Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

38 ratings
How to Set Up a Private CS2 Server with Friends
By Buni
An easy to follow guide on how to create a dedicated server to play private matches with your friends
Port Forwarding Method
Locate CS2 on Your Computer
  • Right-click on "CSGO" in your Steam library.
  • Choose "Browse Local Files"
  • Navigate to "Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\bin\win64"

Create a Shortcut
  • Create a shortcut for the CS2 executable file located in the win64 folder.

Edit Shortcut Properties
  • Right-click the shortcut you just created.
  • Select "Properties."
  • In the "Target" field, add the following text to the end:
    -dedicated -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +map de_inferno -dev
    (This configures CS2 as a dedicated server).

Configure Router Settings
  • Open your router settings.
  • To access it, open Command Prompt (CMD) and type "ipconfig."
  • Find the Default Gateway under Ethernet Adapter and use that address to access your router settings.
  • Forward port 27015 for both TCP and UDP.

Start the Private Server
  • Launch the shortcut you created. This will initiate the private server.

Join the Game
  • Open CS2.
  • In the console window, type "connect localhost:27015" (replace "localhost" with your IP address and share it with your friends).

Enjoy Your Private Game
  • Note that most commands only work in the console window, not in the in-game interface.
  • Bots may not function correctly.
  • You can use the "status" command to check server info and "changelevel <mapname>" to change maps.
  • If you need assistance, feel free to send me a direct message (DM).
Hamachi Method
Install Hamachi

Create a Hamachi Network
  • Launch Hamachi.
  • Click on "Network" in the menu and select "Create a new network."
  • Create a network name and password, and then click "Create."

Invite Friends
  • Share the network name and password with your friends.
  • Ask them to install Hamachi and join your network by clicking "Network" and selecting "Join an existing network."

Locate CS2 on Your Computer
  • Right-click on "CSGO" in your Steam library.
  • Choose "Browse Local Files"
  • Navigate to "Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\bin\win64"

Create a Shortcut
  • Create a shortcut for the CS2 executable file located in the win64 folder.

Edit Shortcut Properties
  • Right-click the shortcut.
  • Select "Properties."
  • In the "Target" field, add this text to the end:
    "-dedicated -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +map de_inferno -dev"
    (This sets up CS2 as a dedicated server).

Start CS2 Server with Hamachi
  • Launch the shortcut you created. This will start the CS2 server.

Connect via Hamachi
  • In CS2, open the console window.
  • Type "connect <Hamachi IP>:27015" (replace "<Hamachi IP>" with the Hamachi IP address of the player hosting the server).
  • Share this command with your friends, and they should use it to connect to your private CS2 server.

Enjoy Your Private Game
  • Play your private CS2 game with friends.
  • Remember that most commands work in the console window, not the in-game interface.
  • Bots may not function correctly.
  • You can use the "status" command to check server info and "changelevel <mapname>" to change maps.
Useful Info
    How to Use a Custom/Workshop Map
  • Add the map to the game files
    First, locate your custom map and move it to the following directory:
    steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\maps

  • Adjust Launch Config
    In your launch configuration, add -insecure at the end of the shortcut you've created.

  • Ensure Everyone Joins Correctly
    Ensure that everyone joining the game also adds **-insecure** to their launch configuration.
    They should also place the map in the maps folder as mentioned in Step 1.

  • Change to Your Custom Map
    To change the map to your custom map, use the following command in the server console
    (not the in-game console):
    changelevel <mapname>

    Cant Connect or Join Server
  • Double Check Port Forwarding
    Make sure that you correctly port forwarded port 27015 on both tcp and udp

  • Verify game files or Reinstall the game
    if all else fails try and verify the game files and if that fails reinstall the entire game
Weyen May 24 @ 1:27pm 
with hamachi my friend can't connect, my server only works for me. Can someone help pls
☞ ☆ Lemmy ☜ Mar 29 @ 5:04pm 
works fine, but how to use rcon?
I need rcon in order to use commands from clients like sv_rethrow_last_grenade or bot_place
erdi.oxl Mar 26 @ 10:40am 
Having the same problem as kolapoki, any solution
Spozee Mar 12 @ 8:55am 
Hi the portforward worked great, but me and my friends cant find a way to change the map to a workshop map, someone havin a solution?
kolapoki Feb 26 @ 7:00pm 
When I click on the .exe shortcut after adding the dedicated server target field entry, it states "Host Activate: Loading (de_inferno) 47.840177 UNEXPECTED LONG FRAME DETECTED: 43.30ms elapsed, 0.04ms sim time, 1 ticks, 3143..3143.

It never loads anything. Just sits in that command terminal. Never opens a game. Any advise?
b00m*. Feb 26 @ 5:01pm 
To clarify on my comment below - ONE person does need the shortcut.
genuinely tweaking Feb 26 @ 12:54pm 
boom how did you make this my friend gets error everytime he tries to join
Buni  [author] Feb 15 @ 7:21pm 
glad to hear that :D
[KFC] FrayJota Feb 15 @ 10:01am 
Thank you for the guide, it has worked perfectly for me
b00m*. Feb 3 @ 12:22am 
Tried port forwarding... did not work.
Tried Hamatchi - works perfectly. No need for the shortcut either. Just join casual map / workshop map and your friends can join on you.