credit to CerisWhite)

***Note. This guide will not work for effigy amount if you currently have no effigies. Go into the game and find one before doing this.

Converting into a usable Format
Prepping for file editing

1.) We'll start off by checking what our Palworld effigy level is in-game, in this case, mine was "level 7". This is what we're going to look for, but not just "level 7", but "7" in general. *Note. Running the game and opening the world you want to adjust your Effigy level in makes it easier to find later in this tutorial. Just don't Alt+F4 cause then it won't save.

2.) Go into My Computer (This PC), and you're going to start locating your save game folder. You can usually find it under "C:\Users\(pc_username)\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved". If you don't see AppData, you'll need to enable View Hidden Files. If you open up the Start Menu and type in File Options, you should receive the proper result; Windows 11 shows up as File Explorer Options. After opening this, go over to View, you'll find "Hidden files and folders", and enable that option.

3.) From here, we're going to SaveGames/(steamID number(likely the only number in there as a folder))/ and you'll go to the world you recently opened up to check your Effigy Level (likely the first folder that was last modified a minute or two ago, you can see this information if you right click inside the (steamID) folder, go to View->Details

4.) You're going to see your save game files here. Now there are only two files we'll be tinkering with today; 'Level.sav' and a file inside the Players folder called '00000000000000000000000000000001.sav'. Backup the entire folder just to be on the safe side so you don't delete anything, please! I am not liable if you destroy your own data.

5.) Now, open up a new Explorer window alongside the first file explorer. Here is where we're going to extract the files from the Lantern ZIP file we downloaded from Nexus Mods earlier (or wherever you managed to pick it up at). Direct yourself to your downloads folder in the 2nd file explorer (wherever you set that up at) and unzip those files into their own folder.

6.) This newly unzipped folder will contain zipped Linux and Win versions of Lantern; you're going to want to also extract whichever is revelent to your system within that folder. Now you should have a folder, or another created folder with the file Lantern.exe and a Data and Utility folder.

7.) Open up the Utility folder and you'll see three .cmd files, Convert, ExportPals, and ImportPals. We're only working with Convert and ExportPals.

8.) Now, from the first window you opened earlier, you're going to want to drag and drop Level.sav from your saved game folder RIGHT ONTO the ExportPals.cmd file. This is going to convert your .sav into a .json file (please be patient. The uncompressed JSON file is a LOT bigger than the .sav it was, can be around 20MB-1GB (or possibly more) for a single player.

9.) Once the command prompt says it's done, go ahead and close the prompt window. You're going to do the same for the '00000000000000000000000000000001.sav' file in the Players folder. This will place ONE j.son file for each converted file into their respective places where the files were first converted, and renamed Level.sav.json and '00000000000000000000000000000001.sav.json' (this will not damage or destroy your save, but make sure to backup the .sav files first JUST in case.)

10.) These files are now ready for editing.

Statue of Power Effigy Level
Editing Statue of Power Lifmunk Catch Bonus Level


1.) Go ahead and open Level.sav.json into Notepad or Notepad++. Since this is a large file, it'll take some time to load it.

2.) Once the file is loaded, press CTRL+F, or click on Search in the Menu, and click on Find.

3.) What we're looking for is our characters stat points. So in the Find what:, copy and paste in "GotStatusPointList" without the quotes. Click on Find Next, and it should drop you down to the first line that has what we need.

4.) This section contains all of your main characters allocated stat points, just the points that are allocated. Now we're looking for the line that holds the following: "u7387". You CAN use the find feature for this as well, and the first result will drop you where we need to go. You should be looking at a line with the following: "value": "\u6355\u7372\u7387",

5.) This is where we're going to edit our Lifmunk Catch level. Dropping down 5 lines, you should come to a line that says "value": #, where # is your current Statue of power Catch bonus level. You can change the current number to a number between 0-10, I haven't experimented at 10 or higher so I don't know what would happen.

6.) Once you're done, save the full file. You're now going to convert it back to .sav

7.) Take the freshly saved JSON file and drag it over the Convert.cmd file back in the Lantern folder. This will re-compress it into a usable save file (and in the process replace the current Level.sav file in that folder so MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST.

8.) Test in Palworld to see if your Effigy level has changed.
Lifmunk Amount adjustment
Editing Lifmunk Effigy Key items amount


1.) Go ahead and open the 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav.json into Notepad or Notepad++.

2.) Once the file is loaded, press CTRL+F, or click on Search in the Menu, and click on Find.

3.) What we're looking for is our characters effigy amount. So in the Find what:, copy and paste in "RelicPossessNum" without the quotes. Click on Find Next, and it should drop you down to the first line that has what we need.

4.) This section contains the Relic (or effigy) amount in it. Dropping down 2 lines, you'll come to "value": #, where # is the number of effigies you currently own.

5.) Change the number to where you want it to be, refund your effigies, or go ham and just have millions.

6.) Once you're done, save the full file. You're now going to convert it back to .sav

7.) Take the freshly saved JSON file and drag it over the Convert.cmd file back in the Lantern folder. This will re-compress it into a usable save file (and in the process replace the current 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav file in that folder so MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST.

8.) Test in Palworld to see if your Effigy amount has changed.
Closing Statement
***** This has not been tested on a dedicated server, but it might have the same effect. Go on and try it... AND DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP YOUR GAME SAVES BEFOREHAND