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The Star Forge
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The Star Forge

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Unleash the power of the Star Forge!
Have you ever played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and wish you could harness the Star Forge's power and potential? Now you can! But be warned of the power of the dark side.

What does this mod do?
What it says on the tin, it adds a lore-accurate Star Forge to the game.

How do I get the Star Forge?
The Star Forge is a naturally occurring megastructure that is found in the Rakata system. There will only ever be one on the entire map, and it can not be built by players.

The Rakata system also contains Rakata Prime/Lehon as a colonizable world.

Alternatively you can select the Rakata System as a starting system when creating a custom empire.

How does the Star Forge work?
The Star Forge starts off in an inactive state, once reactivated it can be upgraded 9 additional times. The Star Forge produces energy and alloys as well as increases naval cap, ship build speed, starting experience, and militarist/spiritualist ethics attraction. The Star Forge also contains shipyards, and more can be added by upgrading the Star Forge.

The Star Forge only requires unity and influence to be upgraded, but requires unity to upkeep representing the parasitic machine it is. A 1st tier reactivated Star Forge produces 50 alloys and 25 energy and gives a slight naval cap/production boost while a fully operational Star Forge produces 2000 alloys and 1000 energy with a significant naval cap/production boost.

Be warned, however, the more you upgrade the Star Forge the greater grip the Dark Side will have on your empire, at first sutble, but will quickly spiral out of control the more the Star Forge is used. Will you be a wise leader and forgo the temptation of the Dark Side entirely? Will you be a mindful ruler and only use the Star Forge moderately as a necessary evil as needed? Or will you fully embrace the power of the Star Forge and unleash a brutal and savage Dark Side-fueled regime upon the galaxy before your empire inevitably collapses into chaos and infighting like the Rakata and Sith before you?

The choice is yours, young padawan.

UPDATE: Upgrading the Star Forge to Level 4 will grant you the Star Forge total war casus belli against other empires! But beware, it also comes with a -200 opinion modifier and they have an End Threat casus belli against you.

If you are going to attempt to use the Forge to it's fullest potential
Perhaps you want to RP the Sith Empire or the Rakata and absolutely abuse the Star Forge to it's fullest extent. My recommendations of going this route would be to play as a Dictatorial militarist/spiritualist empire and use the Warrior Culture civic and spam duelists to produce the large amount of unity and amenities needed to make the Star Forge sustainable later game without needing to cost consumer goods. I'd also use rulers, decisions, buildings, and edicts to forcibly increase stability. Nerve-stapled slaves also help.

Basically you'll need to be like the Rakatan Infinite Empire, or to a lesser extent the Sith Empire.

Can I use the Star Forge without being evil?
Yes, a non-evil Empire can most likely get away with a couple of upgrades and get some use out of the Star Forge, but it's best to relegate the Star Forge to a supplemental role and ignore it's temptation of OP fleet production if you want to keep being a good guy/not have your empire implode on you.

How do I defeat an empire using the Star Forge?
The Star Forge resets back to an inactive state when the Rakata system changes in ownership. This makes defeating Star Forge-powered empires easier with a Total War CB, as all you need to do is flip the Rakata system in a total war just for a short bit for their Star Forge fueled war machine to implode.

If you want to capture the Star Forge with the goal of using it you'll have to get it up to speed again yourself.

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kinngrimm May 31 @ 5:54am 
Sooo i spawned the star forge in my void dweller system,
Now there are two in the playthrough ... but there shall be only one owning them hrhr
Apapse May 15 @ 8:26pm 
Does anyone know if this mod is still glitching with the Star Wars systems and portrait mod where it makes the star forge appear like a multi-color box?
FunnelVortex  [author] May 8 @ 1:01am 
The system initializer is rakata_initializer and the name of the inactive/Level 0 star forge is star_forge_inactive, hope that helps.
Austin_Legend May 7 @ 9:03pm 
Nah what I meant was spawn it in game rather than have it as a start system. I wanna start on earth and have the rakata system nearby as if it were to be discovered, hence why Ive been fiddling with the console to try to spawn it
FunnelVortex  [author] May 7 @ 11:35am 
You do it in Empire setup. When selecting system type you select "Rakata System".
Austin_Legend May 7 @ 3:24am 
Please for the love of god can somebody help me figure out how to spawn this system or even just the megastructure using console or something. I want to use it, but its always too far away and very rarely get it right next to start
xXPost_MclarenXx May 2 @ 9:40pm 
Not sure if it has something to do with star wars portraits but the forge itself is invisible for me
willtofish Apr 15 @ 8:21pm 
rip i had the star forge spawn right next to my starting system, like 2 jumps away but i cant use it due to doing a machine intelligence play through
Austin_Legend Mar 18 @ 8:22pm 
What is the console name for this system? Want to spawn it in on a custom map
Austin_Legend Mar 16 @ 8:12pm 
Just found the problem, its incompatible with Star Wars Starting System and Portrait Collection Pack