Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

135 ratings
How to unlock the Mackinow Monster Truck
By vierim
Here's a short and simple guide on how to unlock the Mackinow Monster Truck.
Arasaka Tower Game
First you'll have to go to this location and go inside the church at middle of the village:
Inside the church you'll find a laptop with some lore of the ARG and a arcade called Arasaka Tower 3D.
You'll have to finish the game in a certain way going through a maze in order to go to the next step.
That way being the one showed in the video bellow:
Heres the solution to the maze:
And here is the last level after the maze:
Video time is 8:10.
After finishing the game in the way said above all the number pads in the servers will be activated.

And the codes to unlock them are (from the left to the right):
1: 327670
2: 318308
3: 527766
4: 727862
5: 632495
6: 240
7: 108850
8: 204217

(The codes have been updated by CDPR)
New codes:
1: 00255
2: 00006
3: 00181
4: 00051
5: 00091
6: 00240
7: 00270
8: 00420
When finished with the servers a new archive will be unlocked in the main laptop at the center of the church.
And when you open it, it will display a new quest mark at your map at this location:
Go there and stand in the bedsheet nearby or close to it in the rags between 4:00am to 6:00am for approximately 10 minutes irl.
After it should trigger a cutscene that when finished will give you the Mackinow.
Get inside and it's yours.

If the event does not happen, advance the time to 4:00am and wait till 5:00am or advance to the hour closest to 5:00am.

It took some tries to me.
That's it.
Liquid Inc Apr 25 @ 7:00pm 
There was no way i'd have even known this existed if not for this guide..

I tried the game a couple of times, but only managed the 3rd elevator (On VH) before i gave up.

Looked at some of the comments, and like "Tomi" and "Spook", i just went to the matress location. I used the computer at the church, and then drove from there to the matress. I arrived around 5am, and waited.
1st time it didn't appear, so i reloaded my save and waited again, and there appeared the truck.

For anyone reading this guide, "use" the laptop, click on all the entries available, and then go to the matress' location in the guide between 4am and 6am.
Stand there and wait. If it doesn't, just reload your save and wait again.
Tomi ISP Oct 13, 2023 @ 4:15pm 
got it just by going to the target location, finding matress and watching sunrise for sometime (5:00am+) :judy: no church, no arcade...
vierim  [author] Oct 7, 2023 @ 12:00pm 
I've tried skipping the church and couldn't get it anyhow... :clowney:
Shaldoryn ☣ Oct 1, 2023 @ 2:53am 
Got it skipping the church. So it's not technically linked, but without the ARG you don't find it..
Senk Sep 30, 2023 @ 10:58am 
i had too go to the laptop with this cryptic symbols on it. then wokrs. bevore nothing happens.
Mirthful みどり Sep 29, 2023 @ 7:27pm 
I also managed to skip most of it. Stayed at the building until 4 and then drove to the mattress. Got the monster truck without the monstrous hassle.
Mirthful みどり Sep 29, 2023 @ 6:53pm 
To be honest, your screenshot with the mattress in it is pretty bad. Needs a better angle to show where it is in relation to the road.
Hina Sep 29, 2023 @ 9:36am 
100% worth it, even if it took about half an hour total. The monster truck is just that good.
xX_SPOOK_BOI_Xx Sep 28, 2023 @ 10:17am 
i got it without the maze. just interacted with the stuff around 4 AM (not sure if thats even needed), then hauled but to the mattress and waited between 4:20 and 5:40. seems like its random on if u get it or not but idk
vierim  [author] Sep 27, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
I guess it ain't about the car, it's about the ARG that they created and the car is more like a reward for those who completed it...