Lethal Company

Lethal Company

854 ratings
Outside Maps / Moons Guide
By McMessenger
v40 --- This is a collection of top-down images / maps of the outside portions of all the current moons.
I've marked the ship, main entrances, and fire exits - as well as including a few marked routes for specific moons + additional info.

This guide is intended to help newer players with learning the moons - though if this is your first time playing Lethal Company, I would suggest that you play the game without the use of any guides first. Come back to this once you have a few runs under your belt, and you want to know more about the outside areas of each moon.

  • Experimentation
  • Assurance
  • Vow

  • Offense
  • March

  • Rend
  • Dine
  • Titan

  • The Company Building
Weather Types
There are various types of weather you can encounter outdoors on all of the moons. Except for the very first day (when you make a new save), weather patterns on the moons are completely randomized. Something to note: the value of loot is NOT affected by the weather (as of v40). You don't find higher value scrap on a moon that has bad weather, so try to avoid landing on those moons when you can - assuming you don't want to deal with environmental weather hazards.

You can see see what type of weather a moon currently has by checking the list of moons on the terminal.

Clear / No Weather: If you don't see a weather-type mentioned next to the name of a moon on the terminal, then you'll have clear weather. Ideally, this is the kind of weather you'll want to play in the most - since you have 0 environmental factors that could hinder or kill you.

Rainy: A small step up from Clear weather, and typically easy to deal with. The only thing you'll have to worry about are quicksand / mudholes that are spawned in random locations at the start of the day. Just watch where you're walking (look out for large, dark-brown spots on the ground) and you'll likely avoid them just fine. If you do accidently step in one, it's possible to escape if you have enough stamina.

Foggy: Not inherently dangerous, but extremely annoying to play around. Your vision is severely limited to only a few feet in front of you - so you'll need to make sure you know where you're going. Also to note: outdoor creatures are NOT affected by the fog - they'll still see you through fog from far away, even if you can't. I'd avoid going to a moon with this weather if possible.

Flooded: Similar to Rainy, but moderately more dangerous and tricky to play around. The outside map will become more and more flooded as time passes, with the water level slowly rising. This water isn't necessarily unsafe to be in - but you'll be slowed down a lot while in it, and you can drown if the water level goes above your head. Some maps are better than others when it comes to this weather type (please consult the Flooded Timelapses below for more information).

Stormy: Also similar to Rainy, but a LOT more dangerous. Lightning strikes occur in random locations at random intervals, and any metallic equipment (notably the Shovel and Extension Ladder) or scrap will conduct electricity - which can cause a lightning bolt to strike these metallic objects. You'll see and hear them sparking for a few seconds before this happens. If you're holding a metallic item (or are close enough to one) when it gets struck, you'll be killed instantly. If you see or hear your items sparking, drop them immediately and run a few feet away to avoid the lightning strike. Try to limit the number of metallic items on your person when moving around outside, so you'll have less items to drop when you hear / see your items sparking.

Also to note - your ship can be struck by lightning as well, and will have the power turned off when this happens. Fortunately, you can just turn the lights / cameras in your ship back on immediately if this happens.

Eclipsed: The worst weather you can see on a moon. The sun is eclipsed from the very start of the day - meaning outdoor monsters will also spawn in immediately at the start as well, which makes it very dangerous to navigate around outside.

Avoid landing on a moon that's Eclipsed at all costs. It's just way too risky a majority of the time, and you'd be better off dealing with nearly any other weather type.
--- MAP LEGEND ---

Main Entrance Location

Fire Exit Location

Player Ship (arrow points in the forward-facing direction of the ship, to help with map orientation)

Ladder Location

Extension Ladder (used for ideal placement locations)

Store / Drop Ship Landing Location

Sigurd Log Location

Additional notes may sometimes be added on a map, usually to show routes or environmental hazards.


Travel Cost: 0
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

The first moon you'll likely be visiting. A good moon to start with - both the main entrance and fire exit are fairly close to the ship, and both entrances are practically right next to each other.

Dropping items off the top of the catwalk at the fire exit and off the side of the train tracks (leading to the ship) can help speed up your retrievals by a little bit.

There's a ladder far off to the right when facing the main entrance that might come in handy, if you're trying to avoid creatures at late periods in the day.



Tips / Tricks for Experimentation: Flooded
  • You are completely safe from flooding at the altitude of the train tracks (or higher).
  • You can use the long pipe (south of the ship) to avoid high water levels late in the day. You can reach it by jumping across to it from the top of the fire exit catwalk.

Travel Cost: 0
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

A slightly longer route to take for the "beginner" moons, compared to Experimentation. The fire exit is accessible via a long ladder climb to the right of the ship, near the big rock & scaffolding. Jump across to the pipe, then to the right to the fire exit.

Like Experimentation, dropping items off the sides of the main entrance or off of the pipe by the fire exit can help speed up your retrievals a bit. I would avoid dropping items off the side of the cliff at the fire exit - there's a chance they could get stuck along the side and be difficult to retrieve. If you need to get down quickly from the pipe, fall down along the side of the cliff and nudge your way down (think Skyrim-style cliff descending).



Tips / Tricks for Assurance: Flooded
  • The water level change on this map is not as drastic as other maps - though you should still be leaving at around 3 PM ideally (water levels could rise too high after that point).

Travel Cost: 0
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

The longest route to take of the "beginner" moons, and my least personal favorite out of all the moons. You do see a higher spawn rate of circuit bee hives here though since it's a forest map, which can be lucrative - if you have a team that's willing to go for those, that is.

Take the more central "rickety" bridge to go directly to the main entrance, or slide along down the cliff near the dam bridge to get to the fire exit. Be mindful that this bridge can only take so much weight at once - don't have 2 people trying to cross on it at the same time. It could end up collapsing otherwise.

Keep your eyes peeled for any dogs / giants once it starts getting late - giants are especially dangerous on this moon. Hugging the riverside (south of the ship) may help, if you're trying to avoid giants, since there's a few more hills there to use as cover.



Tips / Tricks for Vow: Flooded
  • The fire exit is completely flooded underwater at the start from the flooding - do not try to take this entrance / exit if you're worried about drowning.
  • The water level around 6 - 7 PM will start to reach the bridges, so try to make sure you get your loot across to the other side from the building before then.

Travel Cost: 0
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

Similar in route length compared to Assurance, but has overall better loot potential - as such, I prefer to go here over Assurance when possible. The route to the main entrance is fairly easy - head under the yellow crane through some bushes, then make a left and keep heading straight.

There's a cool trick-jump you can do to quickly get on the large pipe at the start, as the ship is descending. This can save you a ton of time when going to the fire exit, if you're confident in your parkour skillz. A jetpack can also be useful on this moon for quickly getting onto the pipe at the start as well, or a portable ladder at the base of the cliff by the fire exit - you have just enough height to jump from the top of the ladder.

There is a small [random] chance that a large rock can spawn which allows you to jump up onto the pipe leading to the fire exit. If you can't do the trick jump, then a jetpack or extension ladder may be your only option for getting onto the pipe and reaching the fire exit from the outside - assuming this rock doesn't spawn.

To speed up your retrievals, you can drop items off from the pipe right next to the ship, if you're coming from the fire exit - just be careful not to slip off!



Tips / Tricks for Offense: Flooded
  • The water level at the start is already fairly high along the path to the main entrance, and will start to reach dangerous levels by 3 PM. Try to leave before then if possible.

Travel Cost: 0
1 Main Entrance + 3 Fire Exits

The better of the 2 forest maps, in my opinion. Notably, this is the only map in the game currently that has more than 1 fire exit, which means a full team of 4 can spread out more efficiently at the start - meaning greater chances of finding loot early on in the day. Circuit bee hives are also a common sight to see here as well, making this one of the better moons to go to if you don't have the funds to visit the more lucrative (although more deadly) moons.

That being said, you'll still want to be mindful of travelling around the outside late in the day. Like Vow, there isn't that much in the way of overhead cover or hills to prevent giants from tracking you down, so just be cautious when you need to. This moon also has permanent mudhole / quicksand spots that spawn, even in clear weather. Be mindful that you don't accidentally run into one of these - without stamina, you won't be able to escape without dying otherwise.



Tips / Tricks for March: Flooded
  • Both the south-west and southern fire exits are immediately under water at the start, so you won't be able to use these without risk of drowning.
  • If you're heading back and forth from the main entrance to the ship, take the northern most route around the lake - it's more shallow than the south side.
  • The water level starts reaching dangerous levels around 3 - 4 PM (like most moons) - try to get back to the ship before then.

Travel Cost: 550
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

A fairly straight-forward route to the main entrance, with 1 fire exit being hidden in the blizzard, in a steep crevice. You can find the fire exit by following the lit path, then taking a 90° turn to the right once you reach the 9th light pole - keep heading straight until you reach the crevice.

This moon specifically features the mansion interior layout, as opposed to the facility interior of the past the moons. Loot will typically be more lucrative, but the threats are also (usually) much higher inside.

Just follow the path of lights to reach the main entrance. There's a small, empty wooden house that can be useful for avoiding monsters late in the day. You can also take a side path to the main entrance by following the light path to the wooden house, then heading around the house to the left, hugging the large hill on your right.

One last thing of note, specifically regarding the Expert-level moons - these moons cost money to travel to. These payments aren't permanent either - you'll have to pay for each time you travel, unless you're already at that moon. With that in mind, you should only travel to these Expert moons at the start of your next quota - that way you'll have 3 full days to make as much profit as you can before you have to return to the Company Building to sell. Please take note of the Travel Cost of the other Expert-level moons to see how much they'll cost to travel to.

Travel Cost: 600
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

Pretty much a longer version of Rend. The fire exit is hidden in the blizzard, off to the right of the ship. Following along the path of lights will lead you to the main entrance - but you can cut down your travel time a bit by breaking off the light path to the left when you reach the large rock, midway down the path. If you want to go to the fire exit, you'll need a jetpack or extension ladder to reach it.

Not much else to add here - like Rend, be mindful of monsters on your way back when it gets late in the day.



Tips / Tricks for Dine: Flooded
  • The main entrance after 11 AM is largely under water by that point - get an extension ladder and take the fire exit instead if you can.
  • The water level doesn't actually reach the ship during the entire day on this map - if you had to go to a moon that's flooded, this is probably the safest option to avoid the water.
  • Don't ask me why this moon can flood during a blizzard - I really don't have a clue.

Travel Cost: 700
1 Main Entrance + 1 Fire Exit

The G.O.A.T. of the "expert" moons - very quick to access, with both the main entrance and fire exit right next to each other. Routing items back to your ship is also the fastest out of all the moons - as you can drop items off the sides of both down to the bottom practically right next to your ship, making retrieval times very efficient.

However, the main downside - besides Titan being the most expensive moon to visit (and the most dangerous interior on average) - is that monsters on the outside can be extremely difficult to navigate around, as they can climb up the catwalks towards the entrances. I've seen both giants and dogs spawn on this map - best of luck if they do end up in your way late in the day. Ideally, you should be trying to leave Titan before 3 PM, if you can help it.
The Company Building

Travel Cost: 0
"Great, Great Asset to the Company!"

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case - this is where you sell all your scrap to meet your quota. I thought I'd include this map just to be thorough - and show the location of a Sigurd log.

The Sigurd log can be found by heading to the hatch from the left side of the ship, going down the ladder to the catwalk, and following it 'til you reach the end.


That's all for now! I will try to keep this guide up-to-date - in case we get new moons, or changes are made to the current moons.

Hope this guide helped you out, and good luck!

  • 11/7/23 - Guide first posted
  • 11/9/23 - Added map legend; added in store / drop ship landing locations; added notes / corrections to some maps (thank you to those who provided additional / correctional info in the comments!)
  • 11/18/23 - Added Sigurd log locations; added timelapse GIFs of flooding on applicable moons; updated map legend; tweaked and added info for Vow, Offense, and Dine; added Company Building map.
  • 11/30/23 - Added travel costs for each moon; grammar corrections

NOTE - 11/18/23: I'm not 100% certain if Rend or Titan can be flooded. I tried a bunch of methods to see if I could get them to be, but I never once saw them flooded. If you have evidence of these 2 moons being flooded, please let me know in the comments.

LandikS Jun 26 @ 9:39am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка (или напишите своё) и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG : Choose the one that's on the list (or type something ur) and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep good inventory!
+rep Best entry fragger
+rep AWP GOD
+rep Deagle God
+rep Clutch King
+rep best of the best
+rep BOSS
+rep Great Aim
+rep Nice Player
+rep Best Gamer CS2
+rep Trusted CS2 Player
+rep a Leader
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Unk May 16 @ 2:52pm 
how did you do these maps?? i've been trying to replicate it for so long lmfao
redsilver Apr 13 @ 11:29am 
v50 is out you should update this guide !
Brensku Mar 2 @ 3:15pm 
you should update this so that the maps also show the new sigurd logs
Julix Jan 30 @ 3:23am 
I use arch btw Jan 16 @ 5:57pm 
Rend can't flood, and so can't Titan
Siberus Jan 13 @ 9:41am 
Thanks for all the work putting this together. I don't mean to be ungrateful, but I do agree with the people saying the maps would be more immediately readable if the ship icon marked the end with the door, not the front. Otherwise, I think these are perfect.
DarkFox750 Jan 6 @ 4:45am 
Paid moon maps have been added to the English wiki. It would be nice if you added this to your guide
DarkkevinC Jan 3 @ 4:09pm 
theres another missing one on rend as well, though I don't remember exactly how I found it. I know I followed the very southern edge of the map toward the direction of the main entrance. just exit the ship, go straight untill you meet a cliff edge, then turn right and follow the edge. somehow I found the tape that way
LShides Dec 30, 2023 @ 10:53am 
There is a log location missing on Rend, to the left of the fire exit.