26 평점
Better Wool Production - C# Edition
즐겨찾기 해제
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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657.814 KB
2024년 2월 3일 오전 9시 56분
2024년 5월 1일 오전 10시 29분
변경 사항 8개 ( 보기 )

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Better Wool Production - C# Edition

Another continuation of Better Wool Production, but using C# to automagically make fleece for all wools. No more waiting for someone to add a patch for new mods, it just works!

  • Shearable animals now yield unfinished fleece instead of wool, which needs to be processed into usable wool at a crafting spot or tailoring bench.
  • Butchering shearable animals now gives some fleece, about half what you would get from a normal shearing.
  • New recipe for blended wool, which can be made with random bits of wool, similar to patchleather
  • Settings to disable conversion for specific animals.
  • Support for Alpha Animals; animals that produce special resources via VEF's custom comp will not be converted by default but are available in the settings.

Bug Reports
The best way to report a bug is to go to my discord[discord.com], or create a new discussion here on steam. The comments are terrible for troubleshooting. If you're getting an error message in the console, you must provide a log. HugsLib log is preferred, but Player.log will work as well. I will most likely also need a mod list, so go ahead and provide that, unless you have a HugsLib log because it's already included.

All the magic happens at start up, so if you get an error during play, please describe the circumstances in as much detail as possible.

The original ideas come from Slightly More Realistic Wool Production by CrunchyDuck and Shear Those Corpses by cucumpear
Better Wool Production [1.2+] by troopersmith1 and _MagnusTheGreat_ was the first to put those two ideas together
Better Wool Production (Continued) by MysticFelines for the 1.4 update

댓글 22
Mr McNificent 2024년 5월 10일 오후 8시 47분 
Any chance of a secondary bill to card like 150 fleece at a time? the 25 at a time is a lot of back and forth lol
Tuck Davis 2024년 5월 8일 오전 8시 47분 
Savior ! Thanks for creating this !
divineDerivative  [작성자] 2024년 4월 28일 오전 10시 28분 
@divineDerivative I've made some adjustments, please let me know if you still have issues.
divineDerivative  [작성자] 2024년 4월 27일 오후 8시 12분 
@EnderNyktos The log isn't long enough, it cuts off before everything has finished loading. They usually go to 10k lines, but this one stops at 3602 for some reason. I'll just have to look through your mod list to find the offending animal, unless you can get a better log. And I never did add a way for users to toggle debug logging.

I do see one error about not finding sheep fleece, did you disable regular sheep?
divineDerivative  [작성자] 2024년 4월 27일 오후 7시 48분 
@EnderNyktos The link was removed, but it was visible in the notification I got, so I'm looking at it now.
EnderNyktos 2024년 4월 26일 오후 10시 48분 
divineDerivative  [작성자] 2024년 4월 26일 오후 9시 24분 
@EnderNyktos Please read the bug reporting instructions.
EnderNyktos 2024년 4월 26일 오후 8시 06분 
Config error in BWP_múfaloFleece: defName BWP_múfaloFleece should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or dashes.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch6 (string)
Verse.DefDatabase`1<Verse.ThingDef>:ErrorCheckAllDefs ()
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[])
Verse.GenGeneric:InvokeStaticMethodOnGenericType (System.Type,System.Type,string)
Verse.PlayDataLoader/<>c:<DoPlayLoad>b__4_1 (System.Type)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel/<>c__DisplayClass31_0`2<System.Type, object>:<ForEachWorker>b__0 (int)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel/<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1<object>:<ForWorker>b__1 ()
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InnerInvoke ()
EnderNyktos 2024년 4월 26일 오후 8시 06분 
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InnerInvokeWithArg (System.Threading.Tasks.Task)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c__DisplayClass178_0:<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InnerInvoke ()
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Execute ()
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecutionContextCallback (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntry (bool)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
dismarzero 2024년 4월 18일 오후 4시 13분 