

130 ratings
Plasmoid - the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane
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Dec 31, 2023 @ 8:30am
Jan 7 @ 12:21pm
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Plasmoid - the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane

A Race from the Dungeons & Dragons called Plasmoid! It’s also Cuter than the originals!

This lightweight race mod includes the following:
1. Plasmoids and Plasmoid-girls, supports variety of body color, and Plasmoid-girl has many hair disguise (such as cat girl, devil girl, fish girl and such).
2. A ship of Plasmoid, which is called Spelljammer Bombard. Featuring open design, and all ship upgrades from T0 to T8.
3. An animated Ship S.A.I.L. Which is a really a spirit of Spelljammer (It's in the book). Since it's an actual spirit, so I drew it.

The mod is based on Frackin's Universe, and has used plenty FU related content, so you need to subscribe to FU first.
It's now standalone! Horray!
And, yeah, That's all about this race. Nothing else lol. (really light but took me a long time to made, as an outsider using unfamiliar tools)

Latest Update and bug fix
Check here for update logs.

Q: Costumes and Genders?:
A: You know, Plasmoid folks in D&D does not have gender, and they reproduce by splitting themselves, or mitosis. So, the male Plasmoid is the more original Plasmoid in this mod, the female Plasmoid is the 'cute' version of Plasmoid described in mod title, a slime girl.
As for outfit, FU got branches of nice costumes and armors and I can’t draw those kinds of nice costumes (uh... perhaps just my laziness), current version of stabdalone has no scheduled clothing content, so there's no costumes in this mod. Yet.

Q: Why naked?
A: since the form of Plasmoid are special (mainly limbs) with new actions I animated for it, plus it doesn't have sensitive body parts, so. Let this race go NUDE! (what no) And... Yes, the Plasmoids in D&D are commonly naked. It is slime[], what do you expect.

Links and Credits
Here's the English Translation Mod. Not yet complete though.
Will soon be deleted. Check the changelog above.

Frackin Universe BYO ship patch
Frackin Universe Race traits patch
S.A.I.L chip customization support
Thanks Ashby!

Neki mod. It's content helped so much.
Starbounder Wiki[].

And of course, ZeroXilo and 阴险, the original authors of this mod. Technically this mod is the victim, paving my road of starbound modding :D
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jan 23 @ 3:58pm
PINNED: Buggy issues here!
Alithsko Apr 12 @ 7:40am 
Woah, I love the attention to detail of the Spacejammer ship and S.A.I.L! Any chance in a future update that some head shapes and costumes for reshaping into mimicking different Dnd races could be added? I would very much appreciate a Dragonborn or Lizardfolk mimicking plasmoid
Sax Mar 27 @ 6:39pm 
Hello Modder(s)~

I just took the opportunity to try this mod out and while playing it I got this idea:

Could it be possible to design armors and weapons based on their plasmoid-y bodies, instead of nothing and/or being forced to buy pieces from vendors?

Lemme help you figure what I have in mind: I imagined armors to be either spike-y, shield-like or round-y extentions of their fluidesque bodies. The softer designs could be used as lower ranks and the spikest for the highest.

For what concerns weaponry could be a sword-arms or hammer-arms or axe-arms or knives-hands... you probably get the gist... like instead of pistols or rifles could be their arms get holes and shoot some spits of plasma.

What do you think? :servbothappy:
和him一起挖矿 Mar 4 @ 5:52am 
Random Boio Feb 25 @ 10:24am 
Why did my Plasmoid character get 980 perfectly generic items?
Screamo Cereal Jan 24 @ 5:25pm 
victim is certainly a word.
TheAshby Jan 24 @ 5:40am 
@年糕糕! I also wanted to tell you that I made a patch to be able to use your race's S.A.I.L with the S.A.I.L customization mod, just as, as you know, I made a patch to the Frackin' Universe BYOS system to be compatible with your race.

I have provided the credits corresponding to you in the description of both mods, but I wanted to tell you that if you wish, I will eliminate them, since it is your creation

Thank you for responding to my previous messages, I appreciate your attention and time
年糕糕!  [author] Jan 23 @ 3:26pm 
Um, feedback received... Just to know that I can't promise any progression, as I'm not the illustrator nor am I recently into Starbound stuffs.
I'll add a link to your mod. Thanks.
TheAshby Jan 23 @ 4:54am 
Would it be possible to create a plasmoid with multiple living colors? Similar to novakid but with colors that vary passively, similar to RGB lights, but with a more suitable pattern of colors that constantly vary among themselves
TheAshby Jan 23 @ 4:51am 
I made the patch, I hope it doesn't bother you (

I also wanted to comment if you have not thought about creating a variant with a "cute" male plasmoid, the customization differences between men and women are very large, in my case, I would like to be able to choose between cute male or basic plasmoid

Excellent breed for the community, it's great
TheAshby Jan 12 @ 1:37pm 
Basically, if you use the FU ship, repair and design system, the Plasmoid ship is permanently left in the background (as a png) on the FU ship, there are several patches of this for other races, if you could add support for FU or creating a patch would be great