Kinetic Void

Kinetic Void

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Gale of Galahad (v1.0.7)
Ship Classification: Destroyer
Number of Ship Modules: Medium Module Count
File Size
3.047 KB
Aug 24, 2014 @ 1:52am
Apr 26, 2015 @ 12:23am
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Gale of Galahad (v1.0.7)

[Stats here, and fluff down below]

General Info:

Mass: 62.60K
Durability: 204K
Total Power: 90K
Power Needed: 53.16K
Energy Pool: 36.84K
Recharge: 541

Hull Resistances:
Kinetic: 26%
Thermal: 26%
EMP: 26%

Engine Thrust:

Forward: 298.35K
Pitch/Yaw: 49.61K
Side: 87.89K
Roll: 67.07K
Backwards: 39.20K


Sensor Range: 12.50K
Sensor Speed: 2
Max Targets: 2

Kinetic Field:

Activation: 120
Deactivation: 0
Kinetic Resist: 0
Thermal Resist: 0
EMP Resist: 0
Field Strength: 270K

Capacity: 96 m^3
Max Drones: 0
Drone Range: 0


The Gale of Galahad is technically a Destroyer, but in reality, it's more of a Heavy Frigate, or a Super Frigate. As it weighs in at 62.50 tons. However, unlike most Avalonian Armada ships, it is not designed to be a multi role vessel. The Gale of Galahad is design with one particular task in mind: Seek and Destroy capital ships. Though it is light in weight, compared to most capital ship hunters, it makes up for that in having fewer weapon hardpoints than average, but most of these hardpoints are very large class weaponry.

The main weapons the Gale uses to destroy larger ships are the three main cannons it has in it's trident front. The Tannhauser is the main one, which is a dreadnaught class Havey Cannon, flanked by the 2 Grimaldus MK.4 Heavy cannons. Each capable of serious damage to large enemy ships, and almost complete destruction of smaller ones.

The Gale is a very nimble ship, though it's top speed is only in the 625 M/s range (With the shield down it reaches over 1200 m/s), it's maneuverability is extremely terifying for a ship of its size. This mobility has allowed it to get into enemy capital ship blind spots countless times, and almost always, ending the engagement with the Gale winning. Many a Solvani battlecruiser and battleship (noted for being extremely hardy, and armed to the teeth) were devastated, and hunted during the 10 year war between the Avalonians and Solvani. Though the Gale is noted for being the vessel used the most for small unit, and independant action combat, it is in fact quite devastating when used in a proper formation that supports it. Either by distracting, or crippling it's targets while the Gale readies it's lethal salvo, usually the last thing that hits it's target, before it is completely destroyed.

Many of you might remember Captian Salazar, who earned his reputation as the number one hunter of capital ships on a Gale of Galahad ship, much like this one. He was noted for using the Grimaldus cannons to disrupt the Kinetic Field around enemy ship command bridges, before delivering a more often than not fatal shot with the Tannhauser to the command bridge. This vessel is designed to be nimble and to engage capital ships in the area they are weakest at: Dog fighting. It's supplementary weapons are more than enough to take care of any fighter and bomber escorts, eliminating those threats to it, while it's big cannons sow havoc and destruction on the enemy ship.