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PvP Invasions in 2023
By BaiserKitty
So, you are enloying the game and suddenly, you get yourself invaded by an enemy player phantom... A simple guide to help you get better at PvP invasions.
The only pre-requisite for the whole strategy is knowing what type of phantom invaded you.

- If it is an NPC invasion, go ahead and enjoy the fight, they are challenging and fun.

- If it is another player, assume it's a mule. 99% of PvP players still playing this game are low level mules with high end gear. This is where this simple guide comes in handy.
Option 1
When you see the message on screen saying you got invaded, quickly find the nearest death ledge and jump off.
Extra points if you do it before they can fully load. You just showed them you are still in control of your game.

As an alternative you can wait at the ledge wait for them to see you, then jump. They came to assert dominance, you just wasted their time. Your win.
Option 2
In case of an area with no ledges to jump off, do not panic.
Quickly look for the nearest group of enemies, and let them kill you. Once again, speed is essential, if the phantom kills you before the enemies do, you just embarassed yourself. We don't want that.
Option 3
You resign to your fate, and just let them kill you.
This is the worse option, because they don't really want to fight you, they just want to kill you and doing point down emotes as if they are the best players in the world.
And you just gave them a free win.
You'll have to live with your shame.
Option 4
Turn off Online Mode in the options menu.

The least interesting option. You wont get player invaded, but you will loose all the extremelly helpfull and funny "jump and then treasure" and "try finger but whole" messages from the community.
You won't be able to summon Co-op players for boss fights either, and there are still a few God tier fellas helping others around.
Advanced option
You are yourself a PvP mule and/or a Dark Souls 3 expert.
You can just fight them as normal. Hopefully you won and showed them the wrongdoing of their ways.
Hope this little guide helps you enjoy the less fun part of playing Dark Souls 3 in 2023.

Have a wonderful day!