Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

113 ratings
Troubleshooting Baldur's Gate 3 for Beginners
By アンジェル
Step by Step Troubleshooting Guide for Baldur's Gate 3 for Beginners
How to Use this Guide
If you are new to troubleshooting, I recommend that you go through all the steps one at a time.
After each step, you can check to see if your problem with the game has been resolved.

Tech-savvy PC users can pick and choose the steps that are most relevant to them, but remember that you may miss important steps that you had not thought of.
Otherwise, there would be no need for you to use this guide in the first place.

On the Topic of Mods
You will find the absolute minimum of help in this guide if you use or have used mods. This guide is for beginners. And mod users are not beginners. They know what they are doing, otherwise they should not be modding their game at all, as there are all sorts of problems that mods can be cause, making it like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In particular, mods with dependencies are considered a "path with no return" for your savegame. You cannot revert those savegames to vanilla. Your best bet is to contact the mod authors directly.

If you found something useful in this guide
...please do not forget to like (and favourite?) it. That will keep me motivated to make more guides like this in the future. Troubleshooting is not exactly a popular topic... and it is a lot of work with circa thirty minutes per section (in average - some took more some less) and English is not my native tongue...

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

Getting Started
We will start this guide with some very basic steps. These steps are important and should be recognised as such, as many issues are more likely to be related to the setup of your PC rather than actual problems with the game. For example, "Restart Your PC" already addresses two recurring issues regarding game updates and savegames.

Knowing these basics is essential for troubleshooting, and the information may prove useful for other games as well.
Step 0 - System Requirements

Please Note
The system requirements for games that are constantly being improved are subject to change at any time.

If these details seem overwhelming, there is a very popular tool that can help you determine whether or not your PC can run a particular game:
Can You RUN It by System Requirements Lab[]

Although this step should not be necessary, I want to mention it here for the sake of completeness. It is very unlikely that your PC will be able to run the game if it does not meet the minimum requirements. This is something you should always check before buying a game. Also, just because your PC meets the minimum requirements for a game does not mean that it will run well on your PC.

A side-by-side comparison with the lowest and highest graphics settings - both screenshots are made with the resolution set at 1920x1080 (full HD) for better viewing - click to enlarge

In general, you will not only suffer from a poorer visual presentation, but also huge performance problems that cannot be fixed at software level. The most important component for running Baldur's Gate 3 is a good CPU for the calculations of environmental effects, alongside the presentation by a moderately good GPU.
Step 1 - Restart Your PC
A standard recommendation, but a very important one. The thing is, your operating system, known as Windows, is built on a complex structure that runs on a variety of background services. The problem is that services can get stuck. When your operating system's services get stuck, they may not be able to load important things, which can be important to the drivers of many connected devices that need them - such as your graphics card which is considered an internal device. Think of it like a paper jam on your printer. It can go on forever, and sometimes it just happens out of the blue.

Not the kind of jam Homer had in mind, though...

To restart your personal computer properly, use the correct restart option in Windows. A shut down is often not enough, as certain Windows setups keep some modules on standby for an artificial "quick boot", rather than cleaning them up for a refresh. Your PC needs a proper restart from time to time for services and drivers to work and update properly.

Gamer's Tip
It may sound like an inconvenience at first, but I strongly recommend that you reboot your PC regularly, if not often, especially when gaming. Ideally after every game session, before and after updates, and especially after graphics driver updates.

Baldur's Gate 3 has a rather complex and delicate game structure, which makes it quite susceptible to "get stuck", causing recurring issues which can be quite frightening.

Related Guides
Gamer's Tip - Turn it Off / On Correctly
The modern issue, that a PC shutdown does not suffice, rendering the IT running gag "have you turned it off and on again?" meaningless, began with the introduction of the ReadyBoost technology with Windows Vista. A feature designed to help PCs load faster by keeping work files in hibernation when the PC is shut down, rather than flushing the entire cache.

Something that makes little sense in an office environment is the cause of so many problems for beginner gamers, since the feature is main reason why services often stuck. I therefore recommend that you turn this feature off for your own convenience.

Right-click on the Windows logo on your taskbar

Select Settings from the menu
(there are many ways to access Windows Settings)

Go to System

Switch to the Power & sleep tab and select Additional power settings on the right

Select Choose what the power buttons do

Select Change settings that are currently unavailable and then disable the option for Turn on fast start-up

As a gamer, I would still recommend restarting your PC regularly, especially when switching between resource-intensive applications. For the casual gamer, this could be just the thing to increase the stability of your system in the long term.

Step 2 - Verify Integrity of Game Files
This should be done after every Update & Installation
because of that this step is essential part of the Game Update Routine Guide
Reinstalling a game is not the same as verifying the integrity of game files. But why should or do you need to check the integrity of the game files in the first place?

This is a standard action that usually happens automatically after you download a game on Steam, without you ever noticing it unless you are paying close attention. Sometimes the automation can fail at some point and you start to notice problems running the game.

This is because games often come as large files that need to be unpacked. Whenever you copy, or in this case download, something can go wrong. The bigger the file sizes a game has to support, the more likely it is that something will get corrupted during the download. This is especially true of patches, which are meant to overwrite existing files. Think of it like a pair of jeans that get patched over and over again. Eventually, the patches go wrong and the jeans become unusable. You then have two options:

a) buy a new pair of jeans (translates as: re-download the entire game)

b) check the jeans you have and compare them to how they should look in order to fix the problem (translates as: check the integrity of the game files), and then fix the parts that do not match the model

Normally, when a patch is downloaded, Steam will automatically check the files and attempt to download them again. However, just like your operating system's services, Steam's services can get stuck. If the automation fails, you will need to manually initiate this self-checking process.

Right-click on the game in your Steam Library -> select Properties

Go to the Local Files tab and select Verify integrity of game files

Step 3 - Repair Steam Library
This should be done after every Update & Installation
because of that this step is essential part of the Game Update Routine Guide
Sometimes it is a little more difficult than just verifying the integrity of the game's files. For example, if your storage device has some bad sectors without you noticing. While this may sound worrying, it is usually harmless. Nowadays, storage devices are made in mind with parts that can "get old and defective" rather than just break entirely and become useless. Think of it as a reusable collegeblock. It has many sheets, and with an eraser you can use a sheet over and over again. But even the strongest sheet can and will deteriorate over time. One bad sheet in the collegeblock? No big deal. You use the next available sheet, just as Windows would use the next available sector on your storage device that is not defective.

What we can do to eliminate the possibility of your games' files occupying bad sectors on your storage device, and fix them while we are at it, is to trigger the repair of your Steam Library Folder(s). This will make Steam verify that your games can be properly and completely read as library items, and will fix any data corruption that would not be detected by the basic game file integrity check.

Open Steam Settings from the main menu of Steam

Go to the Storage tab, select the drive on which your game is installed, then pick the Repair Folder option from the menu (the three dots "...")

Gamer's Tip
If problems persist, it may help to try moving the Steam Library folder, or at least the affected game, to a different storage drive partition. Even the best Steam repair tool can fail when faced with an actual hardware problem. But do not worry, there are other tools available to help you determine if your storage drive really needs to be replaced.
Gamer's Tip - Checking Storage
I recommend CrystalDiskInfo. It is a lightweight, easy-to-use tool that tells you at a glance whether your storage devices are working properly or not. It only takes a few minutes, but you will be rewarded with peace of mind when it comes to your storage devices.

If it is good, it is usually good. Anything more to know is for the experts

A convenient free version of CrystalDiskInfo that does not require installation can be found here:

Better than CrystalDiskInfo is the Windows Check Disk Utility
It will not only check your storage device for errors, but will also attempt to repair them.

For your RAM press Windows+R to open Run and enter mdsched (Windows Memory Diagnostic Scheduling). The results can be checked in the Windows Event Viewer afterwards

Why is this worth mentioning here?
People have reported the game slowing down for them over time. In general, this is an indicator of hardware components being pushed to their limits. At certain temperature thresholds, they have an emergency throttle and shutdown, resulting in issues that show up as performance slowdowns and/or certain devices being disconnected due to power failures. Using these freeware tools is a free, easy and quick way to eliminate such problems. So, why not?

Using MemTest86 to test your RAM is certainly better, but rarely needed. And not something I would recommend for beginners, as it requires some preparation and understanding.

Step 4 - Display Driver Uninstaller
If there is one internal device in your PC that complains a lot, it is probably your graphics card. And when it does complain, it is usually due to either bad settings or bad drivers. Bad/outdated drivers are the number one cause of a wide range of problems, from graphical issues to games not starting or even crashing, and more.

Hang on a minute! My GPU drivers are up to date!
While that may be true, it is also true that over time, after countless updates, there may be conflicting leftover files that have not been properly removed. As they accumulate over time, no one can tell which of your driver files is doing what and why, eventually causing issues without you even knowing. To be on the safe side, we want to perform a clean installation of your graphics cards' drivers to rule out the presence of corrupt files. To do this, we use a special tool that does the job more thoroughly than the standard uninstallers that come with your video drivers. That would be Display Driver Uninstaller, also known as DDU.

The best way to do this is to download the latest driver software for your graphics card first so that you can install it immediately after using DDU.

1. Download your latest graphics cards drivers from official resources

For the latest Nvidia drivers:
For the latest AMD drivers:

2. Download DDU

Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) is freeware. Only download it from this trusted source.

3. Unpack DDU

I recommend to unpack it onto your Desktop - makes it easy to find

4. Run DDU

Select your GPU manufacturer from the drop-down menu.
If you are happy with the options (the default is fine), click the Clean and restart button.

Ignore the advertisement

5. Install Your graphics card latest driver which you have downloaded before

6. Restart Your PC

When you are finished, you can safely delete the folder containing the DDU from your PC.
Step 5 - Prepare Your Graphics Card
Modern graphics cards software are very convenient. They even come with supporting applications that provide simple guidance to help you get the most out of your GPU for your game. But there are two cases that require your attention that the software cannot handle for you.

a) if your PC has multiple graphics controllers

b) if your graphics cards are overclocked

What I mean by the first is that many modern mainboards, and especially mobile PCs aka notebooks, come with an integrated GPU that does not use a separate memory bank for rendering graphics and video. They exist alongside a dedicated graphics card that allows your PC/notebook to run in switchable graphics/dual graphics mode. This may sound confusing when you only need one GPU to render everything, but it is a good solution to save resources. In particular, it effectively reduces power consumption and heat generation.

So ideally, when you are using your PC/notebook for simple tasks that do not require a lot of rendering, it will use the integrated GPU and only switch to actively using your graphics card's dedicated GPU, which consumes more power and also generates more heat, leading to even more overall power consumption for cooling, when you are actually playing a game, for example.

As good as this concept sounds, it is not without its flaws. The main problem would be if an application accidentally uses the integrated GPU when it should be using the dedicated GPU, or if the graphics controller mistakenly decides that it is OK to switch to the integrated GPU because the application is idle. Common symptoms are a significant drop in FPS and unexpected crashes, as the integrated GPU is significantly weaker due to the lack of dedicated resources.

You can set your PC to avoid using the integrated GPU at all costs by telling it to use performance mode only when playing the game. This will disable power saving features that would normally switch the GPU to save battery life.

You can either set it game specific or as a global setting for your general GPU usage. The images above show the options via Nvidia Control Panel. It might look different for AMD software.

Tell Windows to use only high performance mode for Baldur's Gate 3

If using a dual AMD Switchable Graphics GPU, follow these steps:
  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under Switchable Graphics, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking Browse)
  3. Click Apply
Additionally, double-check your PC’s power settings
  1. If using a notebook, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select Change Plan Settings
  5. Select Change advanced power settings
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select High performance and click Apply

The next thing we do is to set a frame rate per second (FPS) cap. We are doing this to prevent issues which are related to overclocking.

To do this, we select the individual graphics settings for Baldur's Gate 3. Once again, the images used show how to do this using the Nvidia Control Panel. For AMD it may look different.

Open the Nvidia Control Panel and click on Add program with the Manage 3D Settings

Select bg3_dx11.exe (recommended) or bg3.exe from the list to add

You can now set the frame rate cap - I recommend to start with 60 FPS and then increase it later once you are sure your graphics card can handle the load well

Most PC gamers are completely unaware that their hardware is overclocked. Why is that? It has something to do with the fact that cheap complete PCs are manufactured and sold with overclocked components as standard, in order to make the benchmarks more attractive by showing what is possible beyond the standard. Even if, for example, a graphics card is sold with an "OC" marker in the description, people tend to focus only on "big numbers getting bigger" like "GPU 2.230 MHz -> 2.535 MHz" as in: bigger is better.

In general, this is not a bad thing, and is easily acceptable as a "make it easier for the customer" service attitude. But in rare cases, such as Baldur's Gate 3, and very often in games made with multiplatform portability in mind, it tends to cause a variety of problems. In good cases, it would only cause performance issues, but in bad cases, crashes and emergency shutdowns are not uncommon. This is because some of the code uses the standard values as baselines to work with - but an overclocked device/PC component tends to have fluctuations because it is overclocked to work beyond normal levels. Over time, such issues will of course be ironed out with updated drivers. However, the myriad of possible configurations of personal computers makes it impossible to completely rule out overclocking issues.

GeForce Experience can be a helpful and powerful tool when it comes to optimising your gaming experience. But beware: you have to decide whether you want the tool to optimise the settings for you, or whether you want to do it manually. You cannot do both, as they conflict with each other. I recommend the manual approach for full control.

Having the game being recognised twice by GeForce Experience naturally causes issues.
Step 6 - Disable Overclocking
Games designed with portability in mind are often quite susceptible to the effects of overclocked hardware. This pertains to both overclocked graphics cards and their graphics processing units, as well as overclocked memory. If you encounter perplexing game-related problems that defy explanation, it could be beneficial to consider deactivating the overclocking features.

To find out whether your random-access memory (RAM) is running on an XMP/EXPO and to disable it you must access the BIOS menu of your PC, before the operating system starts to load. To access the BIOS, you must press a specific key or a combination of keys right at the startup process.

In the startup example seen above you would need to press DEL to access the BIOS

The graphical user interface of your BIOS may vary depending on the brand and manufacturer of your PC's motherboard.

While it is basically the same problem with pre-overclocked RAM in pre-built PCs like with the GPU mentioned before, it is usually the other way around where people tend to forget setting up their XMP/EXPO correctly after upgrading their PC - which often leads to the situation that they actually could have better minimum FPS than what the default settings allow. Not having the XMP/EXPO settings set correctly is one of many possible explanations for why the game would crash.

I am not going to show any screenshots here as there are too many software variants used for overclocking and even more so how something is overclocked. Whether out of the box or manually.

AMD graphics cards in particular seem to be prone to overclocking problems. Perhaps this is because they are often offered pre-overclocked out of the box to suit their price policy. Things have gotten better in recent years, but sensitive games can still cause problems. For this reason, Baldur's Gate 3 will be available in a Vulkan and DirectX 11 version to address this issue.

Even AMD's Smart Access Memory feature, which is enabled by default, can cause problems.
Many AMD users have reported significant improvements after adjusting their cards with MSI Afterburner, by tuning down the clock frequency.

You can grab MSI Afterburner for free here
Step 7 - Use MSI Afterburner
To prevent heat spikes caused by sudden performance spikes, a more reactive fan curve can help.

This is the reaction curve I am using personally.
Results might vary depending on your room temperature, case design, case maintenance (keep it free from dust and sort your cables properly so they do not disturb case internal airflows) and other cooling hardware you might use.

How does this help?
When your PC shuts down, either entirely or partially, it is always due to emergency measures to prevent any damage to your hardware, mostly caused by components surpassing a certain temperature threshold.

This is a common problem, and it's not solely the game to blame as multiple factors come into play. In short, certain rendering processes only render a part of what you see, and the graphics card's cooling component adjusts automatically. However, there are instances where, for example, the demand on your graphics card suddenly spikes from one scene to another, making it unable for graphics cards with weaker cooling apparatus to keep up with the sudden cooling demand.

To address this issue, adjusting the fan reaction curve can be an easy-to-apply and quick solution.

You can grab MSI Afterburner for free here

The tool is also great to check if your hardware is overclocked and how much. Reducing overclocked components output to 90%~85% instead of >100% can help with the game's stability, by sacrificing an insignificant amount in performance.
Gamer's Tip - Laptop Cooler
If you play on a laptop, make sure you use a suitable laptop cooler. This is a must-have for gamers as laptops have built-in safety measures that automatically reduce performance when a certain temperature threshold is reached. By using an aluminium laptop cooler with active fans, you can effectively reduce the temperature and prevent your laptop from slowing down due to heat during your gaming session.
Step 8 - Increase Shader Cache
If a game requires a lot of shader generation, or takes a long time to do so, try increasing the shader cache used by your graphics card. Especially low-end PCs can benefit from this!

Open the Nvidia Control Panel

Set the Shader Cache Size to 10 GB minimum

Step 9 - Increase Virtual Memory
First go to the Windows Settings and there select the System category

In the section About we go for Advanced system settings on the right

In the subsection Performance Options we go for the Advanced tab and select change for the Virtual Memory

As you can see in this example, it is pretty low. I recommend a size of at least 8 GB

Gamer's Tip
You can further improve your OS's and game's performance by disabling Windows' visual effects.

Especially low-end-PCs benefit a lot from tweaking those settings.

How does this improve my game performance?
This tip can be considered old. From a time when smaller RAM sizes were the norm. Nowadays gaming PCs have 32 GB of RAM and more as standard, which makes people wonder if a pagefile is still necessary or not. Long story short: it is. And in general, Windows can handle it very well on its own without any manual intervention. But this is true for modern PCs. Older PCs, or those considered to be at the lower end of the market, still benefit greatly from adjusting the size of virtual memory.

At the moment I am writing this, my physical RAM is 30% used, at 7.3 GB, and my pagefile - the virtual memory holder - is at 9581 MB, or 9.6 GB. And I am not running a game. In fact, just this browser in which I am typing this text right now. Why is this, and why is the pagefile important when your physical RAM is theoretically more than enough?

It looks even worse according to a special RAM tool...
Intelligent standby list cleaner can be downloaded for free here:

The answer lies in how your operating system manages RAM, both virtual and physical, and how it is allocated to all the applications you use. System requirements are kept as simple as "you need 8GB to run this game", with no details about virtual RAM. But if you only use your physical RAM, do you really have that much to start with?

Here are a few things that will also use RAM when you start the game (example):
  • Steam, and its functions like Steam Friends & Chat, Overlay, Cloud and Multiplayer Services
  • GeForce Experience, gaming overlay and graphics optimisation
  • Security application(s) to check your incoming and outgoing communications and what files the game might be creating
  • Third party controller software for input devices
  • Third party software for sound

And then you might also have (example):
  • Voice chat application
  • E-Mail application (running in background, but keeping giving you notifications)
  • Cloud Services on standby
  • Entertainment apps - I have heard people often have their music streaming app on
  • Several background services you do not even know they exist but are constantly active in the background from the start, like auto-update software for Java, browser, mainboard, graphics drivers, printer, network and so on

Tools such as Autoruns are immensely helpful in effortlessly identifying and managing your autorun applications. Autoruns can be downloaded for free here:

Now you might ask: why does Windows not just put everything in physical RAM if you have a lot of RAM? This has to do with the fact that many applications by design need a stable source for their temporary files. Otherwise, they would not work properly because the physical RAM content would be in a constant state of flux and would need to be refreshed very often. "Out of Memory" issues and stuttering would be the common symptoms. In addition, applications tend to reserve physical RAM for their exclusive use, making the display of how much RAM is currently in use/available inaccurate to begin with.

Virtual memory is not just there to increase the total amount of memory available to your PC to meet the needs of each application. It is simply an integral part of what Windows needs to run properly. And if you use a lot of applications to begin with, you can quickly hit the limits. And sometimes, as mentioned above with overclocking, Windows' automatic management cannot keep up. For such cases, it is better to reserve a large amount in advance, as an extra buffer if you will.

Tech-savvy PC users may be able to deal with this in a way other than just increasing the virtual memory size. For example, by disabling autostart applications or using a Gaming Mode setup. But this guide will keep things simple, and I will also do my best to make this information as easy to understand as possible for every user. For you.

Extra tip to level up this tip
If you have a faster drive than the drive on which your operating system is installed, keep the virtual memory/pagefile for your operating system drive to at least 4 GB and allocate the 8 GB to your faster drive. The rule of thumb for the ideal size of your virtual memory would be 4 GB on OS drive (mostly C:) and 1.5x-2.0x the size of your actual RAM on your fastest drive.

C: - Windows drive SSD = 4 GB virtual RAM
D: - Data drive => no virtual RAM
E: - Data drive => no virtual RAM
G: - Game drive NVMe SSD = minimum 8 GB virtual RAM

If you have 8 GB of physical RAM, the "good" amount of virtual RAM would be 12/16 GB.
If you have 16 GB of physical RAM, the "good" amount of virtual RAM would be 24/32 GB.

Note: Given the current standards, I personally think 20/24GB is a good upper limit. But I stick to the 1.5x-2.0x rule of thumb in this guide (for the future) because PCs and games are constantly evolving. Back then I thought 8 GB of RAM was more than enough forever, while 16 GB was supposed to be only necessary for video editing. Now 32 GB is standard...
Gamer's Tip - ISLC vs. Memory Leak
The main function of the Intelligent Standby List Cleaner is to work around what is known as memory leakage. If you set its automatic features accordingly, you can run it in the background and reduce stuttering on low-end PCs.

The default values of the app are good as they are for Baldur's Gate 3 and any PC setup.
Step 10 - Vulkan vs. DirectX 11
Try it for yourself and see which works better for you.
Generally speaking, most players today have a better experience with DirectX 11, as Vulkan is becoming more of a legacy feature, much like fullscreen mode. Whether your PC setup is better with DirectX or Vulkan, only you can tell. Even AMD users may have a better experience with DirectX 11 these days, although Vulkan is generally recommended as a native AMD feature.

After patches, there have been reports that switching between the two can help to get the game running properly again. While this seems to work, it is not a long-term solution, as it is more likely to be a shader cache problem, for which it is recommended that you reset the shader cache in your graphics card's software. See also the Gamer's Tip below.

A specific Vulkan-related issue that can cause crashes on startup can be worked around by holding down the L-SHIFT key when launching an application. Launching an application while holding down the L-SHIFT key tells Windows not to switch focus to the new application immediately, giving the application more time to load before a graphics card issue can occur.

Related Guide
see the mentioned Method C in the guide for skipping the Larian Launcher, but also to pick between Vulkan and DirectX 11
Gamer's Tip - Delete Shader Cache
Deactivate shader pre-caching options of Steam

Open Steam Settings from the main menu of Steam

Go to the Downloads tab and deactivatre the shader pre-caching

Next step is to delete the existing cache of the graphics cards software.

The interface below might differ for any other graphics cards but Nvidia.
The principle is the same.

Open the Nvidia Control Panel

Set the Shader Cache Size to 0 / disable it

Confirm with Apply and then

Restart your PC

Set the Shader Cache Size back to 10 GB minimum

Confirm with Apply and then

Restart your PC
The PC restarts are necessary so that the graphics cards app can reset the shader cache without leaving any leftover files which might cause unexpected issues later on.
Gamer's Tip - Graphics Cards Stresstest

There are many reasons why 3DMark is THE choice of troubleshooters and gamers when it comes to benchmarking tools. Whether you want to optimise your PC setup or check your graphics card for problems, there is no other testing tool that is as easy to use and as good. But it does not come cheap, unless you get it on sale. Fortunately, the demo might just be enough.

I was once lucky enough to get 3DMark + PCMark + VRMark from a trusted third party Steam key seller for around 12 EUR during a special UL Solutions sale. Although this sale is no longer available, it may come back in the future. There are plenty of Steam key sellers who make good deals all year round.

Gamer's Tip - GPU Debug Mode
A quick way to check if your overclocked graphics cards are the problem is to enable debug mode in the graphics card control panel. This will disable any factory overclocking settings for a limited time. For a long-term solution, I recommend MSI Afterburner.

For Nvidia right-click on the taskbar logo and select control panel

There you go for the debug mode

The effect lasts only for a limited time
Step 11 - Use Borderless Gaming
For specific configurations of personal computers, the freeware application Borderless Gaming can be highly beneficial. It offers additional features that enhance game compatibility with your individual setup, making it an invaluable tool.

To download the application, you can visit the following GitHub repository:

Select the setup file from the latest entry

The application itself is provided as freeware, allowing users to enjoy its functionalities without any cost. However, if you wish to support the author, there is also a Steam version available

Especially for gaming setups that involve multiple displays, the Borderless Gaming application has gained a reputation for its reliability and success in troubleshooting. It has proven to be an excellent solution in such scenarios.

Start Baldur's Gate 3 in windowed mode, and have it enlarged to borderless fullscreen via the additional app. That works especially better with Windows 11 and is without doubt better than having to launch the app while holding L-SHIFT.

Gamer's Tip
Also, make sure to turn off game optimisations in Windows 10 / 11. These are fairly new features that do not work well with games and were implemented with mobile gaming in mind.

In particular, the latest features in Windows 11 to improve gaming performance are far from ideal.
Additional Tweaks
Here are a few more PC tweaks you should not miss before we get into specific problems.

Step 12 - Skip Larian Launcher
You do not need a Larian Studios Account to play the game
You do not need the Larian Launcher to play the game

Unless you really want to use certain features associated with the Larian Launcher, I recommend skipping the launcher altogether to save resources and avoid possible launcher-related problems.

In particular, the cross-save feature, which allows you to resume your game from any supported platform, has proven to be quite resource-intensive. It is therefore advisable to leave such cloud services disabled unless you really need them. Here is a guide for skipping the Larian Launcher.
Related Guide
Step 13 - Disable Cloud Saves
Unless you really need it for the game, e.g. for synchronising your save game with your Steam Deck, or just want to have a backup now and then, I recommend to keep the Steam Cloud Service for the game deactivated, as it is one of the most common reasons for save game related issues.

Right-click on the game's entry in your Library -> Properties -> disable Steam Cloud for the game

If you are using the Larian Launcher, consider deactivating Cross-Saves as well.

Related Guides
Step 14 - Disable Edge Startup boost
Attempting to completely remove Microsoft Edge is futile, as its functionalities are deeply integrated within the core of the operating system. Nevertheless, if you opt for a different browser instead of Microsoft Edge, it is advisable to disable its Startup Boost functionality. This will help free up system resources that would otherwise be allocated to the application without being utilized.

Gamer's Tip
If you have not already removed Microsoft OneDrive and are not using it, you should remove it completely. Use Revo Uninstaller to cleanly remove such unwanted bloatware.

A convenient free version of Revo Uninstaller that does not require installation can be found here:

Can you imagine? I keep forgetting about OneDrive, because it is one of the first things I have removed after a fresh Windows installation. And it is one of those softwares too which keep causing issues for gamers.
Gamer's Tip - Use Revo Uninstaller
When people try to solve their problems by uninstalling and reinstalling a game, they often overlook certain hidden files. The problem is that the standard uninstaller does not consider these files to be part of the game, as they were not present at the time of installation. So if you leave these files out when you uninstall the game, and it turns out that it was a bad setting all along that caused your problems, the problem will persist no matter how many times you uninstall and reinstall a game. Hence the official recommendation by Larian Studios to make a proper cleanup with additionally deleting any remaining save games and user profiles.

A helpful tool in that regards can be Revo Uninstaller.

Revo Uninstaller is a robust tool that scans your PC for any residual files that are often overlooked by standard installer/uninstaller applications.

A convenient free version of Revo Uninstaller that does not require installation can be found here:

The use of Revo Uninstaller for uninstalls in general is a habit that I can wholeheartedly recommend to everyone.

By using Revo Uninstaller, I have been able to significantly reduce the number of unneeded pre-installed Windows applications, improving overall system performance and stability.

If you choose to use the Revo Uninstaller to uninstall Baldur's Gate 3, please do not forget to make a backup of your most recent save game files.

%systemdrive%\users\%username%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story
Step 15 - Cleanup Windows Registry
Most PC users can benefit greatly from cleaning up their registry and properly managing their startup and background applications. The results may surprise you!

I recommend the free version of CCleaner for the task.

A convenient free version of CCleaner (portable) that does not require installation can be found here:

O&O ShutUp10++ might also be of interest for you.

The less adware on your PC, the more performance available for games.
Step 16 - Maximise Power Output
While these tweaks may be more relevant to laptop and notebook users, they are also good to know for desktop PC users, as they can help to stabilise performance by maintaining a constant power output rather than having interruptions due to power savings mode.

Right-click on the Windows logo on your taskbar

Select Settings from the menu
(there are many ways to access Windows Settings)

Go to System

Switch to the Power & sleep tab and select Additional power settings on the right

Select change plan settings
(I have changed my default mode, but you can also use the other profile for the tweaks)

Continue with Change advanced power settings

Change the settings to what fits your needs best

These are the settings I am using, mainly disabling anything which could cause power fluctuations.

With the basics covered, let us take a closer look at the workarounds and fixes to help you with game-related issues.

Step 17 - Cleanup Cache
This should be done after every Update & Installation
because of that this step is essential part of the Game Update Routine Guide
The troubleshooting approach number one - whether after a game update, graphics drivers update or a crash: most issues are caused by corrupted files within the cache. A simple cleanup solves most issues, including such you would not expect.

Think of the cache as a temporary placeholder for the working files of Baldur's Gate 3. An update may bring changes to it, such as triggers that have been fixed, new items and objects that have been changed by the patch. The best way to ensure that there are no incompatibilities between your pre-patch game cache and the game files after the latest update is to delete the old cache and let the game generate brand new files.

Please Restart Your PC First before you continue
the cleanup is best done when no apps are running, as we will also address the OS's temp folder

Tip: all links which are put in the (code) frame can be copy & pasted into your Windows Explorer's address bar for convenience.


%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache


Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios

and delete the Launcher folder.

Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\

and delete there everything except PlayerProfiles folder

Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\

and delete there all files except for the folders.

Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public

and delete there everything except for the Savegames folder

Go to


and delete there everything what can be deleted

Related Guide
Gamer's Tip - Autostart Cache Cleanup
With a simple script you can have Windows take care of Baldur's Gate 3's LevelCache automatically, whenever you start your PC. To do so you need to create a CMD file and have it placed in autostart.

For that open Windows Notepad and enter the following script
(copy & paste)

@echo off del /q C:\Windows\Temp\*.* del /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\*.*" del /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache\*.*" for /d %%d in (C:\Windows\Temp\*) do rd /s /q "%%d" for /d %%d in ("%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%d" for /d %%d in ("%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%d" exit

save the file with Save as (Save as type: All Files ) AutoCleanup.cmd - it is important that the file extension becomes cmd to be usable.

Then place the file in your Windows Autostart folder.
(you can easy access that folder by entering shell:startup in the Run window (WIN+R))

With that script in Autostart, now your PC will automatically delete the system's temporary folders as well as Baldur's Gate 3's LevelCache, whenever you start the PC.
Step 18 - Remove Old Patch Files
Patch #4 | Version Number: v4.1.1.3882084
has changed the game'S behaviour in regards of old patch files. Currently it is unclear how Larian Studios continue their patching architecture. As for now this Step 18 has become semi-obsolete and can be skipped.


When the game is patched, it downloads a compressed file that is decompressed twice on your PC. Once decompressed, the original (2nd) compressed file remains on your PC. Think of it like the box from your delivery. You have unpacked your item, but the box is still there, taking up space and eventually becoming a hindrance. For the game, this means extra files that are checked every time the game is launched, only for the game to realise that these files are no longer needed. The removal of these old patch files can have a positive effect on the game's overall memory footprint.

Right-click on the game's entry in your Steam Library -> Manage -> Browse local files

Enter the subfolder Data

Delete there every file starting with Patch except for the latest

For game version number the latest file was Patch1.pak.
You could also sort the files by name and date to determine which Patch*.pak file is the latest.

Verifying the integrity of game files might bring the latest patch file back, for technical reasons. But there is absolutely no harm in deleting those files after a patch. In doubt: verifying the integrity of game files can bring them back if they are still needed.
Step 19 - Launch without Steam
This method is to outrule Larian Launcher and Steam Client related issues. But it can also help improving the game's overall stability by surpressing Larian Launcher's constant communication with Larian servers to be on a standby-ready for easy multiplayer. With certain PC setups that can cause micro-disconnects, leading to stutters. Similar like with the Xbox app. First we locate the executable to launch the game directly without Steam and the Larian Launcher.

Right-click on the game's entry in your Steam Library -> Manage -> Browse local files

Enter the subfolder bin (trivia: that is short for binary)

Select bg3_dx11.exe (recommended) OR bg3.exe for launching the game.
For convenience you can right-click on bg3_dx11.exe / bg3.exe and select from the menu Send to -> Desktop (Shortcut) to create an easy to use shortcut.

Make sure that before launching the game using the executable to exit Steam properly first.

Related Guides
Step 20 - Using Troubleshooting Profile
This can be used after Step 16.
A lot of graphics cards issues can be tracked down due to bad settings. Whether by mistake or a faulty automation by the game or the graphics cards software. Nvidia's GeForce Experience and AMD's Adrenalin are particularly prone to this, and manual adjustments may be necessary. The best way to do this is to start the game with reduced graphics settings, and then slowly increase the graphics settings step by step, while checking what might be causing your problems.
Typical settings that tend to cause a lot of problems are
- Frame Rate (see also Step 5 - Prepare Your Graphics Card)
- V-Sync
- Ambient Occlusion

Basically anything which put a lot of demand onto the videoRAM or cause incompatibilities between your display and your display settings.
Step 21 - Check for the Usual Suspects
Well, you can argue whether they are "usual suspects" if you have to look them up. But this guide is for beginners, so I do not expect you to know about them. It is just that they are common causes of problems in many forms in many games and versions of Windows. Some are less obvious than others, depending on the troubleshooter investigating the case. Without further ado, here are the "usual suspects", the bane of gamers and developers alike. Only loved by... people who do not know, I guess.

Faulty Audio Drivers and Softwares
ASUS Sonic Studio Suite (ASUS)
Sonic Studio III (ASUS)
Nahimic Service (MSI / Realtek)

This type of software is known to be a frequent cause of crashes and is usually included as bloatware on pre-installed PCs. Uninstallation using Revo Uninstaller is recommended.

Optimisation Tools
GameFirst VI (ASUS)
Game Booster (RAZER)
Precision Boost (AMD)
Process Lasso
Lenovo Vantage

While Game Booster has a similar effect to XMP, GameFirst VI is quite nasty, interrupting internet connections whenever it thinks your PC is idle. A multiplayer bane in many games. Uninstallation using Revo Uninstaller is strongly recommended.

Similarly, Windows optimisations can cause problems. It is recommended that you leave them disabled, or at least see if turning them off helps. See also Step 11 - Use Borderless Gaming

Xbox Game Bar

It may not be common for an overlay application to cause problems. However, Discord's experimental features have been known to cause problems, especially with newly released games. Either disable the overlay functionality in these applications, or uninstall them altogether using Revo Uninstaller.

Reminder: a convenient free version of Revo Uninstaller that does not require installation can be found here:

Long Term Service versions of Windows
A very popular branch of Windows versions, known for the fact that they can be used for free with a trick. Often obsolete and therefore unsupported by the developers. Getting a legal key for a proper gaming OS (Pro version of Windows) is not that expensive, if you know how to.

Windows 10 Pro / 11 Pro licence keys are often available for around 20-25 EUD from reputable resellers (the Pro versions are recommended for gaming). If you can find a trustworthy supplier, you can easily enjoy these 'cheap' Windows Professional keys. These are usually leftovers from company liquidations that had unused Windows keys that they bought in bulk. They are safe to use and legally recognised by Microsoft, as long as you buy them from an authorised seller. If you are a university student, check with your faculty - Microsoft provides many universities with free Windows Professional keys for student use. These are also completely legal and safe to use - a marketing campaign between many universities and Microsoft.

Bonus tip: Yes, you can have Windows 11 Pro without a SecureBoot and TPM 2.0.
But that is for advanced users. If in doubt, get a professional to do it for you.

Should you ever need to find out your Windows license key for an upgrade, check the freeware

If you got a key for a new installation which is not eglible for an upgrade from an OEM version, you can force install by putting a ei.cfg file into Sources folder of the Windows installation files (ideally you used Rufus to make a bootable USB-Stick). Set as content of that file

[EditionID] Professional [Channel] Retail


use these keys

for upgrading to Windows 11 Pro

for upgrading to Windows 10 Pro

as generic activation key to upgrade Windows, then enter the actual license key for your desired Windows Pro version afterwards for a successful update and key activation.

Having too many Steam Friends
Too many entries in your Steam friends list can cause multiplayer problems, as the game checks for your Steam friends for easy-connect. Fortunately, there is an easy workaround: simply log out of Steam Friends & Chat and use the game's multiplayer invite code in case you do want to keep that many friends.

Multiplayer issues caused by the usage of Steam Client beta
The Steam Client Beta is known to use experimental features. This can cause discrepancies in the authentication process for multiplayer services.

Stutterings caused by Xbox Anywhere software
The only known solutions at the moment are to remove the service via powershell or to uninstall the related software using Revo Uninstaller.
get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers

Issues caused by unused devices
Always make sure to unplug any unused devices such as (VR) headsets, gamepads, joysticks, smartphones, etc. that may still be connected to your PC before troubleshooting. Even in a seemingly dormant state, they can cause problems by drawing power and having loose contacts.

Third party input softwares
Bad settings with Razer software or Logitech G-Hub often cause unexpected issues with input and audio output.

Is your monitor connected to the correct port?
There have been cases where people have connected their monitor to the mainboard's integrated graphics card rather than the actual graphics card, causing problems.

System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management
One more step you can attempt before formatting your PC is making use of System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management via commandline as administrator. Those functions will scan your OS for errors and make an attempt to repair if it is possible.

Copy & paste the following code snippets and confirm them with enter while running the command prompt tool (select the administrator option for Terminal from the Windows menu by opening the menu via Win+X or right-click on the Windows icon on the taskbar).

sfc /scannow

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth ; DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

The System File Checker is a more commonly used Windows tool, while the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool is mostly used by professional administrators. But it can help repairing a defective Windows, so we are using that actively.

In very rare cases, a significant accumulation of conflicting files on a PC can only be resolved by a fresh format and complete reinstall of the operating system.
The best way to avoid this is to use helpful tools like the aforementioned Revo Uninstaller, which does a more thorough job of cleaning up after applications than their default uninstallers.

Helpful Links
For reinstalling DirectX

For reinstalling Visual C++ Redistributables

.NET Framework Repair Tool
Step 22 - Use "Clean Boot" to Check
It can be hard to keep track of all the things that can get in the way of your game running smoothly. Especially when it comes to third-party applications competing for memory and corrupted AppData files. Before throwing in the towel, it is worth checking if the game can be run using a "clean boot" profile. This is a new Windows user that is essentially a clean slate, with no Steam or other applications registered and no existing AppData that could cause incompatibilities.

Right-click on the Windows logo (left bottom) and select Settings

Go to Accounts

Add someone else to this PC

Select I don't have that person's sign-in information

Continue with Add a user without a Microsoft Account

Pick whatever username you like (here I used "Tav")

Change Account type to Administrator

Switch to the newly made account

Start Baldur's Gate 3 directly by using the executable from its installation folder

Note that this method is not a long-term solution.
It is just a test. If the results are desirable, it is an indication that something was missing when you cleaned up your OS, and you may want to retrace your steps or even start over with the guide.

Related Guide
Step 23 - Use LAN Multiplayer

If clearing your cache (Step 17), resetting your router and internet connection and the "clean boot" approach (Step 22) have not resolved your connection issues, try connecting to multiplayer using the game's LAN feature with a virtual private network.

Make sure that LAN Connections and Direct Connections are allowed by the host

A virtual private network is often more successful due to the fact that it allows you to bypass the multiplayer matchmaking servers altogether, and the congestion associated with those servers. A popular free service for home users is Hamachi.

It does not have to be fish, if you dislike fish. Hamachi is just popular and famous.
OpenVPN, cisco AnyConnect, and Parsec are mentionworthy good alternatives.

LogMeIn Hamachi can be downloaded for free from here:

Originally posted by Hamachi by LogMeIn:
Hamachi is free for up to 5 computers in your network
That is enough to get the game running with a full party!

Related Guide
Gamer's Tip - Change DNS
Changing DNS is a tip you must not miss either as a gamer.
Step 24 - Increase Process Priority
In addition to running the game in high performance mode (Step 5 Prepare Your Graphics Card + Step 16 Maximise Power Output) it can help to increase the game's process priority, especially if you are running several resource-intensive applications at the same time.

In general I do not recommend to run any app with a higher process priority than High.

You can easy access Windows task manager by pressing WIN+R and enter "taskmgr". The option to increase the process priority is found on the details tab when the game is already running.

In particular, Windows 11 can sabotage games by using its "Efficiency Mode".

It would not be the first time an application was rendered unusable by that.

Trivia: AMD typical CPU Affinity Issue
Older AMD CPUs often have a problem with games that could normally use multiple cores prioritising their load on the main CPU core. This often results in unexpected stuttering as the problem is caused by the CPU and not, as most would expect, the GPU. Excluding the main core from the available CPU cores can fix such game stutters, which are typically caused by AMD processors, especially older ones. I strongly recommend checking the manufacturer's website for new motherboard drivers to find updates that can fix this old and rare problem without your manual intervention.

Go to the details tab of Task Manager and select either bg3.exe or bg3_dx11.exe

In this case it is bg3_dx11.exe - > select Set affinity

Exclude CPU 0 and you are done

Step 25 - Rollback Game Versions
If nothing has helped and you are still using a savegame from an earlier version of the game, you might consider using Steam's hidden features to roll back to an earlier version of the game by downloading an older version using console commands. The process itself is harmless and easy to do once you understand the principle behind it.

Great Scott! It works!
Gamer's Tip - Create a Backup
To avoid the need for a rollback, you can always make a backup of the current version of the game.

Right-click on the game's entry in your Steam Library -> Manage -> Browse local files

Copy & paste all of the folder's content to a different place.

For example: C:\BG3v4.1.1.3669438\

If you need to, you can simply use the backed up version of the game by running the executable directly from the bin subfolder.
Gamer's Tip - Settings for Performance
  • Launch as DirectX 11
  • Model quality: Low
  • Texture filtering: Trilinear
  • Shadow quality: Low
  • Fog quality: Low
  • Ambient occlusion: Off
  • Framerate Cap 30/59/60
  • Screenmode: Windowed with Borderless Gaming
  • Graphics: High Performance Mode via Windows Settings
  • Process Priority: High
  • ISLC to fight possible Memory Leak if necessary
  • Optional: put LevelCache onto RAMDisk
Final Station
If you have made it this far and your problem is still not solved, even after formatting your PC and reinstalling your operating system, then there is probably nothing that will help, other than considering that it may be a hardware issue.

Most problems can be solved by cleaning the game's cache, as this is where the most common problems encountered by players are addressed. Whether it is corrupted textures, bad AI behaviour due to incompatibilities, or stuttering and other performance issues, most of them can be traced back to a bad LevelCache of the game.

Hence the general official recommendation from Larian Studios: if you notice something is wrong, first check to see if emptying the LevelCache solves the problem.
What follows are mentions of problems with key words and a few approaches.
Outdated Workaround for Startup
An outdated workaround provided by Larian Studios that became obsolete with version number Mentioned here for the sake of completeness and because it may still be useful, especially the mention of high DPI settings.

Originally posted by Larian Studios:
Try right clicking the executable, select Properties, switch to the Compatibility tab and check off the 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' option (set it to Application), run as administrator and disable fullscreen optimization, and maybe set a Win 7 or 8 compatibility mode. In Windows 7, check off the option to 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings', disable desktop composition and run as administrator.

Update: Launching the game in Windows 8 compatibility mode has been proven successful in a case where a suspected corrupt ntdll.dll caused issue - leading to a situation where the game could not be started without existing Steam beforehand. The workaround with the compatibility mode resolved the issue and the game could be started normally again once the properties for the executable was set.

Update Issues
The most common problem is related to the Larian Launcher and the game process not closing properly after an update. Fortunately, this is easy to fix without having to reinstall the whole game.
Make sure apply Step 1 Restart Your PC, Step 2 Verify Integrity of Game Files and Step 3 Repair Steam Library again after an update.

Another update issue of a different nature is the amount of disc space required to patch Baldur's Gate 3. With Patch#4, this problem became particularly apparent when Larian Studios started automatically removing old patch files, resulting in Baldur's Gate 3 requiring at least the equivalent of its size in hard drive space before it could be updated, as it not only overwrites files, but reinstalls the entire game.
Related Guide
Download Issues
Shortly after the game's release, a large number of patches were released almost immediately. This caused unexpected problems for people with slow internet connections, as each patch would interrupt an ongoing download that was taking days, forcing people to restart the long downloads.

To solve this problem, a workaround was created to allow a download to continue when interrupted by unexpected patches that would otherwise reset the download.
Missing DLC Content
Make sure the DLC is not only installed, but also activated. Often a restart of the Steam Client can trigger a missing download. As usual, a PC restart is recommended.

Right-click on the game in your Steam Library -> select Properties

Check the DLC tab that the DLC is installed and activated

Once the DLCs have been registered by the game, you will be greeted with such a message during an ongoing campaign.

For additional content alongside the game, see here
Savegame Gone
Happens most often after a crash. Harmless. Easy to fix.
For more detailed information see also
How to Reset Keybindings
Accidentally set your keybindings so badly that you can no longer change them? Use this

Delete the inputconfig* files which you can find here
%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public
(copy & paste the link above into your Windows Explorer's address bar for quick access)

Hearing Mysterious Video while Playing
Ever been confused by a background video that you cannot find, but only happens when you play the game? You might be surprised how often this happens, according to people on the forums.
Not just for Baldur's Gate 3 players, though.

After Steam Client got a design revamp in 2023, more and more players report now and then that they keep hearing a promotional video running in the background, whenever they play the game. An annoying occurance, especially when you have no idea where it is coming from and how to turn it off.

The solution is quite simple.

Right-click on the game in your Steam Library -> select Properties

Delete In-Game Overlay Data

This is no big deal as it is just an inactive/hidden Steam Client browser window running in the background of the overlay. Why has this never happened before? With the revamp, the overlay data is stored separately for convenience. Whereas before it was enough to restart your game to close any forgotten windows, now you have to delete the overlay data to be on the safe side.

As mentioned before: no big deal - it is harmless.
Gamepad Mode Issues
The trick is to disable Steam input which is on by default
Related Guide
A video which shows how to workaround Joycon-Drift / Defective Joystick with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak for PC using Steam Controller Support. Works with other Steam games as well!
Even with non-native-Steam-games by adding non-Steam-games into your Steam Library and utilising the overlay!
Steam Link / Deck Launcher Issues
When using Steam Link or playing the game on Steam Deck, it can happen that the Larian Launcher is causing issues while trying to launch the game. The best approach is to skip the launcher unless it is needed. Method A & C in this guide work best for that matter:
Adding a simple command to the launch options within Steam allows you to bypass the launcher.
Also known as AMD Radeon Crashes
A currently (end of August 2023) known issue with AMD cards.

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 23.8.1 Release Notes

Previously fixable by increasing / disabling the time before the driver timeout. Basically a problem where the GPU runs out of video memory, which often happens when running multiple resource-intensive applications at the same time. The usual suspect in such cases for most games is Discord, especially with its experimental streaming features.

Related Guide
Sound Issues
There are currently no sound issues known which are not rooted in the usual suspects or in bad sound settings. Almost every issue on sound matters so far have been reported by users who use a surround setup with faulty settings, either within the OS's settings or a third party module.
Data Mismatch Error
If no mods were ever used

Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Launcher\Cache

Search for

* alteredFiles.txt
* code for latest version of the game

Erase faulty files listed in that alteredFiles.txt, then verify the game's files integrity.

Go to

Data subfolder within game's installation folder, locate PAK files with the patterns Patch#_HF#.pak which are coded for older versions of the game and delete them.

If mods were used you might need this too,
but only if you have the mods now removed

Go to

%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles

Erase modsettings.lsx

For anything else mods related, please consult the mods authors.
Early Access Savegames in Cloud
In rare cases, these have become a nuisance because they cannot be removed by normal means. One player had 6GB of disk space taken up by them. He had to either ignore the extra 6GB on his hard drive, or give up using Steam Cloud Services to synchronise savegames.

But there is a solution:
The guide can be used to purge Steam Cloud savegames from other games as well.
Advanced Gamer's Tip: Softlinks
You can change your savegame location using softlinks in Windows.
It is easy, easy to revert, entirely harmless, and works.
You can also put the LevelCache on a RAMDisk. That will ensure that every time you restart or shut down your PC you get a freshly generated LevelCache next time you launch the game.
Gamer's Tip - Checking Battery Life
To check your notebook's / laptop's battery life use

powercfg /batteryreport

via the terminal. That will create under Windows a detailed Battery report, providing you with essential information about how healthy your battery is. This information can be in particular valuable when e.g. buying a second hand device.

Gamer's Tip - Mouse & Keyboard
While this tip might be irrelevant to such a game like Baldur's Gate 3, it is still a good tip for gamers who play shooters and other action paced video games with mouse and keyboard.

Disable Enhancement of Pointer Precision
While the feature might be comfortable for games like Baldur'S Gate 3, and normal office work, you want to disable this for shooters as it will otherwise mess up with your mouse precision.
In particular professional gamers must have this Windows feature disabled.

Disable Keyboard Layout Change Hokeys
Not necessary at all if you use only one keyboard layout all the time. But important for action games as it can happen often that certain action combos might trigger the hotkey to change the keyboard layout accidently.

On the matter of Mods
Do not use what you do not understand.

Originally posted by Night Writer:
Step 1: Uninstall the BG3MM (note this may not be necessary if you have auto update enabled within the Mod Manager options)

Step 2: Go to Nexus Mods, Download the latest update to the Mod Manager ( I believe they link you to github) for the file.

Note: Make sure you only have 1 instance of mod manager installed, and make sure it is the latest release)

Step 3: Remove old mods in the mods directory
Your Mods directory should typically look like this (unless you installed to a non-default location):>

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods

Step 4: Reinstall the mod manager fresh per the instructions.

Step 5: Make sure your game data path, and game executable path is set in the BG3 Mod Manager under settings> preferences

Your game Data path should be: (unless you installed to a non-default location)
C:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Baldurs Gate 3/Data

Your game executable path should be: (unless you installed to a non-default location)
C:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Baldurs Gate 3/bin/bg3.exe

Step 6: Download the latest versions of all your mods, making sure they all are compatible with the latest version of the game.

Step 7: Within the BG3MM select Import Mod, and select the mod you want to import from the file location where you saved your downloaded mods.

Step 8: Right click the mod in the inactive list, and activate it. so it goes into the active list.

Step 9: Activated mods are loaded, now edit Mod order accordingly based on highest priority (for you) and make sure to check your mods for notes from the creator on compatibility and required load order.

Step 10: Within BGMM3 go to file, and select Export order to game.

Step 11: Launch BG3 and play

Originally posted by Night Writer:

The biggest problem currently is that BG3 is receiving so many changes constantly that playing with MODS at this point is basically pointless. Each time the game is updated you will be required to get an updated version of every mod you are using, and thus will be required to wait for the Mod Creator to release said update to their mod making it compatible. Sometimes this happens within a day, some times it doesn't happen for several days, and sometimes it never happens at all.

Keep that in mind when modding your play through, the value of your time and the value of your SAVE file needs to be taken into consideration before applying mods, as they may not be available later if the game is updated.


P.S.: ReShade is considered a mod too. Make sure to disable it before an update.

Related Guides
Official Support
If you need to reach out for the official support, use this link to get directly to Larian's support page for Baldur's Gate 3

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Thanks for reading!
Happy Adventuring!