Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

87 ratings
How to reach Old Amsterdam
By MegaLobsterFace
I've seen several people asking how to find the secret city under Versum Hill, so I'm making an easily referrable guide to it.
Old Amsterdam
We don't actually know the name of the underground city with the coffin and the pool, but calling it Old Amsterdam seems like a safe bet. It was first discovered by clipping out of bounds, so at first it was thought to be an unfinished part of the game, but we've since found a normal way to get down there, one intended by the devs, so this is a very intentional easter egg that people are meant to find. For the community to figure out what's going on, though, we need to know how to get down there.

Start in the Underground Bazaar. It's unlocked by talking to the Oldheads.
When you first enter, you'll see some spots to wallride to take you onto some suspended rails. That's where you want to start.

Once you're on the big, circular rail, there will be another wallride that leads to a pipe with a rail on top. That's the next step.

From here, you can just barely make out the vent by the big JD ad. That's our goal, and we need to get there by riding these rails to the end and then getting up on the barely-visible ledges along the walls.

Once you're up on the ledges, you'll still need to jump around these wide columns to make it onto the next ledge over until you're up against the JD ad we saw before. Once you've done this enough times, a simple double jump will be plenty to make it across these gaps, but a double jump with a boost jump after is the safest way to make sure you can clear the columns. If you brush up against the wall, it'll kill your momentum and send you down like a rock, so do your best to make sure you're getting plenty of air so you don't have to start the line over.

Once you're next to the ad, you'll be next to the vent. If you used a boost jump to get onto the last ledge, that will even kick the vent down, showing you you can do inside. Slide through to reach the secret, underground city, and then explore on your own.

Nyasty Dec 6, 2023 @ 7:36am 
KirbyBabyLuigi Oct 26, 2023 @ 9:20am 
this makes me wonder if there are a lot of Old Amsterdam areas. there is an are you can reach in the cargo maze on pyramid island. might there be an area like this on every stage?
harlen333 Sep 18, 2023 @ 4:02pm 
You know it's funny I didn't know the vent was visible from the outside, I just clip through the left side of the billboard and can see the tube part jutting out into the void, I do a leap of faith onto the vent and it slides me through to the hole.
Lurazius Sep 10, 2023 @ 1:32pm 
Copy pasted this from their FAQ:

Funky FAQ
"What about DLC?"
We do not plan to release any major DLC or add much more content to the game (like new areas, story or more art and music). All updates will focus on fixing problems. The game is otherwise complete.
Lurazius Sep 10, 2023 @ 1:26pm 
I think the devs said there isn't any sort of dlc planned/more content in the FAQ, so maybe it's really just there for some "backstory" or simply to fool around with the fans.
MegaLobsterFace  [author] Sep 10, 2023 @ 11:43am 
Also, the three eyes is a huge motif through the game and probably hints at something more coming in the future. Faux/Red have the same design on their shirt, just with cubes/cyberhead eyes instead of human eyes, and the design is even very similar to real world Amsterdam (ie Old Amsterdam)'s coat of arms. Doing one of Futurism's tags also requires you to make the three eye pattern with the control stick! And yeah, the Big Three is probably very related to the three eyes/cubes/exes that are present in the various incarnations of this design.
MegaLobsterFace  [author] Sep 10, 2023 @ 11:43am 
@Lurazius The fact that the police had Felix's body and Flesh Prince had Felix's head, there would have been nothing left to bury if that was Felix's tomb. It's much more likely this tomb is dedicated to someone else, maybe some writer from the past, and Felix got the idea for his mask from seeing the coffin. It being in Old Amsterdam probably means it's at least as old as the Oldheads, probably even older, and the Oldheads even mention "That mask" that Felix and DJ wear being "Not right" at one point, hinting they have more context on the design we just don't know about (yet).
Lurazius Sep 10, 2023 @ 11:25am 
Just wanted to add this, i replayed the game and in the first cutscene where the big three are mentioned does Felix actually has his mask, which has the same look as the coffin, DJ Cyber looks similar but the head from the coffin is 1:1 Felix Mask, so, i'm guessing it was/is Felix his "grave".

The 3 eyes probally mean, he was/is one of the big three.
Screenshot of the Cutscene
Pacman Sep 10, 2023 @ 8:33am 
Thought you could edit comments on here, only delete it seems. Oh well new post. Anyways, I've gone back as all 20 characters (excluding DLC characters) and done each dance which didn't do anything. As mentioned by @bladexanarchy, it seems that the game files indicate no functionality regarding the coffin, probably just something the devs added to make us go on a wild goose chase. Worth noting my tests were done after "Patch 1 hotfix" was released, so if anyone comes across this on a later patch there maybe something there next time.

Characters I did this as: Bel, Coil, Devil Theory, DJ Cyber, DOT EXE, Eclipse, Felix, Flesh Prince, Frank, Futurism, Mesh, OIdhead, Rave, Red, Rietveld, Rise, Shine, Solace, Tryce, and Vinyl
Lurazius Sep 10, 2023 @ 7:10am 
sadly nothing happened with the caracter and the bike, while i was down there.