EVE Online

EVE Online

Obvious Essentials for Newbros which Vets ignore = Trouble!
由 Cabal 發表
Welcome, New Citizen!

The number of Vets getting into trouble by ignoring obvious rules, even after years, is absolutely astonishing.
I feel the need to explain and help you, a NewBro, on your journey through EVE Online.

Be consistent, be unbreakable!

Remember: Whenever you undock, rules need to be acknowledged and behaviors applied.

You consent to PVP.
1. Wherever you undock (null sec, low sec, hisec), you consent to PVP.
Space is not meant to be a safe comfy place.

Why I'm telling you this?

Many get into trouble, billions of ISK lost on a daily basis even by vets. Many people believe that hisec should be safe, making lifes comfy and earning ISK totally riskfree; so that they could haul their stuff or even afk-mine their way to 30 days of Omega.
2. You are nowhere safe.
Being and doing stuff in Hisec doesn't mean, that you are untouchable. You can and will get killed, but not without a reason. Examples:

  • Hauling way too much like expensive stuff in a paperthin shuttle.
  • Flying a rare ships
  • Mining without a permit in specific systems. You heard right.
  • Afk-Mining

Why I'm telling you this?

You won't believe what folks have in their cargo; making them a potential victim of a gank at a station and/or gate. This happens dozens of times on a daily basis since EVE exists. Miners in highsec get some heat as well to counter the "getting wealthy totally risk-free" mentality. They get suicide ganked on a daily basis for a good reason.
3. Don't fly what you can't afford to loose.
Obvious, but no obvious enough even to vets.

Why I'm telling you this?

There are countless of situations where folks buy expensive ships, going allin with their isk, just to loose the ship shorty afterwards, visit the forums to complain and probably quit playing EVE because they can't afford another one or don't want to grind for the money again; which btw is the totally wrong way to play EVE.
4. Utilize tools to increase your survival.
Tools like dotlan [evemaps.dotlan.net], EVE-Gatecheck [eve-gatecheck.space] and zKillboard [zkillboard.com] can help you increase your survivalability.

Why I'm telling you this?

Let's take the system Uedama as an example. You wouldn't believe what happens there every day. It's a known ganking system because this way leads to the main trade hub in Jita. People know very well, what will and can happen there. Yet they try their luck and fail with losses like 12b ISK in a 4b ISK sihp. We are talking about capital freighters which are huge and expensive.

EVE-Gatecheck let's you check your route from A to B and see, if there are active gankers. Additionally, you even got UedamaScout 24/7 TwitchTV [www.twitch.tv] for reallife intel in various dangerous systems.

Yet this still happens:
zKillboard stats in Uedama [zkillboard.com]
5. Be consistent.
If you aren't, you may get the bill for that anytime.

Why I'm telling you this?

Saving time, doing a fast one, "hoping instead of knowing" are the recipes for a loosing streak. You saw the killboard in Uedama.
6. You will get killed. Deal with it.
Since EVE is a highly dynamic game, you will get killed even if you did everything right. You either can be mad or learn from it.

Why I'm telling you this?

People get mad and shove the guilt towards anything. Yet, there is always a reason why you got killed. Learn from it, be better. Don't give up because you only can get better, even if it takes time.
One of the most important advice:

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this guide: shoot.

If you happen to read this and don't have an account in EVE Online yet, register one here [www.eveonline.com] to receive 1.000.000 Skill Points. Be sure to tell your friends. You may contact me for guidance and if you do good and work your way through the Career agents (mandatory), you will receive a bonus which should help you even further getting you started.

Be consistent, fly safe o7

3 則留言
dyrewolfe 5 月 28 日 上午 9:04 
Um...whats a Carebear?
Cabal  [作者] 2023 年 11 月 28 日 上午 11:56 
Thank you. It's obvious but we tend to speed things up, skip procedures while not knowing that we are involved in a lottery against the odds.
K_004 2023 年 11 月 28 日 上午 2:34 
Good one.
Even for aged capsuleers.