Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

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How to Disable MS Gamebar / Game Overlay popup
By Heckin' computer
A step-by-step guide on how to remove this nuisance pop-up
How to Disable MS Gamebar / Game Overlay popup
Do you hate the ms-gamebar / ms-overlay popup?

Do you? Well then you're in the right place. This is how to remove it.

Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk. You have nothing to lose but a major inconvenience unless you do something wildly not-what-this-guide-instructs-you-to-do. No warranties, guarantees it'll work for you or that your computer won't erupt in flames are offered. End of disclaimer.

The code sections below contain the commands to copy-paste into the files listed atop each. Copy their contents into their respective file names, then run them. Use Notepad to do this, or a similar bare-text editor. Do not use anything else like Word etc, it won't work. Make sure the file names end in .bat or .reg, not in .txt or anything else or again, won't work.

What will work: Notepad saves:

Step 1.

Create this as: nomsgmbr.bat
reg add HKCR\ms-gamebar /f /ve /d URL:ms-gamebar 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebar /f /v "URL Protocol" /d "" 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebar /f /v "NoOpenWith" /d "" 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebar\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "/"$env:SystemRoot/System32/systray.exe/"" 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebarservices /f /ve /d URL:ms-gamebarservices 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebarservices /f /v "URL Protocol" /d "" 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebarservices /f /v "NoOpenWith" /d "" 2>&1 >'' reg add HKCR\ms-gamebarservices\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "/"$env:SystemRoot/System32/systray.exe/"" 2>&1 >''

Run it as Administrator. We're not done yet.

Step 2.

Create this as: Gamebar RegFix.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameDVR] "AppCaptureEnabled"=dword:00000000 "NoWinKeys"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore] "GameDVR_Enabled"=dword:00000000 "GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode"=dword:00000002

Save it, run it as Admin.

Step 3.

REBOOT. Yes, it worked for me. It might work for you too.


Now you should be able to launch this great game without fuss from the OS.

Questions? Comments? Very basic support requests? Post 'em below.

Enjoy. And vote Labor of Love for this game too this year ('23.)

Footnotes & Credits:

Original thread:

How to disable Gamebar (First step)

How to disable Overlay (Second step)


Thanks to the contributors to those threads.

PS This penguin is looking more and more attractive with every passing year:
Heckin' computer  [author] Dec 6 @ 3:57pm 
Can y'all rate this please ty
Playstation 2 Nov 26 @ 2:42pm 
OMG!! IT WORKED !! Thank you SIR!
Martin64 Sep 24 @ 4:34pm 
Works!. Thanks!.-
Emirhan C. Aug 17 @ 5:09pm 
worked, thanks
Disarlik Jul 10 @ 11:21am 
Good, It works well windows 11 23H2.