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2Connect Servers
By [Dutch] HarmlessEppo
Information en explanation about the functionalities of the 2Connect Unturned Servers. Commands (including examples), vote reward packs, links to Used Workshop Mods, ID & crafting guides and much more.
Basic information and server list
The 2Connect servers are PvE servers. These are our dedicated servers:

The 2Connect servers modded servers (exception 2Connect4 which is 100% Vanilla) with anti-grief, server shop, TPA, home, kits, feasts and more. These servers have a nice collection of mods: Sir Vuval's Armory, Sir Vuval's Tactical Apparel, Wind Cars 2.0, Wind Vehicles, More Farming and Weed. (See the section "Links" for quick access to the Unturned Workshop for each mod)

2Connect4 is a 100% Vanilla server. Only the game itself, nothing added. So your only command is /home to get to your claimed bed.

Cheats are disabled.

For the 2Connect1 Unturned server (map: France, PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27021

For the 2Connect2 Unturned server (map: Germany, PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27015

For the 2Connect3 Unturned server (map: Russia, PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27018

For the 2Connect4 Unturned server (map: PEI, Vanilla! PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27024

For the 2Connect5 Unturned server (map: Ireland, PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27015

For the 2Connect6 Unturned server (map: Greece, PvE) connect with us at:
IP :
Port : 27027
Server Economy information and shop usage
The currency on the servers are Bananas (like most of our players). When you start on the servers you receive a start balance, the rest of your fortune needs to be worked for.

There is no monetization on the servers, so you can only earn Bananas in-game.

1. You receive a small salary for every 15 minutes played
2. You receive 10 Bananas for every zombie you kill
3. You receive 500 Bananas for every Mega zombie you kill
4. You can sell items you find (from spawns and zombie kills) to the server shop

The shop contains mainly guns, ammo, some gear and vehicles. Food items, tools like for example the blow torch and the portable gas can are not in the shop. You've got to find those yourself.


If you want to know how much Bananas are in your account type /balance in chat.


/sell ID or /sell name = sells the item to the server shop
/buy ID or /buy name = buys the item from the server shop
/cost ID or /cost name = shows you the price of an item in chat

When you want to buy or sell an item where the name consists of multiple words use " " around those words.

Example: /buy "yellow bedroll"

When you want to purchase multiples you can add a space and the amount after the ID or name.

Example: /buy 17 2 Will give you 2 Military Drums

When you want to sell ammunition to the server shop you have to specify the amount of 'bullets' you want to sell.

Example: /sell 17 100 This will sell a full drum to the server shop.


/buy v.ID or /buy v.name = buy a vehicle
/cost v ID or /cost v name = see the price of a vehicle

Notice the distinction between /buy and /cost for vehicles. For /buy a . (period) is needed. When looking up the cost there is a space between the v and the ID or name

Example: /buy v.dirtbike (To buy a dirtbike)
Example: /cost v dirtbike (to see the cost of a dirtbike)

We strongly suggest to use ID's instead of names.


When you want to pay money to another player you can use /pay.

Example: /pay HarmlessEppo 500
This will take 500 Bananas from your account and put it in HarmlessEppo's account.

You can use parts of player names, just make sure there are not multiple players in the server at that time with partially identical names.

You can only pay players that are in the server when you use the /pay command and you can not overdraw your balance. (we do not use credit for obvious reasons)


If you want to exchange your experience to money use the command /exchange (amount). Example: /exchange 300

If you want to exchange your money to experience use the command /exchange (amount) money. Example: /exchange 300 money

The server takes 50% commission when using exchange.

Feasts & Airdrops
The servers have Feasts and Airdrops.


Airdrops are standard in Unturned. If you see/hear a large plane flying over you can follow it to see where it drops a crate on a parachute. When the crate lands it will generate a plume of red smoke for a short period of time to make your chance of finding it higher. The contents of the Airdrop are random and not controlled by the server configuration. Quite often there is really nice (rare) loot in the airdrop. Airdrop are not announced.


The servers will at random intervals select a location on the map and drop loot at that location. The loot dropped is selected from a configured pool of items with different percentages applied. Feasts are announced in chat starting 5 minutes before with a countdown message every minute.

When you see the location in chat you can look at the map and find that location. The center of the drop is where the name on the map is. (center point the exact middle of the name)

Feasts are very useful for new players but are also a nice way to stock up on ammo.
Automatic Decay
The decay period on our servers is 14 days (Unturned default is 7 days). This means that after 14 days without login your structures and vehicles are automatically removed by the server.

Decay keeps the servers running by removing stuff that is no longer seen as 'in-use'.

Each server has its own decay timer, if you have a base in multiple servers you need 1 login on each server to keep the decay timer satisfied.
Loadout and Kits
When you enter a 2Connect server you receive a loadout based on your chosen role in Unturned. This means clothing and gear fitting for a Medic, a Police officer and so on.

We have 2 kits available. Type /kits in chat to see which are available to you.

/kits Show the kits (basic and survival)
/kit basic Get the basic kit (think: some food & more)
/kit survival Get the survival kit (think: simple gun & more)

The kits contents are limited but they can help you survive until you made progress in acquiring better guns, gear and ammo.

TIP: When you start on a 2Connect server you receive a start balance (Bananas) so you can invest those in a decent gun.
Teleporting with Home and TPA
The servers have a few options for teleporting, below you can read how to use those.

/home This teleports you to your claimed bed. You can only claim one (1) bed, if you claim a second bed the first claimed bed will be unclaimed. You can check if your bed is claimed by looking at it.

/tpa playername You ask the player specified by playername to be teleported to their location. Partial names do work fine, just make sure there are not multiple players with partially the same names.

Example for using parts of the playername: /tpa HarmlessEppo is the same as /tpa eppo, /tpa harmless and /tpa harm.

/tpa a(accept) When you receive a tpa request you can accept it with this command.

/tpa d(deny) You can deny a tpa request when you do not want to accept it. The request is removed.

/tpa abort When you have sent a tpa request you abort your request with this command.

Tip: You can only have one (1) outstanding teleport request. When a new request is made that latest request is active, previous request are removed.
We have a discord server with a channel for each server. Feel free to join us, we'll be happy to have you.


The Discord server is used for questions and answers, update information, server changes and events. (and of course for chit chat and silly stuff too)

Feel free to share your experience.

See you there!

Staff and Rules
The servers 2Connect1, 2, 3 and 4 do not have a staff team. There is only 1 Admin.

The idea behind it is that when you are able to play Singleplayer you should also be able to play Multiplayer by yourself.

Questions can be asked in chat, most players are very willing to assist you. When no players are available a lot of them are on our Discord server. See the Discord section in this Guide.

The servers do have rules, please read them and follow them to keep the servers tidy and all players happy.

Type in chat:

/rules : to see the basic server rules
/base : to see rules that apply to building your base on the server

Thanks in advance for being polite and playing nice.

Voting & Rewards
Voting is good for server visibility and for you!

When in a server (2Connect4 excluded since it is Vanilla) you can type /vote in chat, a pop-up will show you the link to the voting website. Click on it and vote for the server.

When you return from your voting adventure a reward is waiting for you, type /reward in chat to claim it.

There are 5 (+2) reward packs, you will always receive one of those packs. The contents of the packs will change every now and then to keep it interesting for you to vote.

The packs currently are:

  • XP pack: this can be used or exchanged for bananas (see the Shop section in this guide)
  • Pistol theme pack (ammo, attachments, weapons)
  • Military theme pack (ammo, attachments, weapons)
  • Shotgun theme pack (ammo, attachments, weapons)
  • Large weapon theme pack (large weapon, ammo, golden weed)
  • Tools theme pack (portable gas can, blowtorch and some other handy dandy items)
  • Temporary Surprise (large) weapon pack
  • Temporary Special Camo/Color clothing pack

When your inventory has not enough space for the reward the items are lost!

Currently votes are registered at unturned-servers.net.

Our servers are currently listed at:


Thank you very much for voting, we hope you will enjoy your reward.
Virtual Garage
2Connect1, 2Connect2, 2Connect3, 2Connect5 and 2Connect6 have a Virtual Garage to store your vehicles safely. It works on all vehicle types. You can use the following commands:

/gg This gives you a list of your "parked" vehicles.fff

It shows you your chosen (optional) short name, the ID and Unturmed long name for each vehicle parked in there.

/ga <name> (Garage Add)

This command adds the vehicle you are looking at into your garage. The (short)name is optional but a good thing to use to make life easier. When you do not give a name the original name of the vehicle will be used. The vehicle must be locked by you at least once before using this command.

TIP: It's also a fast and easy way to save your vehicle when you somehow parked it in water or got it stuck otherwise.

/gr <name> (Garage Retrieve)

This command retrieves your chosen vehicle from your garage. <name> can be your optionally chosen (short)name or the Unturned long name.

Warning: when you retrieve a vehicle it will "drop down" in the same way as when you buy a vehicle, so do not retrieve when inside a building (unless you want your vehicle op top of that building).

All garages are stored in a SQL Database, if you somehow fail to retrieve a vehicle you can contact the Admin/Owner of that server.

We have tested the garage with vehicles with a few lockers, safes and some items on them, it worked fine. We do however not give any warranty. No refund for lost vehicles. Do Not Ask.
DutchRanger Jan 30 @ 11:51am 
Awesome guide!
[Dutch] HarmlessEppo  [author] Nov 13, 2024 @ 7:10am 
@Almess That's comes either from carrying a compass or in this case the server having "it enabled" by default for every player.
Almess Nov 13, 2024 @ 1:55am 
While playing, I noticed a stripe on top that shows the cardinal directions, as well as a point marked by me on the map. What is the name of the mod/plugin?
✙•Hiro-Sama•✙ Jul 13, 2024 @ 7:03am 
I Can't go to your servers because of my steam name. What the heck did you block it ?
Belphegor Mar 12, 2024 @ 9:42am 
what id of modded black safes?
OscaR Mar 8, 2024 @ 1:37pm 
Looks complete. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Bro137 Nov 29, 2023 @ 10:29am 
New information, nice
[Dutch] HarmlessEppo  [author] Nov 28, 2023 @ 12:29pm 
Let me know if you find any mistakes, or have questions. Suggestions are welcome, no promises they will all be honored though.
Val Nov 28, 2023 @ 12:17pm 
Good Guide, definitely will be helpfull!