Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

32 ratings
People which you DONT want to see at MvM
By endorphine
dosn´t the title say everything?
anyway a guide for all people wch play MvM and how shouldnt play MvM
first words (Prolog)
hi everyone who read this guide! I want to say some first words cause
I dont want to hurt some people with this guide.....
Well maybe the persons which I don`t want to see on the server have a good reason why are they at the server...
People which absolutly dont write/speak
We all know people which are just make what they want, for example no dispenser re-placement or a medic which don´t heal people. It´s even worse when the hole team (except you) is a no communication team. Communication is very important in MvM! and when I am speak about communication I speak about mic and text. And no little kids which you can't understand cause they speak in a language which you don't understand. So please write back when someone is writing you (or do what they write/say)
if you don't know how to write y=visible for all
u=visible for your team
People which don´t know how to ready up
I speak about the ones which just don't do it
not the one which can't do it cause they´re pc are too weak or don't have the button
it´s horrible when the hole team is ready except 1 person.
-oh I love waiting and I can wait 50 seconds more :) that makes me such happy-
´|` my guide
to many what ever
No team needs 6 of 1 class
that's even for engineers or heavy but nobody want to go these classes :( in our team we have often 2 scouts or 2 snipers well the problem is that they don't write! well that's the old TF2 Problem it seems like nobody know which class they should play. well like the old
People which dont know what they have to do as thier class
I have seen sooo many people which just don't know how to play their class! for example: no scout you need to pic up the money and don't fight with the robots!
Or engineers which build a sentry at the spawn or only go on aggressive engineer.

Everybody knows them! Everybody hates them! Everyone want to kick them!

Please just go on a trade server we want to play in MvM
Not Trading!
Noobs (I mean noobs not newbies)
I mean the sort of noob which want only the attention from other players, they tell you what you "have" to do (and it´s horrible idea to do that) and they are just annoyed... my tipp for these players: a quick kick, or a easy mute instate of a "shut up!" just mute them or tell them per text that you mute them and hear how they react^^

I am not talking about the newbie which don't know the game and is just inexperienced
here a quick compare of these tow:
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ litle kids which think they are the master of the world
Everyone knows these little kids
with they´re ultrahigh voices they´re failing skills and no idea of the game... I guess I don't need to explain that any
A part to say thanks
If I forgot any group which is annoyed pls write it in the comments, thank you for reading my guide :)
and have a nice day!
DonCroco Jul 19, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
Also that guy who uses the Rocket Jumper or the Sticky Jumper and has the entire team telling him to switch his weapon. Then when the wave starts, you see him firing at the robots like if the weapon did damage.
endorphine  [author] Sep 12, 2014 @ 2:51pm 
well I´ve never got hackers... but maybe I add that
Kentucky Fried Nazis Sep 12, 2014 @ 2:06pm 
and mayb u no want hackerz
random boat Sep 8, 2014 @ 4:37pm 
people who take the game too serious? OH GOD NOT THOSE ANNOYING TRYHARDS OF ULTIMATE FRIENDLY KILLING WHEN THERES 10 OF THEM IN A HUGE GROUP OF FRIENDLYNESS AND dont they realize you get free hp if you let them live????
endorphine  [author] Sep 6, 2014 @ 5:14am 
I think I am gona add that... thank you :)
GDani Sep 5, 2014 @ 7:35pm 
people that take the game FAR TOO SERIOUS should be here
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Marc🦈 Sep 3, 2014 @ 7:33pm 
Ahhhh I remember the time when there was bunch of people with festive waepons (all wearing painted gibuses) and tarted to votekick me because I was a no hat spy. That was when I uncloaked and showed my awum gold hats. People are such douchebags these days and have no life. (ง ͡o ᴥ͡o) ง
Mild Intreigue Sep 3, 2014 @ 1:57pm 
it happens more then you think.
Weperlol Sep 3, 2014 @ 1:02pm 
I once joined a server and became a heavy (there was also one other heavy) then some dickface started screaming at me furiously and saying "WE DONT NEED ANOTHER HEAVY" and then immediatly started a vote kick on me and everyone blindlessly voted Yes

I was so confused what was happening at that time I didn't even have time to react or reply D:

The idiots didn't even ask me nicely or maturely to change my class or atleast to leave the server -_-
endorphine  [author] Sep 3, 2014 @ 7:11am 
haven't you read my comment some lines below?

"I speak about the sort scout where you lose each round 100(+100 bonus) credits. They should collect more money and less fighting. Both is important but should you get 426 or 500+100 bonus for upgrading your weapons for damage etc. if the scout is not skilled enough (like often in Boot camp servern) he should collect and less fight...."