Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Practice mode - no bots, unlimited time + ammo + money
作者: Sethioz
This guide teaches you how to start practice mode without bots and with unlimited time, money and ammo, so you can just learn the map and test various things, like learn recoil patterns on various weapons, adjust your crosshair or just learn the map itself.
How to enable console
This is easy, go to Settings menu > Game > enable developer console > YES
now press the tilde (~) key to open console. tilde key is the button that is left from number 1 on your keyboard and below ESCAPE.
How to enter practice mode & change map
You can enter practice mode directly from main menu, but you can also do it via command:


regardless of what some guides say, adding map name to the command doesn't work. it always loads mirage, but you can change map by using the following command:

changelevel map_name

map names are very simple, but here's list of current cs2 maps:

there are also some cs2 specific map names, which i'm not sure about, but just add _vanity to end of map name, like so:


so full command to change map to Inferno, would be:

changelevel de_inferno
Pause + Kick bots + Time + Buy
Pause match:

Unpause match:

NOTE: match can only be paused before round start, if round has already started, the command has no effect and will be applied at start of next round.

Kick Bots:
bot_kick t
bot_kick ct

repeat both commands until there are no bots left.

Change round time:
mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_roundtime_hostage 60;mp_roundtime 60;mp_restartgame 1

copy and paste that entire command into console. you can change the time, but i think 1 hour is more than enough, you can always repeat the command to quickly restart match.

Buy anywhere:
mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_buytime 60000
Cheats & Extras
Max money:
mp_startmoney 16000

regardless what number you enter, max money possible is 16000.
you must restart match afterwards using "mp_restartgame 1"

to enable cheats, such as unlimited ammo, add ammo, weapons, noclip ..etc, you must first enable cheat mode. NO you will NOT get VAC banned as those are console commands that designed to be used within game. If you think "but what if i use them in online game?" they simply won't work (unless server has enabled them, but all official servers have them disabled).

Enable cheat mode:
sv_cheats 1

Infinite ammo:
sv_infinite_ammo 1

cheat mode: sometimes it gives error that cheats cannot be enabled, this is due "open party" being selected. to disable this, go to PLAY > PRACTICE and on left side DISABLE the "open party", then launch a map via practice.

console uses auto-complete, so you can type something you think is correct and it will suggest commands. for example for noclip just type noclip and it will show you the commands available.

for ammo, just type "ammo" and it will give you list of ammo types you can spawn.

In console, you can use up/down arrow keys to quickly browse between previously entered commands, it's similar to how windows and linux command line works.

3 件のコメント
L0K0M0T1V 3 時間前 
mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_roundtime_hostage 60;mp_roundtime 60;mp_restartgame 1;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_buytime 60000;mp_startmoney 16000;sv_cheats 1;sv_infinite_ammo 1;bot_kick
L0K0M0T1V 5月30日 18時06分 
This for granade lineup camera: sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview true
小黑 2023年10月26日 1時05分 
thanks sir