Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion

Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion

167 ratings
Allies Guide + 15 Wives Achievement guide
By darkshintos
The guide for Allies and how to get the 15 Wives achievement.
This will record the Allies Stats, traits, equipment, Recruitment, and Quest-lines
The baseline for stats will be on Normal Mode since Normal has no scaling an no stat boosts
Any ally you recruit on higher difficulties will lose those stats when they join

Notes on Allies
On higher difficulties, Allies will receive the buffs to Enemies and Guests as Elite Characters, and Sect Leaders will receive buffs as Boss Characters
These characters will lose those extra stats and buffs when they join your party.

Allies also gain 1 Allocation Point every 5 Levels, and will automatically spend them when they are not in your party. Same with their Passive Tree Points

As a general rule, increase your allies Relations to 100 when possible.

Fate Moves: MC Spend 50 spirit to Assist; Then Character can use their Fate Move
The MC will gain status(+20% Damage Dealt; -20% Defense) in battle for every bonded party member that falls.
If the MC falls in battle, all Bonded party members will also receive a (+20% Damage Dealt; -20% Defense) status

When using the Benefit Equally Trait from the 15 Bonded characters Achievement, those stats will appear in the character screen while they are in your party. Those extra stats will not count towards meeting the stat requirements to gain the extra Traits from each stat
How to recruit the Big Sect Leaders
Obtain the Jianghu Master or Jianghu Conqueror Traits.
This can be obtained near the end of the game by completing their respective true endings or by creating a new character with those traits.
  1. With one of those traits. Visit the Linlang Temple.
  2. Spar with Fu Yoazi at 10% Power (Increases in power every time).
  3. You will get Jianghu Master Token with Jianghu Master, Heart Broken Pill with Jianghu Conqurer

  4. Go visit the Leader you want to Recruit
  5. Talk to them and use the Invite Option.
  6. Then you can chose which option to use
    • With Jianghu Master token - Recruit
    • With Heart Broken Pill - Fight against the Sect Leader.
  7. You can recruit and have them as an ally for 10 days.

Jianghu Master Trait and Ending
  • Make the 6 Major Sects Surrender or Submit when you talk to the Sect Leaders. You will have the option to make them submit via special option or force.
  • If you use force, you will enter a group battle against all unique members of that Sect
  • Unique Submit Options
    • Langya Sword Pavilion - Level 4 Craft Weapon
    • Shifa Temple - 400 Buddhist Knowledge (Read all 5 A rank Books)
    • Confucius Temple - Confucius Knowledge (Read all Confucius Books Available)
    • You can spend the Imperial Edict/Token to make any one Sect submit without a fight
  • Once you made all 6 Submit, you will be invited to the Ascension Platform near the Confucius Temple.
  • You will enter alone.
  • Fight 6 1v1 duels against each Sect Leader in order
  • Once you win, you will achieved the Jianghu Master ending

Jianghu Conquror Trait and Ending
  • You will need to Kill or Eliminate all 6 Major Sects. Eliminating will also give you achievements (Eliminate in an Official Way) for the Major Sects (Besides Jiujiang Water Camp).
  • Notable events while Eliminating
    • Langya Sword Pavilion - The Leader will self destruct causing 10-20% Max Hp damage
    • Confucius Temple -The Leader will have a 2nd fight
  • Once you Eliminate all 6, you will be invited to the Ascension Platform near the Confucius Temple.
  • You will enter alone.
  • Fight a battle against 8 generic look-a-likes. They will be weaker than the Major Sects
  • Once you win, you will achieved the Jianghu Master ending.

Imperial Token Method
  • Once you obtain the Imperial Token, you can recruit any of the sect Leaders forever.
  • Invite them, use the Imperial Seal (Consumed on Use)
How to deal with a Sect that hates you.
This applies to Sects. This will not solve any Faction that hates you and will not work for the Southwest region
One simple trick to make a Sect hate you and still recruit your waifu in that sect.
Reset any Negative Relation with a Sect back down to 0.

  1. Find out about Linlang Temple in the Nameless Village area
    • Chat with Bao Dating until he tells you the location
    • Follow the Old Man Sect's story line until he takes you there
    • Join the Confucius Temple and befriend Can Qi. He will tell you the location
    • Obtain the Ox Ring and talk to the Village Elder. Get a Dragon Key elsewhere or raise the Village Elders Relation to 100, leave the village, and come back to the village to get the Save Xiao Bao quest. Complete that and he will give you one
  2. Go find or buy 5 Gold Bullion (15k Coins at pawnshops)
  3. Talk to Fu Yaozi, ask to meditate
  4. Click on the Gold Bullion icon on the sect you wish to reset. Cost varies on the negative Relation, maxing out at 5 Gold Bullion
  5. You are now back to 0 Relation with that sect/person
How to get married?
There are 2 ways to marry/bond with a character.
1. Through a quest
At the end of this character specific quest, you will automatically be bonded with that character. Some characters will not have their Fate Traits if done a certain way.
Characters that are bonded this way:
  • Fu Yaoqin
  • Yu Wei'er
  • Miao Caidie
  • Princess Fu Qing
  • Yi Zhihua
  • Han Hongyu
  • Wanyan Zhaoning
  • Tang Wan'er

2. Wedding Stone at the God of Marriage Shrine
Take your character (100 Relation needed) to the Temple in Chuxiang during the daytime with no other quests for that temple active (Like the Serious Taoist Quest). There you will get an event with an Old Couple who give you a free Wedding Stone and tell you the location of the God Of Marriage's Shrine.
To marry a girl through the Shrine, take her there (as the only member of your Party with 100 Relation) and a special (easy) battle. If you win you get Bonded. If you lose, you get a 2nd chance and can Spin the Marriage Slot Machine to marry.
Characters that are bonded this way:
  • Hua Siniang
  • Ye Yinping
  • Luo Qianxue
  • Hua Qingqing
  • Ling Mengdie
  • Ya Qin
  • Jiang Ziyan
  • Qu Wangyou
  • Gu Qingcheng
  • Yan Rurui
  • Man Toulou
Party Roles & Passive Tree
If you want to separate or build characters to fulfill specific roles, you will either need to recruit them soon enough so they do not spend their Passive Tree Points, or use their current Trees.
Update: You can now reset your Ally's Passive tree using the 7 Apertures Restoration Pill found in the Heaven Tower's point shop.
Now that you can change the Passive Trees, you can set up any party member for any role. Naturally traits will make some characters better at certain roles than others.

Party Roles
  • 1 Size fits all
  • Any combination of Externals and Internals, recommended 6:3 or 5:4
  • Passive Tree: Wind, Fire, Mountain, Thunder
Damage Dealer
  • Focuses on Offense: Speed and ATK (Str, Dex, Int)
  • More External Martial Arts than Internals, recommended 6:3 or 7:2 split
  • Passive Tree: Wind, Fire, Thunder
  • Focuses on Defense: Hp, and DEF(Con, Int)
  • More Internal Martial Arts than Externals, recommended 5:4 split
  • Passive Tree: Wind, Mountain, Forest
Support - Debuffer
  • Focuses on Apply Status Effects: Speed, Hp(Con, Dex)
  • Any combinations of Externals and Internals will work.
  • Passive Tree: Wind, Yin, Fire, Mountain
Support - Buffer/Utility
  • Focuses on Surviving to apply healing or buffs: Speed, Hp(Con, Dex)
  • Any combinations of Externals and Internals will work.
  • Passive Tree: Wind, Fire, Mountain, Forest

Passive Tree

  • General Role: Speed and Generalist
  • Important Nodes:
    • 1st Node - Head Start (+100 Action Points at start of battle)
    • 2nd Node - Quick Step (+1 Movement Range)
    • Final Node - Windwalker (After Attacking, you can move again but you cannot attack)
  • For a Generalist, you will want to take all the smaller Action Speed nodes.
  • Generalists should take no more than 22 points into Wind for all Action Speed nodes
  • Glass Cannon characters should take Windwalker to retreat to safety after attacking.
  • If you have enough AS (At least 100) you can skip these Nodes, but AS increases for Allies are rarer than ones for the MC.

  • General Role: Tank and DR
    • 1st Node - Resilient (-1.5% Damage Taken per point of Con)
    • 3rd Node on Middle- Armor Build-up (-10% Damage Taken per hit taken in battle, Up to 50%)
  • A generally good tree to take. You almost always want to take the first node on anyone with decent Con

  • General Role: Damage and Splash
  • Important Nodes:
    • 1st Node - Strong Arm (+1.5% Damage Dealt per point of Str)
    • 2nd Node on Bottom - Collateral Damage (Enemies at the edge of an Attack's Range will receive 25% of the attack's damage)
  • This Tree should not be taken past the first Node (8 Points) unless fighting mobs and/or you are fighting an enemy with Reflect
  • Collateral Damage's Splash Damage will not be Reflected, so miss your attacks to hit them

  • General Role: Tank and Reflect
    • 3rd Node on Bottom Row- Damage Transfer (When adjacent to an Enemy, receive only 60% of the damage and share the remaining 40% to the adjacent enemies)
  • A solid if expensive DR option. The Damage Share effect works best if you take a decent amount of damage from attacks

  • General Role: Status Effects
    • 2nd Node Middle - Trained Body (The effects of the 6 Main Status Effects are reduced by 50%)
    • Final Node- Deadly Strike (Double amount of Status Effects inflicted by attacks and reduce enemies' Qi/Action Points by 150.
  • Mainly used for the double status effect from the Last Node. The Delay on it is very strong as well on fast characters
  • The 2nd Node is good for Tanks as well

  • General Role: Damage and Critical
    • 2nd Node Middle Row - Marked Target (+5% Damage Dealt and +25 True Damage for every hit on a target. Up to +25% Damage Dealt and +125 True Damage)
    • 2nd Node Bottom Row - Mighty (+30% Critical Damage)
    • Final Node - Calculated Strike (Reduce enemy Evasion by 25% on Attack. For each Str > enemy Str: +8% Damage Dealt
  • This tree is a great source of damage.

Example for a Generalist (Works with most characters)
--Nameless Village--
Recruit All 6 at once for an achievement

These characters are accessible at the start of the game and are generally pretty weak

Hua Siniang is the best of the bunch due to her Food Trait
Hua Siniang - Innkeeper

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Support - Utility (Food, Buff, Debuff) or Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Little Housewife: While in the Party, Gain Food based on Relation (Same color) at 6. Once bonded gain one more food at 18
  • Gentle Care: Allies within 2 Squares take 10% Less Damage
  • Icy Glare: Enemies within 2 Squares take 10% More Damage
  • Accountant: -10% Mp Costs, -10% Equip Requirements

Potential Post Quest Trait
  • Overcoming Hardship: +3 Luck, +1 Dex, +1 Int
  • Ball buster: +100% Crit When attacking Common/Mob Male Enemies

Fate Trait
Warm and Comfort: Recover 30 Stamina and 20 Mood per Day

Fate Skill
Endearing Wait
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Siniang and MC gain +50% Accuracy; +25% Critical Damage; Lasts 2 Turns

Ultimate move
Cloud Piercing Chopstick:
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 5x1 Line
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP

  • 0 Fame
  • Cosmetic Powder (Green+)

  • 100 Cooking

  1. Enter Inn around during the Day
  2. Deal with Ruffian:
    • Pay 500 Coins - Lose 500 Coins; +5 Wisdom
    • Fight him off (Group Battle with Guest Hua Siniang) - +2 Courage
    • Step aside - -30 Relation Hua Siniang; -6 Relation Nameless Village
  3. Leave and Enter Inn.
  4. Return at Zhi to Shou (Midnight to 5 AM)
  5. Group Battle With Guest Hua Siniang
  6. Hua Sinnang will Join your team
  7. Get Amateur Strike (Rare Fist Manual)
  8. Start Hua Siniang's Quest line

Other Events
  1. First Meeting at the Inn
    • Pay for Room: Standard Hotel interaction
    • Is there a free place? - +2 Trustworthy, learn about the broken house in the area with a free straw bed
    • Insist on stay for free - Fight Hua Siniang
      • Win - Free Room for 1 Night; Inn Price increases to 500, -30 Relation Hua Siniang; -6 Relation Nameless Village
      • Lose - Get Kicked out; -30 Relation Hua Siniang; -6 Relation Nameless Village
    • Never mind: end event
  2. Ye Yinping's Lunch
    • Pay for her (500 Coins) - Gain Nameless accessory (Lotus Gem Accessory) Need Level 4 Appraise Accessory.
    • Ignore - Hua Siniang will have the Lotus Gem Accessory in her inventory for Trade
  3. Dowry (60+ Relation)
    • Pay 10k Coins - Get Exorcist Gem (Epic Accessory)
    • Pay 5k Coins (3 Merchantile) Get Exorcist Gem (Epic Accessory); -5 Relation Hua Siniang
    • Pawn it off - End event, do not get accessory
    • Want to buy but too poor - Event Continues, can buy later

Quest Line
Hua Siniang Needs to be in the Party for all events
  1. Optional: Go to Lin'an City, get Underground Arena location from Waiter or Performer
  2. Optional: Win Underground Arena Tournament
  3. Go to Daliang City, talk to Waiter (Cost 10 Scrap Silver) in Hotel.
  4. Go to Casino, win fight or win Gamble minigame
  5. Bring Hua to General Kang's Mansion in Lin'an City. Talk to Clerk in Left Backroom
  6. Group Battle. If you are Married to Lady Fu Qing (Duke Kang's Sister) Skip this battle and go to Alternate Resolution
  7. Resolutions:
    • Let Duke Kang decide:
      • +15 Relation with Duke Kang and +7 with his Faction,
      • Hua Gains unique trait Overcoming Hardship (+3 Luck, +1 Dex, +1 Int)
    • Let Hua decide:
      • -40 Relation with Duke Kang and -20 with his Faction,
      • Hua Gains unique trait Overcoming Hardship (+3 Luck, +1 Dex, +1 Int)
      • When attacking Common/Mob Male Enemies, +100% Crit
    • Spare Him:
      • Gain Unique Ultimate Skill Cloud Piercing Chopstick (Weak but Low Spirit Cost).
      • -40 Relation with Duke Kang and -20 with his Faction
  8. Alternate Resolution:
    • If you are married to Fu Qing, you will fight a duel against the Clerk (1v1) and kill him.
    • Hua Siniang Gains Unique Trait Overcoming Hardship (+3 Luck, +1 Dex, +1 Int)

Homestead Synergies
  • Hermit of the Small Village : +50 Scene Increase
    • Liu Shiba
    • Bao Dating
    • Wang Dachui
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Hua Siniang
  • Medical and Edible: +10 Pharmacy (Per person)
    • Hua Siniang
    • Qu Wangyou
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Pao Chunqiu
Bai Touweng - Doctor

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Support - Utility (Healer)

Unique Traits
  • Street Doctor: Always have the Heal Action, Reduce the Effects of: Poison, Internal Injury, Sealed, Bleeding, and Blind by half
  • Long Illness: Upper Limit of Medical is raised to 350
  • Self-healing Doctor: Recover 5% of HP and MP after winning a battle

  • Fame: 0
  • Tea Leaves(Normal+)

  • 100 Herb Gathering

  1. Optional: First Meeting -
    • Medical - +10 Medical
    • Herbs - +1 Sickle and Gather Herb Tutorial
  2. Find a Lingzhi in the forest (there are 2)
  3. Give the Doctor the Lingzhi
  4. Gain Breathing Method (Rare Internal Manual)
  5. Gain +5 Medical Book and +5 Toxicology Book on Recruitment

Quest line
  • Take him to Herbology Sect. Have him learn from Qu Wangyou
  • Come back in 5 days
  • The Doctor will gain about 20 levels and + 34 Medical

  • Needed for Homestead Building: Pharmacy

Homestead Synergies
  • Hermit of the Small Village : +50 Scene Increase
    • Liu Shiba
    • Bao Dating
    • Wang Dachui
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Hua Siniang
  • Medical and Edible: +10 Pharmacy (Per Person)
    • Hua Siniang
    • Qu Wangyou
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Pao Chunqiu
Wang Dachui - Blacksmith

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Damage Dealer or Tank

Unique Traits

Ultimate Move
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Fan
  • +10 Internal Injury
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max Hp Damage; +20 Internal Injury

  • Fame: 0
  • Wine (Normal+)

  • 100 Craft Weapon

  1. Optional First Meeting: Blacksmith Apprentice (Gain Green Weapon Recipes)
  2. Give him 8 Iron Ore - Get Protection Armor (Green Armor)
  3. Pay 2k Coins (This will also give you the Whetstone (+100% Wood Cutting EXP) accessory) or Recruit Hua Siniang (no extra benefits)
  4. Gain Green Gathering Tools Recipe

Quest line
  • Meet Ou Ye Heng asking Wang to rejoin Langya
  • Recruit Wang
  • Accept Ou Ye Heng's invitation
  • Gain Valiant Trait (+15% Damage Dealt, same trait as the one from 100 Courage on the MC)

  • Needed for Homestead Building: Workshop
  • You need to Recruit Him for the Join Langya Sword Pavilion Quest

Homestead Synergies
  • Hermit of the Small Village : +50 Scene Increase
    • Liu Shiba
    • Bao Dating
    • Wang Dachui
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Hua Siniang
Liu Shiba - Hunter

Party Role
  • Spear User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Wild Hunter: +50% damage to Animals
  • Walker: +1 Movement Range in Battle
  • Trash Sweeper: +15 Long Stat

Potential Post Quest Trait
  • Protect Little Master: If Yang Yao'er is in battle, +8% Criitcal, Parry, and +15 Action Speed

Ultimate Move
Summon Hound
  • 50 Spirit
  • Summons 1 Hound within 3x3 range in front
  • Note: you can have as many dogs as you can summon

Post Quest Ultimate Move
Star Chase
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 5x1 Line in front
  • 25% chance to Inflict Cut Tendons (lasts 1 Action)
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max HP Damage, 50% chance to Inflict Cut Tendons (lasts 1 Action)

  • Fame: 0
  • Appliance (Normal+)

  • 100 Beast Taming

  1. First Meeting in Lost Forest - Fight Boars
  2. Bow Repair - Give Blacksmith Dog Meat (Do not kill the Dog, buy from butcher) or recruit Blacksmith Wang Dachui
  3. Gain Beast Taming Trident
  4. Give Liu Shiba Sweet Potato Wine (Buy from Hua Siniang) at Night
  5. Find a Lingzhi in the forest (there are 2)
  6. Give Liu Shiba Lingzhi

Other Events
  • If you take Shiba to meet Yang Yao'er, Shiba gains the Protect Little Master Trait

Quest line
  • Take him to Blue Wind Camp
  • He will fight with Kong Yidao
    • Win - Gain new Ultimate
    • Lose - MC will gain Bearing Hopes trait (+15% Fame EXP)

  • If you kill his Dog, he will attack you
  • He is Kong Yidao's acquaintance for the Ye Family Battalion Quest

Homestead Synergies
  • Hermit of the Small Village : +50 Scene Increase
    • Liu Shiba
    • Bao Dating
    • Wang Dachui
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Hua Siniang
Bao Dating - Gossip/guide

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits:
  • Sharp Tongue: While Persuade is below Level 3, +1 Persuade Level
  • Back Away: +1 Movement Range in Combat
  • Fist User: +15 Fist
  • Rumor Listener: +5% Kill Exp

  • Fame: 0
  • Novels (Normal+)

  • 100 Persuade

  • Raise Relation to 40+
  • Get Keepsake from Hua Siniang (40 Relation) OR recruit Hua Siniang
  • Gain Scoundrel Fist book on Recruitment

Quest Line

  • He will leave if you marry/Bond with Hua Siniang and have both of them in the party at once. If Siniang dies afterwards, he will show back up with +40 Levels to fight you.
  • Talking to him will give you the locations of:
    • Bandit Camp
    • Cross Hill
    • Linlang Temple

Homestead Synergies
  • Hermit of the Small Village : +50 Scene Increase
    • Liu Shiba
    • Bao Dating
    • Wang Dachui
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Hua Siniang
Hong Xiaoqi - Beggar

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Sleight of Hand: 15% chance to steal up to 50 Coins on attack
  • Quick Reflex: +5 Action Speed
  • Short Stature: +5 Evasion

Ultimate Move
Throw Quicklime
  • 220 Power
  • 50 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Fan
  • +10 Blind
  • Break Defense: +5% Enemy Max Hp damage; +20 Blind
Mountain Mover - Post Quest Ultimate
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Fan
  • +10 Internal Injury
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max Hp damage; +20 Internal Injury

  • Fame: 0
  • Food (Normal+)

  • 100 Steal

  1. Have 500 Coins, and go to the entrance of Nameless Village. He will steal 500 Coins
    • Take Plaster - get Dog-skin Plaster (Blue Accessory)
    • Treating me like a beggar? - -5 Benevolence, +5 Courage
    • Forget it - +5 Benevolence
  2. Confront Him (Wanders near between Inn and Shack). NOTE: if you wait too long (1+ Days) you will not get your Money back and the Village will get angry if you have low Relations with everyone
  3. Fight Him (Solo Battle)
    • Get your Money Back - Gain 500 Coins
    • Let him keep the money - Gain Beggar Staff (Rare Staff Manual)
  4. Raise Relation to 60+
  5. Cooking option
    • Cook yourself (Cooking Level 1+) - Gain Potato Recipe, -5 Relation Hua Siniang
    • Buy from Hua Siniang (Buy out her stock)

Quest Line
  • At Fame 4, Nine Factions Events start
  • Daliang City - Take Hong to meet the Ferocious Beggar in front of the Inn
  • Give him a total of 10k Coins (10 TImes)
  • Win the Fight as Hong. If you lose you can try again later
Shuo Shuren - Storyteller

Party Role
  • Brush/Pen User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Storyteller: +15% Fame EXP
  • Verification: While Appraise Art is <4, +1 effective Level of Appraise Art
  • Fast Reader: -25% EXP required to learn Marital Arts

  • Fame: 5
  • Calligraphy (Blue+)

  • 1800 Persuade

  • Visit Cross Hill northwest of Nameless Village at 12/Noon
  • Fight off the bandits
  • Recruit Shuo Shuren
  • Gain 5 Forgotten Pill, World Inside Painting (Blue Brush Manual)

Homestead Synergies
  • Superior Intelligence: +10 Steles Forest (Per Person)
    • Dugu Jianyi
    • Ling Mengdie
    • Zhang Lata/ La Tazhang
    • Wanyan Liang
    • Cai Youzhi
    • Shuo Shuren
----Chuxiang Region----
--Chuxiang City--
Lu Zixu - General Lu's Arrogant Son

Party Role
  • Fan User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Unaffectionate: Against Female enemies: +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
  • Powerful Father: While Lu Wenhuan is alive and in the same Faction: +25% Damage Dealt, -25% Damage Taken: +15 Action Speed
  • Chance Taker: +3% Combo

  • Fame: 3
  • Novel (Normal+)

  • 600 Appraise Antique

  • Talk to him, choose the Flirt option
  • Chose to fight
  • Beat him 3 times over 3 days
  • Same options, win the group battle
  • You can Recruit him now

  • He will let you meet General Lu with no fuss.
Niu Er - Lu Zixu's Fat Henchman

Party Role
  • Fist/Glove User
  • Tank
Unique Traits
  • Happy Fatty: +10% Max HP
  • Hardy: For Point of Con: -1% Damage Taken
  • Sluggish: -10 Action Speed, +5% Parry

  • Fame: 2
  • Food (Normal+)

  • Talk to him
  • Invite him
  • Beat his fight
  • He will be recruited
  • Gain Black Tiger Fist (Rare Fist Manual) on recruit
Li San - Lu Zixu's Skinny Henchman

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • First Strike: Initial Action Points +100 at the start of battle
  • Like a Rabbit: +10 Action Speed
  • Dependent: +3% Damage Dealt for each surviving Ally in battle

  • Fame: 2
  • Wine (Normal+)

  • 100 Steal

  • Talk to him
  • Invite Him
  • Pay 2k coins
  • He will be recruited
  • Gain Wind Stab (Rare Dagger Manual) on recruit
Jiang Nanguai - Old Monster of Dirty Street

Party Role
  • Fist/Glove User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Street Master: For each surviving Ally +5% Damage Dealt
  • Sealing Wind: Inflict 10 Seal on enemy
  • Survival Instinct: Can survive a lethal blow with 1 Hp, once per combat

Ultimate Move
Head Buster
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 1 Square in front
  • 25% Chance to inflict Unconscious/Slumber (Lasts for 1 action)
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max HP Damage, 50% Chance to inflict Unconscious/Slumber (Lasts for 1 action)

  • Fame: 6
  • Wine (Rare+)

  1. Raise Relation to 60
  2. Old Monster will give you a task
  3. Go rescue Er Mazi from the Prison in the Government building
  4. Go to prison, bribe the guard or Banish Him
  5. Pay 5k Coins to release him OR talk to Er Mazi to get the follow story Or kill all the guards to break him out
  6. Optional: Raise your Relation with the Ding Family (Marry Lady Ding for her version)
  7. Optional: Get the money from Merchant ding
  8. Optional; Pay the 5k
  9. Talk to the guy before talking to Old Monster
    • Show some Gratitude: Gain White Jade Cup (Legendary Appliance)
    • Convey Merchant Ding's words: Er Mazi will leave
    • Convey Lady Ding's words: Er Mazi will leave, you can return to Lady Ding before to get the Magnifying Glass accessory
  10. Talk to Old Monster and report the quest
  11. You can now recruit Jiang Nanguai
  12. Gain Omnipotent Hand (Epic Fist Manual) on recruit
  13. Also learn about the Secret passage out of Chuxiang City under the crate behind him
Li Leya - Flute guy

Party Role
  • Flute User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits

  • Fame: 5
  • Tea Leaf (Rare+)

  1. He's in the Chuxiang Prison
  2. Open his cell door
  3. Talk to him, use the Chat option
  4. Mediate and wait
  5. Around Midnight, Melody House girls will attack
  6. Choose to help him
  7. He will move to the Tea Shop next door
  8. Recruit him
  9. Gain Heart Stimulation Five Tunes (Rare Flute Manual) on recruit

Quest line
  • He tells you about the Guangling Melody Score as part of Ya Qin's questline

Jiang Ziyan - Poison Taoist

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Tank or Support - Debuff

Unique Traits
  • Fast Poisoner: Once per Turn, 25% chance for extra turn after using Poison Action
  • Poisonous Touch: Inflict 10 Poison on Attack
  • Hidden Poison: Inflict 10 Poison when Hit

Post Quest Trait
  • Heavily Poisoned: When attacking, inflict (Enemy Poison * 5) True damage, and double the amount of poison applied by the attack

Fate Trait
  • Only You: While MC is only Bonded to Ziyan: Ziyan +35% Damage; +20% Critical Chance; Ziyan Gains +15 Spirit when MC is attacked

Fate Move
A Friend in Need
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Ziyan and MC gain -30% MP Cost; +15% Damage Dealt; Lasts 2 Turns

Ultimate Move
Soul Breaker Mist
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Fan/Triangle
  • Inflict 10 Poison
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP; Inflict 20 Poison; -10% Enemy Current MP

Muscle Relaxant Incense - Post Quest
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius
  • Reduce Enemy Stats: -10% Action Speed, -5% Critical Chance, -5% Parry. -5% Evasion; Lasts 2 Turns
  • Break Defense: Reduce Enemy Stats: -20% Action Speed, -10% Critical Chance, -10% Parry. -10% Evasion; Lasts 2 Turns

  • Fame: 4
  • Toxic (Rare+)

  • 600 Poison

  • Note: The JIuli Tribe must be alive for this event
  • Sleep at the Chuxiang Inn
  • Have 4 Fame
  • Talk to Ziyan
    • Criticize her (Fight her, solo)
    • Invite for a drink
  • Fight against the Jiuli Tribe
    • Fight them alone - Solo Battle, +5 Courage
    • Fight them together - Group Battle, +5 Wisdom - Gain Bug-attracting Fragrance (Epic Accessory)
    • Run away - Ziyan is gone forever
  • You can now recruit Ziyan
  • Gain Cruel Palm (Epic Fist Manual) on recruit

Quest line
    Part 1
  1. Note: The Jiuli Tribe must not be all killed for this event
  2. While wandering the Map with Ziyan in the party, you will be attacked by Jiuli Tribe Members (The specific spot is in the Forest between Chuxiang City and the Taoist Sect)
  3. Fight 3 Waves of Increasing amount of Jiuli Tribe Members (MC gets Debuff: Inner Effect is Disabled)
    Part 2
  4. Have 65+ Toxicology on the MC
  5. Have the Jiuli Tribe location unlocked.
  6. Visit the Jiuli Tribe Main Hall. Fight Miao Muli if he is alive.
  7. Enter the Poison Dragon cave in the back.
  8. Ziyan will leave your party for this next segment
  9. Gather: Spider, Poisonous Moth, Scorpion, Centipede, 2 Praying Mantis, and 3 Stink bugs, All Blue tier bugs. These can be harvested in the cave or in the homestead.
  10. You can ask Jiyan about her master for more story.
  11. Ziyan will rejoin your party
  12. Head to Shifa Temple, Talk to the Shifa Leader if they have not been Exterminated
  13. Ring the large Bell in the Southwest corner of the area while at 20 or less Stamina
  14. Ring the large Bell at 100 Mood (Eat some soup)
  15. You can choose to burn the notes or keep them. They have similar effects but the trait is stronger for Ziyan specifically.
    • Burn - Ziyan gains the Heavily Poisoned trait
    • Keep - You gain the Absolute Poison Remnants (Legendary Internal Manual)
Yang Yao'er - Soldier

Party Role
  • Spear User
  • Damage Dealer or Tank

Unique Traits

Ultimate Move
Pear Blossom Essence - Yao'er needs to learn Pear Blossom Spear to Level 10
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 7x3 Line
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max HP Damage, for every 5 Long > Enemy Long: Inflict 1 Seal

  • Fame: 2
  • Novel - Detective (Normal+)

  • Go to Chuxiang Quest Board - Unlock Wolf Valley
  • Get Pear Blossom Spear (Epic Spear Weapon) in Wild Wolf Valley
  • Talk to Yang Yao'er (do not have it equipped)
  • Agree with General Yang's Ambition
  • Recruit Yang Yao'er (You keep the spear)

Other Events
  • Take Yao'er to the Dilapidated Shrine in Nameless Village (Or take his item Yang Family Tablet there)
  • Punch the Shrine in Battle Mode
  • Go downstairs
  • Interact with the shrine
  • Get Pear Blossom Spear Manual (Epic Spear Manual) - Needed for other Recruits

Quest line
  • Go to Ye Family Battalion (Exit and enter after you talk to General Ye if the event does not happen(
  • Let him Join
  • Come back in 5 Days
  • Recruit him again
  • Yao'er will around 14 Levels and gain around +2 Str and +2 Con
--Taoist Temple--
1 Sect Leader and 2 recruits. 1 is a great tank that's easy to recruit, and the other is a good support
Zhong Yangzi - Taoist Sect Leader

Gear (Epic+)
Wooden Sword (Yes its a common Wooden Sword) and Taichi Outfit

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Tank

Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Origin Qi: Reflect 15% of Damage Taken back to the attacker
  • Readied: After being attacked, +75 Action Points
  • Taoist Sect Leader: +100% Spirit Gain
  • Sword Maneuver: When equipped with a Wooden Sword, +15 Action Speed, +10 Comb, +10 Critical, and +25% Damage Dealt

Ultimate Move
Heaven Breaker
  • 1000 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • 6x3 Square in Front
  • 35% chance to Inflict Confuse, Cut Tendon, or Vulnerable
  • Break Defense: Damage +20% Enemy Max HP, Inflict Confuse, Cut Tendon, or Vulnerable; For every 3 Sword > Enemy Sword, Inflict 1 Bleeding

  • Fame: 8
  • Ornament (Legendary), Appliance (Legendary)

  • 3600 Alchemy

  • Infinity Sword (Legendary Sword Manual) - Sect Relation 80+ & Same Sect Only

  • See How to Recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section

Zhang Lata - Taoist Sect Successor

Gear (Epic+)

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Tank

Unique Traits
  • Ragged Taoist: Immune to Internal Injury, Seal, Back Attack and Side Attack
  • Drunken Life: While in the Drunk State: +25% Critical Damage, inflict 10 Internal Injury, +15% Action Speed
  • Clear Mind: Reduce cooldowns of External Skills by 1

Ultimate Move
Taichi Thirteen Forms
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • 3 Square Radius Around Self
  • 2 Square Knockback
  • 35% Chance Inflict Stagger, Disassemble, Slowed, Broken Bone
  • Break Defense: Damage +15% Enemy Max HP, Inflict Stagger, Disassemble, Slowed, Broken Bone

  • Fame: 8
  • Wine (Epic+)

  • 1800 Appraise Medicine

  • Wine God Fist - Sect Relation 60+ & Same Sect. Requires 1 Legendary Wine Viburnum Dew.
    1. In the Nameless Village Region, go to Cross Hill.
    2. Take the right exit from Cross Hill.
    3. Raise the Wanderer's Relation to 100 (Or Kill Him)
    4. Help him out in the Group Battle, don't let him die
    5. Gain 3 Maps
    6. Find the Locations in the 3 cities
    7. Dig up with an Iron Shovel, Do it at night to avoid a fight
    8. One of them will give you a Viburnum Dew

  • Invite him
  • Beat him in a fight.
  • He will hold back based on your Relation with him. At 100 Relation he will have -90% Atk/Def, -45 Action Speed
  • Recruit him
  • Gain Dreaming Sutra (Epic Internal Manual) on recruit

Other Events
  • Zhang Lata need to be outside you party to give you Nether Taichi (Epic Internal) after you defeat the Zhenwu Sword Formation

Homestead Synergies
  • Daoist Friendship: +20 Scene
    • Zhang Lata / La Tazhang
    • Chang Chunzi
  • Superior Intelligence: +10 Steles Forest (Per Person)
    • Dugu Jianyi
    • Ling Mengdie
    • Zhang Lata/ La Tazhang
    • Wanyan Liang
    • Cai Youzhi
    • Shuo Shuren
Chang Chunzi

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Support - Utility (Buff)

Unique Traits
  • Courageous: While in the Party, For every 10 Righteous, +1% Damage Dealt, every -10 Righteous, -1% Damage Dealt
  • Formation Center: In Battle: Allies gain: +15% Action Speed, +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken. Chunzi gains -50% Def
  • Sword Master:" +15 Sword
  • Practice makes PerfectL: +15% Kill EXP

  • Fame: 4
  • Novel - Wuxia, Detective (Rare+)

Taiyi Sword (Rare Sword Manual) - Sect Relation 20 & Sect Member

  • Have 80 Benevolence and 80 Righteous
  • Talk to Chunzi, use the Talk->Talk option.
  • Recruit him
  • Get 2 Alchemy Recipes (Rare) - Healing Ointment Recipe and Healing Medicine Recipe

Homestead Synergies
  • Daoist Friendship: +20 Scene
    • Zhang Lata / La Tazhang
    • Chang Chunzi
--Ye Family Battalion--
Ye Yinping - Wandering Girl

Party Role
  • Spear User
  • Tank or Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • General's Daughter: For every +10 Courage, +1% Damage Dealt; For every -10 Courage, -1% Damage Dealt;
  • Capriciousness: Damage Dealt Fluctuates between 50%-175% (Average 112.5% Damage)

Other Event Trait
  • Spear and Staff: Always able to use Long (Spear and Staff) Martial Arts (Perfect Adaptation effect for both Long type Martial Arts) and +20% Damage when using Long type Martial Arts

Fate Trait
  • United We Stand: When Ye is adjacent to MC, +25% Damage; For every space between the bonus decreases by 5%(Min 0%)

Fate Move
Faraway Place
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Yiping and MC gain +10% Combo; +10% Critical Rate; Lasts 2 Turns

Ultimate Move
Piercing Spear
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 5x1 Line
  • Inflict 10 Bleed
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP; Inflict 20 Bleed
Ferocious Dragon Charge - Post Quest
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 6x3 Line
  • Knock back 1 Square
  • Reduce Enemy Action Points/Qi by 125
  • Break Defense: Damage +15% Enemy Max HP, Reduce Enemy Action Points/Qi by 250

  • Fame: 3
  • Novel - Wuxia, Sweets (Normal+)

  • Meet her in all 3 cities and help her every time.
  • Chuxiang: Win her challenge after winning Chuxiang Hero Meeting tournament
    • Get Rumor from the Inn at Fame 3,
    • Go to Dojo (Do their tournament if started), sigh up by talking to the Dojo master,
    • Go to to the Government Building, ask Prefect to join. Win
    • Leave through the front door. Ye Yinping will appear at the entrance to the street
  • Lin'an City: Bridge by Ruined Shrine zone, Fight thieves with her
  • Daliang : Go to government building, Choose to have them Race, Li is the culprit
  • Go to Ye Family Battalion
  • Recruit Ye Yinping
  • Get Thunder Spear Manual (Rare Spear Manual)

Other Events
  • Nameless Village Inn - Pay 500 coins for her; Get Lotus Gem Accessory (Epic/Purple Accessory)
  • Nameless Area Crossroads: Fight Bandits with her (+1 Stat)
  • In the Southeast region, Before attending Duke Chai's Banquet
    • Go to the Market and see the event with the vagabond
    • See the fight at the Dojo
    • Optional - beat the Dojo master in a spar with the MC. This part can be done after Duke Chai's banquet as long as the first 2 events were seen.
    • Yinping gets the option to fight
    • Win the fight and she will gain the Spear and Staff trait, +2 Int and +2 Str.

Quest line
  • Talk to General Ye, Spar with him along with Yinping. Beat him.
  • Reward: Ultimate Skill Ferocious Dragon Charge (Purple/Epic) MC also learns this if you have 10 Int
Ye Yun - Ye Family's Young General

Gear (Epic+)
Silver Hammer

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Killing Aura: +10% Damage Dealt per attack, up to 100% per battle
  • Spirit is Abundant: Start battle with 100 Spirit

  • Fame:5
  • Food (Rare+)

  • Thunder Mountain Hammer (Epic Staff) - Str 9

  • Win the Chuxiang Hero Meeting
  • Talk to Ye Yun
  • Beat him
  • Recruit him
  • Gain Yue Fei Secret Manual (Epic Internal Manual)

Other Events
  • He has a ! Event on the Chuxiang Region Map.
--Tiger Escort--
Han Hongyu - Tiger Escort Boss

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Brave and Fearless: Each Male Teammate in Battle: +10 Action Speed, +5% Damage Dealt. For a max of +50 Action Speed and +25% Damage Dealt
  • Accumulate Slowly and Strike Swiftly: When Blade >= 150: +35 Action Speed, +10% Parry and Critical
  • Fight to the Death: Once per battle revive with 1 HP

Fate Trait
  • Bathing Fire Rose: While both the MC and Hongyu are in battle in the same party, Hongyu gains +10 Critical and Combo

Fate Move
  • Oath of Love
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Effect: The Higher the Blade of both MC and Hongyu, the higher the final damage (Unkown values, probably +Blade% Damage Increase

  • Fame: 6
  • Novel - Detective, Wuxia (Epic+)

  • 1800 Pathfinding Exp

  • Step forward to help when you first visit Tiger Escort
  • Do Escort Mission until you reach 1500 Tiger Escort Reputation (tracked by Hongyu)
  • Enter the hall, agree to help Hongyu
  • Win the fight
  • You can now Recruit Han Hongyu
  • Gain Thunder Blade Manual (Epic Blade Manual) on recruit

Other Events
  • You can meet her in the Nameless Inn if you rent a room.

Quest line - Needed for Marriage
  • Before you do the Rescue Emperor Mission, recruit and invite Hongyu to your party.
  • Take her to meet the Emperor
  • Learn about the fate of her father.
  • You now need to kill the Spearman of Yan, Xiao Yuanba (Bald spear dude)
  • Kill him with or without Hongyou
  • Wander the World Map with Hongyou
  • You will automatically Bond/Marry with Han Hongyou
  • You will learn about the secret chamber in her bedroom (by the chair)
  • Gain a bunch of Money and Gold Bullion inside

Homestead Synergies
  • Heroic Spirit: +10 Treasure
    • Kong Yidao
    • Luo Tianxiang
    • Bu Juechen
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Han Hongyu
--Blue Wind Camp--
Kong Yidao - Blue Wind Camp Boss

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Blitz Attack: +15% Action Speed
  • Battle Maniac: +15% Spirit Gain
  • Blade Master: +15 Blade stat
  • Old Illness: -1 Str,Dex,Con, +50% Mp cost for Externals. Removed once healed

Ultimate Move
Marvelous Blade
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • 5 Square Fan in front
  • Inflict 10 Bleeding on enemies
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP, Inflict 20 Bleed

  • Fame: 4
  • Wine (Rare+)

  • Mountain Clear Blade (Rare Blade Manual) - Required 40 Sect Relation, Be a Sect Member

  • Join Blue Wind Camp
  • Complete the Blue Wind story line, don't betray them
  • You can recruit Kong Yidao

Other Events
  • You can cure Kong Yidao's Illness with 100 Medical
  • He will lose the Old Illness Trait

Homestead Synergies
  • Heroic Spirit: +10 Treasure
    • Kong Yidao
    • Luo Tianxiang
    • Bu Juechen
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Han Hongyu
----Lin'an Region----
--Lin'an City--
Yan Rurui - Maiden House Stewardess

Party Role
  • Flute User
  • Support - Utility (out of combat, debuffer)

Unique Traits
  • Full of Charm: Enemy Male Characters within 2 Square: -10% Action Speed
  • Know how to make Money: While in the Party: +1k Coins per day, increased to 5k if Bonded
  • Play the Flute: While using Flute External to attack: +10% Damage Dealt

Fate Trait
  • Husband and Wife follow each other: While on the same team, For every point of Mc Mood: +0.25% Damage Dealt

Fate Move
Fenghua Xueyue
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Inflict Internal Injury, Amount increases with MC and Rurui's Musical Stat

  • Fame: 2
  • Cosmetic (Epic+)

  • 600 Mercantile

  • Plum Flower Three Lanes Score

  • Complete the Maiden House Riddle. Collection 4 Legendary Items named (Fake)
    • Under Zither in Maiden House
    • Trade/Steal from Shi Chen, the injured Monk in the Ruined Shrine area of Lin'an (Walk on the bag by the Haystack)
    • Government Building Backroom, on table. Steal or raise Prefect's Relation to 100
    • Artifact Hall/Exquisite Pavilion. In 3rd Right Shelf. Steal or raise Shopkeeper's Relation to 100
  • Raise Relation to 100
  • Chat with her, hear her background
  • Accept the Night Visit
  • Go to Pagoda area in Garden right of the Maiden House (A zither will be there)
  • You need to find how to get her to shed her lowly status
  • Go to Prefect, ask him. You will need 1 of the following Traits/Item to prove your status:
    • Guerrilla General (Promotion during the Ye Family Quest Line)
    • Imperial Scholar (Top Achiever Trait)- 3 Exams and Emperor Meeting is needed, Character Creation Trait does not count
    • Jianghu Master - Both Ending and Character Creation Traits will count
    • Jianghu Conqueror - Both Ending and Character Creation Traits will count
    • Imperial Edict/Token - Consumed on use (Get from saving the Emperor Mission, can be used elsewhere)
    • Guerilla General - Join the Ye Family Battalion (Through the Ending counts if you join them), and get promoted to General
  • Talk to Duke Kang
  • Give him the Seal of the Heaven/Sky (Yan Yun Palace Camp) or Seal of the State (Jiuli Tribe behind the statue)
  • You can now recruit Yan Rurui
  • You can take her to the God of Marriage Shrine and marry her

Shi Chen - Monk with the Knife Wound

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Tank

Unique Traits
  • Enjoying the Wine: While "Exhilarated": +15% Critical Damage, and Inflict 5 Internal Injury
  • Hardy: For each point of Con: -1% Damage Taken
  • Berserker: While HP is below 30%: Lose control of character, +15% Critical, +50% Spirit Gain

Potential Post Quest Traits
  • Righteous Offering: If adjacent to the MC, take 25% of the damage dealt to the MC

Ultimate Move
Diamond Rush
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4x1 Line
  • Knock Back 1 Square
  • Damage Break: +10% Enemy Max HP damage

  • Fame: 4
  • Wine. Food (Rare+)

  • Find him in the Lin'an City Ruined Shine. Walk near or on top of his bag by the Haystack
    • Heal him - 30 Medical
    • Heal him - Healing Medicine Item
    • How can I save - more info (Learn where to buy Healing Medicine)
    • I can't help - end event
  • Heal him for 5 Days.
  • Optional: You can also choose to arrest him - Gain 1k Coins, put him in prison
    • 1st day - Small Money Bag
    • 2nd day - Heavy Money Bag
    • 3rd day - Heavy Money Bag
    • 4th day - Heavy Money Bag
    • 5th day - Heavy Money Bag
  • You can now recruit him
  • Gain Golden Bell Technique (Rare Internal Manual) on recruit

Quest line
  • Take him to see General Lu
  • Get into a fight, choose who to side with
    • Side with Shi Chen - Gain Righteous Offering trait
    • Side against Shi Chen - Shi Chen dies

  • He has an item needed for the Maiden House Riddle in his inventory
  • If you get him arrested, you can break him out. This will set your Relation with him to around 0.
  • Once he gets out of jail, he will return to his original spot (You can get the Maiden House Item from him there)
Fang Xiao Bai - Waiter

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Support - Debuffer or Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • None

  • Fame: 0
  • Novel - Wuxia (Normal+)

100 Persuade

  • Have 3 Fame
  • Give Fang some pointers (Fight)
  • Beat him
  • Get Fang Family Secret Book
  • You can recruit him
  • Gain Zen Finger (Rare Fist Manual) on Recruit

Quest line
  • Appraise Fang Family Secret Book (4 Appraise Book & 60 Fist. Can only be appraise by yourself)
  • Get Far Sealing Hand (Epic Fist Manual)
  • Give Fang the Manual (He will automatically learn it to Level 10)
  • Note: You will never get the Manual Back
  • He will get +2 Str, +2 Dex
--Duke Kang Faction--
Princess Fu Qing - Duke Kang's Sister

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Lovely Visage: When attacked by Male Enemies: -50% Damage Taken
  • Rich Maiden: Gain 1k Coins per day
  • Herculean Strength: +15% Critical and 5% Chance to Instant Kill non-boss Enemies who are 10 levels below Fu Qing's Level.

Fate Trait
  • Princess's Allowance: Gain Coins based on Fu Qing's Relation

Fate Move
Gorgeous Flower
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Fu Qing and MC gain +50% Spirit Gain; Lasts 2 Turns

  • Fame: 2
  • Sweets, Fruit (Normal+)

  • In Daliang City, Beat the 3rd Tournament (Earth)
  • Sigh up for the Marriage Tournament (1 try, can delay)
  • Win Tournament
  • Have 10 Str, or Con to withstand Fu Qing's Punch
  • Optional: Pay 20k Coins for a Luck Pill
  • Go to Duke Kang's Mansion in Lin'an City
  • Propose and ask to Marry Fu Qing
  • Go to the Enlightenment Tower, Beat all 6 Floors
  • Give Kang the Seal of the People
  • Note: You can trade it back from him
  • You will marry Fu Qing and gain the Royal-Son-in-Law Trait
  • Recruit Fu Qing
  • She will already be Bonded to you
  • Gain Sparkling Palm on recruit (Rare Fist Manual)

Other Events
  • If you take Fu Qing to the God of Marriage's Shrine, she gets +2 Luck
--Herbology Sect--
Qu Wangyou - Miracle Doctor

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Support - Utility (Healing)

Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Self-healing Doctor: Recover 10% of Missing HP per Action
  • Medical Master: Limit of Medical Increased to 500
  • Medical Expert: After using the Heal Action: +25% chance to act again (Cannot be triggered consecutively)

Fate Trait
  • Lover Protection: While within 2 squares of Qu Wangyou: Every time the Mc is attacked, recover 5% Missing Hp (up to 120).

Fate Move
Under the Moon
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square around MC
  • Both Qu Wangyou and MC gain: After each action recover 10% of Missing Hp, for 2 turns

Ultimate Move
  • 0 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 2 Square Radius around self
  • Heal Allies for 25% Missing HP

Water of Life - Post Quest Ultimate
  • 0 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square Radius around Self
  • Heal Allies for 25% Max HP

  • Fame: 7
  • Herb, Toxic (Epic+)

  • 1800 Alchemy

  • Pure Maiden Sword (Epic Sword Manual) - 80 Benevolence needed

  • After you meet Qu Wangyou, if you leave, 4 patients will spawn
  • Talk to Qu Wangyou
  • Heal them all or fail to heal one to start the next battle.
  • Note: Healing them all will give Qu Wangyou the Water of Life Ultimate
    • Any Party Member has 50+ Sword
    • Any Party Member has 8+ Str
    • Any Party Member has 800+ Mp
    • Any Party Member has 50+ Toxicology
    • Find a Thunderstruck Wood (Can be gathered in the Level 4 Back Mountain of the Homestead, bought in the Night Demon Auction, or found in the Nameless Village (Enter Manual Battle Mode and punch the tree by the well)
  • Fight Group Battle against Evil Doctor and Patients
  • Win the Battle, choose what to do with the Evil Doctor
    • Kill - Solo fight against Evil Doctor
    • Spare - Evil Doctor runs away. He will attack you on the world map and will die if you beat him.
  • You can now recruit Qu Wangyou
  • Gain Four Saints Origin (Epic Internal) on recruit

  • With 100 Benevolence, you can ask Qu Wangyou for +50 Medical

Homestead Synergies
  • Medical and Edible: +10 Pharmacy (Per Person)
    • Hua Siniang
    • Qu Wangyou
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Pao Chunqiu
--Snowflower Valley--
Man Tuoluo - Valley Flower

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Tank

Unique Traits
  • Cherish Beauty: When attacked by Male enemies: -50% Damage Taken
  • Born Charming: +15% chance to inflict Charm on non-boss enemies
  • Servant under the Skirt: Male characters within 2 spaces: -5% Atk, -5% Def

Fate Trait
  • Full of Charm: While the Mc is within 2 spaces of Tuoluo, Mc +15% Parry. +10% Evasion, +5% Action Speed

Fate Move
Note: Man Tuoluo only learns this Fate Move if she is the first person you Marry/Bond with
Golden Season
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Effect: Knock Back enemeis in range by 2 Squares and Reduce Action Points by 300

  • Fame: 5
  • Cosmetic (Rare+)

  • Learn about the Snowflower Valley from the Right Inn guy. Pay 10k Coins
  • Go to Snowflower Valley
  • Meet Man Tuoluo - Be Honest (Chose Beautiful option)
  • Win against Man Tuoluo
  • Win against the fight against the soldiers
  • Talk to Man Tuoluo with 80 Trustworthy
  • You can now recruit Man Tuoluo
  • Gain Lunar Stone, Gain Xiyu Blade (Rare Blade Manual) on recruit
  • Go marry her at the God of Marriage Shrine with a Wedding Stone (Be honest when she asks)
--Jiujiang Water Camp/Fortress--
Ding Fengbo - Jiujiang Fortress Leader

Gear (Epic+)
Rain Breaker and Unicorn Armor

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Lord of Water Camp: For each Ally present: +2% Damage Dealt and -2% Damage Taken
  • Hidden Force: Inflict 5 Internal Injury and 5 Seal on Attack
  • Moody: Damage fluctuates between 75-200% (Average 137.5% Damage)

Ultimate Move
Dust Clearing
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square Radius
  • Knock Backs 1 Square
  • Inflict 20 Internal Injury
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max HP Damage, +40 Internal Injury, +15% Critical on self for 2 actions

  • Fame: 8
  • Novel - Miscellaneous, Wine (Epic +)

  • Furious Blade (Epic Blade Manual) - Sect Relation 80 & Same Sect

  • See How to recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section
Ding Haitang

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer - Speedy

Unique Traits
  • Swift as Lightning: +15% Qi Gathering Speed (AKA turn speed)
  • Brave Charge: Initial Qi/Action Points is 200, First attack always Combos
  • Evil Slayer: +5% Combo

Fate Trait
  • Hand in Hand: When on the same team, while adjacent to each other, Ding Haitang will gain 10% Atk every time she attacks and gain 10% Def every time she receives an attack

Fate Skill
Green Sea Blue Sky
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Deal +10% of Enemy Max Hp damage, and gain +15% Atk and Def for 1 Action

  • 5 Fame
  • Cosmetic (Epic+)

  • Silver Snake Mirage (Epic Dagger Manual) at 80+ Courage

Note: This must be done before you save the Emperor. You need to be able to talk to Duke Kang.
  1. Join the Jiujiang Fortress
  2. Talk to Ding Haitang and fight her at 50% power (Duel)
  3. Talk to her and answer her questions. Your responses will raise or lower your relation with her. Hint: She values honesty, loyalty, and putting the Sect first.
  4. Progress the Sect quest, you will get a pigeon letter from her asking you to meet her in her room at night (9:00 PM).
  5. Accept the quest to investigate Zhuge Shenji
  6. Progress the sect quests until you finished the Special Envoy quest (2nd Quest)
  7. Receive quest to deliver letter from Zhuge Shenji.
  8. You can talk to Ding Haitang in her room about the letter. This one is harmless.
  9. Deliver the letter to the Lin'an City Prefect (Govt Office)
  10. Talk to Zhuge Shenji at night for a 2nd quest to deliver a letter to the Lin'an City Pier at Zi Shi (Midnight)
  11. Talk to Ding Haitang in her room to let her copy the letter
  12. Walk out onto the world map to recieve a pigeon message from Ding Haitang. Meet her in her room at 9:00 PM again
  13. Deliver Zhuge Shenji's letter
  14. Ding will be poisoned and Zhuge Shenji will offer you a chance to leave
    • Accept Advice - Leave Jiujang Fortress
    • Refuse Advice - continue Ding Haitang's personal quest. Group Battle against Zhuge Shenji. Continue into a 2nd group battle against Zhuge Shenji and Ding Fengbo
  15. You have 10 days to cure Ding Haitang. You need 60+ Medical to identify the poison and figure out a cure
  16. You will need to get
    • Cordyceps Sinensis - Buy at the Night Demon Market or harvest your own
    • Dragon's Blood -Buy at the Night Demon Market or harvest your own
    • Atractylodes -Buy at the Night Demon Market or harvest your own
    • Dogen - This one is a toxic bug, no one sells it. Harvest it yourself or tame the Rooster and wait until it gives you one.
  17. Return to Ding Haitang and cure her.
  18. Talk to Zhuge Shenji, get a 3rd letter, let Ding Haitang copy it again.
  19. During the day, talk to Ding Haitang and search Zhuge Shenji's room. You will need to invite Haitang for this part. Open the chest
  20. Either tell Ding Fengbo or confront Zhuge Shenji
    • Tell Ding Fengbo - Group Battle
    • Confront Zhuge Shenji
  21. Complete the 3rd quest. leave the area and come back, you will automatically side with the Jiujiang Fortress if Zhuge is dead. (Zhuge gets replaced with a generic person)
  22. Talk to Ding Fengbo and cause a commotion at Duke Kang's Manor. Ding Haitang will join you
  23. Group battles at Duke Kang's Manor. Ding Haitang will be a Guest here so don't let her die.
  24. Talk to Ding Fengbo again.
  25. You can now recruit Ding Haitang
  26. Take her to the Wedding Shrine with a Wedding Stone to marry/bond her

Zhuge Shenji

Party Role
  • Fan User
  • Damage Dealer / Tank

Unique Traits
  • Calculated Moves: After each action, gain +5% Damage Dealt and -5% Damage Taken (up to 30%)
  • Precision Tactics: Guaranteed Hit
  • Seize the Opportunity: +15% Counter, +10% Combo

  • 7 Fame
  • Archive (Blue+)

  • 1800 Machinery EXP

  • Storming Cloud Fan (Epic Fan Manual) with 9+ Int

Note: This must be done before you save the Emperor. You need to be able to talk to Duke Kang.
  1. Join the Jiujiang Fortress
  2. Talk to Zhuge Shenji and answer his questions. Your responses will raise or lower your relation with him. Hint: He values merit, and putting the yourself first.
  3. Optional: Complete Zhuge Shenji's Chess match. Talk to him in his room at night and click on the Chess/Go board. Get the Hidden Cloud Skill (Epic Internal Manual)
  4. Progress the sect quests until you finished the Special Envoy quest (2nd Quest)
  5. Receive quest to deliver letter from Zhuge Shenji
  6. Deliver it, don't cure Ding Haitang
  7. Deliver the 3rd letter to Duke Kang. Gain Waves Scouring the Sand (Epic Fan Weapon)
  8. Complete the 3rd quest, side with Zhuge Shenji
  9. Zhuge Shenji will leave Jiujiang Fortress and the sect will be eliminated
  10. You can recruit Zhuge Shenji.

Other Events
  • Recruit Zhuge Shenji and talk to Duke Kang to receive 2 Heaven Pills and Relation.
  • You can visit the Nameless Port and talk to the Rich Merchant with Zhuge Shenji in your party. You will get more lore on the group.
  • Visit the Sea Serpent Gang with Zhuge Shenji to meet Sakura. She will attack if you fought her previously. Otherwise you will learn about the Imperial Seal.

--Langya Sword Pavilion--
1 Sect Leader
2 Solid Recruits
Jian Chi - Langya Sect Leader

Nine Phoenix & Phoenix Outfit
Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Arbitrarily: Learn any Manual, Use any weapon, Use any External Skill.
  • Life or Death: First Attack of the Battle is guaranteed hit and will trigger Combo and Critical
  • Sword Qi Explosion: +10 Spirit when triggering Critical, Evasion, or Parry in battle

Ultimate Move
Ten Thousand Swords (Same as the one you can get)
  • 1000 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square radius around Self
  • Break Defense: +20% Enemy Max Hp Damage; For every 3 Sword > Enemy Sword, inflict +1 Bleed

  • Fame: 8
  • Sword (Epic+)

  • 3600 Craft Weapon / Weapon Smithing

  • Nameless Sword (Legendary Sword Manual) - Sect Relation 80+ & Same Sect Only

  • See How to Recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section

Notable Trade Items
  • Way of Sword (Legendary Archive) +15 Sword, usable between 150-200 Sword

Ou Ye Heng

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Careful Step: +25% Damage Dealt; -10 Action Speed
  • Muscular: +25% Critical Damage
  • Slow Starter: -50% EXP when below Level 45; +100% EXP when above Level 45
  • Inherited Skill: +1 Craft Weapon Skill while in Party

  • Fame: 4
  • Food (Blue/Rare), Ore (Blue/Rare)

  • 1800 Craft Weapon / Weapon Smithing

  • Windless Sword (Epic Sword) - 9 Str & Same Sect Only
Notable Trade Items
  • Three Fresh Buns (Legendary Food Main)
  • Forging Method - Lower (Rare Recipes - Music & Short)

  1. Raise Relation to 60
  2. Have Level 4 Mining
  3. Gain 1 Thousand Year Ice (Legendary Water), 2 Black Metal (Epic Ore) and 2 Cold Iron(Epic Ore)

Quest line

  • Gives you the Gather Ore Task for Langya Sword Pavilion.
  • Gives you all Blue/Rare tier weapon Recipes if you join Langya Sword Pavilion
Dugu Jianyi

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Sword Breaker: -30% Damage Taken from Sword Attacks
  • Martial Prodigy: -15% EXP requirements for Martial Arts; -15% Equipment Requirements
  • Lethal Sword: 25% chance to trigger Instant Death on non-boss enemies 30 Levels below your Level

Ultimate Move
One Sword Annihilation - Post Quest/Recruitment
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 6x3 Squares in front
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max HP damage; For every 5 Sword > Enemy Sword, inflict 1 Bleed

  • Fame: 4
  • Novel (Blue/Rare)

  • 1800 Craft Weapon / Weapon Smithing

  • Dugu Nine Swords (Epic Sword) - 9 Int & Same Sect Only

Notable Trade Items
  • Combat Arts (Epic Archive) EXP +3k, usable while Level < 50; Int >= 6

  1. Reach Relation 60+
  2. Defeat him in Combat
  3. Repeat 3 times
  4. Dugu Jianyi learns Ultimate Move One Sword Annihilation
  5. He asks you to find the location of Lin'an City's underground Arena
  6. Talk to Ou Ye Heng before heading to Lin'an City. (Make sure he is in the sect and not in your homestead)
  7. Ask the performer in Lin'an City's Market with 500 coins, 8 Str.
  8. Enter the Arena
  9. Stop the guy by
    • Stealing his items (Steal 3) gain 3 Blue and Green tier Throwing Items
    • Ambush (Ambush 1)
    • Immobilize (Immobilize 1)
  10. Fight 2v2 against 2 Level 30 enemies with Dugu Jianyi on your side.
  11. Fight against 5 Level 30 enemies
  12. Leave Lin'an City, head to the ! spot to the left of the city.
  13. Persuade the bodyguard or fight him
  14. Gain +30 in the External Stat of your choice from the Langya Sect Leader
  15. You can now recruit Dugu Jianyi

Quest line

----Daliang Region----
Wanyan Zhaoning

Gear (Epic+)
Flying Shadow

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Lady of Yan Kingdom: For each Fame > Enemy Fame: +5% Damage Dealt
  • Decisive in Killing: +10% Critical, +15% Critical Damage
  • Gain Reputation through killing enemies: When you kill an enemy: +15 Spirit

Fate Trait
  • Madly In Love: While in the Party and in battle with the MC: The MC gains +10 Spirit when attacked by Zhaoning. When the MC's HP is below 50%, Zhaoning gains +12% Action Speed, +8% Critical and Combo

Fate Move
Pull Together
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Effect: Next Attack will Critical

  • Fame: 7
  • Wine, Weapon (Epic+)

  • Meet Zhaoning in her ! Symbol on the map.
  • Fight against her and spare her
  • Optional: Go to Shifa Temple and fight her servants (Level 60)
  • Kill of the leader of the Yan Yun Iron Army
  • Wander the world map
  • You will encounter an event, choose to investigate
  • Save Zhaoning, recieve Vengeful (Legendary Dagger Weapon)
  • Go to Daliang City - Temple
  • Stop Zhaoning, fight against the Monks
  • You can now recruit Zhaoning
  • Gain Thunderstorm Strike (Epic Dagger Manual) on recruit

Quest line
  • Raise Relation to 60
  • Go to Tower of Prosperity
  • Accept Reponsibility
  • You are now automatically married/bond to Zhaoning

  • Zhaoning does not count as part of the Yan Yun Iron Army Faction
--Zhongzhou Region Port--
Mu Zaixing - Blind Spearman

Party Role
  • Spear User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Evil comes from Ancient Times: Start the battle with 50 Spirit and +100% Spirit Gain
  • Blind in Sight, Sharp in hearing: +50% Accuracy, Blind Immunity
  • Fearless: For every -1% HP: +0.25% Damage Dealt

Ultimate Move
Devastating Spear
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 7x3 Line in front
  • 25% chance to Inflict Vulnerable for 1 action
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max HP Damage, and 50% chance to Inflict Vulnerable for 1 action

  • Fame: 4
  • Wine (Rare+)

  • Visit the port during the Day
  • Talk to the Clerk
  • Yan Army attacks
    • Help out - Join the battle
      • Talk to him with Pear Blossom Spear manual Learned on the MC, or while part of the Ye Family Battalion
      • You can now Recruit him
      • Gain Tiger Howl Spear (Epic Spear Manual) on recruit
    • Don't help - Blind guy fights
    • Talk to Mu, 2nd fight option
      • Help - Group battle
        • You can now recruit Mu Zaixing
        • Gain Tiger Howl Spear (Epic Spear Manual) on recruit
      • Avoid - Mu Zaixing disappears and cannot be recruited

Other Events
  • He has events related to General Yang, such as meeting with Yang Yao'er, Liu Shiba, and Kong Yidao
--Daliang City--
Yi Zhihua - Casino Owner

Gear (Epic+)

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Identify Location by Sound: +50% Accuracy; Immune to Blind
  • Win or Lose, its Fate: 50% chance for +50% Damage Dealt OR receive 10% Reflect Damage back from this attack
  • Achieve Big with small: For every Level < Enemy Level: +1% Critical and +0.5% Critical Damage

Fate Trait
  • Pleasant and Cheerful: While in the Party and in Battle with the MC, for every 5 Points of Mood: Zhihua gains +1 Action Speed, +0.5% Combo and Counter

Fate Move
Lotus Blossom
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius Around MC
  • Effect: Inflict Bleed based on Zhihua and MC's Short stat

  • Fame: 6
  • Wine (Rare+)

  • 1800 Ambush

  • Clear out Yi Zhihua's Table (Gambling)
  • Have 60+ Relation
  • Talk to her, accept the bet
  • Be Level 50+
  • Note: You will want to either have Luck, MP and/or more than 10k Coins as a buffer for this quest
  • Talk to her and start the quest
  • Go to Lin'an Gambling Den(Relic House)
  • Play the Gambling game
    • Win the Gambling Game - Fight (Level 65 Bosses)
      • Note: If you met Yue Yong Yingue (AKA Sakura) in Jiuli Tribe prior, she will give you Meteor from Space/Shooting Star (Legendary Dagger Manual)
    • Lose
      • Fight (Level 65 Bosses)
      • Accept the loss (Yi Zhihua disappears and cannot be recruited)
  • You can now recruit Yi Zhihua

Quest line
  • Go against Duke Ji (Also known as Duke Qi) by doing one of the following
    • Lower Duke Ji's Relation with you. Down to the Negatives (-1 Minimum),Note: If he is an Emperor at this point, kill off his original home. He needs to be alive for this quest.
    • Join the Ye Family Battalion (Either resolution will work) and wait for him to become an Emperor
  • Wander around the Daliang Region's world map with Yi Zhihua in your party
  • Yi Zhihua will try to assassinate you
  • Win, and spare her
  • Fight 2nd fight
  • Win
  • You are now Married/Bonded with Yi Zhihua
Pao Chunqui - Daliang Butcher

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Sharpened Edge: Inflict 10 Bleed on attack
  • Beast Killer: +30% Damage Dealt against Animal Enemies
  • Upwind: -15% Equipment requirements

  • Fame: 6
  • Food (Rare+)

  • 1800 Cooking

  • Raise Relation to 60+
  • Trade Yi Zhihua for the Rusted Knife
  • Take it to a Blacksmith (1500 Coins) OR appraise it yourself with 4 Weapon Smithing
  • Gain Black Iron Blade (Epic Blade Weapon)
  • Talk to Pao with the Black Iron Blade not equipped
  • Give it to him
  • You can now recruit Pao Chunqui
  • Note: Trade with Pao for the Black Iron Blade . It will be in his trade inventory
  • Gain Ox Killer Blade (Epic Blade Manual) on recruit
  • Gain Spice Bottle (Epic Accessory) on recruit

Homestead Synergies
  • Medical and Edible: +10 Pharmacy (Per Person)
    • Hua Siniang
    • Qu Wangyou
    • White haired Doctor/ Bai Touweng
    • Pao Chunqiu
--Night Demon Market--
Unlock this location by go to the Daliang Inn with 10k Coins and walking to the people on the left
Shen Wuqi - Night Demon Auctioneer

Gear (Epic+)
Shadow Sword
Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Secret Strike: Inflict 5 Bleed on attack
  • Continuous Throwing: 25% Chance to act again after using a Throwing Item (Cannot happen consecutively)
  • Careful Examiner: -50% Exp Required to Level up Martial Arts, +100% External Stats from Martial Arts

Post Quest Trait
  • Souls Haunted: When using a Legendary Throwing item, if current MP > 50%, deal +10% true damage (Up to 2000 damage)

Ultimate Move
Decisive Throw
  • 220 Power
  • 50 Spirit
  • Range: 5x1 Line
  • Break Defense: +5% Enemy Max HP Damage, For every 10 Throwing > Enemy Throwing: Inflict 1 Bleed

  • Fame: 4
  • Herb (Rare+)

  • 1800 Mercantile

  • Raise his Relation to 80+. Leave the area and return to trigger his event.
  • Talk to Shen Wuqi after Midnight (Zi Shi)
  • Fight against 3 enemies (Level 35)
  • Gain 20k Coins or 40 Righteous (No payment option)
  • Shen Wuqi will automatically join, if there is no room you can recruit him by choosing to continue the quest later.
  • Gain Forgotten Sword (Epic Sword Manual) on recruit
  • Go to Daliang City with Shen Wuqi in your party.
  • Visit the Inn, Medicine Shop, and Blacksmith Shop.
  • Head to the Fragrant Store and talk to the shop owner.
  • Head to the building to the left of the Fragrant Store
  • You can choose to lie to Shen Wuqi for some extra comedy
  • Fight against 4 enemies (Level 35)
  • Shen Wuqi can now be recruited at any time.
  • Shen Wuqi gains a new trait: Souls Haunted.

  • He has Celestial Star Manual (Epic Throwing Internal) for trade.
  • He needs to be out of your party to run the Auction
  • NOTE: If you learn about the Night Demon Market Location through the Legendary Auction, after beating the 3 9 Factions quests, you will not be able to start the Auction until you get the actual rumor from the Daliang City Inn.
--Shifa Temple--
The Monk place. 2 Recruits.
Hui Yuan - Temple Abbot / Leader

Enlightened & Brocade Kasaya

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Tank
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Vajra Protection: Immune to Poison,Seal,Bleed,Internal Injurt, and -50% damage Taken
  • Buddhist Protection: -25% Damage Taken and +10% Parry for all Allies,
  • Nirvana Restoration: Revive once per battle with 100% Hp and Mp

Ultimate Move
Buddha Golden Body (Same as the one you can get)
  • 0 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square radius around Self
  • Allies within Range get Invulnerable / No Damage for 1 hit

  • Fame: 10
  • Calligraphy (Legendary), Painting (Legendary)



  • See How to Recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section

Notable Trade Items

  • You can steal Eminent Monk Sarira (Legendary Accessory) from him
Lai Toudan - Successor

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Damage Dealer or Tank
Unique Traits
  • Qi Family's Successor: Immune to Charm, Disable, Internal Break, Broken Bone, Cut Tendon, Vulnerable
  • Deviant: Ignore Weapon Type Restriuctions on Exteranals, -50% Accuracy Loss from Accuracy Down Debuff (When you do not meet your Weapon's Stat Requirments)
  • Meat Eater: +50% Damage Dealt to Animals

Ultimate Move
Overbearing Stance
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 5x5 Squares in front
  • No Defense Break: Inflict 15 Internal Injury, Sealed, Blind
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max HP damage; Inflict 30 Internal Injury, Sealed, Blind

  • Fame: 7
  • Food (Epic)


  • Dragon Slaying Fist (Epic Fist Manual) - Give 1 Arhat Tofu (Legendary Food)
    How to get Arhat Tofu:
    1. Join Shifa Temple
    2. Talk to the Monk in the Kitchen Shi E.
    3. Raise Relation with Shi E before the 2nd Quest of Shifa Temple (Nine Factions Attack)
    4. Get the Arhat Tofu Recipe.
    5. Craft the Arhat Tofu (Ingredients can all be found in Shifa Temple. Dewdrops are limited but can be bought at the Night Demon Auction)

Notable Trade Items
  • Combat Arts (Epic Archive) EXP +3k, usable while Level < 50; Int >= 6

  1. Give him 100k Coins (50k as a member of Shifa)
  2. Help him beat the Bronze Man Formation in the Arhat Hall (back of Shifa) Level 60 Fight. The more Benevolence you have the more the enemies will hold back (Up to -80% power at 100 Benevolence)
  3. Note: To enter without Joining Shifa Temple. Banish The Guard away from the Entrance and wait until he stops moving,

  4. You can now recruit him

Quest line
  1. Recruit Lai Toudan
  2. Talk to Hui Yan (the guy guarding the Scripture Tower)
  3. He is looking for stolen scriptures, Wan Yan Liang has them
  4. Meet Wan Yan Liang in Daliang's Tower of Prosperity, side with him
  5. Go to Yan Yun Palace Camp. You will need to eliminate him there, steal from him, or befriend him.
  6. Return the Precious Scriptures to Hui Yan
  7. Get Nine Ring Tin Staff (Legendary Staff Weapon)

--Confucius Temple--
A big group with 8 recruitable Characters
Be careful, 5 of them will leave forever if you complete the Longevity Tomb quest without recruiting them.
Cai Yuancheng - Confucius Sect Leader

Kunlun and Mountain and Sea Robe
Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Reversal Technique: When defeated, recover 100% HP and MP, clear all Poison, Bleed, Seal, Internal Injury and Blind, effective once per battle.
  • Reflective Qi: Inflict 30 Internal Injury on attacker when hit
  • Regenerative Body: When recovering HP and Mp, increase recovery amount by +100%

Ultimate Move
Only One School
  • 0 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Reduce Action Gauge by 1000
  • Inflict 25 Points of Poison, Bleed, Seal, Internal Injury, Blind on Enemy
  • Reduce 25 points of Poison, Bleed, Seal, Internal Injury, Blind on self
  • Increase Own Action Speed by 50% (Lasts 2 Turns)

  • Fame: 9
  • Herb (Legendary), Pill (Legendary)

  • 3600 Appraise Book

  • Sky Destroyer Palm (Legendary Fist Manual) - Sect Relation 80+ & Same Sect Only

  • See How to Recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section
Cai Youzhi - Confucius Temple Successor

Party Role
  • Fan User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Modest Gentleman: When fighting Female Enemies: -50% damage taken and damage dealt
  • Analyzing: +30% Kill Exp
  • Confucius's Successor: +50$ Spirit Gain, +8% Evasion, +8% Accuracy

Ultimate Move
Confucius Era
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 5 Square Fan/Triangle in Front
  • 35% chance to inflict Confuse
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max Hp Damage, 100% chance to inflict Confuse, For every 1 Propriety > 50, -5 Enemy Action Points

  • Fame: 5
  • Study (Ink Stones) (Epic +)

  • 1800 Appraise Artwork

  • Join Confucius Temple, or make him appear via event (Ice Demon or Buddha Temple)
  • Raise Relation to 40
  • Talk to Youzhi
  • Go to the Steles/Tablets on the left side of the temple at Zhi Shi (Midnight)
  • Beat the 4 Sages array with Cai Youzhi
  • You can now Recruit him

Homestead Synergies
  • Superior Intelligence: +10 Steles Forest (Per Person)
    • Dugu Jianyi
    • Ling Mengdie
    • Zhang Lata/ La Tazhang
    • Wanyan Liang
    • Cai Youzhi
    • Shuo Shuren
Can Qi - Four Sages Wheelchair Guy

Party Role
  • Glove/Fist User
  • Damage Dealer (Throwing) or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Continuous Throwing: After using a Throwing Item, +25% chance to gain another turn, cannot trigger consecutively
  • Throwing Talent: Throwing Limit raised to 350

  • Fame: 5
  • Appliance (Epic+)

  • 1800 Immobilize

  • Join Confucius Temple
  • Play Chess with him 5 times (Win all 5), or raise Relation to 60
  • He will ask you to beat the Chess game at Linlang Temple (He will give you the location if you don't have it already)
  • Go beat the Linlang Temple go puzzle fight
  • Talk to Can Qi
  • You can now recruit him
  • Gain 5 Thunder Bullet throwing Items on recruit

Homestead Synergies
  • Four Scholars of Confucianism: +40 Scene
    • Can Qi
    • Ya Qin
    • Shu Kuang
    • Hua Chi
Hua Chi - Four Sages Painter (Blue Bandanna)

Party Role
  • Brush User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Book Lover: While Shu Kaung is alive in the Party and in the battle: +15% Damage Dealt, +25 Action Speed
  • Colorful Pen: Inflict 10 Blind on the enemy

  • Fame: 5
  • Painting (Epic+)

  • Have the Legendary Painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" in your inventory
  • Note: Buy the Painting from the Glittering House Auction
  • You can now recruit him

Homestead Synergies
  • Four Scholars of Confucianism: +40 Scene
    • Can Qi
    • Ya Qin
    • Shu Kuang
    • Hua Chi
Shu Kuang - Four Sages

Party Role
  • Brush User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Art Lover: While Hua Chi is alive in the Party and in battle: +15% Damage Dealt, +25 Action Speed
  • Pen of Steel: Inflict 10 Seal on the enemy

  • Fame: 5
  • Calligraphy (Epic+)

  • Find a Legendary Caliigraphy (not sure one exists)
  • Or recruit Hua Chi first.
  • You can now recruit him

Homestead Synergies
  • Four Scholars of Confucianism: +40 Scene
    • Can Qi
    • Ya Qin
    • Shu Kuang
    • Hua Chi
Ya Qin - Four Sages "Mute" Lady

Party Role
  • Zither User
  • Support - Utility
Unique Traits
  • Reverberation: -25% Ally External MP Cost; +25% Enemy External MP Cost
  • Precious Sound: +10% Ally Damage Dealt; -10% Enemy Damage Dealt

Fate Trait
  • Harmony of Qin and Se: While both the MC and Ya Qin are alive and in battle: If they both have the same Musical Stat, +25% Damage Dealt. For every 1 point of Difference in Musical, the bonus effect will decrease by 1%

Fate Move
  • Accompanied by aging
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius around the MC
  • Effect: Mc and Ya Qin both get the follow effects for 2 actions: +10 Parry. +15% Parry Damage Reduction

Ultimate Move

  • Fame: 5
  • Cosmetic: Powder (Epic+)

  • Talk to her
  • Talk to her again
  • Fight her and win.
  • Talk to Cai Youzhi, raise his Relation and ask about Ya Qin.
  • Recruit temporarily
  • Gain River Water and Cloud Score (Epic Zither Manual) on Recruit
  • Complete Quest-line to properly recruit

Quest line
  • Recruit Ya Qin temporarily
  • Take her to the Melody House
  • Optional - Recruit Li Leya to learn about the Guangling Melody Score
  • Obtain the Guangling Melody Score
    • Raise your City Relation to 40+ and do the Legendary Tier City Board quest to find Treasure
    • Do this for all 3 cities
    • Head to the Graveyard in the Daliang Region
    • Gain the Bamboo Script by either:
      • Entering the Mass Graveyard during the Day. Dig up all the graves and find the Bamboo Script on the last one. Either give it to the Tomb Raiders and trade with the Tomb Raider Leader for it later, or kill them and appraise it yourself with 100 Musical.
      • Enter the Mass Graveyard at night. Fight the Tomb Raiders or leave the area. Appraise it yourself, or trade with the Tomb Raider Leader for it.
    • Note: If you let the Tomb Raiders take it, they will appraise it for you.
  • Return to the Melody House with the item and Ya Qin in your party.
  • Talk to Fu Yaoqin, Ya Qin gains +1 Str, Dex, Con

Homestead Synergies
  • Four Scholars of Confucianism: +40 Scene
    • Can Qi
    • Ya Qin
    • Shu Kuang
    • Hua Chi
Ling Hongxuan

Party Role
  • Brush User
  • Damage Dealer or Tank (For Mengdie)

Unique Traits
  • Sister Complex: While Ling Mengdie (Sister) is adjacent to Ling Hongxuan, Mengdie gains: -35% Damage Taken and Recover +5% Missing HP after every action
  • Suicidal Rage: If Ling Mengdie is defeated in combat, +50% Atk, -100% Def. +25% Action Speed

  • Fame: 4
  • Wine (Rare+), Calligraphy (Rare+)

  • Once you raise your Relation to 60, he will ask about Qu Wangyou.
  • Meet or recruit Qu Wangyou in the Herbology Sect
  • Talk to Ling Hongxuan and tell him about Qu,
  • Go to Herbology Sect
  • Finish Qu Wangyou's Recruitment
  • Bring Qu Wangyou to Ling Hongxue
  • Recruit Ling Hongxue

Other Events
  • If you do not have him recruited when you start the Mang Mountain Tomb quest, he go there on his own.
  • Meet him in the Mang Mountain Tomb
  • Heal him with one of these 2 options. The other 3 will not give you anything
    • Give him your blood- Lose 10% HP,
    • Feed a Nine Times Reforged pill
  • Gain Death Invitation (Epic Brush Manual)
Ling Mengdie

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer or Utility - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Three Flowers Converge: Level% chance of being Inflicted with Slumber at the start of your turn (This is removed upon completion of her quest)
  • Fast Learner: Effective after Three Flowers Converge is removed: +50% Kill EXP
  • Effective Learner: Effective after Three Flowers Converge is removed: Can learn any Manual regardless of learning Conditions
  • Martial Genius: Effective after Three Flowers Converge is removed: -100% EXP cost of Leveling Up Martial Arts, +100% External Stat from External Skills

Fate Trait
  • Orchid Heart: While both the MC and Ling Mengdie are alive and in battle: MC gains +5% Critical, Combo, Parry, Accuracy, Evasion, and +50% Kill EXP

Fate Move
Dragon and Phoenix
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius around the MC
  • Effect: Mc and Ling Mengdie both get the follow effects for 2 actions: +10 Combo. +25% Action Speed

  • Fame:5
  • Cosmetic (Epic+), Sweets (Epic+

    Method 1 (Joining the Sect)
  • Join the Confucius Temple
  • Recruit Ling Hongxuan
  • Recruit Ling Mengdie
  • Gain Dream Butterfly Sutra (Epic Internal Manual)
  • Note: She will not join you without having Ling Hongxuan in your party until you finish her Quest
  • You can also skip this and bring both Qu Wangyou and a Dragon Lice directly to her. You can recruit her then.

    Method 3 (Without joining)
  • Talk to Ling Hongxuan. Get him to open the Library Door
    • Befriend him, Recruit Qu Wangyou and bring her to him (in either order)
    • Walk behind him, and walk up to the door. Choose to Teach him a lesson and fight
  • The door will be open and you can talk to her.
  • Recruit Ling Hongxuan and then recruit Ling Mengdie or cure her with Qu Wangyou and a Dragon Lice.

    Method 1:
  • Raise Confucius Sect Leader's Relation to 100
  • Go to Longevity Tomb
  • Open the Door with 5 Machinery or help from Tomb Raider Sect Leader Ming Bofan if you spared him during the 2nd Confucius Quest
  • Beat up the White Gorilla
  • Open the Tomb, obtain 2 Dragon Lice
  • Talk to Ling Mengdie or have her in your party
  • Cure her:
    • With Qu Wangyou in your party, pay 15% of your Max HP
    • Without Qu Wangyou pay 30% of your Max Hp by talking to the Confucius Leader
  • Gain Illusion Sword (Legendary Sword Manual)
  • Ling Mengdie will lose her Three Flowers Converge trait and will join you without her brother

    Method 2:
  • Get a Dragon Lice from the Bug Gathering Spot in your Level 4+ Back Mountain in your Homestead, or the back cave of the Jiuli Tribe location.
  • Bring Qu Wangyou in your party, talk to Ling Mengdie and cure her.
  • Pay 15% of your Max Hp
  • Gain Illusion Sword (Legendary Sword Manual)
  • Ling Mengdie will lose her Three Flowers Converge trait and will join you without her brother

  1. 5 Days after you bond with her, you will get dialogue if she is in your party
  2. Head to the God of Marriage Shrine again and talk to every couple
  3. Head to the Imperial School in Daliang City with both Ling Mengdie and Ling Hongxuan in your party
  4. You'll get dialogue depending on your status as Top Scholar or not
  5. Hongxuan can potentially fight you if you do not have enough Relation with him or enough achievements
  6. Ling Mengdie gains +1 Luck

Homestead Synergies
  • Superior Intelligence: +10 Steles Forest (Per Person)
    • Dugu Jianyi
    • Ling Mengdie
    • Zhang Lata/ La Tazhang
    • Wanyan Liang
    • Cai Youzhi
    • Shuo Shuren
--Swallow Nest--
Bu Juechen - Nest Leader

Gear (Epic+)
Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Traceless Step: +20 Qinggong, +20% Action Speed
  • Sleight of Hand: Each time you hit an enemy, steal 1% of their Coins up to 50 per target hit per attack
  • Pickpocket: Enemies have an +25% chance to drop an extra Item
  • Lucky: +25% Steal success rate

Ultimate Move
Quicklime Rain
  • 220 Power
  • 50 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Grid Fan/Triangle
  • Inflict 10 Blind to enemies
  • Break Defense: Damage +5% Enemy Max HP, Inflict 20 Blind

  • Fame: 6
  • Appliance (Rare+)

  • 1800 Steal

  • Cloud Dragon Three Strikes (Epic Dagger Manual) - Sect Relation 40+ & Same Sect Only

  • Join Swallows Nest
  • Optional(?): Raise Relation to 100, Sect Relation to 100
  • Complete 10+ CIB Prison Breakout Daily Quests
  • Get invaded by the Crime Investigation Bureau
  • Win the fight (with Bu Juechen surviving)
  • You can now recruit him
  • Gain Cloud Walker Step (Epic Internal Manual) on recruit

Homestead Synergies
  • Heroic Spirit: +10 Treasure
    • Kong Yidao
    • Luo Tianxiang
    • Bu Juechen
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Han Hongyu
Hua Qingqing - Masked Girl from the Opening

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer

Fate Trait
  • Vengeful: When the MC is attacked while within 2 Squares of Qingqing, The attacker will receive 20 Bleed

Fate Move
Together As One
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius around MC
  • Effect: Mc and Qingqing both gain: "+15 Action Speed, +15 Evasion" for 2 actions

Ultimate move
Butterfly Stroke:
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square cross shape
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP

  • Fame: 2
  • Sweets (Rare+)

  • 100 Appraise Antique

  • Join Swallows Nest
  • Raise Relation to 60
  • Have Level 3 Steal
  • Talk to her
    • - Fight - let her win
    • - Talk - Level 3 Persuade
  • You can recruit her
  • Gain Wind Chaser (Rare Dagger Manual)

  • She can die during the Crime Investigation Bureau's assault on the Nest if she is not in your party at the time.

Quest line
This is mutually exclusive with Luo Qianxue's Quest
  • Raise her Relation to 100
  • Go to Mountain Cave with her
  • Save the children
  • MC will gain Heart of Benevolence Trait (+3 Luck, +15 Action Speed)
    To get her Ultimate:
  • Side with her at the Opening.
  • In any order visit these 10 places,
    1. Nameless Area - Dilapidated Village (You only get this event if you side with her at the opening)
    2. Chuxiang City - Hero Statue,
    3. Chuxiang City - General Mansion,
    4. Chuxiang City - Dirty Street,
    5. Chuxiang Region - Refugee Camp
    6. Daliang City - Glittering House Auction,
    7. Daliang City - School
    8. Daliang Region - Crime Investigation Bureau
    9. Daliang Region - Graveyard (Treasure hunt quest in the 3 cities)
    10. Any City - Any Antique Shop (Golden Fortune, Exquisite Pavilion)
  • Once all events are done, Hua Qingqing will learn the Ultimate Butterfly Stroke
--Crime Investigation Bureau AKA CIB--
Luo Tianxiong - Chief Catcher

Gear (Epic+)
Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Burning Spirit: +50% Spirit Gain
  • Bloodied Sword: Inflict 10 Bleed on enemies when attacking
  • Evil Slayer: +5% Combo

Ultimate Move
No Escape
  • 100 Spirit
  • Summons 3 Constables in a 3x5 area in front

  • Fame: 8
  • Novel - Detective (Epic+)

  • Flirting Star Sword (Epic Sword Manual) - Sect Relation 60 & Sect Member

  • 1800 Immobilize

  • Join CIB
  • Raise Relation to 100 and Sect Relation to 100
  • Complete 3rd Quest with him surviving
  • You can recruit him
  • Gain Pure Yang Power (Epic Internal Manual) on recruit

Homestead Synergies
  • Heroic Spirit: +10 Treasure
    • Kong Yidao
    • Luo Tianxiang
    • Bu Juechen
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Han Hongyu
Qiu Zhimo - Masked Constable

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits

  • Fame: 7
  • Food - Main (Rare+)

  • 1800 Explore

  • Empty Blade (Epic Blade Manual) - Sect Relation 40 & Sect Member

  • Raise Relation to 60
  • Talk to him
  • Beat him in a fight (Self-Restrained: -40 Atk/Def, -20% Action Speed)
  • You can recruit him
  • Gain Blade Arts (Epic Archive: +10 Blade on use; Requirement Blade between 100-150) on recruit

Homestead Synergies
  • Under Crime Investigation Bureau: +20 Scene
    • Luo Qianxue
    • Qiu Zhimo
Luo Qianxue - "Handsome" Constable Girl

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Tank
Unique Traits
  • Exhilarated: +100% Accuracy at 100% HP
  • Evil Slayer: +5% Combo
  • No Mercy: +5% Critical

Fate Trait
  • Sharing Pains: While Adjacent to the MC, Luo Qianxue takes 20% of the damage and gains +10 Spirit

Fate Move
Happy Together
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Qianxue and MC gain +10% Critical and +15% Critical Damage; Lasts 2 Turns

Ultimate move
Sword Shadows:
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square cross shape
  • Break Defense: Damage +10% Enemy Max HP

  • Fame: 3
  • Novel - Romance (Rare+)

  • Join CIB
  • Recruit her

Quest line
Mutually exclusive with Hua Qingqing's quest
  • Raise Relation to 60
  • Get quest to assault Mountain Cave
  • Decide what to do with the children - reward will come later
    • Let them go - Lose Sect Relation, but MC gains Trait Studious (+15% Exp), +10 Benevolence
    • Take them out
  • Report back to Head Catcher
  • Leave the Main Hall - gain your reward from your choice with the children
    To get her Ultimate:
  • Side with her at the Opening.
  • In any order visit these 10 places,
    1. Nameless Area - Dilapidated Village (You only get this event if you side with her at the opening)
    2. Chuxiang City - Hero Statue,
    3. Chuxiang City - General Mansion,
    4. Chuxiang City - Dirty Street,
    5. Chuxiang Region - Refugee Camp
    6. Daliang City - Glittering House Auction,
    7. Daliang City - School
    8. Daliang Region - Swallows Nest
    9. Daliang Region - Graveyard (Treasure hunt quest in the 3 cities)
    10. Lin'an City - Maiden House
  • Once all events are done, Luo Qianxue will gain +2 Int, +1 Luck and learn the Sword Shadows Ultimate Move

Homestead Synergies
  • Under Crime Investigation Bureau: +20 Scene
    • Luo Qianxue
    • Qiu Zhimo
--Yan Yun Iron Army--
Wanyan Liang - Yan Envoy

Gear (Epic+)
Fortune Teller
Party Role
  • Fan User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Like a Rabbit: +10 Action Speed, +1 Movement Range
  • Hidden Needle: Inflict 10 Seal on attack
  • Power of Unity: Each Ally within 5 Squares grants: +5% Damage Dealt

Ultimate Move
Scattered Petals
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius around Self
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max Hp Damage, For every 5 Throwing > Enemy Throwing: +1 Bleed
Slaughtering Way
  • 1000 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 5 Square Fan/Triangle
  • Each enemy defeated in this combat: +10% Damage Dealt (Max +100%)
  • Break Defense: +20% Enemy Max Hp Damage

  • Fame: 8
  • Calligraphy, Painting (Epic+)

  • 1800 Ambush

  • Flirting Butterfly (Legendary Fan Manual) - Exchange with Roll Ode To The Goddess Of Luo River (Legendary Painting)

  • Meet Wanyan Liang at Tower of Prosperity
  • Choose to help him (Not available in the Ye Family Battalion or while part of the Old Man Sect)
  • Go to the 3 Religion Sects (Shifa, Confucius, Taoist) in any order
  • Go to Shifa Temple (Hardest)
  • Choose to help him or not (Choose not for this one, due to the monk being Level 80+ and will make Shifa's Relation go down to -100)
  • Go to Taoist Sect (Easiest)
  • Help him break the Zhenwu Sword Formation (Level 30)
  • Go to Confucius Temple (You only need to win this one to be invited)
  • Help him break the Four Sages Formation (Level 60)
  • Wander the World Map
  • Wanyan Liang will invite you
  • Choose to trust him
  • You will be taken to Yan Yun Palace Camp
  • Join the Yan Yun Iron Army
  • You can now recruit Wanyan Liang

Other Events
  • If you have the Vairocana Solar Sutra
  • You can give the manual to Wanyan Liang (He will consume it)
  • He will become stronger and fight you (Gains the Obsessed Trait for the battle)
  • Wanyan Liang will learn the Ultimate skill Slaughtering way.
  • If you have 60+ Relation with Wanyan Liang, -100 Benevolence, and have NOT learned Vairocana Solar Sutra yourself: You will receive Archdemon's Soul Eating Skill (Legendary Internal Manual)

Homestead Synergies
  • Superior Intelligence: +10 Steles Forest (Per Person)
    • Dugu Jianyi
    • Ling Mengdie
    • Zhang Lata/ La Tazhang
    • Wanyan Liang
    • Cai Youzhi
    • Shuo Shuren
Xiao Yuanba - Yan Spearman

Gear (Epic+)
Emperor Spear
Party Role
  • Spear User
  • Damage Dealer or Tank
Unique Traits
  • Heroic Vigor: For every STR: +2% Damage Dealt
  • Burning Spirit: +50 Spirit Gain
  • Nerve-racking: When Damaged gain +25 Action Speed until next action

Ultimate Move
Destruction Mines
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 2 Square Radius around Self
  • Knock Back 1 Square
  • -100 Enemy Action Points
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max HP Damage, -175 Action Points

  • Fame: 7
  • Spear (Epic+)

  • Join the Yan Yun Iron Army ( See Wanyan Liang section)
  • You can now recruit him
  • Gain Reckless Sky (Epic Internal) on Recruit

Other Events
  • You can meet him in a ! Event on the world Map at night
  • He will attack you.
  • Other effects pending
----Southwest Region----
Enter the Southwest Region by
  1. Go to Nameless Village
  2. Walk to Cross Hill (Learn of it from Bao Dating, or walk there on the map)
  3. Take the left exit
  4. Talk to the General
    • Get the 2 passes from Dukes
      • Duke Kang: Fame 5, accept Hero Card/Invitation
      • Duke Qi/Ji: Fame 8, Pass all 3 Exams (Each school's quizzes, city exams, then Confucius Temple's exam)
    • You force - Group Battle (Level 50-60)
    • Walk through the Mountain
--Melody House--
Unlock this location by siding with the Melody House at the Deserted Courtyard or by learning it from Gu Qingcheng at the end of the Maiden House quest
Fu Yaoqin - Melody House Abbot

Gear (Epic+)
Lion Ball and Purple Dress
Party Role
  • Lute User
  • Damage Dealer
Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Heavenly Music: For every 10 Musical > Enemy Musical: +1% Damage Dealt
  • Endless Regret: +100% Spirit gain against Male enemies
  • Peerless Elegance: For each Female Ally: +5% Action Speed, +10% Damage Dealt (Max +20% Action Speed and +40% Damage Dealt)
  • Cut off all desires: -50% Gifts effects when given to Fu Yaoqin

Fate Trait
  • Phoenix in Harmony: If the Mc is Adjacent to Yaoqin, both sides gain: +100% Critical and Parry

Fate Move
Gorgeous Flower
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: +50% Spirit Gain for both MC and Yaoqin

Ultimate Move
Tianlai Magic Sound
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 6 Space Radius around Self
  • Inflict -5% Attack and -10% Action Speed for 2 actions
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max Hp Damage (2x against Male Enemies), Inflict -8% Attack and -15% Action Speed for 2 actions

  • Fame: 8
  • Cosmetic (Legendary)

  • Full Directional Ambush Score (Legendary Lute Manual) - Sect Relation at 80

  • Raise her Relation to 80-100
  • She will ask about Chu Kuangsheng.
    • Progress the story lines of one of the sects below (You will need to join one of them)
      • Old Man Sect,
      • Taoist Sect,
      • Shifa Temple,
      • Confucius Temple
    • Progress the story until you get the 3rd quest, Ice Demon Suppression.
    • Complete Ice Demon Quest to learn about Chu Kuangsheng aka Lao Motou
    • Return to Fu Yaoqin
  • She will ask you to Bath with her 6 Times. (Twice with the Wholesome Trait)
  • Each Bath gives you CON, LUK, and INT EXP
  • On the Last (6th Bath) if Miao Mulit (Jiuli Tribe Leader) is still alive, he will attack. You will have to fight him with the Extreme Exhaustion (0 Stamina) debuff (-30 Attack, Defense, Qinggong)
  • Then you will have to fight Fu Yaoqin's Heart Demon
  • Win and you will automatically Marry/Bond with Fu Yaoqin
  • After the First Bath, you can recruit Fu Yaoqin.
  • Once you get all 3 Religion Sects (Taoist, Shifa, Confucius) to submit to you, Yaoqin will get her Fate Trait

Quest line
  • She will automatically bond after doing the 5 Bath events

  • If you have both the Proud Wanderer Score and Score of Laughing at the World Score learned, she will give you a Legendary Flute Weapon

Homestead Synergies
  • Charming Ladies: +30 Scene
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Gu Qingcheng
    • Yu Wei'er
  • Heroic Spirit: +10 Treasure
    • Kong Yidao
    • Luo Tianxiang
    • Bu Juechen
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Han Hongyu
Gu Qingcheng - Maiden House Puzzle Courtesean

Party Role
  • Zither User
  • Tank or Support - Utility (Buff)
Unique Traits
  • Gentle and Graceful Lady: Male Allies within 2 Squares gain: 10% Action Speed
  • Leader among Flowers: For each Female Ally in the Party, gain +3% Action Speed (up to 12%) and +5% Damage Dealt (Up to 20%)
  • Overwhelming Beauty: When attacked by Male Enemies: -50% Damage Taken; When attacked by Female Enemies: -25% Damage Taken

Fate Trait
Note: You need to pass the Maiden House Quest to get her Trait.
Heavenly Melody: While in combat and on the same team, if the MC is in within 2 squares of Qingcheng, the MC gains: +25% Atk, +25% Def, and +15% Action Speed

Fate Move
  • A Happy Marriage
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Effect: Inflict Damage, increased by Qingcheng and MC's Musical Stat

  • Fame: 7
  • Cosmetic (Epic+)

  • Dancing Butterfly Over Skyline Score (Epic Zither) - Requires Maiden Powder (Epic Cosmetic - Box)

  • Two Methods. Method 1 can be done before you enter the Melody House Main Hall for the 1st time (Battle between Melody House and Jiuli Tribe)
  • Method 1 (If you have 60+ Musical)
    1. Complete the Maiden House Riddle Quest while having 1000 Max MP and 60+ Musical.
    2. Gain an Epic Zither and Epic Zither Manual
    3. Note: Do not have the Zither equipped when talking to Gu Qingcheng
    4. Go to the Melody House
    5. Wait outside the Main Hall until Gu Qingcheng walks out (At Noon). This needs to happen before you meet Fu Yaoqin, otherwise you will need to wait until you recruit Fu Yaoqin to recruit Gu Qingcheng
    6. Raise Relation to 100
    7. Talk to her
    8. Give her the Epic Zither from step 1
    9. You can now recruit her
    10. Gain God Step (Epic Internal Manual) on recruit
  • Method 2 (If you have 0-59 Musical)
    • Progress the Melody House Quest
    • Save Yu Wei'er during the Day (Night will also work if you have not bonded with Miao Caidie)
    • Note: Either time will work as long as the JIuli Tribe is still Alive after it
    • Talk to Fu Yaoqin
    • Start the Eliminate Jiuli Quest
    • Fu Yaoqin will allow you to recruit Gu Qingcheng and Yu Wei'er if you have less then 60 Musical
    • If you have 60+ Musical, you will gain Proud Wanderer Score (Legendary Lute Manual) and will have to recruit them while Fu Yaoqin is in the party
    • Note: She will not gain her Fate Trait if you skip the Maiden House quest
  • Once you have recruited her, you can marry/bond with her with a Wedding Stone
  • NOTE: If you recruit Gu Qingcheng by recruiting Fu Yaoqin without doing method 1 or 2, Qingcheng will be considered a guest/temporary party member and cannot be placed into your Homestead

Other Events
  • You meet her at the end of the Maiden House Riddle Quest
  • Complete the Maiden House Riddle. Collection 4 Legendary Items named (Fake)
    • Under Zither in Maiden House
    • Trade/Steal from Shi Chen, the injured Monk in the Ruined Shrine area of Lin'an (Walk on the bag by the Haystack)
    • Government Building Backroom, on table. Steal or raise Prefect's Relation to 100
    • Artifact Hall/Exquisite Pavilion. In 3rd Right Shelf. Steal or raise Shopkeeper's Relation to 100
  • Go up the stairs and you will get 1 of the follow events based on your Max MP and Musical Stat
    • Max MP<1000 and 0-59 Musical: Gu Qingcheng will fight you, gain no rewards, no Location
    • Max MP >1000: Gain Scorching Tail (Epic Zither Weapon), Learn Melody House Location
    • 60+ Musical: Gain Epic Zither Manual, Gain Scorching Tail (Epic Zither Weapon), Learn Melody House Location
    • Max MP >1000 & 60+ Musical: Gain Epic Zither Manual, Gain Zither Weapon, Learn Melody House Location

Homestead Synergies
  • Charming Ladies: +30 Scene
    • Fu Yaoqin
    • Gu Qingcheng
    • Yu Wei'er
Yu Wei'er - Young Girl

Party Role
  • Flute User
  • Support - Utility (Fate) or Support - Debuff
Unique Traits
  • Unintentional Mistake: Randomly Inflict one of the following when attacking: 5 Internal Injury, Bleed, Blind, or Seal
  • Kind-hearted and Soft: -35% Damage Dealt
  • Innocent and Carefree: -50% Spirit Gain

Fate Trait
Note: She only gets this trait if you do her rescue during the Night and Promise her. So you can have a Bonded Wei'er without this trait
  • Pure Heart and Universal Kindness: While in the same party, After Wei'er's action, -25% Poison,Seal, and Internal Injury on the MC, and recover 5% Lost HP and MP

Fate Move
Fragrant Assault
  • 0 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares Around MC
  • Friendly Characters in range get: +10% Attack, +10% Defense, and +25% Action Speed for 1 Action

  • Fame: 6
  • Sweets (Epic +)

  • Partridge Day Score (Epic Flute Manual)

  • Note: Yu Wei'er's recruitment depends on her Relation with you when you save her
  • Go to the Melody House
  • Option 1 (Recruit and Fate/Bond, no Fate Trait):
    • WAIT outside the main hall until Wei'er comes out (Around 5 AM)
    • Raise her Relation to 100
    • Progress the Melody House story until she gets kidnapped
    • Save her during anytime
    • You will automatically Marry/Bond with Yu Wei'er and will be allowed to recruit her
    • Gain Plum Flower Three Lanes (Epic Flute Manual) on Recruit
  • Option 2 (Recruit, Fate/Bond, and gain Fate Trait)
    • Progress the Melody House story until she gets kidnapped
    • Save her during the Nighttime ( This will Bond her) - This will kill the Jiuli Tribe Leader
    • Promise to protect her forever
    • She will get her Fate Trait Pure Heart and Universal Kindness
    • You can now recruit Wei'er
    • Gain Plum Flower Three Lanes (Epic Flute Manual) on Recruit
  • NOTE: If you recruit Yu Wei'er by recruiting Fu Yaoqin without doing option 1 or 2, Wei'er will be considered a guest character and cannot be put into your Homestead

  • You must Bond with her during her quest, she cannot be bonded at the Shrine
--Jiuli Tribe--
Unlock this location by siding with the Jiuli Tribe at the Deserted Courtyard or by learning it from Miao Caidie when she is at Lin'an City
Miao Caidie - Jiuli Tribe Saintess

Gear (Epic+)
Blue Waves
Party Role
  • Flute User
  • Support - Debuff or Tank (Infinity Manual Build)
Unique Traits
  • Jiuli Saintess: Immune to Poison, -50% Effect of Poison on Allies
  • Poisonous Parasite: Inflict 8 Poison on hit, and when hit
  • Poisonous Body: Toxicology limit raised to 500

Fate Trait
  • Symbiotic Blood Worm: While in the party and in battle, If the MC is within 2 Squares of Caidie, MC gains: +10% Critical, Combo, Action Speed, and recovers 10% missing HP per action; Caidie will take double Damage, and if Caidie dies, the MC will also die on the next attack dealt or received

Fate Move
  • Nothing is a Taboo
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Effect: Inflict Poison depending on Caidie and MC's Toxicology

Ultimate Move
  • Friend of Bugs
  • 0 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Effect: Summons 2 Scorpions within a 3x5 area

  • Fame: 7
  • Toy, Sweets (Epic+)

  • 3600 Gather Bugs/Worm-Catching

  • Ancient Score (Legendary Flute Manual) - Requires 100 Toxicology and 1 Fire Ant

Note: To get to Caidie in the Jiuli Tribe without joining their side, use the Fight Trick (see section)
  • You first meet her in Lin'an City in the Garden of the Maiden House. She will stay there for 3 days and then move to the Jiuli Tribe. If you side against the Jiuli Tribe in the Deserted Courtyard, she will immediately move there
    • Scare her - Caidie goes back to Jiuli Tribe immediately, -5 Relation with Caidie
    • Join Crowd - -105 Max Hp, -Max MP, +25 Toxicology, +6 Relation with Caidie, learn about the Jiuli Tribe location. You will need 4+ Con otherwise you will die from Poison.
    • Drive her away - Battle against Caidie - Caidie goes back to Jiuli Tribe immediately, -10 Relation with Caidie
  • Raise Relation to 60+
  • Have 100 Medical on MC or Party Member (Like Qu Wangyou, she gets extra dialogue here)
  • Have Level 4 Beast Taming and 60 Toxicology (Do Caidie's Test Poison event)
  • Go into Jiuli Tribe's Back Cave (Banish the Guard)
  • Feed the Lizard until it transforms (Transforms while not in the party). You get a Poison Dragon Egg on the ground.
  • Optional Kill the Red Lizard for a 2nd Poison Dragon Egg. If consumed, it gives the character Poison Immunity.
  • Note: You can keep the Lizard and get the 2nd Poison Dragon Egg if you do the following:
    • Tame and recruit the red lizard.
    • Let another animal kill the Lizard (like the Scorpions in the cave or other animals elsewhere)
    • Kill the animal that killed it for the Poison Dragon Egg
    • Your lizard will still be in the party and you will have the item
  • Talk to Caidie
  • You can now recruit her
  • Gain Five Poisons Secret Move (Epic Internal Manual) on recruit

Other Events
  • While in the Jiuli Tribe, she asks you to help with her Testing of Poisons (Test Poison)
    • While you have <100 Toxicology, you can do this event once per day.
    • Lose 100 Max HP, +10 Toxicology, and one of the following based on your choice of bug (Look at the minimum stat requirement to match up the options)
      • +2 Str, -1 Con, Min 5 Con needed
      • +2 Int, -1 Dex, Min 5 Dex needed
      • +2 Dex, -1 Str, Min 5 Str needed
      • +2 Con, -1 Luk, Min 5 Luk needed
      • +2 Luk, -1 Int , Min 5 Int needed
  • Caidie wants to learn more about Flute (Have 100 Musical on MC or a Flute focused Party Member like Li Leya)
  • Caidie will gain +50 Musical

Quest line
  • Raise Caidie's Relation to 100
  • Take her to the Jiuli God Statue in the Jiuli Tribe
  • Agree to marry her
  • Fight off a bunch of snakes
  • Fight the Jiuli Leader
  • You will automatically marry/Bond with Caidie
  • Caidie will leave the Jiuli Tribe (you can exterminate them while keeping Caidie now)
--Beast Manor--
Located in the Southwest. Wander the World Map after completing the Deserted Courtyard event.
Tang Tai Jin - Beast Manor Leader
Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Support Utility - Pet

Dragon Staff and Phoenix Outfit

Unique Traits
  • Determined: Immune to Charm
  • Preeminent: For every 1 Fame > Enemy: -10% Damage Taken
  • Boisterous Spirit: For every 1 Spirit: +0.5% Damage Dealt (Max 125%), and +0.1% Critical (Max +25%)
  • Beast Controller: Inflict Charm on Animal Enemies. Lasts until the next action

Ultimate move
United Beasts
  • Usable once per turn
  • 0 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 3x6 Summon Range
  • Effect: Summons the 5 Great Beasts (Level 65). This summons a Wolf, Tiger, Bear, Black Gorilla, and Panda

  • Fame:8
  • Painting, Ornament (Purple+)

  • 3600 Beast Taming

  1. Complete the Beast Manor quest line
  2. See the How to Recruit the Big Sect Leaders Section. Only the Conqueror method works for her
Tang Wan'er - Lady of the Beast Manor

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer or Support Utility - Pet

Abyss Dragon Sword and Purple Dress

Unique Traits
  • Heart of Gold: While within a 3 Squares, Lu Jian Nan recovers 10% Missing HP after each action (This trait is lost if you bond with her)
  • Well Adapted: Reduce the effects of Status Effects by 50% (Stacks with Trained Body)
  • Iron Fist Velvet Glove: +10% Counter
  • White Fox Comrade: Summon a White Fox pet in battle

Fate Trait
  • Pray for Luck: While in the same team as the MC, the MC will receive 50% of the effects of Wan'an's Luck. After each action, Wan'er recovers 15% of the MC's lost HP and MP

Fate Skill
Two Blades Combination
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Damage of this move increases with the Sword stat of both Wan'er and the MC

Ultimate move
Phoenix Hairpin
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Fan
  • Reduce Enemy Defense by 5% (Lasts 1 action)
  • Break Defense: Deal +12% Enemy Max HP Damage and reduce Enemy Defense by 10% (Lasts 1 Action)

  • Fame: 5
  • Study, Calligraphy (Blue+)

  • 1600 Beast Taming

  • Sunset Sword - 60+ Relation with Beast Manor required

  1. Complete the Beast Manor quest line
  2. Raise her Relation to 100
  3. Start her Worries quest
  4. Talk to Lu Jian Nan:
    • Persuade him to marry Wan'er - This will give you the Flame Mask (Legendary Pet Mask) and locks you out of her marriage. You can now recruit her
    • Persuade him to reject Wan'er - Talk to Wan'er at the Sea of Petals and choose to option about this place being special. Then recruit her back at the Beast Manor.

Other Events
  • To bond with her, take her to the Sea of Petals
  • Talk to the Beast Manor Leader (Get the Mountain Suppressor (Legendary Staff Weapon)
  • You are now bonded with her
Lu Jian Nan - Beast Manor Heir

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Wandering Swordsman: For each Sword External Learned: +5% Damage Dealt
  • Adolescent Pride: While Hp > 75%: Gain +25% Damage Dealt, +10% Critical
  • Ambitious: Start each turn with 100 Qi/Action Points (Stacks with Head Start)

Post Quest Traits
Note: You cannot get this trait and tame the Snow Leopard at the same time
  • Fox Owner: Summons Snow Velvet the Snow Leopard in battle. While Snow Velvet is in battle, Jian Nan gains: +8% Critical, Combo & Counter. If Snow Velvet dies in battle, Jian Nan's Action Speed is reduced by 25%

Ultimate Move
Diplomacy Before Violence
  • Usable once per battle
  • 150 Spirit
  • Effect: For every 1 Int: Your team gains: +1% Atk, Def, and Action Speed

  • Fame 4
  • Study, Calligraphy (Blue+)

  • 600 Beast Taming

    Note: You can recruit him 1 of 2 ways. One way will allow you to keep the Snow Leopard yourself, and the other will give it to Jian Nan. Since the Beast tamer Internals buff all Animal allies, you can make the arguement for either method
    Method 1
  • First meet in front of Chuxiang City's Inn. He will ask you to find his "Cat"
  • Go to Daliang City's Glittering House Auction in the morning to meet the Snow Leopard.
  • Note: You will need to have unlocked the Homestead for this. Do that first if you have not already.
  • Optional: Either talk to the townsfolk and Duke Ji Manor Guards.
  • Enter Duke ji Manor's Pond area.
  • Talk to and feed the Snow Leopard 5 Grass Carp (You can buy 5 at the Market)
  • Fight with the person trying to buy the Snow Leopard (Group Battle)
  • The Snow Leopard will be in your Homestead's Back Mountain. Look at the Leftmost area past the mountains if you can't find it.
  • Go back to Chuxiang City during the day to meet Lu Jian Nan again.
  • You will keep the Snow Leopard and be able to recruit Lu Jian Nan
    Method 2
  • Continue the Beast Manor quest line until you need to recruit him.
  • Talk to him in Chuxiang City, in front of the Inn (He leaves the city at night so he may be wandering around)
  • If you go recruit the Snow Leopard with him in your party, he will gain the Fox Owner status and gain +3 Luck

Other Events
  • If you have Level 5 Beast Taming, he will gain +2 Int
  • If you go find the Snow Leopard after recruiting Jian Nan, Jian Nan will reunite with his pet and gain the Fox Owner status and gain +3 Luck
  • The Snow Leopard can be found in the Glittering House Auction during the morning. Then it will escape into Duke Qi's lake area
The Divine Hawk Hero - Actually a dude

Party Role
  • Glove/FistUser
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Animal Friendly: -30% Damage Taken from Animals
  • The Divine Hawk Hero: Counts an an Animal for any manual that affects them (Beast Taming Skill, and Beast King Technique) and can enjoy its benefits

Ultimate Move
Feather and Blow Snow
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 5x3 in Front
  • Inflict 10 Blind on the enemy
  • Break Defense: Deal +10% Enemy Hp Damage, inflict 20 Blind and reduce enemy Action Speed by 10 (Lasts 1 Action)

  • Fame 5
  • Novel - Wuxia, Fruit(Blue+)

  • Complete the Beast Manor quest line and hear the rumor at the entrance.
  • Fight him at the Baliang Mountain Peak.
  • Head to the left of the Peak (Between the Peak and Cabin) and help him against the Poachers
  • Win the next fight
  • You can now recruit him
----Desert Region----
Enter this place by reaching Level 60 and fighting the Vagabond twice. This will unlock the Jade Gate in the Daliang Region
--Chang'an Inn--
Haitang Qiu - Chang'an Inn Owner

Party Role
  • Fist/Glove User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Secure Profits: For every 1k Wen: +5% Damage Dealt (Up to 30%)
  • Drunken Ignorance: While Happy Drunk: Crit Damage +50%, While Completely Drunk: +100% Crit Damage
  • Smooth Operator: When attacked by Human Enemies: -25% Damage Taken

Fate Trait
  • Fight Together: While within 2 spaces of each other, gain 300 Qi/Action Points after the other attacks

Fate Skill
Everlasting Love
  • 1500 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Squares around MC
  • Deal 10% Max Hp Damage, Qiu and MC gain +15% Counter for 1 Action

  • 4 Fame
  • Cosmetic Powder, Wine (Blue+)

  1. Go to the Desert Region and Chang'an Inn
  2. Raise your Relation with her to 100 (60 for quest)
  3. Talk to her and receive the quest to kill Gu Qing Yan (Azure Dragon Envoy)
  4. Kill Gu Qing Yan. You can kill him by:
    • Talking to him and choosing the Assassinate option (He will follow you to a secluded loction)
    • Eliminate the Holy Fire Sect by choosing the Eliminate/Exterminate Option when talking to the Leader
    • At the end of the Holy Fire Sect vs Cold Skin Gang quest line (You will fight and kill him naturally there)
    • Walk up and start a fight (He won't leave the Main Hall, so you will fight everyone in there)

Other Events
  • She will ask you to heal the Old Hunchback (80 Medical)
  • She will ask you to deliver a letter to Feng Xuanji and unlock the Holy Fire Sect. Allowing you to start and continue quests for both the Holy Flame Sect and Cold Skin Gang
  • You can talk to her in her room at night for some drunken rock paper scissors
    • Lose 1k on Loss,
    • Gain 2k on Win
  • Wedding Stone Marriage
--Cold Skin Gang--
Located in Flame City
Shi Wenxiu - One Eyed Wanderer / 3rd Young Master

Gear (Epic+)
Quick Gauntlet & Unicorn Armor

Party Role
  • Fist User
  • Damage Dealer - Low HP specialist

Unique Traits
  • Biding Time - While HP <50%: Critical, Counter, Combo +10%, and +20 Action Speed
  • Sealing Wind - Inflict 10 Sealed on Attack
  • Fearless - For every 1% HP Lost, gain +0.25% Damage Dealt

Ultimate Move
Shattering Thunder
  • 400 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 5 Square Fan
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max Hp Damage, 50% chance to inflict Vulnerable

  • 7 Fame
  • Food (Epic+)

  1. Go to the Desert Region and Chang'an Inn
  2. Help him against Ren Zhongheng in his room (If you tell him about Shi or if you do not help Shi and enter his room twice)
  3. Visit the Cold Skin Gang (Avoid going to the Inn in Flame City) and talk to the leader
  4. Raise your Relation with the Leader to 100
  5. You can recruit Shi Wenxiu

Other Events
  1. While in Chang'an Inn, you can enter his room and fight him.
  2. Afterwards, you can heal him by:
    • Use Medical 80+
    • Consume 1k Max MP (Lost forever)
    • Consume Fragrance Preservation Pill (Legendary tier pill, +2000 HP Heal)
  3. Get the Frozen Heart Palm (Epic Fist Manual) from him
Zi Tian/Sky - 2nd Young Master

Gear (Epic+)
Mountain Basher & Diamond Armor

Party Role
  • Fist User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • None apparently

Ultimate Move
Thousand Hits
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 5x3 rectangle
  • Break Defense: +15% Enemy Max Hp Damage, Inflict 10 Internal Injury and Seal

  • 7 Fame
  • Wine (Epic+)

TLDR: Side with the Cold Skin Gang
  1. Go to the Desert Region and Chang'an Inn
  2. Either:
    • Help him against Ren Zhongheng in his room (If you tell him about Shi or if you do not help Shi and enter his room)
    • Fight against Ren Zhongheng when he attacks everyone
    • Visit the Cold Skin Gang (Avoid going to the Inn in Flame City) and talk to the leader
    • Walk around until Gu Qing Yang visits (Might take a day, visit the entrance)
    • Go to the map and save Zi Tian/Sky
    • Go to Flame Toad Cave, tame the Toad
    • Talk to the Leader then cure Zi Tian in the Flame Cave to the left
    • Talk to Zi Tian and choose to Vent Anger with him
    • Group Battle against Holy Fire Sect
    • Gain Four Generals Palm (Epic Palm Manual)
    • You can now recruit Zi Tian
He Denuo - Fire Toad Poison guy

Gear (Epic+)
Hell Glove & Drifting Cloud Robe

Party Role
  • Fist User
  • Damage Dealer / Utility - Status Effect specialist

Unique Traits
  • Seize the Opportunity: +15% Counter, +10% Combo
  • Skin Mutation: -25% Damage Received, Inflict 5 Poison on attacker
  • Flame Toad Venom: On Attack Inflict 15 Poison, Receive 5 Internal Injury on Self

Ultimate Move
Flame Toad Burst
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square radius around self
  • Inflict 5 Poison and Internal Injury
  • Break Defense: +10% Enemy Max Hp Damage, Pierce enemy Armor, Inflict 10 Poison, Internal Injury, and Seal

  • 7 Fame
  • Bug (Epic+)

  • 1800 Poison exp

TLDR: Side with the Cold Skin Gang and talk to him at night
  1. Go to the Desert Region and Chang'an Inn
  2. Either:
    • Help him against Ren Zhongheng in his room (If you tell him about Shi or if you do not help Shi and enter his room)
    • Fight against Ren Zhongheng when he attacks everyone
    • Visit the Cold Skin Gang (Avoid going to the Inn in Flame City) and talk to the leader
    • Walk around until Gu Qing Yang visits (Might take a day, visit the entrance)
    • Go to the map and save Zi Tian/Sky
    • Talk to He Denuo at the Tavern (Behind Inn) at night 4 times.
    • Disagree with his views and fight against him
    • Go to Flame Toad Cave, tame the Toad
    • He Denuo will side with you if you did the above
--Holy Fire Sect--
Feng Xuanji - Suzaku/Red Phoenix Envoy

Gear (Epic +)

Party Role
  • Dagger User
  • Damage Dealer / Evasion Tank

Unique Traits
  • Popular: For each Male Teammate: +5% Damage Dealt, -3% Damage Taken
  • Wave Riding Step: After you receive an attack, gain +5% Evasion. Cleared once Evasion is triggered or battle ends
  • Irregular Movement: Always Counter when Evading

Fate Trait
  • Unbroken Will: While fighting in the same team, if Feng Xuanji or MC is attacked, the other will gain +3% Critical and Combo. This lasts for 1 Attack.

Fate Skill
Love Birds Attack
  • 1500 Power
  • 100 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Radius around MC
  • Deal 10% Enemy Max HP damage, and inflict -10% Defense and Action Speed for 1 Action

Ultimate move
Prism Light
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3x5 Fan/Triangle
  • Inflict 5 Bleed and Blind
  • Break Defense: Deal +10% Enemy Max HP Damage, Inflict 10 Bleed and Blind

  • 6 Fame
  • Cosmetic (Epic+)

TLDR: Help her and follow either the Holy Fire Sect or Cold Skin Gang to its conclusion.
Easiest done when you stay neutral to both sides.
  1. Do the Chang'an Inn event on either side. You need to enter Shi Wenxiu (middle left room) twice to start the Ren Zhongheng vs Shi Wenxiu battle. Side with Ren Zhongheng to enter the Holy Fire Sect quest line, or side with Shi Wenxiu to enter the Cold Skin Gang route. (You have to see this event. If you kill Ren Zhongheng in Haitian Qiu's room or the 1st Floor of the Inn, you cannot continue either quest line)
  2. Talk to Haitang Qiu to get the quest to deliver a letter to her (you learn the location that way)
  3. Go to Holy Flame Sect and pay 10 Scrap Silver to get in (Or announce yourself if you sided with Ren)
  4. Talk to Feng.
  5. At midnight, Feng will be outside the Main Hall, talk to her and listen to her story 4 times.
  6. Do Feng's quest to investigate the Flame Cave (Left side of Cold Skin Gang in Flame City). Easier to do if you are friendly with them, since you can guard the entrance and only lose 1 Relation breaking in, or progress the quest line until you can enter freely. Or just kill your way in.
  7. Talk to Feng and accept the Rescue quest. Go to Chang'an Inn and save Qiu.
  8. Report back.
  9. Go to Baliang Mountain, and talk to the White Tiger Envoy to deliver a letter to Feng
  10. Talk to Feng and get the quest to invite the White Tiger Envoy back.
  11. You will recruit Yan Luochong. Go back and talk to Feng
  12. Optional - If you have sided with the Holy Fire Sect, talk to Feng until she asks you to become the Vice Leader. You will get this dialogue on both routes, but it only has an effect on the Holy Fire Sect route.
  13. Continue either quest line until you visit the Ox Treasury. You have to side with either the Holy Fire Sect or Cold Skin Gang.
  14. Optional - If you sided with the Holy Fire Sect and Feng asked you to become the Vice Leader, you can choose to become the Vice Leader and talk to Feng again to get the Holy Fire Divine Skill (Legendary Internal). You can recruit Feng at this point if you became the Vice-Leader.
  15. Continue either quest line until you are told to attack the Holy Fire Sect Leader while he is in seclusion.
  16. Fight at the Tower/Pagoda behind the main hall (Walk up to the entrance)
  17. Fight against Holy Fire Sect Leaders, Feng and White Tiger Envoy will side with you. They must both survive. If you have them as party members, they will survive if they fall in battle, but if they fall in battle while they are Guests (Blue HP bar), they will die for good.
  18. Gain Luminous Meteor Strike (Legendary Dagger Manual) from Feng
  19. Feng will leave the Holy Flame Sect and automatically join you bonded if you completed all her quests. If she does not join you immediately, she can be found at Chang'an Inn, but will not bond with you.
  20. Note - There is currently a bug if you kick her out of your party after completing her quest line, she will disappear forever.
  21. [/list]
Yan Luochong - White Tiger Envoy

Party Role
  • Blade User
  • Damage Dealer / Debuffer

Unique Traits
  • Infamy: Guaranteed Combo after Critical, increase Bleed effect on enemy by 50% if you inflict Bleed on them
  • Make an Example: If an enemy is killed by your attack, gain 5 AS (Up to 30) and all enemies lose 200 Qi/Action Points
  • Unbroken Shura: While HP <50%: +25% Critical, Combo, and +20 Action Speed

Ultimate move
Air Breaking Blade
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Square Triangle
  • Break Defense: Deal +13% Enemy Max HP Damage, Inflict 5 Bleed, Inflict -50 Spirit

  • 5 Fame
  • Knife/Blade Weapons(Epic+)

  • 1800 Tool Crafting

TLDR: Follow Feng Xuanji quest line. Both Holy Fire Sect and Cold Skin Gang routes work.
  1. Do the Chang'an Inn event on either side (Help Shi Wenxiu kill Ren Zhongheng in his room to avoid relation loss with both sides. You would walk into Shi Wenxiu's room and then talk to Ren to start the fight in Shi's room)
  2. Talk to Haitang Qiu to get the quest to deliver a letter to her (you learn the location that way)
  3. Go to Holy Flame Sect and pay 10 Scrap Silver to get in (Or announce yourself if you sided with Ren)
  4. Talk to Feng. Follow her quest line.
  5. Accept Feng's quest to recruit Yan Luochong, do not accept Gu Qing Yang's quest to kill him.
  6. You will temporarily recruit him, continue Feng's quest line. He will leave the party when you talk to her, but you can recruit him again immediately
  7. Continue to the final battle of the Holy Fire Sect and Cold Skin Gang quest lines.
  8. Fight against the Sect Leader and Gu Qing Yang. Feng and Yan will join you. (Make sure both survive the fight, Yan will not join if Feng dies)
  9. You can now recruit both Feng and Yan permanently
Gu Qing Yang - Azure Dragon Envoy

Gear (Epic +)
Damascus Sword & Drifting Cloud Robe

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer

Unique Traits
  • Power against Power: For each Level < Enemy Level: +3% Combo and Counter
  • Wind Step: If your Attack does not trigger Parry or Evasion, gain +5 Action Speed (Up to 30)
  • Blood in One Strike: Inflict 10 Bleed on Critical

Ultimate move
Sword of Storm
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3x5 Rectangle
  • Break Defense: Deal +13% Enemy Max HP Damage, Inflict Vulnerable and -15% Action Speed (Lasts 1 Action)

  • 7 Fame
  • Tea Leaf (Epic+)

TLDR: Help him and follow the Holy Fire Sect but stop before its conclusion
Easiest done when you stay neutral to both sides.
  1. Do the Chang'an Inn event and help Ren Zhongheng (Enter Shi Wenxiu's room twice)
  2. Talk to Haitang Qiu to get the quest to deliver a letter to her (you learn the location that way)
  3. Go to Holy Flame Sect and announce your name
  4. Continue the Holy Fire Sect Quest Line and Feng Xuanji's quest line. Stop before heading to the Ox Treasury
  5. Optional: Gu Qing Yang will ask for a duel - Obtain Mortal Sword (Epic Sword Manual)
  6. Go to Bailiang Mountain and meet Yan Luochong, deliver his letter to Feng Xuanji
  7. Gu Qing Yang will you to kill the White Tiger Envoy Yan Luochong (Mutually exclusive to Feng Xuanji's version of the quest)
  8. Talk to Yan Luochong and choose the assassinate option.
  9. Talk to Gu Qing Yang and promise to make him the Vice Leader
  10. Complete the Ox Treasury and head back to the Flame Sect.
  11. When the Leader asks who will become the Vice Leader, support Gu Qing Yang. Gain the Exploding Thunder Bullet Recipe (Legendary Throwing Item recipe)
  12. Talk to Gu at night while Feng Xuanji is not in the room to get the quest to Assassinate Feng.
  13. Talk to Feng Xuanji and choose the Assassinate option.
  14. Talk to Gu Qing Yang to get the Flame Seal (Legendary Short Weapon, works for all Short Weapons)
  15. Do not fight against the Sect Leader when he retreats into seclusion. You will end up fighting against him and Gu Qing Yang.
Ren Zhongheng - Xuanwu Envoy

Gear (Epic +)
Dragon Seal & Turtle Armor

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Tank

Unique Traits
  • Spirit of Steel: -50% Damage Taken against Sword, Blade, Spear, & Dagger type Martial Arts
  • Iron Head: Effects of Internal Injury and Bleed lowered by 50%
  • Raging Spirit: +100% Spirit

Ultimate move
Devastating Strike
  • 600 Power
  • 150 Spirit
  • Range: 3 Square Radius
  • Break Defense: Deal +15% Enemy Max HP Damage, Inflict 10 Internal Injury and -150 Qi/Action Points

  • 6 Fame
  • Wine (Rare+)

TLDR: Help him and follow the Holy Fire Sect but stop before its conclusion
  1. Do the Chang'an Inn event and help Ren Zhongheng. Enter Shi Wenxiu's room twice.
  2. Visit the Holy Fire Sect and continue its quest line until you have to choose a Vice-Leader
  3. Become the vice leader yourself. You can now invite Ren Zhongheng.
  4. Do not complete the Holy Fire Sect quest line by attacking the Sect Leader when he is in seclusion. You will fight Ren Zhongheng along with the Leader when you go against him.
----Yan Yun Region----
Sun Yojin - Actor with the painted face

Gold-Banded Iron Staff

Party Role
  • Staff User
  • Evasion Tank

Unique Traits
  • Walking On Cloud: +15% Evasion, +1 Movement Range in battle.
  • Hundred Variations Godstep: Gain +80 Qi/Energy after evading an attack

  • Fame: 4
  • Misc. Novel, Fruit (Purple/Epic+)

  • Complete the Yan Yun Region's Dragon Vein Treasury quest. The result shouldn't matter.
  • Go to the Xu Family Outpost's Tavern then the north exit by the Animal Skin seller.
  • Listen to his version of the Journey to the West, your answer doesn't matter.
  • Agree to help him.
  • Get a Jiannang Wine from Lin'an City's Wind God Tower.
  • Start the play. Remember your lines (or don't, the answers are always option 1).
  • First line: Longevity and Immortality.
  • Second line: A hundred thousand heavenly soldiers .
  • Third line: Yin Yang Bottles
  • Fight Sun Yojin
  • Head back to the Temple, meet the Beggar
  • Choose any option, you always get +20 Wisdom
  • You can recruit Sun Yojin now.
----Southeast Region----
Liao Yuelong - Swordman with the wooden sword

Granite Dragon Sword

Party Role
  • Sword User
  • Damage Dealer and Support - Debuff

Unique Traits
  • Granite Dragon Knack: While equipped with a Legendary Sword, reduce enemy Def by 15% and inflict 10 Bleed
  • Blood in One Strike: Inflict 10 Bleed on Critical Hit
  • Bloodied Sword: Inflict 10 Bleed on attack

  • Fame: 7
  • Food (Purple/Epic+)

  • Moon Star Sword (Epic Sword Manual)

  • Complete the Beast Manor quest line and head to Daliang City
  • Hear the rumors and head to Tower of Prosperity. Meet Liao Yuelong for the first time
  • Complete these events and head to the Southeast region (Entrance is in the Lin'an region)
  • Enter the ruined courtyard in the Mei Pass Post location.
  • Talk to the Merchant and head back there at night
  • Fight the tomb raider
  • Head to Phoenix Woods Harbor and progress Duke Chai's Banquet. Either side will work
  • Follow the Fortune Teller to Mei Pass Post. Participate in the battle
  • Talk to Liao Yuelong to continue his quest
  • Tell him there is a problem with his story
  • Choose (-5 Wisdom if you choose wrong):
    • Problem with 1st sentence - Time of the fire
    • After your Father and the others died
    • Thatched roof of the house
    • Had a reason to do so
    • Two extra bodies
  • Head to the clinic in Phoenix Woods harbor. Talk to the shopkeeper
  • Solo Battle against Wang Hu (Level 75) with guest Liao Yuelong (level 66)
  • There is something only the Liao Family knows where(Middle option) +10 Wisdom
  • The Liao Family’s Butler! +10 Wisdom
  • Return to the Mei Pass Post and talk to the beggar.
  • Solo battle against the beggar (level 30)
  • You can now recruit Liao Yunlong at his burned home.
  • He comes with the Granite Dragon Sword (Legendary Sword weapon)
----Great Ant City /Dragonfly City----
Sakuraha Tsukuyo - aka Liu Yueying
Quick Gauntlet and Purple Dress (only while she is a guest, gets blue tier gear when she's an ally)

Party Role
  • Fist/Glove User
  • Damage Dealer or Support - Debuff

Unique Traits
  • Delicate Jade Hand/Jade Finger: Inflict +10 Internal Injury and Seal on attack
  • Swaying Gracefully/Elegant Visage: Gain +10 Spirit and +100 Qi/Energy after Evading

Fate Trait
  • Through hard times: When fighting in the same team, for every 10% decrease in the MC or Sakuraha's HP, the other gains +10% Damage Dealt.

Fate Move
Perfect Happiness
  • 1500 Power
  • 200 Spirit
  • Range: 4 Spaces of MC
  • Effect: Deal an extra +10% Max HP damage, gain +10% Counter and Parry for 1 action.

  • Fame: 5
  • Novel (Blue+)

  • Dexterous Hand (Blue Fist Manual)

  • Sakuraha first appears in Daliang City once you reach Fame 4, finish the Homestead quest, and the 9 Factions become active.
  • Meet her in Daliang City, defeat the 4 ruffians. Group Battle (Level 35), gain the Sakura Flower Pouch accessory
  • Go to the gate (impossible to miss, just enter the city)
  • Head to the Government building. Enter and walk to the 3 gold statues.
  • Head to the Glittering Auction House
  • Head to the Tower of Prosperity, look for the kid's parents
    • Go to the Market, talk to the candy seller
    • Head back towards the Tower of Prosperity, talk to the Old Woman next to the Clothes store
  • Head to the Baoguo Temple, learn about the Southwest Region and the West Gate/Border Patrol
  • Head to the Docks south and to the left of the market.
  • Head to the Jiuli Tribe and pick up the Seal of the State
  • Defeat Sakuraha in combat
  • Choice to give her the Seal or not
    • Give - Continue quest, gain Meteor from Outer Space/Shooting Star (Legendary Dagger Manual)
    • Don't - End quest
  • She will move to the Tea Stall in the Nameless Region. Unlock by walking right of the West Border Patrol on the map and unlock Cross Hill, then take the upper right exit.
  • You will now assist her in getting the other 2 Seals. If you already have them, you can give them to her. Otherwise she tells you about them.
    • Seal of the Sky - Special Infiltration Mission. Talk to Sakuraha and start the quest, you cannot save in the middle of it. There will be several fights, the highest level is 70.
      • First battle - Ambush 3 Yan Soldiers
      • Camp scenes - You will fight more enemies at the end depending on your answers. If you don't get caught and don't get an item, you will have 1 less battle
        • First Soldier: asks who you are
          • Boss has many minions - Get Caught
          • Belong to another camp - Which one
            • Yellow Turban - get caught
            • Zhongdu - Successfully Sneak- 1 less group battle
            • Daliang - get caught
            • Beiwei - get caught
          • Personally recruited - Gain 10 Scrap Silver
        • Second Soldier: asks for password
          • Heaven and Earth - get caught
          • Chicken Ribs - get caught
          • Don't know
            • Really don't know - Successfully Sneak - 1 less group battle
          • Don't make me snitch - gain Vibranium Dew (Legendary Wine)
          • Another Camp - get caught
          • Blue and Yellow - get caught
      • You will have a group battle in the Main Tent, you will steal the Seal. Group Battle Level 70.
      • You fight up to 3 group battles. All level 65, you will fully heal after every battle. If you answered all the guards correctly, you will not have an extra battle.
    • Seal of the People - Nothing special, she will tell you about it, but you earn it the normal way.
  • Talk to her at the Tea Stall once you gather all 3. Enter another battle sequence, all Level 70.
    • Group Battle against Xiao Yuanba and the Yan soldiers if they are alive
    • Group Battle against Miao Muli and the Jiuli Tribe if they are alive
    • Group Battle against Tong Daofu and some soldiers.
  • You will end up back in Lin'an City. You can leave and wander around again at this point.
  • Go to the Medical Hall, then to the Yunlin Temple
  • You will get all 3 Seals back, gain the Hidden Mist manual (Rare Internal Manual)
  • Sakuraha's Relation will be set to 100, and she will join your party.
  • Continue with the main game until you get to the point where you would normally start the Great Ant Kidnapping event. (Post Fame 8, after defeating the 9 Factions and having at least 2 female party members bonded and outside of your party, and being Level 80+)
  • Enter your Homestead and fight off the ninjas with Sakuraha. Go into each building.
  • Head to Lin'an City's pier (In the market) and fight Musashi.
  • Sakuraha will leave the party.
  • Complete the Yan Region's storyline. To unlock this, you need to reach level 50+, visit the ! symbol to the right of Shifa Temple, then go to Daliang City, talk to the couchman, then head to Jin Yang Gate. What you do afterwards will not matter for Sakuraha's quest, only that its completed.
  • Wander around the Daliang Region map until you get told to visit Deep Snow Manor.
  • Go to the Deep Snow Manor in the Yan Yun Region.
  • You will get a choice to bond with Sakuraha or not (once the quest line is done)
    • Most important Friend - no bond
    • The person I want to spend my life with - bond
  • Group Battle with guest Sakuraha (level 85)
  • Talk to the manor lord to go to Great Ant City
  • You will have a bunch of group battles (level 85)
  • Head to the main hall, then around back.
  • Group Battle against Hisahide Saito and Hattori Hyoe (Level 97)
  • Head back to the main hall.
  • Group battle against 6 Saito. 1 of them is real and the others are fake. Try looking at the names (it's rather obvious at the moment)
  • Solo duel against Saito (Level 97) - final battle
  • You will end up back at Deep Snow Manor. You can recruit Sakuraha again.
  • Go to the Frozen Heart Lake in the Yan Yun Region with Sakuraha
  • Go back to the Deep Snow Manor and talk to the owner to go back to Great Ant City
  • Head to the main hall, Group battle (Level 85)
  • Get asked if you still want to bond with Sakuraha
  • You will bond with Sakuraha after everything is completed
  • You can also revisit Great Ant City anytime you want by talking to the Deep Snow Manor owner.

Other Events
  • You can break her quest line if you meet her outside of Daliang or fight her in one of her optional battles before first meeting her in Daliang and fighting her in the Jiuli Tribe.
  • Yi Zhihua's betting quest will be replaced with a generic NPC instead of Sakuraha if you do her quest.
  • You will lose access to the Sea Jiang Gang once you recruit Sakuraha
How to Fully Bond with all 3 Melody Girls, Miao Caidie, and get Proud Wanderer Score at once
This method will allow you to Marry/Bond with all 4 girls and get you the Proud Wanderer Score

Prerequisites :
  • Preferably Level 50+ with decent strength (Beat a Level 70 Boss)
  • Unlock the Homestead for ease
  • Level 4 Beast Taming (Grab the Beast Taming Accessory in Chuxiang. Talk to a guy in the Inn, then talk to the Horse Carriage guy at the entrance)
  • 1000 Max MP
  • 60+ Musical (Learn all the Blue Tier Manuals and the Starting Game one)
  • 60+ Medical or Recruit Qu Wangyou (Herbology Sect)
  • A bunch of Epic Cosmetics (Buy at Glittering House Auction or Craft, recipes from Shops like Fragrant Shop)
  • A bunch of Epic Sweets (Buy in Maiden House, Tower of Prosperity, or Night Demon Market)
  • A Bunch of Toxic bugs
  • Decent chunk of Money

  1. Go to Lin'an City
  2. Solve the Maiden Puzzle
    • Under Zither in Maiden House
    • Trade/Steal from Shi Chen, the injured Monk in the Ruined Shrine area of Lin'an (Walk on the bag by the Haystack)
    • Government Building Backroom, on table. Steal or raise Prefect's Relation to 100
    • Artifact Hall/Exquisite Pavilion. In 3rd Right Shelf. Steal or raise Shopkeeper's Relation to 100
  3. Meet Miao Caidie - Join the Crowd
  4. Raise her Relation to 100, have Qu Wangyou or Medical 60+
  5. Learn about the Jiuli Tribe, and the Poison Dragon Egg
  6. Enter Maiden House, pay for the Riddle, Solve it.
  7. Meet Gu Qingcheng
  8. Go to West Pass
  9. Talk to the General, Use Force option, Pass Option (If you have them) or the Imperial Token (If you want to spend it here)
  10. Go through Wuxian Mountain
  11. Go to the Jiuli Tribe, Use Fight Trick to get in
  12. Note: For eases, enter fight mode next to an Aggroe'ed guard and kill him. Outside the event, you will not lose much Relation with the Jiuli Tribe
  13. Go into the Main Hall, and talk to Miao Muli. Gift him your Toxic Bugs to raise his Relation and the Tribe's Relation as a buffer for later.
  14. Do Miao Caidie's Test Poison event until you have 60+ Toxicology (+5 Per event)
  15. Go to the Back Cave in the left corner of the tribe, Banish the guard to get in
  16. Feed the Lizard until it turns red, don't adopt it
  17. Kill the Red Lizard
  18. Talk to Caidie and recruit her. DON'T marry her yet, Store her in the Homestead
  19. Go to Melody House before 5 AM.
  20. Important: Do not talk to Fu Yaoqing if you go there at night.
  21. Wait outside the Main Hall until Yu Wei'er comes out
  22. Raise her Relations to 100
  23. Wait until 11 for Gu Qingcheng to appear. Don't have the Epic Zither she gave you equipped
  24. Talk to her, Raise her Relation to 100
  25. Invite her to recruit her, store her in the Homestead
  26. Go inside and continue the Melody House Quest until the Rescue Wei'er Quest
  27. Go rescue Wei'er at nighttime, avoid fighting the Jiuli Tribe Members.
  28. If you rescue her at Night, you will fight Miao Muli the Jiuli Tribe Leader.
  29. Promise to Protect Her forever
  30. You will teleport back to Melody House.
  31. Talk to Fu Yaoqin, recruit Yu Wei'er
  32. Talk to Fu Yaoqin again to start the Eliminate Jiuli Quest and get the Proud Wanderer Score
  33. Store Yu Wei'er in the Homestead, put Miao Caidie into the party
  34. Go the Jiuli Tribe. Use the Fight Trick if the the Jiuli Members try to fight you
  35. Take Caidie to the Jiuli Tribe's Shrine, agree to marry her
  36. Win the fight and the Jiuli Tribe will be Eliminated since she leaves once married.
  37. Go to the Melody House, raise Fu Yaoqin's Relation and continue her quest.
  38. You now have all 4 Girls married and also have the Proud Wanderer Score

  • Adjustment to get 20 Stats from Caidie too
  • Same as above, but instead of talking to Caidie in Lin'an City, Ignore her.
  • Go to the Melody House first.
  • Raise Yu Wei'er and Gu Qingcheng's Relation to 100.
  • Then recruit Gu Qingcheng and put her in the Homestead.
  • Talk to Fu Yaoqin and raise Her Relation to 100
  • Go to the Deserted Courtyard
  • Side with neither side. You should have enough Relation with the Melody House to absorb the negative relation from this event
  • Go to Jiuli Tribe
  • Meet Caidie for the First time
  • You can now do the Test Poison Event 20 Times
  • Get your desired stats by save/loading
  • Continue with the rest of the steps.

--The 15 Wives Achievement (Total of 23 possible wives)--

This achievement will require you to Marry/Bond with 15 out of the 22 Possible marriageable/Romance-able Recruits
  1. Hua Siniang -Nameless Village Inn Keeper
  2. Ye Yinping - Ye Family Battalion
  3. Luo Qianxue - CIB
  4. Hua Qingqing - Nest
  5. Ling Mengdie - Confucius Temple
  6. Ya Qin - Confucius Temple
  7. Jiang Ziyan - Chuxiang Inn
  8. Qu Wangyou - Plant Sect
  9. Fu Yaoqin - Melody House - Marriage by Event
  10. Yu Weier - Melody House - Marriage by Event
  11. Gu Qingcheng - Melody House
  12. Miao Caidie - Jiuli Tribe - Marriage by Event
  13. Lady/Princess Fu Qing - Daliang and Lin'an - Marriage by Event
  14. Yan Rurui - Daliang Maiden House
  15. Man Tulou - Snowflower Valley
  16. Yi Zhihua - Daliang Casino - Marriage by Event
  17. Han Hongyu - Tiger Escort - Marriage by Event
  18. Wan Yan Zhaoning - ! Event spot next to Yan Yun Palace Camp, then Palace Camp after her quest - Marriage by Event
  19. Tang Wan'er - Beast Manor - Marriage by Event
  20. Ding Haitiang - Jiujiang Fortress
  21. Feng Xuanji - Holy Fire Sect - Marriage by Event
  22. Haitiang Qiu - Chang'an Inn
  23. Sakuraha Tsukuyo - Tea Stall - Marriage by Event
How to get 15-23 Wives - The Short Ver - Part 1
You only need 15 wives so the most likely candidates to skip are:
  • Hua Qingqing - Persuade 3, Steal 4, also need to pay 50k to leave the Swallows. -40 Benevolence and Propriety to join
  • Ling Mengdie - 5 Machinery or don't kill Tomb Raider (Complicated if never done before), or have a Level 4 Back Mountain in your Homestead
  • Miao Caidie - Minimum 4 Con, 4 Beast Taming, can lock yourself out of the Melody House Girls without using the Fight Trick

You want to do this after getting a decent amount of Achievements.
  • Take any trait that gives +Gift Effect. Take traits that will make you stronger quickly, like Fake Newcomer, or quality of life things like, Son of Noble, or the Saint.
  • Have a Homestead with decent Manuals and/or Items.
  • Don't have any of that? Thats fine, this will take longer. You'll will need to the Taoist Sect and get everything you can there. The Ending Trait Magic Nature is very powerful and can carry you through the entire game.
  • Infinity Manual is similarly power but requires you to start with 1 Int to get. It also can carry you through the Entire game
  • You will need 4 Beast Taming, 5 Machinery, 4 Steal to recruit 3 of them. Be ready to grind this out if you want those girls.

Now the big question:
How do I marry this character?
1. Through an Event. This will be noted down.
2. Take your character (100 Relation needed) to the Temple in Chuxiang. There you will get an event with an Old Couple who give you a free Wedding Stone and tell you the location of the God Of Marriage's Shrine.
To marry a girl through the Shrine, take her there (as the only member of your Party with 100 Relation) and a special (easy) battle. If you win you get Bonded. If you lose, you get a 2nd chance and can Spin the Marriage Slot Machine to marry

Now here are the steps to get all 19 Girls in the game
  • Goal: Build up power & Money
  • Unlock Homestead (4 Fame, for easy storage of wives and %HP buff)
  • Bond with the Wedding Stone girls right away for the Hot Springs buff
  • Make sure to ACCEPT Kang’s Hero Card at Fame 5
  • Start:
  • Nameless Village
  • Skip both girls at the start (you can help Hua Qingqing if you have decent power, reject her suggestion to take Luo Qianxue)
  • Reject the Old Man (Or join him and/or leave later. You will skip Hua Qingqing, Luo Qianxue, and Ya Qin, Ding Haitang. This will give you 18 other girls to work with)
  • Recruit Hua Siniang (1) - Support & Food, Don't finish her quest, You can marry/bond with her as soon as she joins you.
  • Recruit the Rooster in the Village, or learn Beast Taming from the Hunter and adopt the Red Boar in the forest
  • Walk to Cross Hill, take a left to unlock West Pass for later.
  • If you chose to side with one of the girls at the opening:
  • Join Nest at the opening to skip the Moral Grind, recruit Hua Qingqing, leave Sect before completing 10 Prison Break daily quests to avoid starting the CIB raid.(Pay 50k coins).
  • Join CIB, recruit Luo Qianxue, leave Sect whenever. Qingqing and Qianxue's personal quests are mutually exclusive. Qinqqing's version has a better trait for the MC, so you will want to do her version. If you bring both characters along to the cave, they will fight but they will not kill each other. The person you do not side with will leave your party. You will not be able to recruit Qianxue if she leaves while you are not part of the CIB. You can pick them up again with minor Relation loss (be in the same sect to be safe).
  • These 2 can be done later too.
  • In every city make sure you buy the Iron Shovels and Ropes. You will want 20-30 of them for later quests
  • Go to Chuxiang
  • Talk to the Bored Scholar at the Inn then talk to the Coachman at the Entrance. This will give you the +100% Beast Taming Accessory. Use that while you train it up.
  • Optional if power needed: Join Taoist Sect or start their Recruitment quest. This is for a nice power spike. Get Way of Magic and/or Infinity Manual. You want to level up to around 50-60 here before moving on. Grab the Legendary Sword Manual too. Do the Ice Demon Mission Here or in Confucius Temple. Quit once completed. Use the Ice Demon quest to level up from 60 to 100.
  • Start on the Chuxiang School exam. You will want the Top Achiever trait if you do not want to spend your only Imperial Edict later down the line.
  • Grab the Wedding Stone in the Pawn Shop and Lady Ding’s Room
  • Recruit Ye Yinping(2) from Ye Family Battalion after doing her 3 City Quests
  • Recruit Jiang Ziyan(3) from the Chuxiang Inn, Sleep 1 day at the Inn.
  • Start doing Han Hongyu’s TIger Escort missions. You will need to do 2 of each difficulty. Delay the last one until you reach Level 50ish or have good Manuals
  • Go to Lin’an
  • Meet Miao Caidie, raise her Relation to 60, (You can buy Sweets at the shop next to her), learn the Jiuli Location. Have at least 4 Con to survive her initial meeting.
  • Grab the Wedding Stone in the Pawn Shop
  • If you run out, you can get some in the Glittering House Auction.
  • Do the Maiden House Puzzle (if you have more than 1000 MP). Raise the Stewardess (Yan Rurui)’s Relation to 100, Use the Chat option and hear her story. Go to the pavilion when she asks.
  • Go to the Plant Sect and recruit Qu Wangyou(4). If you are not going to use Qu Wangyou in combat, fail to heal one of her patients. Trigger a fight against the Evil Doctor. Let him go or kill, it won't matter (Level 50 fight)
  • Keep Qu Wangyou in your party for a while
  • Go to Daliang
  • Start Sakuraha's quest in the city. Complete her whole quest in the city.
  • You will want to do the exam in the city. Start on beating the Arena. Beat Heaven Arena to start Fu Qing’s quest. You will need around 10 Str or Con to take her punch and marry her
  • Join the Confucius Temple. Either do their 5 Jade test or be an Imperial Scholar with 8 Fame to skip the test by agreeing to Duke Ji’s task. You can also fail the task if you only care about getting Ya Qin to appear and don't want to join the Confucius Temple.
  • Talk to Ya Qin (5) Twice and fight her. Beat her and invite her into your team. Go Marry Ya Qin(5) when you can You can recruit her now, but you will need to wait until you head to the Melody House to marry her. Prep from her quest. Pick up the 3 Map Fragments in each city by getting 40 Relation and doing (Or save/loading) the Bounty Board. Then at the Graveyard, let the Tomb Raiders take the Guanjiang Melody Score, and trade the Tomb Raider Leader for it.
  • Talk to Ling Hongxuan and raise your Relation with him, then talk to him with Qu Wangyou on your team. This will open the library allowing you to talk to and recruit Ling Mengdie.
  • Talk to Ling Mengdie(6). Get a Dragon Lice and pay 15% of your HP to cure her. Dragon Lice can be be found in the Longevity Tomb (Raise Relation with the Confucius Leader to 100 to start that quest. Machinery 5 or sparing the Tomb Raiders in the previous Quests.) or in the Level 4 Back Mountain in the Homestead, Level 3 Bug Catching required.
  • You can stay in Confucius or leave if you need to recruit Luo Qianxue(7) or Hua Qingqing(8)
  • If you need to lower your Moral Stats for the Swallows you can either steal a lot or do the Treasure Hunt Missions that randomly appear in the City Boards (at 40+ City Relation) to unlock the Graveyard. Dig up the Graves for -10 Benevolence and Propriety.
  • Visit the ! point on the map to start the Quest for WanYan Zhaoming
  • Go to Chuxiang
  • Pick up Ye Yinping if you haven't already
  • Marry all the wives you currently have at the God of Marriage Shrine. Get your wives to 100 Relation to marry them at the shrine. You should have 8 wives at this point, and have gotten the 7 Wives achievement.
How to get 15-22 Wives - The Short Ver - Part 2
  • In the Chuxiang Region
  • Go visit Han Hongyou and finish off her quest by doing the last escort and then helping her in the fight. Recruit Han Hongyou (you can’t marry her yet)
  • Go to the Nameless Village Region
  • Go to the West Pass and either present the 2 Passes (Fame 8 required) or use force
  • Welcome to the Southwest Region
  • Go to Jiuli Tribe first (Or skip if skipping Miao Caidie)
  • Use the Fight Trick (see that Section) to get in without helping them. Go to the Main Hall, gift Miao Caidie and Maio Muli (Leader) a bunch of Sweets and Insects to raise Relation.
  • Do Miao Caidie’s daily Test Poison Event to get 60+ Toxicology(Doable until 100 Toxicology)
  • Talk to Miao Caidie with 50+ Medical (or Qu Wangyou in the party) to learn about the Poison Dragon Egg needed.
  • Optional - Detour into the Beast Manor quest line to increase your Beast Taming to Level 5, and recruit/Bond with Tang Wan'er. If you picked up the Strange Pendant Accessory, the Beast Manor provides enough EXP to max out Beast Taming. Strange Pendant is in Chuxiang City's Inn, Talk to the Bored Scholar then talk to the Horse Carriage person at the entrance.
  • Complete the Beast Manor Quest line.
  • Recruit Lu Jian Nan if you do not recruit him during the Beast Manor quest line.
    • Go to Daliang City's Glittering Auction House, see the scene with the Snow Leopard
    • Meet the pet at Duke Qi/Ji's Pond area in his mansion
    • Tame the Snow Leopard at your Homestead's Back Mountain
    • Bring it to Lu JIan Nan and you can recruit him. Take him back to the Beast Manor to start his and Wan'er event.
  • To bond with Wan'er, persuade Jian Nan to reject her. Start this by getting Wan'er's Relation to 100.
  • Follow her to the Sea of Petals, and fight the Jiuli tribe members that show up.
  • Recruit her and take her to the Sea of Petals.
  • Then go back to Beast Manor and talk to the leader to marry Wan'er and get a Legendary Staff Weapon.
  • Return to Jiuli Tribe
  • Go to the Cave in the Left side corner of Jiuli, Banish the guard to get in.
  • Feed the Lizard( 4 Beast Taming and 60 Toxicology required). Feed it until it turns red.
  • Once it transforms, it will drop a Poison Dragon Egg on the ground. This is used to recruit Caidie. You can get a 2nd one if you kill the Red Lizard (Or follow the next optional step).
  • Optional: You can feed the Red Lizard some poison (Like the one that reduces HP to 1), and allow a wild animal to kill the lizard in battle. Then if you kill the animal, it will drop the 2nd Poison Dragon Egg. This will give you both eggs and allow you to keep the Red Lizard in your party.
  • Return to Caidie, recruit her. Raise her Relation to 100 if it isn't already
  • Take her to the Jiuli Tribe Shrine (Right side of Jiuli). Make sure you and Caidie are the only 2 in the party.
  • Fight the Snakes with her. Agree to love her forever.
  • You Automatically Marry/Bond Miao Caidie(9)
  • Go to the Deserted Courtyard and Help the Melody House. Go to the Melody House.
  • Wait outside the Main hall. Wait for Yu Wei’er and Gu Qingcheng to come out.
  • Talk to them and Raise your Relation with them to 100. (Purple Cosmetics needed)
  • You can recruit Gu Qingcheng at this point if you met her with 60 Musical already.
  • Once both are at 100 Relation. Go into the Main Hall, Help the Melody House. The Leader is Level 70 and you will not be able to use your Internal (Negated at 100 Tox)
  • Raise your Relation with Fu Yaoqin (difficult, she has a trait that reduces gift effects by 50%). Continue the Melody House Quests to increase her Relation outside of Gifts.
  • Wait 3 days, talk to Fu Yaoqin. Rescue Yu Wei’er in the Jiuil Tribe during the daytime (She is by the Shrine).
  • With 100 Relation with Yu Wei’er, you will Automatically Marry/Bond with Yu Wei’er(10)
  • If you have less than 60 Musical at this point, Fu Yaoqin will allow you to recruit both Yu Wei'er and Gu Qingcheng, otherwise you will need to wait until you recruit Fu Yaoqin.
  • Eliminate the Jiuli Tribe (Caidie will no longer be part of it, don’t bring her into the battle)
  • Pick up the Seal of the State by the Statue, agree to help Sakuraha. She will move to the Tea Stall in the Nameless Region.
  • Continue Fu Yaoqin’s Questline, bath 5 times, Be in the Bath at Midnight.
  • After 5 baths you will fight her Inner Demon with her. Win and you will Automatically Marry/Bond with Fu Yaoqin(11).
  • Go marry Gu Qingcheng(12) with a Wedding Stone. Collect the one in the Melody Hall.
  • Go pick up Ya Qin if you prepared. If not, get the Guangling Melody Score as stated earlier. Bring her to the Melody House, talk to Fu Yaoqin and complete Ya Qin's quest. You can now marry her with a Wedding Stone
  • Go back to Lin’an
  • Collect Seal of the People for Fu Qing (Don’t marry her yet) by beating the the Tower of Enlightenment
  • Go to the Inn and buy the Snowflower Valley Rumor/location from the Rumor guy on the right.
  • Go there and fight WanYan Zhaoning on the way. Don’t give her the Seal.
  • Snowflower Valley. Reach the end and fight 2 fights. One against Man Tuolou, and 1 with her against a bunch of guards. You can recruit her with 60-100 Trustworthy. Open the Chest behind her for Wedding Stone
  • Go marry Man Tulou(13) with a wedding Stone (Be honest when she asks).
  • You are now in the late game ready for the last 7 possible girls
How to get 15-22 Wives - The Short Ver - Part 3
  • Late Game
  • New Segment - Level 60-70
  • At level 60, get challenged by the Vagabond twice.
  • Go to the Nameless Village
  • Head to the Tea Stall. Talk to Sakura show her all 3 seals.
  • Agree to head to the Great Ant City. Fight any battles that occur.
  • You can recruit Sakuraha once you finish this segment. She will be one of the last characters you bond with.
  • Go to Daliang City
  • Leave the city and head to the West to the Jade Gate
  • Choose any option, until you reach Chang'an Inn
  • Chang'an Inn
  • Witness Shi Wenxiu's fight against the Soldiers.
  • After the scenes talk to and Gift Ren Zhongheng for safety
  • Head to Shi Wenxiu's room (Middle room on the left side, 2nd floor). Gift him for safety.
  • Exit the Room and enter again.
  • Choose to side with with either Shi Wenxiu (For more Blade manuals) or Ren Zhongheng (For Fist/Mix)
  • After the sandstorm ends, gift Haitiang Qiu to 100, get the quest to kill Gu Qing Yang for her.
  • Now follow the rest of the quest line for your chosen side.
  • If done properly you will have recruited Feng Xuanji and be bonded with her (15). See her section for more info.
  • Head back to Chang'an Inn, recruit Haitiang Qiu, marry her with a Wedding Stone (16)
  • Level 70+
  • Assault Yan Yun, Marry last 5 wives
  • Go to the Daliang
  • Go to Daliang Casino and give Yi Zhihua until 100 Relation. Gamble and Clear out her Table (if you haven’t already)
  • Accept her quest at this point.
  • Go to Lin'an City
  • Go to Relic House at the proper time
  • Bet and win the fight afterwards.
  • Go back to Daliang and recruit Yi Zhihua.
  • Enter Palace Camp - Take Han Hongyu with you to meet the emperor. You can kill the Wan Yan generals in the camp or wait for the siege. If you kill them now, you will need to go to Daliang’s Tower of Prosperity to fight Wanyan Liang if he is not in the camp.
  • Get the Top Achiever trait by completing all 3 exams then killing every Black Armored General in the Palace Camp (Not main tent)
  • Go to Lin'an
  • You can now go to Lin’an and talk to the Government Prefect for Yan Rurui’s quest.
  • Either be an Imperial Scholar (Top Achiever) or use the Imperial Edict. Then go to Kang, give him the Seal of the State for Yan Rurui, and propose for Fu Qing’s hand with the Seal of the People. Trade both of them back from him if you want them back.
  • Recruit Fu Qing in her room. You will Automatically Marry/Bond with Fu Qing(17)
  • Recruit Yan Ruru(18)i from the Maiden House. Marry her with a Wedding Stone
  • Detour to join the Jiujiang Fortress. Progress the quest line.
  • Cure Ding Haitang and complete the quest line. You will be with her with a Wedding Stone(19). (This can be done anytime before Kang ascends, but be careful about his Relation with you.
  • Go to the Chuxiang Region
  • Go to Chuxiang for the siege During Siege (Level 70) - Bring Han Hongyu (or don’t, you can tell her about it and it will still count, as long as you learned about her dad), Beat the battle.
  • Bring Han Hongyu(20) into your party to Automatically Marry/Bond with her.
  • Go to the Daliang Region
  • Wander the World Map. You will get into an event. Investigate. You will find WanYan Zhaoning will be getting attacked. Save her and spare her twice.
  • Go to Daliang City, go to the Temple. Stop Zhaoning from joining, Fight the Buddhists.
  • Raise her Relation to 60+, visit the Tower of Prosperity. Take responsibility. You will automatically Marry/Bond with WanYan Zhaoning(21).
  • Bring Yi Zhihua into your party
  • Now piss off Duke Ji. Enter his home and Crouch in front of him until he hates you. Leave.
  • Wander the Daliang World Map until Yi Zhihua attacks you. Win the fight and the one after. You will automatically Marry/Bond Yi Zhihua(22).
  • If she does not attack right away, complete the Buddha Temple quest to make Duke Ji become an Emperor. Kill off his home in Daliang.
  • If she still does not attack. Go do General Ye's Prison event and do that whole sequence.
  • Prepare to finish Sakuraha's quest.
  • Trigger the Kidnapping event by destroying the 9 Factions Sect at Fame 8, having at least 2 bonded characters, and be level 80+
  • Complete the Yan Region questline.
  • Wander around Daliang City and be asked to head back to the Deep Snow Manor.
  • Choose the "The person I want to spend my life with" option.
  • Continue the questline to the very end (level 97 battles)
  • Tell Sakuraha what you said was true. You will bond with Sakuraha at this point (23)
  • You will have married all 23 Girls at this point. If you are missing some, go buy a Wedding Stone from the Glittering House Auction and marry them
The Fight Trick - To get both Miao Caidie and the 3 Melody House Girls
For this trick to work the Best, make sure you do not have anyone else in your party and put your pets in your homestead or have them STOP elsewhere like in Wuxian Mountain

Stop a few steps away from the Edge of the Gate Guards vision. Sneak to see this, leave sneak once in position. If you have more Movement Range, start further away.

Enter Manual Battle Mode using the Battle Button

If you are far enough way, you will enter battle mode and the enemy will not be aggroed.

High Movement Range:
You can walk behind the guard and retreat before ending your turn. This will let you past the Guards without making them attack you. The Retreat Button will be lit up and you can Retreat to end the battle where you are standing. If you are too close one of the Guards may get angry but will not do anything as long as they do not see you.

You are Free to walk around the Jiuli Tribe now. You will need to do this every time you enter or let the guards aggro onto you later when you raised the Relation of the Tribe. This works for every guard in the game.

Low Movement Range.

You will need to end your turn near the guard. Once you end your turn, he will aggro. You will need to move further into the Jiuli Tribe and find a place to retreat. Put your mouse on the Eye Icon on the upper Right to see the Battle Boundaries, You can Retreat once you leave that boundary.

You are now free to walk around the Jiuli Tribe as long as you don't go past entrance again

brighty Jul 14 @ 9:55am 
Ding Haitang
14. Ding will be poisoned and Zhuge Shenji will offer you a chance to leave
Accept Advice - Leave Jiujang Fortress
Refuse Advice - continue Ding Haitang's personal quest. Group Battle against Zhuge Shenji. Continue into a 2nd group battle against Zhuge Shenji and Ding Fengbo
<<< I didn't fight with Ding Fengbo. Maybe because I gift him to 100 relations this time. First time when I try to do it to confirm the relations with Duke Kang, I didn't give him anything and he fight me.
Fizzbiscuts McGuffin Jul 13 @ 11:51pm 
man this achievement seems super complicated lol
Zephyr Jul 11 @ 10:40pm 
It has to be noted it is possible to achieve the 15 wives even if you are in the Old Man Sect, you have some very slight leeway with a total of 17 candidates, and Miao Caidie can be missed/killed while still allowing you to get it, although it's better if you manage to get her. So even on a fresh run this achievement is reachable. I can also confirm that waiting for the crowning to come will prompt your character to mention he can argue for the case of Yan Rurui with the prefect instead, if he has already spoken to Kang about about it and he has asked for the seals.
darkshintos  [author] Jul 9 @ 8:05pm 
No more invisible Kang demanding the Seal? Nice
ProPanda Jul 9 @ 7:03pm 
You can free Yan Rurui without giving away a seal after Duke Kang gets enthroned as emperor. It lets you talk to the government prefect again to let her go.
QuyTuHoLe Jul 5 @ 12:03pm 
In Jiujiang Water Camp, Ding Haitang and Zhuge Shenji personal quest I can't trigger the third letter, I did exactly how you mentioned it. Maybe its because in my playthrough Duke Kang is an emperor now, so you cant deliver letter to him no more? After I confronted Shenji with Ding Haitang, she said she willing to help me whenever I need, but right after she said she can't leave the camp, too busy or something. I think I'm stuck...
darkshintos  [author] Jun 30 @ 11:32pm 
There is no relation requirement to start Hua Siniang's quest line.
Shadee Jun 30 @ 10:58pm 
I just started and it seems they changed Hua Siningang's stuff a bit. The 10 powders can only get her to Close, will the Ruffian quest still trigger?
Jurmil Jun 25 @ 12:55pm 
new events i have got so far for are for the Ling Megdiel its easy just do what she says, at the end she gets +1 luck and a trait that gives 50% bonus drop rate on mobs she kills, the whole event chain is about her learning about love its basically a long date, Yan Rurui calls you back to madien house where you have to resolve issue with a disfigured and poisoned girl, you have 3 choices to solve this if you are not skilled enough you have to bring the white hair gu girl (Jiuli tribe) the miracle doctor girl and her poison counterpart. I went with the doctor route, it is the least radical. At the end she got +20% musical damage buff, maybe the end reward varies depending on the soultion. Both event chains tell you exactly what you have to do and are pretty easy to do. I was bonded with both Megdie and Yan Rurui with max afinity
Donofgames May 3 @ 3:21am 
To dq_177

No it doesn't break the quest. If the Sea Jiang Gang are already dead by the time you arrive there's another servant of Sakura who will be there to help you out.