Prison Architect

Prison Architect

113 人が評価
Guard Tower Mod
18.464 KB
2014年9月4日 14時00分
2015年12月25日 16時36分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Guard Tower Mod

This mod adds a guard tower object. Guards will automaticly stand on it with a rifle.

Because the current modding system doesn't really support any special entities, its not yet possible to assign real snipers.

Armed guards will cary rifles instead of shotguns

- Sniper entity which can only be hired through building a sniper tower
- opening of roadgates through tower
- a difference between concrete and wooden towers (concrete being able to open doors etc...)
- a concrete tower as a building foundations type like concrete building or brick building foundations
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2017年8月10日 5時58分
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70 件のコメント
DaPostmaster 2017年7月26日 12時57分 
this is different from the sniper tower because instead of snipers standing on its a prison guard with a rifle:steamhappy:
man that's really wow that's 2017年7月17日 12時52分 
we have towers but it has a nice style and its cheap :D
Cassumo 2016年5月22日 6時04分 
@JOE at the time of the mod being released it wasn't yet a thing.
JOE 2016年2月29日 9時23分 
we already have guard towers
Taxman Felix 2016年1月31日 13時28分 
RIP :(
Rinnsanity 2016年1月27日 18時01分 
RIP Guard Tower Mod. With todays update, we lay your tattered files to rest.

*Plays bagpipes*
fake115 2016年1月8日 15時11分 
make new account -> download it -> update
ask friend to give you data?
Strider 2016年1月5日 14時09分 
then become a normal user
mrNoolas  [作成者] 2015年12月23日 16時31分 
haha, nice one! I'm a bit sad though: I seem to have lost my original mod-files and being the publisher, I can't download them like normal users :(
no files = no updates D:
Ithis 2015年12月23日 13時49分 
he didn't die,he was online 21 hours ago:steamhappy: